Socialist Alternative Flinders Uni | Political organisation
Socialist Alternative Flinders Uni
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23.01.2022 Bezos' wealth is stolen from Amazon workers. Join our livestream tonight: Forum: Abolish Jeff Bezos - For a world without billionaires
19.01.2022 Public statement regarding the outrageous and anti-democratic FUSA Election regulations
18.01.2022 Welcome back to campus! Come and meet the comrades in the Humanities courtyard today. Find out about our upcoming political discussions and get the latest issue of Red Flag newspaper.
18.01.2022 if you're at flinders o week come check us out in the clubs tent!!
17.01.2022 In the face of attacks on the tertiary education sector by the Liberal government it's a good time to look back a few years. In 2014 Socialist Alternative student clubs took the fight against the Liberal governments plan to deregulate university fees and bring in $100,000 degrees. This is inspiring footage of mass action against disgusting attacks on universities. If you want to be a part of building a culture of protest and activism join us now!
17.01.2022 *** From Wed 4 Nov until Thurs 12 Nov, use the code RESIST2020 to get 15% off any new subscription to Red Flag! Get yours now at *** In 2020, we've seen the devastation capitalism generates in the pursuit of profit, as well as numerous inspiring examples of ordinary people's capacity for resistance. Now more than ever, there's a need for radical media that champions the struggles of the oppressed and unapologetically promotes revolutionary ideas to help us understand the capitalist system and how to fight it. Red Flag relies on our subscribers to continue our work producing some of the highest-quality socialist content in the English-speaking world - we're funded by our supporters, not corporate sponsors. Subscribe today and get the next print edition delivered to your doorstep (or a digital copy in your inbox).
17.01.2022 The new issue of MLR is out! Make sure to get a subscription if you haven't already. This issue includes articles on Marxism and trans liberation and revolutionary syndicalism. The focus of this edition is on rank-and-file activism in trade unions. Specifically there are articles on the Builders Labourers Federation in the 70s, the 84/85 British miners strike, and the ongoing NTEU Fightback campaign.... The NTEU Fightback article in particular is a fantastic account of rank-and-file opposition to attempts by union executives to sellout workers pay and conditions in order to get their feet under the bargaining table. There is also a good indepth analysis of the role that socialists should play in the trade union movement. It's essential reading for socialists in the work force. Subscribe today for only $30 (or $40) a year to get access to a fantastic peer-reviewed journal that makes a rigerous and accessible case for socialist politics. You can also order back issues of the journal here plus the book "Introducing Marxism" which is a great starting point for those wanting to learn more about Marxist politics:
16.01.2022 This is a good article on the actual impacts of the proposed changes to university fees. This isn't just an attack on humanities and social science topics (which was already outrageous) but it's an attack on all university students. Students are being made to pay for the majority of their course costs for the first time since Labor reintroduced university fees. At the same time commonwealth contributions are dropping so the budget for most courses will drop, further stretchin...g an already overstretched teaching workforce. Students will be made to pay more for underfunded courses taught by overworked staff. Right at the time when people are feeling the economic impact precipitated by the COVID pandemic. This is an outrageous attack on tertiary education. Everyone should come to the protest this Friday: There are also protests happening in the other major cities. It's important that we make our outrage heard and that we demand better funded university costs at the expense of the government, not students.
16.01.2022 A great article in the new Red Flag about why pulling down statues of slaveowners and colonialists isn't erasing history - it's making it.
14.01.2022 What's the worst aspect of Stalinism? Vote now and in a fortnight come to the Livestream: No Tankies! The Marxist case against Stalinism
13.01.2022 If you're a new student at Flinders or returning this year and want to get involved with radical, revolutionary, socialist politics, come check us out at Flinders O-Week!
13.01.2022 Flinders Uni Socialist Alternative Club stands in solidarity with striking workers at the West End Brewery. The owners have announced they are closing the brewery despite making $540 million across Australia and NZ last year and paying their boss $2.8 million. Workers are striking for better redundancy packages for all workers including casual workers. Pickets have been set up and most deliveries to the brewery have been blocked over the last two days. We will always stand with workers fighting against bosses by withdrawing labour. Workers’ labour is what produces the wealth that is stolen by the bosses and it is through struggle that workers learn their collective power. Petition: Everyone who can should get to the brewery tomorrow to support the striking workers and join the picket!
12.01.2022 The Socialist Alternative Flinders club condemns the decision to discontinue and phase out the Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama), AKA the Drama Centre. Having trained many actors over the years, the program has been an important part of campus life. The decision to remove the degree and replace it with an unspecialised course is just another example of Flinders University sacrificing the quality of education for corporate profits. While cutting what they deem unprofitable, F...linders always has money for weapons development. Typically, the Flinders Uni administration have chosen to announce this neoliberal restructure over the Summer period; so as to demobilise efforts by students to fight back. We will not, however, allow them to do this get away with this without resistance. Sign the petition here against the attack on Drama at Flinders and watch this space for more information.
12.01.2022 Don't miss the fight back! Only an hour away at Bonython Hall at Adelaide Uni!!!
08.01.2022 In an hour! Be sure not to miss it!
08.01.2022 Getting some posters up around Flinders on a beautiful day Check out our upcoming public meeting - Student Radicalism in the 70s in Adelaide - Public meeting
06.01.2022 Socialists on campus selling Redflag and letting people know about our Redflag discussion this Wednesday
05.01.2022 Dan Tehan’s dreadful higher education bill has passed through the senate thanks to votes of One Nation and Centre Alliance. Centre Alliance’s support came with the promise of benefit to students at South Australian universities and other regional institutions, in the form of increased places. The bill’s supporters have also touted it as being good for students as many more hireable courses will drop in price. This is absolute bullshit. This bill represents a huge attack ...on tertiary education. Students in South Australia stand against it. Firstly, students should have the right to study in the area they want, not just in whatever areas the government deems useful for capitalism. These attacks further establish Australian universities as nothing but degree factories. Secondly, the bill perpetuates the argument that the government is strapped for cash to spend on universities, and needs to give and take from different parts of the sector. Lowering the cost of certain university courses while doubling the cost of others is a divide-and-rule tactic, while higher education as a whole remains funding starved. This federal government recently committed to 270 billion dollars of defence spending over 10 years, a figure that would easily cover free tertiary education for 15 years. In addition, the Australian government is constantly pouring money into the fossil fuel industry and propping up big businesses such as Qantas. They have the money to make education free and fully-funded, so we should reject all and any fee hikes. This bill hurts ALL students. Course fees may be going down in STEM and other areas, but so are commonwealth contributions. This means that these courses will see more students but with significantly less funding per student. Likewise students in South Australia will see less funding on a per student basis. This is an attack on all of us, no matter what state we’re in or what course we’re studying. What is required is a massive fightback campaign against this barbaric bill and all other attacks on education. A fightback consisting of mass action and protests in the streets to force the government to give up on these attacks. This is not unprecedented. In 2014, a national student protest movement buried the Abbott government’s fee deregulation plans. We can, and must, do it again. That starts with the National Day of Action on 14 October. Join the Flinders demo in the Plaza, 10:30am on Wednesday. Central Adelaide rally is at 1pm, Parliament House.
01.01.2022 This year has seen a wave of struggle break out around the world - from the struggles against repression in Hong Kong and Thailand, to the fight against police brutality in Nigeria and the defiant Black Lives Matter movement that swept the United States. Red Flag is a voice of resistance, reporting from the front lines of struggle in Australia and around the world. Subscribe using the code GIFT before November 30 and you'll receive this mug celebrating these struggles designed by Melbourne artist and activist Maddie Hah. Subscribe at
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