Soils for Life in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Agriculture
Soils for Life
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 2 6273 6647
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25.01.2022 Indigenous regenerative land management is being included in an agricultural program at Geraldton TAFE alongside western agricultural practices. One of the first courses of its kind, Nyungar elder Clint Hansen is teaching the course focusing on the spiritual link to soil as a human being; "In our Indigenous First Nation culture, dirt is not dead to us". He said the content included rehydrating creeks and rivers, controlled burning in a holistic way, and regenerative agriculture using de-stress stock methods. Find out more:
25.01.2022 Pascoe and his small team of coworkers have never done a harvest like this before. Theres so much grass that both sheds are full, and Pascoe says they are racing against the clock to refine our methods so we can extract the seed and make the flour." Wonderful to see the resilience from the bushfires and the exciting future of native grains! We wish them the best of luck.
24.01.2022 Want to discuss regenerative agriculture and soils? Join the Soils For Life discussion group!
24.01.2022 Are you subscribed to our newsletter? Our August edition comes out this week, to learn about soil temperature from Charlie Maslin, how to grow soil organic matter and the new Parliamentary Friends of Soil group subscribe now!
24.01.2022 Western Landcare NSW in collaboration with OzFish Unlimited are collaborating on a re snagging project in the lower Darling River about 70kms upstream from Wentworth. Similar to the idea of slowing the flow advocated by Natural Sequence Farming and others, the project involves the putting large logs back into the river to re establish the ideal habitat for native fish to spawn and to increase the survival rate of the offspring. Logs are important for a variety of reasons: -... The logs grow biofilm an algae as food for shrimp, which native fish eat . Shrimp are extremely high in nutrients for juvenile fish - The turbulence that the logs create with running water helps native fish spawn - The logs and branches offer protection for the fish Bourkes Aint Caught Nuffin Fishing Club were successful in re-introducing 16 wooded habitats to the stretch of the Darling River along the fishing reserve below the Bourke weir. The snags increased native fish habitat, read more about the project here:
24.01.2022 This week is Landcare Australia Week! It celebrates and acknowledges the thousands of Landcare networks and groups, facilitators, and other environmental care community groups, and volunteers across Australia working on conservation and sustainable land management activities in their local area. Follow the link to find out more:
23.01.2022 Are you our next Project and Community Outreach Manager? Soils For Life are looking for someone who is passionate about sustainable agriculture and experienced in project management to join our team. You'll get to work on our Soils For Life case studies and engage with local community groups. Apply now:
23.01.2022 Dont forget to fill out the Soils For Life Survey before it closes on Friday at 5pm! It takes less than five minutes of time, and your input will help us improve our support for Australian farmers on their journey towards regenerative agriculture. Plus theres a fantastic prize to be won! Dont miss out:
22.01.2022 Have you completed the Soils For Life Survey? It takes less than five minutes and you will go into the draw to win a regenerative agriculture book pack worth around $150! Take the survey here:
22.01.2022 Maddy Pursehouses property Rothesay in Blackville NSW was the subject of an abridged Soils For Life case study last year. She is one of 21 farmers that are joining forces as a Landcare group and partnering with North West Local Land Services on the Upper Mooki Rehydration Project. The project is only one of a few in Australia that is focused on retaining water in the land, rather than only considering water supplies on the land, such as in dams, creeks and rivers.
21.01.2022 Why is sustainable beef production important to you? The Australian Beef Sustainability Framework wants to know! By completing their online survey, you can help shape the sustainability in the Australian beef industry. You only have till Friday Nov 13 to complete the survey:
20.01.2022 Want to read up on regenerative agriculture? In recent years, so many excellent books by both Australian and international experts have been published across a broad range of topics. We have compiled our five favourites here!
20.01.2022 Study regenerative agriculture! From university degrees to short courses, we have compiled a list of courses to suit you and support you on your regen ag journey. Learn more:
19.01.2022 "From the ground up- regenerative agriculture" is a short documentary by Amy Browne, telling a story of genuine change and inspiration. Interviewing trailblazers like Charles Massy, David Marsh and Charlie Maslin, the film is a comprehensive insight into regenerative farming techniques across a variety of landscapes. Watch the short documentary now:
19.01.2022 Interested in the role soil biology has in mitigating climate change? This paper by Future Directions International looks at the potential of improving soil quality, productivity and resilience by sequestering atmospheric carbon:
17.01.2022 Upper Mooki grazier rehydrating the landscape Craig Carter from our Tallawang case study has been featured in The Land for his driving force in the Upper Mooki Rehydration Project. "This rehydration project focuses on the soil profile to act like a sponge for water storage," Mr Carter said. "And unlike what Ive been doing on my property over a number of years, this project includes the whole of the catchment, so everybody gets some benefit." Learn more: ...
17.01.2022 New National Soil Advocate announced! The name of next National Soils Advocate was announced last week by the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. We welcome the appointment of the Honourable Penelope Wensley AC, the former Governor of Queensland and distinguished Australian diplomat, and look forward to working with her to carry on the work begun by Major General Michael Jeffery. Im very much looking forward to taking up the challenge of the role to raise awareness of the role of soils, to promote sustainable land management and make a tangible difference to Australian agricultural landscape conditions. Ms Wensley said. Learn more: See more
15.01.2022 Curious about regenerative agriculture but not sure where to start? Soils For Life produces case studies on Aussie farmers so you can learn what practices are working in your region. Find a case studies that will help you on your journey here:
15.01.2022 Exciting news! Today we launch our new booklet, highlighting ten projects farmers can undertake to enhance natural assets on their farms The booklet is ava...ilable for FREE to landholders in our project area. Click here to find out how to get your hands on a copy! The Ten Ways booklet is underpinned by 20 years of long-term studies on farms, & by the hundreds of conversations between farmers & our ecologists. It covers: Protecting paddock trees Looking after rivers, creeks and wetlands Improving farm dams Protecting native pastures Making a plan for managing natural assets ... and more! Copies are limited, so if you live in North East Victoria, NSW Murray-Riverina, South West Slopes or Central West, visit to find out how to get your copy.
15.01.2022 SMELLING SOIL WEBINAR As part of the Soil CRCs research program, a team at the University of Tasmania is working to develop a simple, affordable and easy to use device which will monitor the activity of soil microbial communities. This electronic nose measures something similar to an aroma fingerprint of soil and provides useful and useable information to help you monitor your soil. Following on from a farmer workshop earlier this year, Soil CRC Project Leader Dr Shane Powell and Dr Robert Hardy are holding a webinar and Q&A for people interested in this innovative new device.
14.01.2022 Wanting to build soil organic matter? Learn why there isnt a one-size-fits-all way to build up organic matter in your soil:
14.01.2022 "Once you get your soil biology happening, youve got a far greater water retention and then youve also got less of your nitrates coming out of your soils," A biological pasture improvement trial on a 3.2 hectare irrigated block increased daily milk production by 1-2L of milk per cow. Funding is being sought to extend the trial to other farms, read more here:
14.01.2022 Charlie Maslin assumed management of Gunningrah in 1987, and realised while you cannot control rainfall, you can change how you use the rain you receive. The Maslins shifted their focus from animals to the health of the land by maximising rainfall retention and improving groundcover, and therefore delivering more consistent profits and reduced inputs. On a hot day, Charlie observed a difference in soil temperature between bare soil and groundcover- watch the video to see what Charlie found.
14.01.2022 Happy National Science Week! Regenerative Agriculture uses science in a variety of ways...and at Soils For Life we engage with science in a variety of ways when working to understand the impact of regenerative agriculture in our case studies. Visit our website to find out more: #scienceweek #regenag
13.01.2022 Have you been able to keep track of all the regenerative agriculture podcasts and webinars that have sprung up in the last few months? Theres been so many good ones it has been hard to keep up! So weve collected them all in one place. Covering topics from sustainable farms to Indigenous fire management you are bound to find something thats just right for you.
13.01.2022 Congratulations to Garry Kadwell for winning the Producer of the Year award in the prestigious Delicious Harvey Norman Produce Awards! Garry's property Fairhalt is a Soils For Life case study and he’s been using regenerative practices there since the 1980s. Judge Matt Moran declared his potatoes, an older variety called Andean Sunrise, to be the best potatoes that he had ever tasted! Learn more about Garry’s achievement:
12.01.2022 In collaboration with Smartsoil, Colin Seis has developed an innovative course designed to cover all aspects of Pasture Cropping and empower farmers with the tools and methods to regenerate their perennial native grasslands and soil ecosystems. The Soils For Life team has recently revisited Winona again and will have an update to that case study coming soon! This course is for all farmers that grow grass, crops, and livestock while looking to regenerate their perennial grassland system. Find out more:
12.01.2022 Landcare Farming Program We are very excited to announce the launch of the Landcare Farming Program website. The Landcare Farming program is supported by Landcare Australia and the National Landcare Network through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. Want to know more about how you can get involved? Check it out here:
11.01.2022 Happy #AgDayAU! This National Agriculture Day we are celebrating the everyday extraordinary efforts of those who grow our food and fibre. It is also a time to recognise the amazing work of regenerative farmers . How are you celebrating our Aussie farmers?
11.01.2022 Are you subscribed to our newsletter? Our July edition comes out tomorrow, to make sure you get a copy subscribe now!
11.01.2022 Grants of between $5,000 and $100,000 are now available to support projects that help farming, forestry and fishing groups and communities increase their awaren...ess, knowledge, skills and capacity to adopt smart and sustainable practices. Through its #SmartFarms program the Australian Government is working to make Australias agriculture, fishing, aquaculture and forestry industries more sustainable, productive and profitable, while also protecting and improving the condition of our natural resourcesespecially soils and vegetation. This will not only safeguard the future of these industries but also assist in protecting Australias biodiversity, which will also benefit these businesses in the long run. Details here: Applications close 11:00 pm AEDT, 9 October 2020. National Landcare Program
10.01.2022 Dr Sarah McDonald from NSW DPI has lead a research project comparing set stocking and rotational grazing in rangeland environments: "Rotational grazing, where livestock are periodically rotated and paddocks rested, according to research in north western NSW rangeland areas, can achieve healthier environments and associated improved productivity benefits compared to set stocking." Read the full article here:
10.01.2022 Farmers Favourite Tree Challenge Is there a big tree on your property thats special to you send a photo of it to us ([email protected]) and it... may feature in the 2021 Sustainable Farms Calendar! The Challenge aims to highlight a photo of a spectacular or special tree each month in our 2021 Calendar . How to enter the challenge : Be located within our project area see map in comments below Select a fabulous tree in the landscape (the image quality is not as important as the tree itself and its story) The images will be judged on their story, meaning to the farmer and biodiversity value Submit the image and story via email, along with its location. (An image taken from your phone is fine) Prizes include: Your tree being photographed and featured in our Calendar A printed copy of your photo to hang proudly at home Closing date 5pm 14th August. Photo Credit: Kathie LeBusque
09.01.2022 What brings you to Soils For Life? Complete our short survey and you can go in the draw to win a regen ag book pack worth almost $150, including titles like Call of the Reed Warbler and For the Love of Soils. It takes less than five minutes and your input will help us improve our support for Australian farmers on their journey towards regenerative agriculture. Take the survey here:
09.01.2022 NFF - On-farm Financial Risk Management Project - National Survey The Federation has kicked off a significant project aimed at improving the financial risk management options available to Australian farmers to assist them to manage drought, natural disasters and a range of other risks. The project is multi-commodity and national in focus. If you want to shape a key building block for the future of Australias agricultural industry and represent the way regen farmers manage risk, please get involved in this survey! See more
08.01.2022 Curious about tree planting and soil preparation? SoilFutures has come up with some tips to help you ensure tree planting success, even with soil and water constraints. Find out more:
08.01.2022 As apart of National Science Week, a Virtual Australian Agricultural Science Centre has been set up to encourage school students and the broader community to learn about Science in Agriculture: School students will enter a virtual reality world and enrol on a quest. They will have the chance to watch videos from the Soil Research Centre [Soil CRC], University of New England Poultry Hub, Cotton Australia, Meat and Livestock Australia, Canberra Institute of Technology, South East Local Land Services and Charlie Arnott from The Regenerative Journey [podcast]."
07.01.2022 Are you in a farming family from the ACT and bordering NSW region? You are invited to "Resilient Farming in a Changing Climate" - a free one day forum that will showcase how farmers are making their operations more resilient. Speakers are from ANU, NSW DPI and the Emissions Reducation Fund. Learn more:
07.01.2022 Luke and Sarah Mashford live with their family on a 50,000 hectare property near Broken Hill called Katalpa Station. Soils For Life recently had our agroecologist Kirsty visit and see their work in action. Western Local Land Services made an excellent short film on Katalpa Station, highlighting how their long term change in water management had flow on improvements to the soil, groundcover and stock health. Watch the video to learn more:
05.01.2022 The Mulloon Institute s Inaugural Tony Coote AM Memorial Lecture will be presented by Allan Savory this year. Allan is founder of the Savory Institute and its holistic management initiative. With the current COVID restrictions, Allan will deliver his lecture virtually on Wednesday the 16th of September at 7:30pm. Tickets are free but bookings are essential:
05.01.2022 This week is Australian Pollinator Week, acknowledging and supporting our important pollinators Dr Doug Somerville is focused on a sustainable and profitable Australian pollination industry. He is Chair of the AgriFutures Honey Bee & Pollination Advisory Panel, learn more on how he is helping the industry become more innovative and resilient:
04.01.2022 Biochar for carbon and irrigation! It is known that biochar can reduce the need for fertiliser by enriching the soil and increases the soils capacity to soak up excess water. However, researchers have found that high level applications of biochar can not only soak up a lot of carbon- but also reduce the need for irrigation by almost 40%. Learn more:
04.01.2022 Read our latest Enews update right here!
04.01.2022 Native grasses and grains in the spotlight! Researchers hope that by combining the Indigenous knowledge of history, an understanding of native grass management and commercial production they can build a brand and market - both domestically and internationally.
03.01.2022 Just four days into the job, National Soils Advocate Penny Wensley AC met with Coordinator-General for Drought and Flood Shane Stone AC QC to talk about the cri...tical role soil health plays in agricultural productivity and our economy. Ms Wensley is an independent voice for soil health, and will work with many of the same stakeholders as the Coordinator-General, to gain a deep understanding of the priorities for conserving and improving Australias agricultural soil and landscape conditions. The Office of National Soils Advocate sit within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Our work is intertwined and this will be the first meeting of many. The Agency looks forward to working closely with Penny and her team to support innovative and sustainable farming communities for the benefit of all Australians. Soils for Life Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Australian Bureau of Agricultural & Resource Economics & Sciences (ABARES) CSIRO National Bushfire Recovery Agency National Farmers Federation NSW Farmers Victorian Farmers Federation Northern Territory Cattlemens Association NT Farmers Association Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Association WAFarmers AgForce Queensland Queensland Farmers Federation NSW Department of Primary Industries Queensland Agriculture Primary Industries and Regions SA Agriculture Victoria National Landcare Program
03.01.2022 Have you been looking for educational soil resources? We believe it is important for all children to be aware of the importance of healthy soil, to have a better understanding of natural systems and to know where food comes from. Soils For Life have collected some teaching resources prepared by the outstanding educators working in this area into one place:
03.01.2022 Have your say! Here what our survey has so far revealed about what you want from us. It shows youd like less social media and more fact sheets. Do you agree? Make sure you have your say before our survey closes this Friday. Dont forget youll be put in the draw to win a regen ag book prize pack worth $150!
02.01.2022 The Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act is currently undergoing independent review. Soils For Life made a submission that reflects a consolidated perspective from our engagement with our case study participants and the broader agricultural community interested in regenerating agricultural landscapes. This week the 124-page EPBC Interim report was released calling for a major overhaul of Australias national environmental laws. Learn more:
01.01.2022 The possibility for certification, marketing and global distribution of carbon neutral grain is one step closer. Read about the potential for regenerative farming practices to support this goal here: