Socialist Alternative UWA | Political organisation
Socialist Alternative UWA
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24.01.2022 Obsessing about Trump's dead-end lawsuits is a distraction from the task at hand: gearing up to oppose Biden's presidency.
22.01.2022 Perth is experiencing uncontrollable fires while in lockdown. Hundreds have been forced to evacuate their homes, and at least 30 properties have been destroyed. 7,000ha to Perth's East have burned so far, and many people have to find new places to isolate. The dry, windy conditions that fuel these fires are a direct result of the climate crisis. Fires like this will continue to worsen as long as fossil fuels companies continue to exploit the earth for profits. These bushfire...s and the recent COVID-19 outbreak show the inherent instability of capitalism. There's never been a more important time to be an organised socialist in Perth.
21.01.2022 Hear from working class radicals organising and resisting in the US next Wednesday
21.01.2022 Heaps of upcoming events to defend education at UWA This Tues - Speakout against Tehan's bill - 12pm Oak Lawn Then join the emergency meeting to organise the UWA cuts, 1pm Fox lecture theatre + Protest the UWA senate Monday Oct 19
18.01.2022 Bad news, everyone. One of these guys is going to end up running the most powerful global imperialist power that the world has ever seen.
18.01.2022 PLEASE SIGN & SHARE THIS PETITION The recent COVID-19 outbreak in Perth demands a swift response. It is positive that the McGowan State Government immediately ...responded with a five day lockdown to prevent the circulation of the virus. However, this breach has exposed significant faults in the hotel quarantine system in WA, which mirror the issues previously discovered in Victoria and NSW. The petition demands: - The termination of all private contracts with security and hotel companies. All work related to quarantine should remain in public hands with medically trained staff employed by the Government. - All quarantine workers to be employed on a full time basis with union pay and working conditions. - Proper quarantine stations to replace hotels. These stations would be located outside the Perth CBD and equipped with proper ventilation and required protective equipment including N95 masks.
17.01.2022 Will be great to hear from Angie Lara this Wednesday at Working class resistance in Trump's America
17.01.2022 The release of the Brereton Report has provided evidence of the war crimes and shocking acts of murder committed by the Australian special forces in Afghanistan. These war crimes are a product of Australia’s foreign policy, not an aberration from it. Join this discussion - Wednesday December 2, 6.30pm
16.01.2022 Important actions on campus today
15.01.2022 Not to be missed!!
14.01.2022 Important meeting on campus to organise against the UWA cuts
13.01.2022 It is positive that the McGowan State Government immediately responded with a five day lockdown to prevent the circulation of the virus. However, this breach ha...s exposed significant faults in the hotel quarantine system in WA, which mirror the issues previously discovered in Victoria and NSW. Sign the petition here which demands: 1. The termination of all private contracts with security and hotel companies. All work related to quarantine should remain in public hands with medically trained staff employed by the Government. 2. All quarantine workers to be employed on a full time basis with union pay and working conditions. 3. Proper quarantine stations to replace hotels. These stations would be located outside the Perth CBD and equipped with proper ventilation and required protective equipment including N95 masks.
11.01.2022 The Simpson's predicted Trump's election and now they've predicted the 2020 Presidential Debate. Maybe they're onto something about the absurd nature of bourgeois US politics...
09.01.2022 Don't miss the meeting this Wednesday to hear from strike leader Angie Lara
08.01.2022 Major cuts are coming to UWA Find out more: Get involved & join the campaign: Protest the UWA senate:
08.01.2022 Civil disobedience and collective action forced the NSW government to relax its ban on protests.
04.01.2022 Both Liberal and Labor parties, along with the mainstream media, promoted the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Australia's participation was supposed to an act of humanitarianism. Two decades later, it's clear that the entire project was an atrocity, and those on the left who stood against the war from the beginning have been vindicated. See more
03.01.2022 The climate crisis has intensified in Perth, as fires ravaged the North West of the city this week. So far hundreds have been forced to evacuate, with many more... on standby, as over 10,000 acres have burned with 71 homes destroyed. Ash rained across Perth’s northern suburbs, a blanket of smoke causing breathing difficulties for residents. The fires increased in intensity this afternoon, due to high winds and temperatures. Areas most likely to be affected are working class suburbs, such as Ellenbrook, meaning the most vulnerable will be most likely to have their lives destroyed by the fires. Despite the level of danger these fires represent, a large portion of those fighting them are unpaid volunteers. This is atrocious, and could have been rectified well in advance after the horrendous fires over east in 2020, and the fires earlier this year north of Perth. Catherine, a UWA student who lives in the area, said, while the dire situation in the northeast of Perth has unfolded, a large amount of the sacrificial lambs fighting the fire have been unpaid volunteers underfunded fire services struggle to put out the fires, as endless piles of money still flow into the fossil fuel companies responsible for exacerbating these deadly wildfires. Politicians from both Liberal and Labor continue to ensure profits come before our planet, by committing to expanding the fossil fuel industry. The McGowan State Government recently approved two new gas projects, the Waitsia onshore gas development in the Mid-West, and a new gas-fired power station for FMG, according to the Conservation Council of WA. Meanwhile, the Liberal Government’s gas-led recovery is a shortsighted and profit-driven response to the devastation that COVID continues to wreak on people’s homes and lives. Climate marches have been called nationwide on March 19, to demand much needed action on climate change. We are encouraging everyone to attend their local protest, to demand an end to the fossil fuel industry and a fully paid, professional fire fighting force.
01.01.2022 Not to be missed! 3pm Perth time
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