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to load big map

Society Maven

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to load big map

23.01.2022 I've followed @incyinteriors for a long time, (if you don't already follow them, do yourself a favour and check out their amazing products), so when I took up space inside @hiveorange and became a fellow 'Hiver' with Incy Interiors @kristywithers, naturally, I jumped at the opportunity to assist her! We sorted out one of those 'to do' list items that always seem to sit in the pile and implemented a simple streamlined filing system to help her team find what they need when th...ey need it! Thanks to my Maven - Kaytie, for her work on this project. x #collaboration #faciliation #businesssolutions #womensupportingwomen #smallbusiness #virtualassistant #societymaven

23.01.2022 When we work with you, we don't just want to tell you how something is done - we want you involved; it is the key to providing lasting change that will provide ongoing benefits to you and your business. #entrepreneur #girlboss #bossbabe #smallbusinessowner #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #supportlocal #personalassistant #virtualassistant #businesssolutions

22.01.2022 Wowsers, things are heating up and we’re getting b-u-s-y, BUSY! We’re SUPER excited to introduce you one of the Maven’s in our Society. Meet Lady Kaytie - an actual Lady! ... Kaytie has over 15 years of experience as an Executive Assistant. She has a knack for planning & organising and loves to support her clients in all of the day-to-day operations. She’s worked in both Australia & the UK and is one of the most generous people you’ll meet. She’s also ‘expert level’ in burger eating she can tell you all the best spots!

22.01.2022 Gratitude: This week has been a little manic ... but when I stopped to think about everything that went on, there are some great people that have inspired me, collaborated with me or kept me on track to achieve my personal & professional goals! It takes a village! @empirestrengthco - for the 5am workouts! So proud I got all three in this week. @phyzxpilates - for my 2 Yoga classes; helping me reset my mind, challenge my body and stretch out all the kinks!... To my beautiful, inspiring clients who entrust me with their projects! I love helping bring your vision to life and supporting your business to build upon your operational capacity. To Kaytie & Sarah; my two Maven's, your ongoing support is so valued. I am also grateful for my family and bubbles-loving gal pals who I get to enjoy life with. Happy FriYAY!!

21.01.2022 Loved spending time with the Nest Psychotherapy and Counselling team today in my home town of ! Thanks for travelling up! We’re working collaboratively with them to streamline their workflows, reduce waste by creating operational efficiencies and build upon their systems. This is a super passionate practice, I am so excited to support them to thrive! ... We’re making the complex simple. Marika xx

20.01.2022 Sometimes, all you need is another person to take a look at your problem and give you a different point of view! We help facilitate meaningful change by taking a look at all available angles, suggesting options and collaborating with you to implement process improvements to get your systems flowing smoothly. #virtualassistants #womensupportingwomen #executiveassistant #personalassistant #futurewomen #smallbusiness #girlbossau #sassyassistants #faciliate #collaborate

17.01.2022 FriYAY! What wins and challenges are you celebrating this week? In my little world today, we are celebrating my son's 6th birthday and the fabulous little human that he is. There is nothing quite like the joy of a child on their birthday and I love being swept up in his pure happiness. ... Enjoy your Friday, may it lead you merrily into a weekend filled with love, laughter and Good Times.

13.01.2022 Spring = new growth, sunshine and a riot of colour! So what better day than the first day of spring to share our new branding? But what does it all mean .... My two favourite parts of the day are sunrise and sunset. To me, sunrise represents new opportunities and hope for the day ahead; whilst sunset represents a chance to reflect on the day that has passed. This is how I approach all aspects of my life; I greet each day with enthusiasm for what may be and the people ...I will collaborate with and at the end of it reflect on the people I've been able to help and show gratitude for the many blessings within the day. The yellow arch represents sunrise/sunset over a clear blue sky whilst the pink represents the pink of the sky just as the sun kisses the clouds good morning and wishes them farewell at night. Archways also allow motion, while serving as a foundational structure and in that way, it is included to be representative of what we do at Society Maven. We provide operational administration foundations that allow the motion to occur within a business; empowering them to thrive and build their operational capacity. Big love to Jess of @ohdeardesign who brought my symbolism to life and to Athena from @heycollective for help clearing up my vision and colours. See more

11.01.2022 The lesson of the cherry tree.... 'in the Buddhist tradition, the breathtaking but brief beauty of the cherry blossoms symbolise the short-lived nature of life' (Cargile 2011). To me, it serves as a reminder that we should enjoy the moments given to us and make the most of them for, like the cherry tree, they may be shortlived ... but none the less magical. What moments are you making the most of today? Celebrate the little ones (as well as the big ones) because they're all w...orthy of being noticed. P.S This photo is from my driveway...I am lucky enough to have two of these pink beauties in my yard to enjoy each Spring. See more

11.01.2022 When your client has an amazing store & cafe with great local produce, it would be rude not to buy a few things for tonight’s dinner...right This determined business is getting on top of systems that will further support their operational capacity. Society Maven is one piece of the tribe supporting them to achieve their goals. #supportlocal #orange360 #businesssolutions

06.01.2022 Repeat after me .... "I __ [insert your name here] __ am committed to working on my mindset, taking action on the things that matter most and help me grow as a person. I will not waste the chance to develop myself and I will make sure I give 100% of myself to fulfilling my potential & being empowered to live my best life" Fun fact: I am a graduated youth mentor (and ex-high school teacher) and employ this experience when we collaborate together. I am all about Mindset and t...ruly believe that with the right mindset, you can move mountains! Here are some of my favourite tips for improving your mindset .... * GROWTH MINDSET Take a positive attitude toward learning. See areas for improvement as opportunities to develop your abilities! *PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION I preach this to the students I teach and it applies to business too: 'perfection' is a mirage. Keep progressing and you will continually achieve! * PRACTICE GRATITUDE DAILY It can be easy to get swept up in the drama of the day (or the year!), take 5 mins each day to find 3 things that you are grateful for. Don't let life pass you by without having taken the opportunity to be thankful for it. If you're unsure how to start ...then start 'local' and then go 'global'.. "I am grateful for a warm, safe place to sleep" (remember there are many out there who are experiencing worse than you). * CELEBRATE YOUR WINS AND YOUR CHALLENGES 'Failure' is that necessary thing called 'learning' .. so celebrate the 'fails' and the 'wins'. This is a nightly exercise with my children; to celebrate that we are all human, errors are made and that we can continually learn & grow. Be proud of your wins too - shout them from the rooftop! If you write your wins & challenges each day you provide yourself with source material for reflection later in the year. *ACCEPT WHAT YOU CAN'T CHANGE AND FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN* Don't rage against the world or sweat the small stuff - all it does is put a bee in your bonnet and change the energy in the room around you. Take some deep breaths and either move on, or unpack the problem and work out what you CAN do.

06.01.2022 Locals supporting locals! I feel blessed to be able to work with great local businesses everyday.

06.01.2022 It's not enough to want something different, you cannot wish it into existence! You need to implement strategies to make meaningful change - so that it is sustainable for you or your team. We work with our clients to empower them to thrive; sometimes this involves more than 'just' mapping processes & operational flow... sometimes the solutions we mentor you in are more personal. ... If you've got frustrations / headaches with your day-to-day operations I'd like to ask you this: 'If you don't change something with these vexations in the near future, what will the impact be for your business, your health, your relationships ... your life?' #bossgirl #growyourbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #womeninbusiness #entrepreneur #motivation #inspiration #business #lifestyle

05.01.2022 The Dalai Lama XIV is quoted as saying 'Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality'. So - here's to a long life! Society Maven was formed to share our expertise with you for the purpose of supporting your operational capacity. We understand systems and processes and work to design and build solutions that HELP YOU. ... #virtualsupport #businesssolutions #businessarchitects #womensupportingwomen #executiveassistant #futurewomen #smallbusiness #girlbossau #collaboration #facilitation #empower #aspire #ladystartups

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