St Mary Magdalene's School | Education
St Mary Magdalene's School
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25.01.2022 To all the special men in our lives, we wish you a very happy Fathers Day 2020. Our community has some pretty awesome dads, step dads, grandfathers, father-figures and special men who play an important role in a childs life. We hope you feel special and loved today
25.01.2022 What better way to start a Monday than by sharing about a recent prayer gathering held at St Mary Magadelenes School chapel. The theme was I am Love! Students have been sent out on a mission of love for the rest of the term love of self, love of others and love of the environment!
24.01.2022 St Mary Magdalene's School has been Raising Hearts and Minds since 1957.
23.01.2022 Were all in this together! A message from Principals...
23.01.2022 Have you met Georgie? Georgie currently resides in our Space Room. This is a place where students can take a break from learning and engage in a variety of mindfulness practices. Sometimes it is even just a great place to hang out with your friends. Everyone loves to spend time with Georgie!
23.01.2022 Students and staff were thinking of ways to reach out to others during this ongoing time of isolation. During Catholic Education Week we created the St Mary Magdalenes Care Package Raising Hearts and Minds through Prayer and Care. Just a small way to let others know we are thinking of them. Students from across the school have written prayers to be included in each package. Catholic Education South Australia
23.01.2022 On Easter Sunday we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus that brings renewal and hope for everyone on Earth. We hold our school community in our prayers. We await in hope for our own lives to return to normal. God of Healing, we pray those who have died, those who are sick and those who are searching for a cure for the Covid19 virus.
23.01.2022 ! - . Please note. Under the advice of SA Health Thomas More College, Salisbury Downs remains c...losed. [**UPDATE**] As of 5pm on Friday November 20 - SA Health has advised that all quarantining of staff and students at the following locations is no longer required. - Holy Family Catholic School, Parafield Gardens - Alive Catholic Early Learning Centre, Parafield Gardens - Mount Carmel College These sites will be open on Monday November 23. Please note: everyone must still comply with the Stay-at-Home direction until midnight Saturday November 21. Keep up-to-date at
21.01.2022 The students in our Year 5/6 class have been following Jesus journey to the cross. They explored and reflected on what was happening to Jesus at each station and made connections to events in our world today. To delve deeper, they drew a picture of a cross with their own worry on it and later shared their artefact with a partner. The next step was the creation of these artefacts. Their worries included mourning for old friends, concerns for their family with the covid-19 virus and recalling the loss of loved ones and pets. Just as Jesus death was not the end, a faith in a God of comfort was evident. A belief in a God that is always present, that blesses us with special memories and cares for our loved ones and pets.
21.01.2022 2021 ENROLMENTS OPEN Don't miss your opportunity to join our beautiful school community. Weekly Principal Tours resume Term 3, 2020. Book today to secure your place:
21.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. #remembrancday
20.01.2022 2021 ENROLMENTS OPEN Dont miss your opportunity to join our beautiful school community. Weekly Principal Tours resume Term 3, 2020. Book today to secure your place:
20.01.2022 Who do you call when you need a tyre change??? St Mary Magdalene's School staff member Esther of course! Esther was able to help fellow staff member Lauren when she discovered a flat tyre at the end of the school day. Thanks for your help Esther, putting our Mercy Education Values of compassion, hospitality and service into action!
20.01.2022 To all the special men in our lives, we wish you a very happy Fathers' Day 2020. Our community has some pretty awesome dads, step dads, grandfathers, father-figures and special men who play an important role in a child's life. We hope you feel special and loved today
20.01.2022 NAIDOC WEEK 2020 One of the spotlights for St Mary Magdalene's School over the next week is #NAIDOC Week 2020 National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. NAIDOC Week celebrates the achievements and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. More than 20 per cent of our student enrolments identify as Aboriginal. NAIDOC Week is a celebration of the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. NAIDOC Week i...s about encouraging our community to embrace the more than 65,000 years of history. It is also an opportunity to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were Australia’s first explorers, first dancers, first fire makers, first story tellers, first navigators, first engineers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first diplomats, first astronomers and first artists. We are in the process of organising some special events during this week. St Mary Magdalene’s School acknowledges that the Kaurna people are the traditional owners and custodians of the Adelaide Plains. We recognise Elders past, present and emerging. We are committed to reconciliation. The theme for this year’s NAIDOC Week is Always Was, Always Will Be. For more information visit See more
18.01.2022 Who do you call when you need a tyre change??? St Mary Magdalenes School staff member Esther of course! Esther was able to help fellow staff member Lauren when she discovered a flat tyre at the end of the school day. Thanks for your help Esther, putting our Mercy Education Values of compassion, hospitality and service into action!
17.01.2022 St Mary Magdalenes School has been Raising Hearts and Minds since 1957.
17.01.2022 With Christmas just around the corner, our R/1 students were given the task of designing a new sleigh for Santa. They had to include a seat, a spot to store presents, shelter to keep Santa warm or cool, and a harness for the reindeers and of can’t start creating unless you have a plan in place!
17.01.2022 This week students and staff we were Raising Hearts and Minds in prayer in celebration of Catholic Education Week. We wanted to share with you some of the beautiful prayers offered by students this week. #RaisingHeartsAndMinds #CatholicEdWeek
15.01.2022 St Mary Magdalenes School opened the doors to its brand new Community Hub this term. We are so proud to have Hub Coordinator Kerryn on board and bringing amazing programs to our community. Check out the community hubs page St Mary Magdalenes School Community Hub for Term 4 activities.
14.01.2022 God have Mercy...
14.01.2022 To all the mums and those special people who fulfill the mothering role for a child, we wish you a very blessed and special day. St Mary Magdalenes School has made a $50 donation to Animals Australia on behalf of staff and students in celebration of ALL mums and special people this weekend. We hope you enjoy your day! #HappyMothersDay
13.01.2022 Adelaides new Archbishop, Patrick ORegan, will celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Sunday in St Francis Xaviers Cathedral - this Sunday 5 ...July. The national Mass will be accessible to people around Australia through live streaming on the NATSICC and Archdiocesan websites. ATSI Sunday is usually celebrated in churches across the country to mark the beginning of NAIDOC Week, but COVID-19 restrictions prompted the Council to revise its plans. The theme of this years event is Together in the Spirit. Archbishop ORegan is looking forward to celebrating this significant event in his new archdiocese of Adelaide, on the land of the Kaurna people. The Mass on July 5 will commence at 11am.
13.01.2022 We recently celebrated World Environment Day at St Mary Magdalenes School. The message of World Environment Day is: "The foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. Yet, these are exceptional times in which nature is sending us a message: To care for ourselves we must care for nature. Its time to wake up. To take notice. To raise our voices.... Its time to build back better for People and Planet. This World Environment Day, its Time for Nature." For more information visit #ForNature See more
12.01.2022 Jo was well prepared for the first school board meeting for this term! Safety first
12.01.2022 There is some amazing work being produced during Art sessions with Mr Maglai. Students have been taking photographs and videos around the schoolbut why stop there. Norah and Sabrina took the cameras out during lunch play to see what they could capture while Scarlett, Heiki-Lu and Cody kept a close watch of the baby birds residing in our school.
12.01.2022 We recently celebrated World Environment Day at St Mary Magdalene's School. The message of World Environment Day is: "The foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. Yet, these are exceptional times in which nature is sending us a message: To care for ourselves we must care for nature. Its time to wake up. To take notice. To raise our voices.... Its time to build back better for People and Planet. This World Environment Day, its Time for Nature." For more information visit #ForNature See more
11.01.2022 "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them."
10.01.2022 We're all in this together! A message from Principals...
10.01.2022 Our uniform supplier is having a sale these school holidays.
10.01.2022 This Catholic Education Week we are Raising Hearts and Minds
10.01.2022 He is risen! Alleluia! This is a Godly Style Play that retells Matthews account of Jesus Resurrection. A story, as Catholics, we hold dear to our hearts.
10.01.2022 Prepare your own ANZAC Day home service to Light Up The Dawn. RSL South Australia has addressed public requests for dawn service resources by posting a home ser...vice guide with a format and links to bugle calls and national anthems at The Adelaide Dawn Service (closed to the public) will be live broadcast commencing at 06:00 on ABC 891 with Peter Goers and on ABC News 24 (not the ABC main channel). Even if you normally attend the Adelaide Dawn Service, do not attempt to attend this year, as there is an exclusion zone around the memorial and police will move you on. You can listen to your local ABC Radio from your driveway or balcony via your mobile phone. Download the ABC Listen app and search for ABC Adelaide or your local ABC station and join us, as we commemorate ANZAC Day together. Link: It will also be live streamed here on our Facebook page.
09.01.2022 St Mary Magdalene's School opened the doors to its brand new Community Hub this term. We are so proud to have Hub Coordinator Kerryn on board and bringing amazing programs to our community. Check out the community hub's page St Mary Magdalene's School Community Hub for Term 4 activities.
09.01.2022 As we begin Term 2, Dr Neil McGoran, Director of Catholic Education SA, has a message of thanks for our staff, families and students.
08.01.2022 Daily prayer is an important part of who we are at SMMS. Our community prayer bowl sits in our front office and checking the bowl each day to discover prayers from across our community is always something to look forward to. A beautiful prayer discovered this morning in our prayer bowl'I pray that COVID 19 stops and we find a cure soon. That way we can hug people again'.
06.01.2022 Diversity is a strength and we are so proud to have families from around the globe part of our community.
05.01.2022 SA Health has developed an online booklet for young children that explains what the coronavirus is and how we can stop it from spreading. It may be a helpful tool to help you start a conversation with your child - an opportunity to ask how they are feeling and answer their questions. Download it here:
05.01.2022 We were lucky enough as part of our NAIDOC Week celebrations to have parent and proud Ngarrindjeri elder Jamie McCafferty speak to us about the significance of #NAIDOC Week. The theme this year is Always Was, Always Will Be. Jamie told us the story of the Rainbow Serpent and how it created the outline of Australia and all its hills, valleys, and water ways. He shared knowledge about Indigenous weather patterns and how his ancestors moved around their country when the weather changed to get the best protection and food sources. Thank you for your time Jamie!
05.01.2022 Last week, our Early Years Community engaged in a Guided Meditation for Holy Thursday. Much empathy was felt towards the disciples as they shared a last meal with their special friend. This was expressed through words like, sad.. really, really sadworriedtearyangryfrustrated. They reasoned that Jesus said, Do this in memory of Me because He was worried the disciples would forget Him. The children were angry with the soldiers for thinking Jesus was bad. Jesus story lives on today. Our children are invited to the table by Father Pat to be his disciples. The children responded through drawing.
04.01.2022 We are uplifted by this message from Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) Director, Dr Neil McGoran. CESA continues to provide exciting opportunities for students and families to engage, connect and grow through education. We are proud be #RaisingHeartsAndsMinds in Adelaides great north.
04.01.2022 Wow, what a busy term we have had so far at St Mary Magdalene's School Community Hub's Little Maggie’s Playgroup. It has been a delight to observe how much the children have grown in every way. With the guidance of their parents/grandparents/carers they have enjoyed laughing, singing, reading and learning together. Some activities this term included dress up, music, making, creating and also exploring the new play area, Nelson Grove. Little Maggie’s will have their last session for the year on November 26.
04.01.2022 Wellthey might not be ready yet, but the excitement was just too much to handle! Many students enjoy checking the fruit trees and garden beds when they are out at play to see what is ready to try. We were just a bit too eager this time but we are looking forward to a bountiful harvest!
04.01.2022 All it takes is an idea and a willing group of volunteers! A group of Year 5/6 students wanted to redesign the courtyard space. Designs were shared with Leadership and it didnt take long for the move to begin! We love to see such great initiative from our wonderful students. #RaisingHeartsandMinds
04.01.2022 There is never a shortage of ideas when it comes to nature play. This is just one of the many lunch play creations that has popped up this week. We are very grateful that even with the heavy rain we have had recently it always manages to stop just in time for us to go out to play.
03.01.2022 Breakfast Club is back, and this cold weather has us feeling extra hungry! A huge thanks goes to Kickstart For Kids who supply us with breakfast items each week! Norah and Musie were busy helpers last week!
03.01.2022 He is risen! Alleluia! This is a Godly Style Play that retells Matthew's account of Jesus' Resurrection. A story, as Catholics, we hold dear to our hearts.
03.01.2022 A few frosty starts to the day this week and we were keen to explore! Wishing everyone a warm and cosy weekend!
03.01.2022 Our uniform supplier is having a sale. Might be a great opportunity to pick up uniforms for 2021.
03.01.2022 The Catholic Schools Music Festival will look a little different this year, but we are VERY excited to be back rehearsing with Megan and students at St.Thomas More School. We are very grateful to have this opportunity again this year.
02.01.2022 We showed that we are all in this together when we gathered for our Sorry day prayer service this week. A big thank you to students in our leadership group and teacher Laura for leading our Sorry day service and planning our Reconciliation Week activities. St Mary Magdalenes School is committed to Reconciliation!
01.01.2022 Just a reminder that Playgroup has been cancelled for today!
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