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Sofia Women's Circle

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to load big map

25.01.2022 Not sure about you but this Spring I have an overwhelming urge to wear flowers in my hair! What is the change of season urging you to do?

25.01.2022 45 SECOND READ - So it is RU OK? day today where we are all encouraged to check in with each other to see if we are OK. How would you respond to that question? We are generally conditioned to say "good thanks" or "I am doing ok" and smile, regardless of what we are really feeling we put on our brave face and give the socially accepted response, packing our true feelings; which may be sad, angry, tired, frustrated, lost (add whatever feeling you like here) into our backpack...s and carry it around with us until the load is overwhelming. This is a two sided exchange - imagine if we did say how we truly felt, would the person asking after our wellbeing know how to accept and hold space for our response, would we feel comfortable putting that on them? Sometimes it is enough just to release the valve by acknowledging the feeling, saying it out loud to someone who truly hears you - on this day and every day ask are you ok know that its ok to not be ok but not to stay that way "Ask for help. Not because you are weak. But because you want to remain strong" - Les Brown

25.01.2022 Circle After Glow: Flowers, feathers and the feminine - a divinely feminine charged Circle last night! Ensconced with nature we co-created drawing on our strength, power, compassion, intuition and stood firm in the flow of life. We recognised that its not all love and light at all times - keeping it real we acknowledged our authenticity, vulnerabilities and sat in that truth of human frailty. I am in awe of all!!!

24.01.2022 Who remembers these? During our Sunday Circle last week, we shared the innocent joy of this childhood game to open our hearts to the qualities of the divine feminine and uncover and rediscover the essence of womanhood. Growing up I dont think we had a name for them, but some know them as chatterboxes or fortune tellers. What did you call them?

24.01.2022 Feeling overwhelmed? Need time out? Have a million thoughts swirling? Want a way forward through the internal clutter? Time to unpack the invisible backpack or handbag, sort through it, keep what serves and discard the rest. Womens Circle is a space to declutter the internal dialogue and library. 2 hours of precious wellness in a beautiful setting. Sunday Circle is held the fourth Sunday of every month - next Circle

23.01.2022 Sitting in Circle allows for this reflection to magnify as we face each other as equals and share our stories - we are the mirrors of our sisters experiences. Seeing them, hearing them and sending that support and understanding back to them. In Circle we dont take on what our sisters share, we hold space for one another and reflect and respond with wisdom. Our Sunday Circle gathers 27 September 2020 Places are limited, book yours here: Caption cred: Mitl Southey

23.01.2022 ~listen to your heart, gut and the sensations of your body ~ I am a huge proponent of listening to my gut and feel into intuition most of the time and my head and heart follow. I’ve been intensively sitting in this space over the last month with Circle holding, workshop developing and relationship serving in my daily work. Rarely do I tune in to my body apart from exercise routines and it gets me places....until this card from the Goddess Dream Oracle from @wendypaintingdre...ams has given me a different perspective..... Yesterday I was so agitated and pent up I raged around the house seeking balance...I was like the proverbial bear with a sore tooth...I couldn’t settle, I HAD to do something...the back terrace was in need of a good scrub, it had been neglected for months and was bugging me - so my body was tense, tightly wound, ready to explode....and I grabbed the cleaning products, the broom, the hose etc and got outside and scrubbed, rinsed and cleaned. Stepping back I was satisfied with the result and now upon reflection I realise I was calmer and in alignment. I had heard women speak about feeling their emotional energies in their bodies but had no real idea what that meant. Now there is a flicker of understanding. My awareness has been expanded but not as I would have usually expected! How has your awareness been expanded? Did it surprise you?

22.01.2022 We read so much about being enough, often this emotes feelings of deficit or not measuring up...coming from a place of got me thinking that being enough can also be about being too much - whichever end of the spectrum your internal dialogue takes you - embrace it and know, that for you, it is just right.

21.01.2022 Been working on some Circle prep and thinking about what gave the younger version of me joy...bushwalking today presented me with this stunning reminder.

19.01.2022 Pausing to acknowledge the beauty in my everyday

18.01.2022 Our Circle cup is full

16.01.2022 Circle ready for co-creation

16.01.2022 I just love creating the update for my tribe! Landing in inboxes soon! September Circular -

16.01.2022 HOMECOMING: Something special happens when women get together - the bonding, the chemistry, the innate understanding that we have. I have been trying to put a word to it and frankly I have not been able to find one that adequately describes the phenomena, though I see it and feel it every time I hold space for Circle. What I do know is you will feel a comfort, and a belonging - a sense of coming home. Our Sunday Circle last month was a sell out, this month, we have 1 space remaining, 23 August 5pm, I invite you to come home

15.01.2022 Another childhood joy...random interactions with animals...taking the moment to pause and connect with their uncomplicated energy. Bliss in my work day! How could I resist this gorgeous girl

14.01.2022 ~my teens were filled with uncertainty~ As a 13 year old I was moody, sensitive, self conscious and had an almost single-minded desire to belong. My body was changing faster than those in my friendship group and I was first generation Australian from a mixed european background in a small country town. I loved my quirks,that I was sporty, relished being in nature, that I had a different cultural heritage, but did not understand how to embrace this uniqueness in a world where ...the 'popular' girls decided what and who were 'in' on a daily, even hourly basis. I had an unconditionally loving and supportive family and my Mother's wisdom served me well to navigate the ever changing landscape of hormonal, emotional and bodily changes (much like menopause I guess). That being said, the unbalanced and ever shifting landscape of teenagehood was a rite of passage in itself and learnings from the school of hard knocks built resilience and a level of courage and bravery which, in adulthood, I cherish. As I give birth to a Circle based workshop series for women in the making (girls 11-14), I have paused and am reflecting on what one wisdom I would have liked to have known at age 13 as I hurtled towards transforming into the independence of young adulthood. This is where I landed: be TRUE to myself and do what FEELS right in the face of external pressures and to have a kit bag of WAYS to do that. What do you wish your 13 year old self had learned?

13.01.2022 "Let it go...let it go..." sings Elsa from Frozen. Great advice but how?? One way is to think of a role change; from being the fixer to become the supporter. September Sunday Circle inspo: LETTING GO

12.01.2022 Reconnect with your joy, become enchanted by the magic of storytelling and the comfort found in the sweet territory of silence. Sunday Circle is your balm

11.01.2022 I love sage for cleansing energy and clearing space. The smoke from the smouldering dried smudge stick is a comforting and grounding aroma. But the fragrance of my fresh homegrown sage is beyond sublime!!

11.01.2022 My beautiful Spring Equinox Circle care package has arrived from @clarefoale the heartfelt thoughtfulness of this parcel and its contents is evident in its beauty and simplicity - it shouts Spring!! I am reluctant to dismantle the wrapping but am keen to see the treasures inside! Looking forward to all that unfolds from now through Sunday night thank you so so much lovely Clare x

10.01.2022 I am a big fan of silence and the power it has.There are moments in Circle where we sit in silence. We battle with our desire to fill the space with words, but soon learn it is ok to just sit with ourselves, our thoughts and each other. And as we do, that space is filled with all kinds of stillness and inner answers. Silence isnt empty, it is full of answers. What is your relationship with silence like?

10.01.2022 The intensity of the connection multiplies when we make eye contact - it can feel awkward or uncomfortable but it is so liberating and nourishing. Try it next time, even if you are passing someone, simply make eye contact and say hi.

08.01.2022 We talk so much about being in the present moment, but how do you achieve this in your everyday? Some wisdom for you to consider making the present moment more present for you: You cannot get a breath back from your past, nor can you make a future breath come any sooner than the present moment. You will always be in the moment if you are attentive to your breath. If you would like to sit in the present moment for longer, join us in Circle on Sunday 27 September in Terrey Hills

07.01.2022 Ownership and sovereignty. The choices we make are ours and ours alone. When we own this fact we empower ourselves.

06.01.2022 Its a great day to be here - a little windy but the sun is shining and.....Its Circle Day!!!!

06.01.2022 Such glorious colours!! Happy Sunday @ St Ives Chase

05.01.2022 All gatherings of women should start with a comforting, soothing and uplifting tea ritual. Thanks to @madameflavour our Womens Circle is very well looked after!

05.01.2022 Serendipity A random encounter with this lovely lady who I had not met before which resulted in her sharing her story with me of what was present for her right now. The sister-bond is in our DNA (and dress sense too!!) I the potency of how we can hold space for each other no matter where we are or if we have even met before!

03.01.2022 Self care tip: Wear flowers in your hair and boost your mood - select a beautiful bloom or two that speaks to your soul. Jasmine is soothing and a sign of good luck, hibiscus invokes strength (often offered to the Goddess Kali). You will add to your beauty and feel uplifted. Give it a try this weekend and see how you feel! Wishing you an abundant day - you deserve it!

02.01.2022 My Mind and Spirit under control, time to get the Body back onboard to complete the trilogy! I think its good to be back @the_y_kuringgai and its always better to glow in new exercise gear thanks @abiandjoseph Does your spirit needs some attention? Come along go to Sunday Circle 27 September - its far easier than the gym and the results are immediate!!

02.01.2022 ~ in the quiet spaces I hear the whispers of the Universe ~ She sings, she signposts, she shouts out. Taking some time out to just be, to silence the mind and emotional clutter I find I can hear the whispers, notice the signposts and marvel and wonder at the synchronicity. One of the take home gifts to my women from Circle on Sunday. The mandala I coloured is an homage to the recent 7 chakra series I was blessed to co-create with @yoga.nourished and I find colouring is so resourcing and allows pathways to be gardening for the soul! @clarefoale

02.01.2022 On this day to honour our fathers or father figures - these are the qualities I value that my father shared with me and my husband offers my two sons. Feeling doubly blessed

02.01.2022 Join us for our popular Sunday Circle at Nourished Yoga - Terrey Hills 27 September 5pm-7pm

01.01.2022 Wonderful words to wake up to! Received with gratitude @clarefoale

01.01.2022 I was recently asked in an interview "which three women from history, movies or present day would you like to sit in Circle with and why?" After exclaiming only 3?? I decided on Mary Magdalene so I could hear her side of the story, Anne Boleyn as I had been to the Tower and stood where she had stood looking out at where she was to face her destiny and Gladys Berejiklian as I would like to hold space for her so she can take a moment away from taking such care of us.... So, I was wondering, if you had the opportunity, which three women would you like to sit in Circle with and why? Looking forward to your replies

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