Snapdragon Gardening & Maintenance | Product/service
Snapdragon Gardening & Maintenance
Phone: +61 466 568 734
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23.01.2022 loving the new potted plant emoji ... This little banksia is doing really well it’s an I’m-Not-Sure-Which-One variety unlabelled. At a guess it’s Old Mate Banksia or a Serrata #maninmylife #loljustkidding #banksia #banksiabonsai #nativeplants #aussiegardener #pottedtree #pottedbanksia #banksiaserrata #illawarransw
22.01.2022 the highlight and star of the garden right now.. Stella the rhododendron was planted less than 6 months ago and has become the most stunning little tree #rhododendron #azalea #pinkflowers #catawba #spingtime2020 #southernhighlandsnsw #aussiegardener #lovemyjob
22.01.2022 Farewell my Buxus hoard! Happy growing in your new homes. #buxus #buxusbonsai #buxusbabes #englishbuxus #englishboxplant
21.01.2022 I have cut back the Rabbit’s Foot Fern and Red Fern while they establish in their new pot. I’ve added pops of colour like the Freckle Face... it’s a plant montage or pottage... #plantmontage #plantpottage #ferns #moss #terracottapots #terracottafever #aussiegardener #aussiespringtime #hypoestes #invasiveplants
21.01.2022 It’s ok we are fine.... just doin...... no we are not fine. We have quit outside for today and gone undercover #aussieheat #itsnotevensummer #toohottohandle #donefortoday
18.01.2022 A few weeks ago I found a packet of bulbshaving forgotten about them, they started to sprout. I just found another to grow using a vase with a drop of seasol showing what a few weeks difference had to the root system. I’ve also planted several in soil to compare... Mostly sunny position out doors #firstattempt #flowerbulbs #irisbulbs #pottedbulbs #hydroculture #experimentgardening #aussiespring #aussiegardener
14.01.2022 this months super stars... more potted tree spam #pottedtrees #bonsaibabies #oldmanbanksia #banksia #buxusbonsai #buxusharlandii #commonjuniper #juniperbonsai #cascadestylebonsai #kengai #callistemon #violetbottlebrush #sokanbonsai #aussiegardener #illawarransw
11.01.2022 when you’re proud of your clients beautiful flowersand seeing them enjoy their garden... #lovemyjob #loveyourgarden #tulips #camellia #springbulbs #bulbs #aussiegardener #southernhighlandsnsw #springishere @ Mittagong, New South Wales
10.01.2022 it’s a hot one today... Buffy the Vampire Slayer doggo has confirmed this... so patiently waiting for it to fill... half way and the temptation was too much #labrador #blacklabrador #soohotoutside #aussiesofinstagram #illawarra #homegardening #illawarransw #summeriscoming #wateryourpets
10.01.2022 Sunday Gardening... yes even on a day off from work there is always more to be done. Had a day of potting bromeliads and ferns. I was gifted this strawberry pot and made a ‘Terracotta Centrepiece’ or aka Terracotta Potta Delight from this garden I work on and know very well. So here are a few pics of her garden.... #bromeliad #ferns #treefern #gardenenvy #gardenlife #gardenersofinstagram #happygardening
10.01.2022 My pot plants.... happy lil plants... #illawarra #illawarransw #aussiesofinstagram #aussiegardener #potplants #pottedtree
09.01.2022 #spring #australiagardening #aussiegarden #bromeliad #fishpond #peacelily #goldfish
08.01.2022 Found my nasturtium today... they were right next to the sweet peas... On guard zombie flamingo for attention #nasturtium #sweetpeaflowers #zombieapocalypse #aussiegardener #springtime #illawarra
07.01.2022 My Red Pig Face sunny spot, don’t over water they prefer drier conditions. Comes in pink, purple, white, yellow, orange.... taken from a simple 10cm cutting into a pot #pigface #redpigface #redflower #mesembryanthemum #aussiegardener #easytogrow
03.01.2022 #redpigface #aussiespring #aussiegardener #illawarra
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