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Social Justice UCWA | Church

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Social Justice UCWA

Phone: +61 8 9260 9800


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25.01.2022 "Last week workers assigned to working with people detained at the Mantra Hotel and at Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney have tested positive for COVID-19." Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce has called for safe accommodation during the continuing pandemic as social distancing is not possible in the current detention facilities. Click below to read more.

23.01.2022 #FightForPlanetA starts 11 August on ABC Australia Let's be proactive and make change happen!

23.01.2022 Nice work Uniting Church Queensland! We will continue to stand with refugees and people seeking asylum in their calls for justice. Please consider adding your name to the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) campaign linked in the post.

22.01.2022 Join us in Fremantle tomorrow for the 75th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Click below to find out more!

22.01.2022 Does a better world include religion? What contribution are people of faith making on the big issues of climate change, economic justice, decolonisation and inclusive communities? This interfaith panel brings together people who are passionate about their faith and are actively working for a better world for everyone. Join us on Saturday 7 November from 11.30am-12.30pm at the State Library of WA.

21.01.2022 Check out our most recent Social Justice update!

21.01.2022 We've been doing some pretty cool things! Take a look at our update to find out more!

21.01.2022 We are looking forward to this! While we couldn't get together with Equal Voices WA for our usual Pride WA float this year, we can still hear from Nathaniel at Social. Justice. Church on Sunday night. Yay!

20.01.2022 Last night's Prayer & Meditation Vigil held by WA Australian Religious Response to Climate Change - ARRCC WA was incredibly empowering. We joined together from different faith backgrounds to pray and meditate for the climate as well as outlining what action needs to take place. To find out more about ARRCC, click the link below: ... See more

20.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who came along to our Trek for Timor fundraiser yesterday! It was a huge success and we managed to raise over $2,500 which will go to Lafaek Diak's Mobile Health Clinic in East Timor. Also, a big shout out to both Kalamunda Uniting Church and Foothills St Martin's Uniting Church for hosting either side of the trek - we really appreciate your support! P.S. If you missed out yesterday and would like to donate towards this amazing cause please email [email protected]

20.01.2022 We had a really encouraging discussion with the Uniting WA Wisdom Circle last week. There is some good progress being made on supporting Aboriginal-led housing solutions, but plenty of work still to be done! Here Josey Hansen, Cultural Architect at Uniting WA presented outgoing Moderator of the Uniting Church Western Australia, Rev Steve Francis with an artwork to thank him for his support and request his continuing connection. It was great to see the Uniting Church WA Synod ...reinforce this message at their annual meeting on the weekend calling for more social housing: And commitments to reduce the number of Aboriginal kids in care + raising the age of criminal responsibility: And a call to better protect Aboriginal Heritage Sites: See more

19.01.2022 As part of this years Sustainable September celebration, we wish to announce the formation of a Creation Spirituality Network based in Kalamunda and the Foothills. Join us at Kalamunda Uniting Church on 10 September at 7pm. #SustainableSeptember2020

18.01.2022 We think this is a pretty greater starter for thinking about how your church service can become more anti-racist. We recently participated in a discussion on this topic with the Uniting Church Western Australia's Candidates for Ministry and the Equip Education Team. Many thanks to Mitchell Garlett from Congress WA for his contribution. There are so many great books and resources out there written by people of colour to keep challenging and informing us - be encouraged to explore!

18.01.2022 Make sure you log into this interfaith peace service on August 6 with ICAN Australia

17.01.2022 Join us tonight online for an interfaith service in support of nuclear disarmament. #HiroshimaDay

17.01.2022 WA Australian Religious Response to Climate Change - ARRCC WA have put together a survey to understand how people of faith in WA view the climate crisis. Please share this survey with your congregation/ networks and encourage them to give their view!

17.01.2022 Can you imagine needing to couch-surf or sleep on the street in the cold outdoors? Were asking you to experience this for just 1 night. There are two more nights of Homelessness Week left so get involved in the Uniting Virtual Sleepover. Click below to find out more! #HomelessnessWeek2020...

16.01.2022 **Call to Action - Write for a Renewable Future! In preparation for Sustainable September, we have partnered with the Vic/Tas Synod for this letter writing campaign "The Future must remain Renewable - Support ARENA and CEFC". Please take a few moments and write to Senators Lambie, Griff and Patrick asking them to keep ARENA and the CEFC as purely for renewable energy development. For tips of how to write your letter, click below.

16.01.2022 Rev Gordon Scantlebury, Uniting Church WA minister and member of the Social Justice Commission, has prepared this years Sustainable September resources. Click the link below to reflect and take part in what he has to say about this important issue.

16.01.2022 A win for our Social Justice Unit! #SynodWA2020

15.01.2022 Our update is out! Click the link below to find out what we're up to

15.01.2022 Great to hear from our friends at Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) on this podcast. You can take action here in WA by joining in this prayer vigil run by WA Australian Religious Response to Climate Change - ARRCC WA

14.01.2022 Today is Wear it Purple day! Much love to all our rainbow young people . As an encouragement, we wanted to share this open letter from Uniting Church ministers in the ACT. Nice work friends and great to see the legislation passed! Uniting Network Australia Equal Voices WA #WearItPurpleDay2020

14.01.2022 Sustainable September is here! Check out these resources to find out what you can do today!

14.01.2022 What an achievement! As of 1 August 2020, Medicare ineligible people seeking asylum in WA are to be non-chargeable for public hospital treatment!! Big congrats to CARAD-Centre for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees Inc and the WA Refugee and People Seeking Asylum Network (WARPSAN) for their commitment to making this change happen! ... To find out more, read CARAD's post below.

11.01.2022 We pray for the victims, rescue teams, health workers and the people of Beirut as they struggle through this tragedy.

10.01.2022 Got plans tomorrow night? Join Environment House / Perth Ecoshop & Sustainability Services and Waste Is My Resource in a live webinar to learn about composting! Click the link below to register your attendance now!

10.01.2022 Have a read of the most recent Revive article! You'll be sure to find yourself a letter writing action to partake in!

10.01.2022 Check it out, our most recent update with a slightly new look

10.01.2022 Click the video below to find out what you can do to stand for the #16Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. Alternatively, click the link the below to read about why the #16Days is so important.

09.01.2022 Today marks the start of National Week of Solidarity. Whilst also being Child Protection Week, Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) is seizing the opportunity to point to the crisis facing children and young people seeking asylum during the Covid-19 pandemic. If you would like to find out more on how to get involved during this week. Click the link below. #NationalWeekofSolidarity #NoChildLeftBehind...

09.01.2022 Check out our most recent Social Justice Update to find out what we're up to as well as ways on how you can make change in the months ahead

09.01.2022 Over the weekend we had #SynodWA2020. After a lot of hard work from our Social Justice Unit and Commissions, all three of our proposals were agreed by consensus! To read each of our proposals as well as the media releases, click the links below: Build Back Better: Prioritising investment in renewable energy and social housing in WA Proposal: Media release: Protecting Aboriginal Heritage Sites Proposal: Media release: Reducing the number of Aboriginal children in care (and raising the age of criminal responsibility) Proposal: Media release:

08.01.2022 A productive weekend for the Social Justice Unit! #SynodWA2020

08.01.2022 Join us next Wednesday for an online dialogue for Christians, churches and mission agencies to network, exchange ideas, and create opportunities for collaboration with National Council of Churches in Australia. To find out more click below!

06.01.2022 Tomorrow. 25 September. School Strike for Climate. Global Day of Action. Be there. See below for more details!

06.01.2022 Today is International Prisoners' Justice Day. We stand together in solidarity demanding changes for a fairer and smarter criminal justice system that is based on human rights. Thanks Social Reinvestment WA for your commitment on advocating for a smart justice system. #prisonjusticeday

06.01.2022 **NEW CAMPAIGN LAUNCH** People seeking asylum and refugees need a safe, permanent home NOW so they can rebuild their lives and own their futures. The Government must immediately release refugees in immigration detention and commit to a pathway for their resettlement. It is time to end detention and give people a place to call home.... Check out this new campaign from Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) and other advocacy organisations. #TimeForAHome

05.01.2022 COVID-19 doesn't discriminate. There are 16,000 children seeking asylum without basic support during #COVID19Aus. Schools are picking up the slack. We call on Senator Anne Ruston to ensure #NoChildLeftBehind and extend safety net supports.

05.01.2022 Today is August 19th World Humanitarian Day and we're supporting Micah Australia's campaign #EndCOVIDForAll. They have created a special Instagram and Facebook mask filter for mobile that you can put on and share to your profile. You could post a selfie wearing a mask with the #EndCOVIDForAll hashtag, or a video explaining how this COVID-19 crisis risks pushing 70 million people into extreme poverty. ... For more information click the link below.

04.01.2022 This is a really encouraging announcement from the WA Government. We have been calling for a number of these initiatives along with a number of other organisations like WACOSS, Shelter WA, Tenancy WA, Renew WA, Clean State, Sustainable Energy Now, Climate Justice Union WA, and others. It is great to know that our voices are heard! We know we can achieve positive social, environmental and economic outcomes for Western Australia through strategic investment in renewable energy..., focused at those who are doing it toughest. This not only helps us recover from the COVID-19 crisis, but is a great step forward towards a broader transition away from fossil fuels. We do note, however, that this is just a start, but definitely a good start. Solar panels for 500 social housing tenants is a good start. We hope it is extended to the remaining 40,000+ in WA. Standalone power for 50 remote & regional sites and battery storage for 9 regional communities is a good start. We hope all of the 274 remote communities and hundreds of regional towns across regional areas in WA can also be included. Virtual Power Plants at 10 schools is a good start. We hope this can be rolled out to the other 1000+ schools in WA too.

03.01.2022 #SynodWA2020 has commenced! We have kickstarted the weekend off at Wesley College Perth with plenty of discussions and decision making.

02.01.2022 Last week we celebrated #NAIDOC Week! Our Country Speaks held two film festivals - one in the northern suburbs and one in the southern suburbs. Both were great events celebrating the faith and culture of Australia's First peoples through film, language, art and music.

02.01.2022 Next Monday night Sustainable Energy Now is launching their SEN Job Report for 2020. Make sure to register for the event so you don't miss out! #BuildBackBetter #covid19response #TheNewEconomy #55000cleantechjobs #westernaustralia

01.01.2022 You know there must be a skewed perspective involved if the "bold and ambitious" target refers to lowering the gas price by expanding the LNG fossil fuel industry. We are pretty sure the climate crisis calls for bold and ambitious targets to reduce fossil fuel use! The economic stimulus required by Covid-19 is a great opportunity to kickstart the transition to renewable energy.

01.01.2022 This morning we attended the official launch of Homelessness Week 2020 which begins today. Below is a video that was played at the launch demonstrating the reality of homelessness right here in Perth. We hope that these stories are heard and lead to real change. Thanks Shelter WA for shining the light on this important issue. #homelessnessweek2020

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