Solari & Stock in Miranda, New South Wales, Australia | Estate planning solicitor
Solari & Stock
Locality: Miranda, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 8525 2700
Address: Level 2, 12 Central Road 2228 Miranda, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 Introducing Our Team Nicole Quirk Family Law Solicitor Nicole joined Solari & Stock Lawyers in November 2017. She is an experienced and passionate Family Lawyer having practised exclusively in Family Law for over 20 years. She is an Accredited Specialist in Family Law, a qualified Family Law Collaborative Lawyer and a qualified Independent Childrens Lawyer.... Nicole understands the dynamics of Family Law matters, and the importance of resolving matters in a timely manner, so as to avoid the impact of conflict on the parties current and future relationships. Nicole has experience in all aspects of Family Law matters including divorce, financial disputes, parenting cases, spousal maintenance, child-support matters, de-facto relationships, matters involving complex financial issues and valuation matters, superannuation issues and the preparation of Financial Agreements. Nicole is a confident Advocate appearing in all Family Court jurisdictions including the Family Courts, Federal Circuit Courts and various other local courts across Sydney. Nicole is passionate about assisting clients to resolve their financial and parenting matters following their separation. She provides her clients with honest, practical and realistic advice as to their likely outcomes with a view to resolving their matter in a timely and cost-effective manner. She has a number of connections with other professionals such as valuers, accountants, financial advisers, social workers and psychologists which can assist in the resolution of disputes. Fun Fact: I am a big nerd at heart. I like board games, jigsaw puzzles the Star Gate series, Reality TV, trips to the country and weekend time with the family. I have been spotted daggy dancing at 80s night- outs with some of the school mums! (Pre-Covid19 of course!)
24.01.2022 Who gets what? How do we sort everything out and decide on a division of our assets? With about 1 in 3 Australian marriages ending in divorce almost everyone knows someone who has been involved in the breakdown of a marriage or a de facto relationship. Not surprisingly this often results in rumours about what each party is entitled to receive. ... Rumours such as the wife has the kids so shes entitled to 70% of everything or if the wife has the kids then she gets to keep the house, or both parties are working so things should be divided 50/50 are almost always inaccurate and can result in much confusion and angst.
23.01.2022 A recent Queensland case highlighted the dangers of undertaking your own estate planning and preparing a do it yourself will.
23.01.2022 Introducing our Team Karina McDougall-Commercial Law Solicitor Karina McDougall is a senior solicitor practising in the areas of general commercial law, intellectual property, compliance, and commercial litigation. ... Karina has had more than 16 years experience providing advice on a broad range of general commercial and intellectual property matters and acting for commercial parties and insurers in disputes concerning commercial and property transactions. Karina has worked in top-tier law firms and as a senior legal advisor for both a multi-national finance company and a well-known technology company. Karina also established her own independent legal practice in 2014 and practised as a sole principal for more than 2 years. She has acted for corporations, government organisations, insurers and developers in disputes regarding infrastructure assets, commercial agreements, finance arrangements, trade practices, insurance, negligence and fraud. During her time as an in-house legal advisor, Karina successfully drafted and negotiated a multitude of complex commercial and IP licensing agreements, and managed numerous large-scale commercial, intellectual property and securities transactions. Karina also developed and implemented robust and enduring compliance programs in relation to trade practices, anti-money laundering and privacy laws. She has had extensive experience dealing with regulators and was also the Privacy Officer for the Australian and New Zealand operations of a multi-national technology company. Karina puts emphasis on formulating sound legal strategies and solutions with a strongly driven practical and commercial focus in order to consistently produce both exceptional results and significant cost-savings for her clients. She promises to always ensure the best legal and commercial outcome by taking into account her clients commercial objectives and interests, and by providing clear and concise advice without the legal jargon. Karina holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons I) from The University of Technology Sydney, a Bachelor of Science from the University of Sydney and is a member of the Law Society of New South Wales. Fun fact: Karina loves horses and when she was younger aspired to be an equine veterinarian; in her spare time Karina likes to draw and paint, and hopes to one day write and illustrate a childrens book.
23.01.2022 We have decided to separate. I want to sort out a property division as soon as possible. Do I have to be divorced first?
23.01.2022 How can I protect my personal assets in the event of business failure in these difficult times? The severe economic impact caused by the Coronavirus and consequent shutdowns of parts of the economy at very short notice has resulted in many businesses suffering financially or having to close permanently. This has highlighted the need for business operators to focus on their asset protection strategies.
22.01.2022 How are de facto relationships dealt with? This can be an issue when the deceased did not write a will clearly expressing their intentions towards family and friends. A de facto spouse may have to first prove that they were, indeed, the de facto partner of the deceased....
21.01.2022 The Christmas holiday period often places additional pressure on families who are going through separation. Our Family Law team has come up with the following New Year’s Resolutions for those couples who are going through separation #familylaw #separation #solariandstock #Resolutions
21.01.2022 Did you know you may be in a de facto relationship even if you dont live together all the time? Under the Family Law Act, a de facto relationship is when two people are not legally married or related by family and have a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis. However, in applying this law, the Court has found that you could be in a de facto relationship even if you dont share a home together all of the time and even if you have not lived together for two years.
21.01.2022 We don't really own much but my ex has a large superannuation entitlement when he retires. Can it be divided? #superannuationsplitting #familylaw #separation #solariandstock
20.01.2022 The current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to give consideration to incorporating clauses in contracts to cover situations where supply chains may be impacted and/or restrictions are imposed on a party to a contract which may prevent them from being able to perform their obligations under the contract.
20.01.2022 The State Revenue Legislation Further Amendment Act 2020 No.14 has introduced a new section 104JA to the Duties Act 1997 No.123 (new Act) designed to strengthen New South Wales’ revenue base. The new Act clarifies when a trustee of a discretionary trust is liable for surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax (Surcharge Taxes). Surcharge Taxes are ordinarily payable when a foreign person acquires NSW residential land. When a trust holds an interest in NSW residential... land and one of the potential beneficiaries is a foreign person, Surcharge Taxes will be payable. #discretionarytrusts #willsandestates #solariandstock
19.01.2022 Solari and Stock were recently invited to participate in the Family Owned and Operated feature in The Sutherland Shire Leader. The Family Owned and Operated feature celebrates and highlights family businesses in the St George and Sutherland Area..and we were proud to participate in this initiative.
19.01.2022 The COVID-19 Leasing Code of Conduct in Action In a recent court case in the Supreme Court of New South Wales the application of the Leasing Code of Conduct for the COVID-19 pandemic was called into action. #COVID19 #Leasing #commerciallaw
19.01.2022 Introducing Our Team Michael Solari-Director Michael was admitted as a solicitor in 1980 and has been working in private practice continuously since then. ... Michael has had extensive experience in relation to large litigation matters in various Courts including several matters in the High Court of Australia and numerous matters in the Supreme and District Courts, Family Court and most other courts and tribunals in New South Wales. Michael has acted for numerous large organisations including Australian subsidiaries of large multi-national corporations, Australia wide public corporations, a Local Government Council, a franchisor for a large growing franchise network, numerous small business operators and many individuals. Michael has assisted many people in structuring their personal affairs and guiding them in relation to the preparation of their Wills, Powers of Attorney and Guardianships, including co-ordinating and implementing detailed and complicated estate planning. Due to Michaels unique and broad range of experience he is able to assist clients in a wide range of matters and is able to impart this experience to other lawyers in the firm in the conduct of their matters. Michael enjoys sharing with clients in achieving their goals, whether they be buying or selling businesses, business documentation, making appropriate provisions in Wills for family members to resolving complex commercial or family law issues. Michaels main areas of practice today are: Business & Commercial Law Franchising (for franchisors and franchisees) Business structures (trusts, companies, etc) and business documentation Wills, Estate Planning & Deceased Estates Commercial Litigation Property Residential, Industrial & Commercial Commercial & Industrial Leasing Fun fact outside of work Michael spends time on the golf course at New South Wales Golf Club at La Perouse and has organised many a holiday around golf course destinations around the world. He is a dedicated Cronulla Sharks supporter although it doesnt do his health any favours suffering plenty of stressful moments-particularly in the last minute or so of the 2016 grand final when the porch light was finally turned off!
18.01.2022 When calculating the value of the assets available for division between parties, the court may take into consideration any capital gains tax (CGT) implications of asset disposal. #capitalgainstax #familylaw #propertysettlement #solariandstock
18.01.2022 Many families have found the global pandemic as particularly stressful. Both parents and children are very anxious about the situation at this time. Parents are facing the stress of money and health worries in the pandemic, as well as the normal stresses and pressures that arise from raising children generally. The Family Law Section have prepared a list of "The Top Ten Guide for Separated Parents During Covid 19" and we thought we would like to share a summary of their list with you.
18.01.2022 R U OK?Day is Thursday 10 September 2020. Its our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? if someone in your world is struggling with lifes ups and downs.
18.01.2022 A question that new Family Law clients often ask is: "Do I have to disclose my financial circumstances to my former partner?" For some people this obligation can pose real issues. ... The article below dives into the extent of the requirement for disclosure and the basis of this obligation.
18.01.2022 Photo by Mona Eendra on Unsplash
18.01.2022 IS A LANDLORD OF A PROPERTY LIABLE IF SOMEONE IS INJURED BECAUSE OF AN INHERENT DEFECT IN THE PROPERTY? It is commonly accepted that a landlord owes a tenant of a property a duty of care to protect them from any reasonably foreseeable risks associated with the property. #landlord #dutyofcare #solariandstock
17.01.2022 Introducing our Team Adrian Stock-Family Law, General Litigation, Wills and Estates Adrian commenced his career in the legal industry in 2019.... Whilst working part time in a variety of management roles Adrian completed a Bachelor of Commerce in 2011 and a Bachelor of Law in 2014 both at the University of Wollongong. Following the completion of his studies he founded and operated his own business for several years, providing invaluable experience before joining the team at Solari and Stock. Adrian applies his practical knowledge of business to assist his clients in resolving their matters in the most commercially efficient manner. Ensuring he takes the time to listen to his clients needs and goals, Adrian advises them on the most practical and cost-effective solution available to them. Whilst predominantly practicing Family Law, Adrian also assists in other areas such as strata, leasing and wills and estates. Adrian is a member of the Law Society of New South Wales and is admitted to the roll of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and High Court of Australia. Fun fact: Adrian has many varied interests, with his love of travel taking him to many corners of the world, managing to completely fill his passport with his adventures! His passion for cooking would be a close second to his love of travel as well as training in Brazilian Jujitsu. #familylaw #SolariandStock
17.01.2022 Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash
16.01.2022 As a part of the Sutherland Shire Leader Family Owned and Operated feature published this week, Solari and Stock were also invited to take part in a podcast recording which again highlights family businesses within the St George and Sutherland Area. The Podcast is hosted by Kirsten Taylor-Martin who is an accredited family business advisor with Family Business Australia and Family Firm Institute. Kirsten specialises in assisting family businesses with inter generational chang...e, governance structures and tax structuring and asset protection. We would like to thank Kirsten for her time and the Leader for supporting Australian Family Businesses. To listen to the Solari and Stock podcast click on the Sound Cloud link below #familybusiness #familyownedandoperated #solariandstock #sutherlandshirebusiness
16.01.2022 Do All Family Law Matters Have To Go To Court? Short answer is no! Statistics show that approximately 85% of family law disputes are resolved without the Court being required to make any decision. In other words, people have been able to reach agreement between themselves and have only used the Court services to formalise that agreement by filing their Consent Orders.... Further, of the cases that are filed with the Court for determination, only approximately 2% of those cases actually proceed to a final determination by a Judge. The remaining 13% of cases are settled after the case has been filed in Court but before final determination by a Judge.
16.01.2022 The Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court have responded exceptionally well to the COVID-19 situation. They have been innovative in their response to the changing situation. The Courts, who were used to running their Hearings in a face-to-face manner had to adapt quickly to overhaul their operations and introduce a system of running their Hearings that were safe to their court staff, the legal profession and the public.
15.01.2022 The High Court has recently overturned a decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia in relation to the entitlements of employees to personal leave.
14.01.2022 New laws commencing on 1 September 2020 are designed to protect purchasers of off the plan apartments. The New Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act has commenced as part of the New South Wales Governments objectives to have a better framework to protect consumers who have been wronged in the past by poor building practices. #offtheplan #purchasingproperty #protectingbuyers See more
13.01.2022 With the current COVID-19 pandemic, many people who live with depression are struggling to stay afloat during self or mandated isolation. The link below will take you to a useful guide about improving mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. These educational guides were designed to help increase understanding and awareness of all aspects of coping with the stress of bereavment and lockdown.
12.01.2022 Many company directors are aware that they can be held personally liable for the debts of a company in some circumstances. However many directors are unaware of the circumstances in which they can be made personally liable for the companys tax liabilities. Below is a brief article outlining a few ways that a director could find themselves personally liable for a companies tax debt. -----Full article below-----... See more
12.01.2022 Domestic Financial abuse is a form of family violence in which one partner attempts to exercise power and control over their spouse by limiting their access to finances and dictating the terms on which money is to be spent. It often happens alongside other types of domestic violence, such as physical or emotional abuse.
12.01.2022 After separation some people may choose to divide their assets without a lawyer, and understandably they are commonly motivated to save money and avoid the litigious process. However, people can run into problems and they typically fall into one of two categories.
12.01.2022 Introducing Our Team Brian MakerCommercial Team Lawyer Brian was admitted as a solicitor in 1983.... For the majority of his career Brian practised in the Sydney CBD, other than for a period of 8 years during which he worked in the Sutherland Shire. He returned to work locally in the Sutherland Shire and joined the Commercial and Property team at Solari & Stock in October 2017. Brians areas of practice include Wills, deceased estates, Will disputes, general and commercial litigation, residential conveyancing, commercial conveyancing and leasing and commercial work acting for small to medium businesses. Brian has previously been appointed as a Supreme Court Costs Assessor and was a member on the Lawcover Small Claims Committee (the NSW Legal Professions Professional Indemnity Insurer). Those appointments have given Brian an additional insight to legal practice. Brian is also a Notary Public. Brian works Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Fun fact: Brian once balanced a raw egg on the end of a nail whilst he had one foot in the northern hemisphere and one foot in the southern hemisphere. He was the only person in the group who successfully complete the task!
11.01.2022 As we are fast approaching the ‘Silly Season’, we need to seriously think about taking care of ourselves and our children at Christmas! Emotions are often high at Christmas and especially so for separated families. Here are some of our Top Tips #separatedparents #christmasfordivorcedfamilies #familylaw #solariandstock
10.01.2022 In many small businesses run through a company there are two or more directors who may be family members or friends. Disputes may then arise and an issue arises as to what rights a director or shareholder has in relation to the conduct of another director or shareholder. #Commerciallaw #director #CommercialDisputes #SolariandStock
10.01.2022 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! From all the team at Solari and Stock Lawyers, we thank our clients for a fantastic year. We all look forward to helping our clients achieve their best possible results throughout 2020.
09.01.2022 Money given by a parent or family member is treated differently in Family Law property settlement depending on whether the money was given as a gift or a loan. #familylaw #gifting #solariandstock #separation
09.01.2022 Although we haven’t had any first-hand experience in seeing this implemented, it has been brought to our attention that the Real Estate Institute of New South Wales has prepared a document which they refer to as a QuiContract. #QuiContract #conveyancing #propertylaw #solariandstock
09.01.2022 Who has the right to change the locks on the house after separation? Even in circumstances where a party has been temporarily residing elsewhere during separation, the changing of the locks can come as somewhat of a shock. If a client contacts us in this scenario often the first question that they will ask is: "Who has the right to change the locks to the family home?"
08.01.2022 Have you listened to our podcast? As a part of the Sutherland Shire Leader Family Owned and Operated feature, Solari and Stock were invited to take part in a podcast recording highlighting family businesses within the St George and Sutherland Area. The Podcast is hosted by Kirsten Taylor-Martin who is an accredited family business advisor with Family Business Australia and Family Firm Institute. Kirsten specialises in assisting family businesses with inter generational change..., governance structures and tax structuring and asset protection. We would like to thank Kirsten for her time and the Leader for supporting Australian Family Businesses. To listen to the podcast click the following link: To request an appointment with one of our experienced team, please call our Miranda office on 8525 2700 or go to our website to request an appointment.
08.01.2022 Introducing Our Team Riccarda Stock-Director Riccarda is a Law Society Accredited Specialist in Family Law and a qualified Family Law Collaborative Lawyer. She is head of the Family Law team of experienced and passionate Family Lawyers at Solari and Stock. ... Riccarda has been practising in and around the Sutherland Shire for over 30 years. Throughout her career Riccarda has gained a wealth of experience covering a wide variety of legal fields. She now concentrates in her chosen area of Family Law with a strong focus on Dispute Resolution. Riccardas experience has enabled her to assist many clients in resolving their legal issues at an early stage. She deals with all aspects of family law including divorce, marital property disputes, parenting cases, parenting plans, de facto property matters, child support issues, spouse maintenance matters and Family Law financial agreements. The early settlement of legal disputes is an emphasis of Riccardas approach to all matters. This is achieved by sensible negotiations, round table conferencing and the use of Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice wherever possible so as to avoid the need to take matters to Court. If, however court action becomes necessary, Riccarda is an experienced and tenacious litigator who will pursue her clients rights with skill and vigour. She has appeared regularly in the Family Court of Australia, the Federal Circuit Court, various Local Courts, the Sydney District Court and the NSW Supreme Court. Riccarda is a member of the NSW Law Society, on the register of practitioners in the High Court of Australia and the Treasurer of Southern Sydney Collaborative Professionals Inc. Fun Fact: A close second to my passion for Family Law is my love of adventure travel, which started off with a 3 month overland journey from London to Calcutta in a VW Kombi Van in 1977 and hasnt stopped since!
08.01.2022 An Enduring Power of Attorney appoints a person to make legal and financial decisions on behalf of another, when they no longer posses the mental capacity to do so. Many people accept this appointment as attorney without fully understanding how the power will operate and what risks are associated with acting under a power of attorney. -----Full article below-----... See more
05.01.2022 Introducing Our Team Nikita WardFamily Law Solicitor Nikita commenced her career in the legal industry as a secretary / paralegal in Sydney in 2006 where she has had invaluable exposure and experience assisting Lawyers in dealing with complex property settlements, high conflict parenting matters, relocation matters, child support issues, divorce applications and Financial Agreements.... Whilst working full time, Nikita completed a Bachelor Degree in Law at Western Sydney University and was admitted to practice as a solicitor in 2017. Since her admission, Nikita has practiced exclusively in Family Law. Nikita assists clients by adopting a practical, empathetic and cost-effective approach to resolving family law matters. Nikita is a member of the Law Society of New South Wales and is admitted to the roll of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and High Court of Australia. Fun fact: Nikita is known as a bit of a gym junkie, she is very disciplined and usually seen heading out to the gym after work most nights; she also loves animals and has a slight obsession with dachshunds!
05.01.2022 It is common for directors of companies to be required to provide a directors or personal guarantee to guarantee the performance of a companys obligations under contracts entered into by the company. In the absence of a personal guarantee, a director of a company is only personally liable for debts of the company and claims against the company where the director is in breach of their duties as a director.
03.01.2022 How do I work out what is best for my children now that we have separated? The answer to this question will largely depend upon the clients and the childrens individual circumstances. We advise clients that it is much better if Parents can decide between themselves about what is best for their children, moving forward, without the need to revert to court proceedings. Children will do better, socially, behaviourally and academically, if they are supported by their parents fo...llowing separation and if their parents are able to effectively co-operate and communicate about their childrens needs and arrangements following separation. See more
03.01.2022 ARE MY STAFF CASUAL EMPLOYEES, OR PERMANENT? Anyone who is responsible for the hiring and firing of staff should be across the type of employee they hire. The recent case of Workpac Pty Ltd v Rossato (2020) has highlighted that you cannot make assumptions. So how do you know if you have a permanent or casual employee? #casualorpermanent #employmentstatus #solariandstock #commerciallaw
02.01.2022 Our September 2020 Newsletter has been released! Click below to view our newsletter.
02.01.2022 Most Australians view their superannuation account as distinctly different asset. Our obligation to contribute to it, the inability to access it and its role as our retirement plan, creates for many people a strong connection to this asset. So what happens to your super account when you separate from your long term partner? ...
01.01.2022 Did you know, in the Australian Family Law system, legislation is set up to provide time frames for couples to bring an application to the Courts to finalise property matters with your former spouse or de-facto partner? For more information on your Family Law matters contact Solari and Stock on 8525 2700.
01.01.2022 Buying off the plan is where you enter into a Contract to purchase a property prior to the completion of the construction of the dwelling or prior to the registration of the plan of subdivision(strata or otherwise). There are risks associated with purchasing off the plan and the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted some of the risks that need to be considered before you enter into an off the plan property purchase Contract. #purchasingofftheplan #offtheplan
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