Solace & Soul in Ballarat, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Solace & Soul
Locality: Ballarat, Victoria
Address: Shed 1/2b Holmes Street 3350 Ballarat, VIC
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25.01.2022 Anyone else already beginning to feel that cancerian energy as we lead up to the new moon in a few days? There’s some big and intense energies coming up to unpack and a greater need to let those feelings flow! Cancer is all about trusting and respecting your feelings. Cancer moons tend to be the most emotional so you can expect a little extra sensativity.... Allow yourself to FEEL what comes up for you, and ride it like the tides. It may feel uncomfortable, turbulent or scary at first but it’s all leading towards profound learning experiences, and when we give ourselves permission to move through our emotions, it gives us greater opportunity to grow. There’s also a lot of other planetary influences at play during this time, the swirling energy of transformation, breaking away from old ways and a revolutionary shifts occurring. Anchor to love and self-nurturing. Self-care rituals incorporating the water element will be especially soothing during these unstable times; hot bath, dip in the ocean, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. We are being supported to look at ourselves and our life on a deeper level because this potent moon energy is available to us, encouraging us to do more than just scratch the surface, so dive deep, you are ready for this! See more
24.01.2022 New beginnings are right around the corner #moreonthatlater, but first reflecting on how this little space came to be after 6 full months of renovations in early 2019. I seem to have this innate gift of seeing potential in the most run down and neglected of places, transforming them into places of comfort, safe sanctuary and somewhere that allows a moment to breathe. As a visionary, I held onto the potential of what I knew this little shack could and would become. her into tangible form didn’t come without a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and moments of teetering on the edge of throwing it all in, but we still somehow managed to put one foot in front of the other, overcoming our fair share of hurdles along the way, to gave this space new life. I am still in awe of all that she’s become and all that‘s transpired over the last year because of this space. My heart filled with gratitude for those who have been part of this journey so far, it’s been such an honour to share sacred space with you! Xx See more
23.01.2022 Hello beauties, how have you been? what has been delighting your soul lately? It’s hard to believe the contrast we have experienced and witnessed in 2020! I have definitely felt some big shifts as we’ve moved through different seasons, phases and changes. I’ve started to dabble in and explore new energetic landscapes, fully immersing in creative flow, allowing myself to be guided from a deeper soul level.... I’ve been feeling huge waves of abundance rolling in, not from a money stand point but from the wonderful blessings of life. I’m allowing myself to be open to receive, and my gratitude for even the smallest and simplest of things is mounting. I’ve been connecting with some dear souls over the past few weeks, helping bring some incredible side projects to life, as well as lots of co-creations and collaborations in the talks for 2021! The opportunities and possibilities feel both expansive and intriguing, so I’m looking forward to seeing how things unfold. On top of all that, I’ve also been intuitively channeling and hand crafting some exciting new intentional products for the Solace shop, which I’ll be releasing over the coming months! With this renewed energy and lots of new seeds being planted, it reminds me of the Indian proverb All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. May you plant seeds of love, hope, joy, truth, passion, and all that aligns you to your highest good, tapping into your own wondrous and infinite potential. Sending big love to you See more
22.01.2022 The new moon in Virgo graces us tonight! Our strong and grounding earth sign calls for us to take root. I’ve been setting my intentions, and taking time to sow new seeds. I am open and ready to receive, welcoming growth and abundance. I reclaim my power and make space for new opportunities. My spirit renewed. ... The moon is a beautiful reminder that we are magical and whole. I invite you to flow with her feminine energy, to reawaken your soul. We are all of us wanderers, Chasing moonbeams, Our hearts full of wonder, Our souls drowsy with dreams. Ramblings of the Claury See more
19.01.2022 It feels like it’s been a while since I last popped in here (it hasn’t been that long at all really), so much has happened yet at the same time nothing at all either. Second week into lockdown for the second time and normally I’m a stickler for making sure I don’t fill my calendar and daily life with too many things to do, because I’m a big believer in allowing space for each day to flow in a more natural rhythm, instead of living the hustle life.. But with the extra du...ties of facilitating home schooling and having more of my days filled with the sweet demands of 3 young boys, it’s meant less time for filling my cup or doing more of the things that fuel my soul. So today, I’m carving out some time for ritual giving myself permission to slow down, a moment to catch my breath and reconnect with Self. How have you been navigating the ebbs and flows of the current climate? I hope you are staying well. Remember to go easy and be gentle with yourself, always! Sending lots of love xx See more
18.01.2022 Wow the last couple of weeks has flown by and now stage 3 restrictions are back for regional Victoria. I initially became overwhelmed and had an instant reaction of wanting to cry, but I quickly found myself in mama mode, holding space for my three boys to express their fears and emotions as the official notice came in about the restrictions coming back into effect, which also meant they’d be back to remote learning, when they wanted nothing more than to be at school! L...ast time it took such a mental toll on the kids and also myself if I’m honest. It was heartbreaking to witness, experience and navigate through, but I’m definitely feeling more hopeful, more capable and more supported this time around. I know there will be days that are easier and others that are more challenging, but I’m trusting and letting go of the need to control or bring ‘order’ to the madness and just take things gently with each moment. Of course when it comes to Solace & Soul, the health and wellbeing of our community is most important, so all in person gatherings will be postponed until it is safe to be within physical presence once again. We are all in this together and you’re certainly not alone, so if at anytime you find yourself struggling, please know you can reach out to me any time. Take care beautiful souls and stay well! Sending lots of love, Fiona xx See more
17.01.2022 We are getting ready to open the doors to Solace & Soul next week and I’m super excited! I would love for you to join our Rise, Release, Reconnect Full Moon Circle on Thursday 1st of October at 7:00pm To find out the details and to book your spot, please head to the website Can’t wait to gather with you all again soon xx : : @
17.01.2022 New studio vibes! There’s still a bit to do but it’s nice to see how it’s all coming together! Then there’s the half of the studio that’s still a mess!... We are waiting on the rest of our flooring to arrive (fingers crossed this coming Thursday) but in the meantime today’s job is to keep clearing and start building the cabinetry Loving it so far, let me know what you think? xx See more
17.01.2022 These babes have really needed a lot more support from me lately. There’s a part of me that feels overwhelmed because I have soo many other things that require my attention, but I realised that it’s okay for some things to wait, as other things become more of a priority. What we were once used to doing with such ease, now feels like a struggle to even do at all. I have to remind myself to be flexible, to trust, to surrender, rather than cracking and crumbling from the rigi...dness of my own expectations. The restrictions and limitations that I’m particularly feeling weighed down by, are actually that of my own internal struggle to do it all and have it all together, when really it’s okay if I don’t. Life is fluid, things change from moment to moment, we won’t always have answers or solutions and not everything is in our control. At times it will feel like we’re doing things all ‘wrong’, or we clunk and thud our way through the heaviness of those relentless days but these moments of vulnerability are endearing, it makes us stronger, more capable, braver and more resilient as human beings. As we continue to intuitively charter our way through these murky waters, anchor to love and remember to be gentle, kind and compassionate towards your Self, always! And so I leave here with this beautiful little reminder .. "When your world moves to fast and you lose yourself in the chaos, introduce yourself to each color of the sunset. Reacquaint yourself with the earth beneath your feet. Thank the air that surrounds you with every breath you take. Find yourself in the appreciation of life." - Christy Ann Martine Stay well beauties See more
17.01.2022 The full moon in the sign of Pisces offers a time to soften to any resistance we may be feeling so that we can release and surrender fully! The moon governs our inner voice, our feelings, our subconscious, and our emotional instincts. On the other side, the sun governs our identity, our ego and our sense of self. With our full moon in the sign of Pisces and the opposing sun in the sign of Virgo, these two powerful energies together ask us to create a better balance bet...ween our heads and our hearts. We are being encouraged to recalibrate and rebalance the mystical with the practical, the ethereal with the substantial and the otherworldly with the mundane. If you are feeling at odds with yourself, spend some time meditating to see where your head and heart are out of alignment with one another, remember to stay gentle with yourself if things feel messy or emotional. This moon reminds us that vulnerability and strength come hand in hand, and that we are one with the flow of life. This is an opportunity for us to allow ourselves to be an open channel to receive wisdom, awareness, clarity and guidance. This is a highly personal and awakening full moon cycle, the energy is here for you; to guide you, to support you, to teach you and to help you come home to your Self Biggest full moon blessings to you xx See more
16.01.2022 Hello beauties, how have you been? what has been delighting your soul lately? It’s hard to believe the contrast we have experienced and witnessed in 2020! I have definitely felt some big shifts as we’ve moved through different seasons, phases and changes. I’ve started to dabble in and explore new energetic landscapes, fully immersing in creative flow, allowing myself to be guided from a deeper soul level.... I’ve been feeling huge waves of abundance rolling in, not from a money stand point but from the wonderful blessings of life. I’m allowing myself to be open to receive, and my gratitude for even the smallest and simplest of things is mounting. I’ve been connecting with some dear souls over the past few weeks, helping bring some incredible side projects to life, as well as lots of co-creations and collaborations in the talks for 2021! The opportunities and possibilities feel both expansive and intriguing, so I’m looking forward to seeing how things unfold. On top of all that, I’ve also been intuitively channeling and hand crafting some exciting new intentional products for the Solace shop, which I’ll be releasing over the coming months! With this renewed energy and lots of new seeds being planted, it reminds me of the Indian proverb All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. May you plant seeds of love, hope, joy, truth, passion, and all that aligns you to your highest good, tapping into your own wondrous and infinite potential. Sending big love to you See more
14.01.2022 Still feeling the potency of the Full Moon circle we had last weekend! We dived deeper, reconnecting and awakening the soul, planting transformative seeds, and releasing with fire. It was certainly powerful, thanks to this Scorpio season peeling back the layers and illuminating our depths. The focus on how far we’ve come and not how far we have to go. Shifting perspective, allowing, honouring and anchoring deeper into self love and self compassion. I’m currently looking the calendar and oh how the end of the year is fast approaching. I have just popped new gatherings dates & deets on our website, which may also potentially be the last gatherings for this year This is your sacred opportunity to join a soul nourishing circle experience Full Moon Ceremony + Gathering on the 29th November @ 7:00pm A beautiful, half day immersive New Moon Candle Crafting Experience + Gatherings on the 13th December @ 1:00pm I know December can be a crazy time of year with lots extra things popping up, it can be a little more difficult to plan ahead, so I may offer a few more gatherings in between but at this stage I’m not 100% sure! Head to the website for all the details and to book your space Look forward to gathering with you soon xx
14.01.2022 There is something magical about turning unappealing spaces into something wonderful. It's not about making them perfect, rather intentionally weaving the imperfections in as though they belonged there all along. I've always been able to see the potential in the most run down of places, transforming them and giving them new energy and life.... This space still needs a lot of love but it will become remedy for the soul, keeping a raw and unpolished feel to this studio will be a homage to it's warehouse roots, and in some ways a reflection of our own beauty, despite the imperfections that come with our humanness. This studio will be a place for growth and a retreat from the every day. Here’s a snippet of the very first stages - second coat on the feature wall, paint on the roof beam, new flooring, lighting and all the finishing touches still to come! #warehouseconversion #transformation #studioreno #soulremedy #growth #retreat #solaceandsoul See more
12.01.2022 The studio is one of my most favourite places, with those amazing sun beams streaming in, it’s medicine for the soul We’ve spent the last few days here getting some more steps of the reno finished for the newest Solace space! Hubby has been busy turning my crazy ideas into reality, constructing dual use tables, inspired by a boho style picnic set up, that also double as a cozy chill corner check out this little sneak peak!... We are pretty close to finishing the last of those little details, so I can’t wait to reveal more soon I’ve also been getting a few more things organised in preparation for our New Year + Crystal Grid Crafting Experience coming up next week! There’s still a few spots available if you’d like to join me for our first gathering for 2021, more details and to book your spot Hope you have a wonderful week ahead, stay safe xx
10.01.2022 I’ve been working mostly from home since March, while navigating lockdown and remote learning with my 3 babes. The plan this year was to finish our vintage van reno Haven, but with so much upheaval in the the last 6 months, and the need to reprioritise our family, Haven’s a fair way from being complete. She’s still nestled next to the studio, and our plan to turn her into a soul-filled, office, comfy small group gathering space and 1:1 session space stays the same, but in the... meantime while we get back into renovate her, I have created a little office space for myself at the studio. I think this little space has come up pretty nice and I can’t wait to spend more of my days here. I’m also definitely excited to be returning to circle next week and to start breathing life back into this space with our soul community. We still have a few spots available for our ‘Rise, Release, Reconnect a Full Moon Ceremony’ so head to to find out all the details and to book your spot. I can’t wait to gather with you all again soon! Have a wonderful week beauties xx
09.01.2022 We must support more diversity within womxn’s circles it’s how we learn, how we expand our knowledge, how we cultivate our understanding, how we grow acceptance, and how we form a foundation for inclusivity and belonging! There needs to be more space for this kind of diversity within our communities. Holding space for womxn to deepen their wisdom through stories from all cultural backgrounds, ancient teachings, life experiences, stages, ages and all walks of life where... we aren’t defined by caste, creed, colour, race, status, sex, size, shape or age, but rather acknowledging that we are all divine and sacred beings, while honouring our unique differences and individual human experiences. The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people and there is great value, power and healing for each of us. We are neither above or below, here or there, this or that, we are simply on a journey to learn, heal, grow and share love. Questions I’m often asked about circle.. Can anyone take part in your circles? Can I come if I’ve never done this kind of thing before? Am I still welcome because of my age? The answer is simple.. YES!! If you are feeling called.. YES!! We encourage and celebrate all womxn at Kindred+Create and would love for you to join us, no matter your background or where you’re at in your journey, know that you are and always will be welcome here! See more
09.01.2022 Navigating lockdown 2.0 with 3 boy who don’t seem to understand the concept of calm has certainly got my senses running wild. Man am I missing this sacred sanctuary, with its light woven moments, but more importantly I miss connecting with you all in sacred space! Witnessing the stories of growth and love, the profound discoveries and changes, the synchronicities and ALL the incredible moments that transpire here in this space, but really the studio is made of the magic... of the people and not just the place itself. So while the doors may be closed, there is still so much opening and flowing beyond this little studio, in the most awe-inspiring ways throughout our community! It is you that I see creating waves and staying strong through these uneasy times I’m holding on to the magic with hope, and looking forward to the time we can gather together once again, connecting, sharing, and enjoying sips of heart warming herbal tea. It will be so special to have you all back in the Solace space, but in the meantime, sending huge amounts of love from my heart to yours! Be gentle on yourself through these crazy times, and today’s reminder there’s no need to have your life all figured out or your sh*t together all the time, sometimes all you need to do is just take a moment to breathe! So whether your powering on or struggling to stay afloat, know that; you are capable, you are strong, you are loved, you are valued, you are supported and you are ALWAYS enough! Stay well darling hearts, be kind (to yourself first) and I can’t wait to see you all soon xx See more
08.01.2022 I am super excited to be sharing this special offering with you!! New Year Ritual + Crystal Grid Crafting Experience, Sunday 10th of January 2021, 1:00pm at the Solace & Soul studio. This self-explorative and creative gathering uses the art of crafting and the magic of gathering in sacred space to set an energetic foundation that will support you throughout the new year ahead. Let's be honest, we have all endured our own unique set of challenges in 2020, and our nervous sys...tems have been left feeling a little worn out, as we rode the waves of this years unexpected events. I invite you to gently transition into the new year with a more tender approach. This gathering provides an opportunity for you to gift yourself the space required to plant new seeds of opportunity and possibility. Held in a safe, nourishing and sacred container, I will take you through this potent, yet soul soothing experience. Journeying into your heart, connecting to your intuition and when combining the energy of crystals with sacred geometry, you’ll create a mirror for your soul, activating and alchemising the energy you desire to call forth and encompass in 2021. Your divinely channeled art piece will become your scared and powerful blueprint to keep with you as your guiding light throughout the year. This gathering has been designed to be a beautiful, immersive and healing process. Rather than focusing on resolutions, goals, or need-to-achieve lists, you will be diving into your deeper soul desires by anchoring to your inner wisdom, and mapping out your year by the way you desire to FEEL. Are you ready to explore and alchemise your energy for 2021? Special early bird offer available, so head to the website for all the details and to book your spot If this is an experience you would love to gift to someone for Christmas, please feel free to get in touch and I can arrange a special invitation/gift card with the details, for you to give your recipient. I can’t wait to share this sacred experience with you, Fiona xx
08.01.2022 In all honesty yesterday I struggled to string any words together, I know for me personally as we begin to transition from one year to the next, I was yet to process the year past and could not even begin to fathom what might be for the year ahead. I know comfort and clarity lay in ritual, so that is where I turned last night for the last full moon of 2020, taking a moment for personal introspection, reflecting, honouring, releasing, creating space and simply anchoring to the... present moment. A lot still feels hazy but I know that is just where I am meant to be right now. We don’t always have to know everything, or have all the answers we seek, rather just allowing the things that are meant for us to reveal themselves at the right time, and being delighted with even the prospect of new and wondrous possibilities that may lay ahead. I invite you to gently transition into the new year with a more tender approach, without the pressure to be writing goals, working on resolutions or figuring out five year plans or a need-to-achieve lists. It’s okay to stay present, stay gentle, stay kind. Thank you for all your support and the moments that made 2020 a wonderful year, I look forward to creating more magic and seeing you all in the new year! Big love to you, Fiona xx
07.01.2022 As we enter into this new year, let’s do so with a more softer approach because let’s face it, most of us are still trying to process the past year and in someways don’t even know what to think and feel about the year ahead.. I encourage you to ditch the resolutions, goals, five year plans or need-to-achieve lists, instead I invite you to start the year gathering in a safe, nourishing and sacred circle experience. This is an opportunity for you to gift yourself some much need...ed space, a moment to reconnect with Self and your intuition, anchoring to the present, as you begin to re-emerge. I will support you in opening your heart, expanding your awareness, and exploring the way in which you desire to FEEL for this coming year (don’t worry if you have no idea how you want to feel just yet, that’s what this process will help you uncover). I will guide you through a beautifully immersive circle, weaving together ritual elements and taking you through the process of creating your very own crystal grid art piece that will become a sacred and powerful tool to keep with you, acting as your guiding light throughout the year. Join me on Sunday 10th January, 1:00pm at the Solace & Soul studio for a soul enriching and sacred afternoon, one that fills up your cup. For more details about this gathering please head to the website or if you have any questions please reach out, otherwise I look forward to seeing you there! Xx
06.01.2022 Hello Beautiful One, I introduce you to the humble home of Solace & Soul, a new energetic unfolding, one that’s more aligned with the soul medicine I’ve been called to share with the world. It is here, that I will hold space for womxn to deepen their connection to Self and others by harnessing the sacred powers of circle, witnessing and allowing women to truly be seen and heard, sharing in ritual and ceremonial experiences, and providing diverse offerings through co-cre...ation and collaboration. It’s important for me to create a safe and comforting space (even beyond the physical) for womxn to be, to discover, to heal, and to grow I’m excited to share the website is now live, so feel free to head on over and have a wander around! - It’s certainly been a journey over the last few weeks to make this transition from Kindred to Solace but I’m definitely trusting the ebbs and flows that come with unexpected change. I have also planned something super exciting for our first gathering as Solace & Soul, on the 22nd August 2020 @ 2:00pm. It will be a relaxed and sacred afternoon, beautifully immersive and wonderfully soul nourishing, I would love for you to join me - (numbers are strictly limited) Thank you all so much for your support, I’m looking forward to sharing more with you soon Big Love Always, Fiona xx See more
05.01.2022 I’ve definitely been rocking the mum bun, had the tired eyed look and have been wearing track pants practically every day for the last month! But today I put on a face and let my hair down, because I seriously needed to mix it up a bit! I’ve definitely felt the energy shift with the season changeSpring has arrived to awaken our wintery souls, the sun has been shining it’s beautiful light beams for the last few days and this overall feeling of growth and expansion has me fe...eling re-energised. For me Spring is a reminder of hope, it breaths new life into the world around us, its a fresh start, a new beginning, and it’s proof that change can be pretty incredible. I’m definitely welcoming these refreshing spring vibes after what felt like such a long and weary winter, what about you? See more
05.01.2022 Words to inspire
04.01.2022 With restrictions beginning to ease in regional Victoria, it feels so nice to be back planning our next gathering at Solace & Soul. It won’t be for another few weeks, as I want to allow time for things to settle a little bit more before gathering again, but it’s certainly offering some much needed hope and excitement, with something to look forward to. We will be easing back on Thursday 1st October @ 7:00pm for a full moon ceremony. ... Gathering together to deeply connect and share our stories under the light of the Aries full moon. I will hold safe and loving space, guiding you through soulful conversation, a mini meditation and extend opportunity for further guidance through oracle cards. This will be your sacred time to replenish your soul and enjoy some delicious herbal tea with great company. Of course we will be implementing our Covid safe plan at the studio and have all the necessary protocols in place, but if you have any further questions please reach out. Tickets via the website In the meantime, stay well and be gentle with your Self, I look forward to seeing you soon FULL MOON CIRCLE DETAILS Facilitated by Fiona When: October 1st at 7:00pm 2020 Where: Solace & Soul Studio - Shed 1, 2b Holmes Street, Ballarat. Tickets : $35.00 See more
04.01.2022 New studio vibes! I can’t wait to share this space with you beauties, she’s brightly lit with high ceilings, wood look flooring and intentional details to bring calm and balance to this sometimes chaotic world. I love how she’s come together and been given a new lease of life. For a warehouse conversion she’s certainly come up a treat, it’s all her little imperfections that make her perfect and are a part of her character.... To say I’m super excited for all the magical moments to be had here, in this space is definitely an understatement
03.01.2022 I really miss connecting with women in physical space, I miss the fierce and sweet embrace that comes from the feminine presence and more than anything the human spirit cannot survive by being disconnected from one another. Women circles remind us that we are not alone, so this time of iso has been particularly unsettling and I’m not going to lie, at times it has felt lonely, relentless and never ending. I’ve had my own personal challenges arise and although there has b...een some incredible breakthroughs there has also been some deeply low points when I felt like I had no way to unload some of the heaviness. I’ve sat in fear of expressing my emotions and have pushed them down to avoid confrontation. I’ve been carrying the weight of being or appearing strong so that things don’t fall apart. Carrying this burden of always being strong, has started to crack and break under the pressure. But I realised it’s okay not to be strong all the time and I don’t have to hide or appear ‘okay’ when I’m struggling or feeling low. We weren’t created to fit ourselves into boxes or be wrapped into nice little packages that look wonderful from the outside. The human experience is vulnerable, it’s hard and it can break us into a million pieces, so we have to navigate through all it’s facets especially the messy ones, with self-compassion and grace. Turning to people for support is sometimes the hardest part of it all, it can feel like we’re burdening others, but I want to encourage you to spark a conversation, because chances are others are feeling it too. And also just an important remember You are still worthy when you don’t feel strong. You are still loveable when you don’t feel strong. You are still whole when you don’t feel strong. You are still enough when you don’t feel strong. Sending lots of love to you darling hearts, please take care, look after one another and stay well! #areyouokay #areyouokayday
03.01.2022 I’ve always be a maker for as long as I remember, so lately I’ve been experimenting and crafting some ritual candles that include an intuitive selection of crystal energy, botanical elements and a unique fragrance. With the restrictions we have here in Victoria, and most of our time spent at home, making my home a sacred sanctuary for the soul has never been more important. I’ve been turning to ritualistic tools to help support myself during this time in iso, and I’ve a...lso been wanting to do something tactile for myself, so this was the perfect opportunity to get crafting. Candles are one of my most favourite ways to weave in sacred ritual and to create the perfect atmosphere. A flickering candle soothes a restless mind and evokes coziness and warmth, it also helps me reconnect and brings an energetic balance to my home. What ways you have been bringing a little sacredness to your home lately? Share with me below See more
01.01.2022 This was the first Chrissy without hubby and the kids and although I was surrounded by my extended loved ones, it certainly felt a bit different. Nonetheless, it was still a wonderful day filled with lots of love and gratitude for those precious humans I’m blessed to call family and share my life with. I’ll keep it quick but I just wanted to jump on here to wish you all a wonderful and safe Chrissy, new year and all round holiday season!... Endless amounts of love and blessings to you and all your loved ones, Fiona xx
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