Serbian Orthodox Church Woolloongabba / СПЦ Св. Никола, Рос Ст. Бризбен in Woolloongabba | Religious organisation
Serbian Orthodox Church Woolloongabba / СПЦ Св. Никола, Рос Ст. Бризбен
Locality: Woolloongabba
Address: 6 Ross Street 4102 Woolloongabba, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Please find the service schedule for September. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Драга брао и сестре, У приложеном е распоред Богослужеа за месец Септембар.
25.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Please find the service schedule for January. -----------------------------------------------------------------------... Драга брао и сестре, У приложеном е распоред Богослужеа за месец ануар.
25.01.2022 Over the weekend, Saint Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church Woolloongabba celebrated their parish feast day and what is the name day for many in their flock, inclu...ding their deeply Christ-loving and dedicated parish priest, Father Nikola. Following the feast of Saint Nicholas on Saturday, our Serbian Orthodox brothers around the world celebrated on Sunday a most beautiful tradition of 'Children's day'. Children's day is the equivalent of Mother's and Father's day, only the way Serbians celebrate these occasions is a bit different to the West. On this day, it is an opportunity for children to recognise the love of their parents by gifting to them, and on Mother's and Father's days, it would be done in the reverse with the parent gifting to their children on their special day. When we cease to be children physically, we lose the receptiveness, naturalness, and candor characteristic of children, which, if properly nurtured, may inspire divine feelings of happiness and charity. Through proper education the children learn to respect their parents, and concomitantly, earn the reputation of being good children and good Christians. In celebrating Children's day we remember all the holy children of God, those innocent creatures of God who Christ Cites as the prime example to those of us who want to enter the kingdom of heaven. For He said: Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3). Then he continued: Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come to me: for such is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 19:4). And He concluded: Whosoever offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a milestone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea (Matthew 18:6). Happy Children's Day to all and happy name day to all our Slave brothers and sisters who celebrated their name days over the weekend! May we all have the blessing of Father Nikola and also keep him, his wonderful wife (the 'Protinica' of the parish) and their children in our prayers. Amen.
24.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Please find the service schedule for October. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Драга брао и сестре, У приложеном е распоред Богослужеа за месец Октобар.
23.01.2022 Today marks the beginning of our Dormition Fast. The Dormition Fast is the shortest of all four major fasting periods lasting 15 days, from the 14 August - 28 August. Let us begin properly and with a positive attitude keeping in mind the two sides of any fast, the physical and spiritual. Spiritual fasting from our sinful thoughts, desires and deeds must be just as strictly observed as any physical efforts we pursue. Our physical fast on the other hand is a necessary aid in o...ur spiritual fight against the passions which are ignited though bodily desires. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Драга брао и сестре, среан почетак поста - Госпоински пост Госпоински пост е накраи од четири велика годиша поста и трае 15 дана, од 14. августа до 28. августа. Пост има две стране: телесну и духовну. Телесни пост е уздржавае од ела животиског порекла. Духовни пост подразумева одрицае од сваке врсте грешних и злих помисли, жеа и дела. Телесни пост е само неопходно помоно средство за успешну духовну борбу против страсти, кое се распируу кроз телесне жее. Стварни пост кои обухвата и телесни и духовни аспекат, приводи човека смиреу.
22.01.2022 Today we celebrated the feast day of The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke and St Peter of Cetinje. Yesterday we also witnessed the repose of Metropolitan Amfilohije, on the eve of the feast of St. Peter of Cetinje, his predecessor. Eternal memory and the Kingdom of Heaven! The Apostle and Evangelist Luke is the author of the Gospel of Luke, the companion of the Apostle Paul (Phil 1:24, 2 Tim 4:10-11), and is the founder of iconography. Saint Luke was extremely educated and h...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Today we mark the end of the Apostle's Fast by celebrating The Holy Apostle's Paul and Peter as well as Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. We may remember Saint Peter through his actions of being the first of the disciples to give clear expression to his faith in the Lord Jesus, saying: Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Mt. 16:16). He suffered himself when the Lord was put on trial and Saint Peter denied Him three times, but it needed only one look into the face of...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Yesterday we celebrated the feast day of Saint Petka (Paraskeva). This glorious saint was of Serbian birth, from the town of Epibata, between Silinaurius and Constantinople. St Petka's parents were wealthy and devout Christians, and had one son, Euthymius, who became a monk during his parents' lifetime and later became Bishop of Madytos. After her parents' death, the maiden Petka, always desirous of the ascetic life for the sake of Christ, left her home and went first to Cons...tantinople and then to the Jordan wilderness, where she lived to old age in asceticism. Her wonderworking relics were, in the course of time, taken to Constantinople, Trnovo, Constantinople again and Belgrade. They are now in Romania, in the town of Jassy. St Petka's spring is to be found in Belgrade. The waters miraculously heal all the sick who, with faith in God and love for this saint, hasten to ask her aid. -------------------------------------------------------- уче смо прославили празник Свете Петке (Параскеве). Ова славна светитека беше српскога порекла, роена у граду Епивату (Пиват, по турски Боадос), измеу Силинаврие и Цариграда. Родитеи свете Петке беху имуни и побожни хришани, и осим Петке имааху и еднога сина, евтимиа, кои се за живота родитеа замонаши, и доцние поста знаменити епископ мадитски. По смрти родитеа девица Петка, вазда жена живота подвижничког Христа ради, напусти дом родитески и оде напре у Цариград, а потом у пустиу орданску, где се подвизавала до старости свое. Мошти ене чудотворне у току времена беху преношене: у Цариград, у Трново, па опет у Цариград, па у Београд. Сада се налазе у Румунии, у граду ашу. У београдском граду налази се вода (агиазма) свете Петке, коа чудотворно лечи све оне болеснике, кои с вером у Бога и убави према ово светитеки к о притичу.
22.01.2022 Yesterday we celebrated Saint Nedelja, the feast day of our parish sisterhood. ------------------------------------------------------ учер смо прославили Свету Недеу, славу кола српских сестара наше парохие.
22.01.2022 Divine Liturgy, on the 14th Sunday after Pentecost. Today we also commemorate the Holy New Martyrs of Jasenovac. The martyrs are commemorated together on September 13, although a number of them are also commemorated separately, as the dates of their martyrdom are known. The Holy New Martyrs of Jasenovac comprise of the nearly 750,000 Orthodox Serbian Christians who gave their lives in their confession of faith during world war 2 in the so-called "Independent State of Croatia..." and in other parts of German-occupied Yugoslavia at the hands of the Croatian nationalists and other enemies of the Orthodox Church, at the instigation of and with the open participation of the Latin clergy. It is imperative that we commemorate this day as a witness to the faith of these martyrs and to the genocide of Serbs , which many ignore, forget or deny having occurred. In the attached Icon the Churches of Jasenovac (destroyed, twice now by Croats) and Glina (burnt to the ground with 500 Serbs) are shown centrally, while the upper right corner shows one of the many caves of Lika, Dalmatia, Bosnia or Hercegovina that became the graves to countless innocent Serbs. A "Brief Historical Background" on the Holy New Martyrs of Jasenovac can be found here: ( and more resent information can be found on the Jasenovac Monastery Facebook Page ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Света Литургиа, 14. Недеа по Духовима. Данас памтимо Свете Новомученике асеновачке. асеновац е био навеи концентрациони логор за истребее уди на територии Хрватске. асеновац е заправо чинио комплекс од неколико подлогора, у непосредно близини, на обали реке Саве, око 100 км ужно од Загреба. Логор за жене, Стара Градишка, кои се налазио мало дае, такое е припадао овом комплексу. асеновац е основан у августу 1941, а био е расформиран тек у априлу 1945. Стварае самог логора, управае и надзор над им били су поверени III одееу Усташке народне службе (УНС), на челу са Векославом (Максом) Лубурием, кои е лично одговарао за све што се тамо догаало. Преко 700,000 уди побиено е у асеновцу, углавном Срба, евреа и Рома. ош це може проитати о асеновцу овде ( и на (
21.01.2022 Tonight we celebrated "Badnje vee" (Christmas Eve) with a church service and the blessing of the "Badnjak". The Badnjak (normally a young oak tree), symbolises Christ and his entrance into this world and traditionally the burning of the Badnjak represents the warmth of Christs love. The Badnjak is a reminder of the tree that the shepherds brought to the cave and which the righteous Joseph burned to keep the newly-born Christ warm in the cold cave.... We wish everyone a Blessed Badnje vee! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Срено Баде вече! Ово младо дрво, обично храстово, символише Христа и егов улазак у свет. Ложее бадака представа топлину Христове убави. Затим, бадак е подсеае на дрво кое су пастири донели у пеину и кое е праведни осиф заложио како би се тек роени Богомладенац загреао у хладно пеини.
21.01.2022 Today we celebrated the Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist and Forerunner. Srecna Slava to all who celebrate today ---------------------------------------------------------------... Данас славимо Сабор Светога ована Крститеа. Срена слава свим славарима
21.01.2022 Today we celebrated the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist and Forerunner. Six months before his appearing to the most holy Virgin Mary in Nazareth, the great Gabriel, archangel of the Lord, appeared to Zacharias the High Priest in the Temple in Jerusalem. Before he revealed the miraculous conception by a virgin who had not known a man, the archangel revealed the wondrous conceiving by an old and barren woman. Zacharias was unable at once to believe the words of God"s herald..., and for this his tongue was bound in dumbness and remained thus until the eighth day after John"s birth. This is noted in the new testament by the Holy Evangelist Luke: "And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; For you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways" (Luke 1:76). --------------------------------------------------------------- Данас славимо Роее Светога ована Крститеа - Ивадан. На шест месеци пре свога аваа у Назарету Пресвето Деви Марии велики Гаврил, архангел Божи, авио се првосвештенику Захариу у храму ерусалимском. Пре него што е обавио чудесно зачее безмужне девице, архангел е обавио чудесно зачее бездетне старице. Захарие не поверова одмах речима весника Божег, и зато му се език веза немилом, и остаде нем све до осмог дана по роеу овановом. Ово е описао Свети Апостол и еванелист Лука: ' А ти, дете мое, зваеш се ’пророк Свевишега’, ер еш ии пред Господом да припремиш путеве за ега.' (Лука 1:76)
21.01.2022 Today we celebrated the Great Feast day of Theophany (Epiphany), it is the feast which reveals the Most Holy Trinity to the world through the Baptism of the Lord (Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). The water that was blessed today is very special to us as Orthodox Christians.The Holy Spirit, comes down upon the water changing its natural properties. It becomes incorrupt for many years and receives the grace to heal illnesses, preserve people and their dwellings from ever...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Today we celebrated one of the great feast days of the orthodox church: the nativity of the most Holy Theotokos. Her parents Saints Joachim and Ana were already old and had no children, and, because of this, were ashamed before men and humble before God. In their humility, they prayed with tears that God would bring joy to their old age with the gift of a child, as He had once given joy to the aged Abraham and Sarah, giving them their son Isaac. God, almighty and all-seeing,... gave them a joy far exceeding all their expectations and their wildest dreams, for He gave them not just a daughter, but the Mother of God; He illumined them not only with temporal joy but with eternal. We Orthodox Christians continue to celebrate Her and by serving Her divine Son, we in fact serve Her as well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Септембар - велики Празник, Свепразник, Мала Госпоина ! ени родитеи беху ве остарели, а немаху деце. И зато беху постидни пред удима и скрушени пред Богом. И у скрушености своо моаху се Богу с плачем, да обрадуе старост ихову дароваем еднога чеда, као што е некад обрадовао старца Аврама и старицу Сару даровавши им сина Исака. И Бог свемогуи и свевидеи обрадова их радошу, коа е превазилазила далеко сва ихова очекиваа и све налепше снове. ер им дарова не само ерку, но и Богомаку; озари их не само радошу временом, него и вечном. Ми Православни хришани и на данаши дан прославамо у Пресвету, Пречисту, Преблагословену, Владичицу нашу Богородицу. И ми, служеи еном Божанском Сину, служимо уствари и о.
18.01.2022 Today we commemorate memorial Saturday for the departed. At the end of the Liturgy the boiled wheat was blessed with a "pomen" held afterwards at the graveyard. Boiled wheat is closely connected with memorial services for the benefit of one's departed. Their origin goes back to the time of Emperor Julian the Apostate when in 362 AD he withdrew from the market in Constantinople food-stuffs prescribed for the first day of the Great Lent, and ordered that they be substituted wit...h 'polluted sacrificial food' (sprinkled with blood from animal pagan sacrifices) in an attempt to enforce upon the Christians paganism of which he was an ardent supporter. However St. Theodore the Tyro appeared in a dream to the Patriarch of Constantinople Eudoxios, ordering him to inform all the Christians that no one should buy anything at the market, but rather to boil the wheat that they had at home and eat it sweetened with honey. Since then boiled wheat, having become connected with celebrating the memory of saints, are brought to church and are ordained by the priest during memorial prayers known today as Memorial Services. ----------------------------------------------------------- Данас смо прославили Задушнице. Црква е установила посебне дане кад се сеамо наших драгих поконика и обилазимо ихове гробове. Задушнице су увек у суботом, ер е то и иначе, у току читаве године, дан кад се сеамо преминулих. Тог дана у цркви се служи заупокоена литургиа на коо се читау имена упокоених православних хришана.
15.01.2022 The Serbian School Saint Save is open for enrolment and first day of school is 6th February 2021. The plan for 2021 is to work on improving the organization and quality of work, to meet the demands of parents to form new groups and promote student achievements. Increasing the number of students is one of the main strategic goals for the 2021 school year. An additional class for senior students is planned for the 2021 school year in which students will learn serbian language ...basics to enable the students to use the language correctly in different communicative situations. A music class has been introduced to the school curriculum and enrolments in school choir are open to students age 10-17. For all additional information please contact Biljana on 0434282824 Упис у Малу Школу Свети Сава за школску 2021г е отворен. Настава е почети 6 Фебруара 2021. План за 2021 годину е да радимо на унапрееу организацие и квалитета рада, да изаемо у сусрет захтевима родитеа за формирае нових група и промоциа постигнуа ученика. Повеае броа ака е едан од главних стратешких циева за 2021 школску годину. За 2021 школску годину планира се отварае нове групе за старии узраст. Ци учеа српског езика у ова групи есте да се ученик оспособи да правилно користи српски език у различитим комуникативним ситуациама. У програм наставе уведен е и час музике . Упис у хор е отворен за сву децу узраста 10 -17 година . За све информацие можете назвати Биану на 0434282824.
15.01.2022 Today we celebrate one of the great feast days in the orthodox church: Exaltation of the Holy Cross. On this feast day we commemorate two events; the finding of the venerable Cross at Golgotha and the return of the venerable Cross from Persia to Jerusalem. Alongside this we also celebrate the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council and the repose of Saint John of Chrysostom. Desiring to find the Cross on which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, St Constantine sent hi...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Today, on the eve of Theophany, we celebrated the Holy Cross Day with blessing of water. May it be a blessed feat day for all. Tomorrow we will continue with Divine Liturgy (The Holy Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Epiphany) and Blessing of the Waters at 9am.... -------------------------------------------------------------- Данас смо прославили Крстовдан и Велико Освеее воде. Среан празник свима ! Сутра наставамо са Светом Литургиом (Богоавее) и Велико Освеее воде са 9,00.
10.01.2022 This week we celebrated the Dormition of the Theotokos (Friday), marking the end of the Dormition Fast. We would also like to wish a happy Slava to our sister parish on the Gold Coast ( Serbian Orthodox Church - GOLD COAST) In her later years the Theotokos spent virtually the rest of her life in Jerusalem, often going round the places that reminded her of the great events and the great works associated with and performed by her Son our Lord. She often prayed to her Lord and...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Светосавски конкурс Мала школа Свети Сава по први пут расписуе светосавски конкурс за набоу песму, прозни или ликовни рад. Придружите нам се!
10.01.2022 Today we celebrated The Holy Great Martyr & Healer Panteleimon along with a memorial service for the reposed Serbs as a result of the Croatian military-police operation Storm during 4-7 Aug 1995. Saint Panteleimon was born in Nicomedia of a Christian mother, a pagan father and studied medicine as a young man. The priest Hermolaus befriended him, instructed him in the Christian faith and baptised him. Saint Panteleimon miraculously healed a blind by the name of Christ and b...aptised him. From jealousy, other doctors denounced Saint Panteleimon as a Christian, and he went before the Emperor Maximian for judgement. "He stood before the earthly ruler in the body, but in his mind he stood before the heavenly King." He freely declared himself to be a Christian before the Emperor, and, in front of his eyes, healed a paralytic of a long infirmity. The Emperor put him to torture, but the Lord appeared to him on several occasions and delivered him whole and uninjured. Condemned to death, Saint Panteleimon knelt in prayer. At that, the executioner gave him a blow on the neck with his sword, and the sword broke as if made of wax. The executioner could not kill him until he had finished his prayer and had himself given the word to behead him. "Panteleimon" means "all-merciful", God the all-merciful received his righteous soul, and glorified him among His greatest saints, his relics remaining incorrupt. This wonderful martyr suffered with honour as a youth for Christ on July 27th, 304. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Данас смо славили Светог великомученика Пантелемона и имали смо парастос за све невино пострадале у воно акции Олуа. Свети Пантелемон е из Никомидие од маке хришанке и оца незнабошца. Као млади изучио лекарске науке. Свештеник Ермола призва га к себи, научи га вери Христово и крсти га. Чудотворно излечи Свети Пантелемон еднога слепца, кога су други лекари узалуд лечили; излечи га именом Христовим, и крсти га. Из зависти оптуже лекари Пантелемона као хришанина, и Пантелемон изае пред цара Максимиана на суд. И стаде пред земаским царем телом, а умом стааше пред Царем небеским. Пред царем он се слободно обави хришанином, и на очи цареве излечи едног узетог човека од дуготране болести. Цар га стави на муке, но Господ му се ави у неколико махова и избави га цела и неповреена. Осуен на смрт свети Пантелемон клече на молитву. Утом елат удари га мачем по врату, и мач се преби као да е од воска. И не могаше га елат погубити док светите не сврши молитву и сам не рече да га посеку. Чесно пострада за Христа ова дивни мученик у младости своо 27. ула 304. године.
07.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Please find the service schedule for August. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Драга брао и сестре, У приложеном е распоред Богослужеа за месец Август.
04.01.2022 Yesterday we celebrated the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel. It is believed that the Synaxis' observance was first instituted on the Holy Mountain in 982 due to the Archangel appearing to a monk, where, with his finger, he wrote the hymn to the Mother of God: "It is truly meet ... ". Throughout Old and New Testament Archeangel Gabriel is linked with numerous other appearances which we commemorate. Such as:... - His appearance to Moses when he was keeping Jethro's flocks, when he revealed to him, how the world was created and all the rest that Moses later wrote down in the Book of Genesis. - His appearance to Daniel and the imparting of the mystery of the kingdoms to come and the coming of the Saviour. -His appearing to Zacharias, the high priest with the news of the birth of Saint John the Baptist and Forerunner, and the punishing of the Zacharias with dumbness because he did not believe the angel's words. -Possibly the most important is his appearance to Saint Anna (with the promise of a daughter (the most blessed and pure Virgin Mary). -His very brief appearing to the Theotokos while she was living in the Temple in Jerusalem. -His appearing once again to the holy Virgin in Nazareth, and the annunciation of the conception and birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. -His appearing to righteous Joseph, to the shepherds near Bethlehem. -To the Lord Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane when he strengthened the Lord, as man, before His Passion. -His appearing to the myrrh-bearing women among many other known and unknown appearances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- уче смо славили смо Сабор Светог архангела Гаврила и сва егова аваа и чудеса кроз сву историу (Стари и Нови Завет). Држи се да е ово славе установено прво у Свето Гори у IV веку поводом аваа архангела Гаврила у келии едно до Карее, где е прстом по камену исписао песму Богородици 'Достоно ест'. У вези с овим помиу се и остала аваа архангела Гаврила, као: -авае Мосеу, кад е ова чувао стадо оторово, коом приликом он е саопштио великом избранику Божем како е створен свет и све остало што е Мосе после записао у кизи Постаа -авае пророку Данилу и саопштее тане о будуим царствима и о доласку Спаситеа -авае свето Ани и обеае, да е родити кер (Пресвету Богородицу) -авае Захарии првосвештенику и саопштее о роеу Светог ована Претече и кажавае што ние поверовао речима еговим -авае Пресвето Богородици у Назарету и саопштее благовести о зачеу и роеу Господа Исуса Христа -авае праведном осифу -авае самом Господу у врту Гетсиманском, када е он Господа као човека крепио пред страдае -авае женама мироносицама
04.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Please find the service schedule for November. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Драга брао и сестре, У приложеном е распоред Богослужеа за месец Новембар.
03.01.2022 Today we celebrated the feast day of Saint Sava the First Archbishop of Serbia. Next Sunday we will be having lunch in the church hall accompanied by recitals from our Serbian School students following Divine Liturgy. Saint Sava was born in 1169 A.D. He was the son of Stefan Nemanja the Grand Župan of Serbia. As a young man, Saint Sava yearned for the spiritual life, for which he fled to the Holy Mountain, where he was tonsured a monk and lived according to the ascetic rule ...with rare zeal. Saint Sava's father (Saint Simeon) and his son pursued asceticism at the Vatopedi monastery. On Athos they established the Serbian Hilandar monastery and, after that, many other monasteries, churches and schools throughout the Serbian lands. Among the numerous happenings of his notable life Saint Sava restored peace between his two brothers, who were estranged because of a struggle for power. He restored peace between the Serbs and their neighbors. In establishing the Serbian Church, he also established the Serbian state and culture. He instilled peace between all the Balkan peoples and worked for the benefit of all--for which he was loved and respected by all who lived in the Balkans. He gave a Christian soul to the Serbian people - a soul that did not perish with the eventual collapse of the Serbian state. Saint Sava reposed in on January 12, 1236 A.D., after becoming ill following the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of Theophany. ------------------------------------------- Срена Слава - Свети Сава! У Неделу 02.02 после Свете Литургие пререзае се Славски колач и одржае се Светосавска Академиа. Након Академие посложие се Славски ручак. Син Стефана Немае, великог жупана српског, роен 1169. године. Као млади жудео за духовним животом, због чега е одбегао у Свету Гору где се замонашио и са ретком ревношу прошао цео подвижнички устав. Немаа последуе примеру сина, те и сам дое у Свету Гору, где се замонаши и умре као монах Симеон. Сава е издествовао код цара и патриарха независност Српске цркве, и постао први архиепископ српски. Подигао е, заедно са оцем своим, манастир Хиландар, а потом и многе друге манастире, цркве и школе по земи српско. Путовао е у два маха на поклоее светиама у Свето Земи. Мирио брау своу, заваену око власти; мирио Србе са суседима иховим, и стварауи Српску цркву, стварао е кроз то српску државу и културу. Уносио е мир меу све балканске народе и радио е на добру свих, због чега е и био поштован и воен од свих Балканаца. Народу српском он е дао хришанску душу, коа ние пропала са пропашу државе српске. Скончао у Трнову у време цара Асена, разболевши се после службе Боже на Богоавее, 12. ануара 1236. године. Тело му пренео кра Владислав у манастир Милешеву, одакле га Синан-паша дигне и спали на Врачару у Београду, 27. априла 1594. године (в. 27. април).
03.01.2022 Today we celebrated the Sunday of the Holy Fathers ("Oci" or Father's Day) we celebrate all of Christ's ancestors according to the flesh who are mentioned in the genealogy in the gospels according to Matthew and Luke. On this day we adopt the tradition of tying our fathers (parish priest) and only upon the exchange of gifts which represent devotion and love, are they allowed to untie themselves. This mutual "untiying" is the mutual giving of the gift of love, which creates th...e festal, solemn atmosphere in the family, Christian circles. Such a festal atmosphere was created by the Wise Men who came from the East to the Holy Family of the Christ Child prostrating themselves before Him at the cave in Bethlehem, with the gifts of myrrh, frankincense and gold. The symbolism of this mutual "tying" and "untiying" of children and parents is clear: we are preparing ourselves in welcoming the most joyous Christian feast - Christmas. Happy Fathers Day to all! -------------------------------------------------------------- Данас смо славили Недеу Светих Оца (Дан Оца "Оци") славимо све Христове претке кои се спомиу у еванеима по Матеу и Луки. На ова дан прихватамо традициу везаа наших очева и само након добивае дарова кои представау побожност и убав, дозвоено им е да се одвежу. То меусобно одвезивае е обострано давае убави, убави, што ствара свечану атмосферу у хришанским породичним круговима. Ово потиче од Мудраца кои су дошли с Истока у Свету породицу Христову, клаауи му се у Бетлехемско пеини и дауруи га миром, таманом и златом. асна е симболика овог меусобног "везиваа" и "одвезиваа" деце и родитеа: припремамо се за дочек нарадосниег хришанског благдана - Божиа, кои е помирио човека с Богом и одвезао га од окова греха и везао га за нове везе убави према Богу. Ова пракса е данас неопходна када се све мае паже посвеива породичном единству. Среан Дан Оца Свима!
01.01.2022 Today we celebrated the Transfiguration of our Lord. One of the particularities of this great feast is the rite of blessing grapes. In the third year of His ministry, the Lord Jesus spoke more frequently to His disciples of His coming Passion, but linked it always with His glory after His suffering on the Cross. He therefore, taking with Him Peter, James and John, went by night onto Mount Tabor and was there transfigured before them. "And His face shone as the sun, and His r...aiment became white as snow", and there appeared beside Him Moses and Elias, the great prophets of the Old Testament. And the disciples saw and were amazed, and Peter said: "Lord, it is good for us to be here; if Thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles: one for Thee, one for Moses and one for Elias." While Peter was still speaking, Moses and Elias disappeared and a bright cloud came and overshadowed the Lord and the disciples, and a voice came out of the cloud: "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him." Hearing this voice, the disciples fell prostrate on the ground as though dead, and remained thus lying in fear until the Lord came to them and said: "Arise, and be not afraid" (Matt. 17). The tradition of bringing the first fruits of summer into the temple is ancient and the theological significance of this rite can be seen in the message of the Feast. In the Transfiguration, the Lord was pleased to show us the new, spiritual, transfigured condition to be acquired by man and the entire creation, through the Resurrection of the Savior, the condition that will be realised in the Universal Resurrection. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Данас смо славили Преображее Господа Бога и Спаса нашег Исуса Христа са Освеее грожa. Трее године Свое проповеди на земи Господ Исус чеше говораше ученицима Своим о блиском страдау Своме, но уедно и о слави Своо после страдаа на крсту. Да не би предстоее страдае егово сасвим раслабило ученике те да не би отпали од ега, Он Премудри, хтеде им пре страдаа показати делимично славу Своу божанску. Зато узевши собом Петра, акова и ована изие с има ноу на гору Тавор, и ту се преобрази пред има. И засиа се лице егово као сунце, а хаине егове постадоше биеле као светлост (Мт 17, 2). И поавише се покра ега Мосе и Илиа, велики старозаветни пророци. И видеше ученици и удивише се. И рече Петар: Господе, добро нам е овде бити; ако хоеш да начинимо овде три сенице (колибе): Теби едну, и Мосиу едну, и едну Илии (Мт 17, 4). Но док ош Петар говораше, удаише се Мосе и Илиа, и саан облак окружи Господа и ученике, и дое глас из облака: Ово е Син мо убени, кои е по моо вои; ега слушате (Мт 17, 5). Чувши ова глас, ученици падоше ничице на зему као мртви и осташе тако лежеи у страху докле им Господ не прие и не рече им: Устаните и не боте се (Мт 17).
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