Solas Essentials | Other
Solas Essentials
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24.01.2022 If you didn’t know already, essential oils are more than just a pretty smell. Their healing properties come directly from the part of the plant they are extracted from. Oils from flowers have a very different effect compared to oils from trees or from citrus. They can be the magic missing part to realising blocked emotions, trauma, unconscious patterning. . There is so much to learn about these magic potions which have been used as healing remedies over thousands of years w...hen pharmaceuticals didn’t exist. . Every Solas product uses 100% pure essential oils. The blends created all have a purpose, eg. Reducing Anxiety, Promoting Sleep, Clearing a Space, bringing in feelings of Joy or Love or Calm etc... . Every time you use a Solas Product, take a moment to notice and FEEL the effects it has on your body and mind. . Mindful Moments with Solas . #essentialoils #mindfulmoments #handmade #naturalproducts #nature #healing #naturetherapy #anxietyrelief #mumbusiness #plantinspiration #ancienthealing #mindset #theessentialsoflife #movement #mothernature #meditation See more
24.01.2022 Love my yoga & love my Yoga Mat Spray. Available online and in some outlets down south . When all else fails, move your body. If you can’t get out, go in and move in other ways. So many options and so many benefits simply from moving your body. You are moving energy at the same time . by @angewallphoto ... . #yogamatspray #handmade #essentialoils #smellgood #mindfulmoments #breathe #calm #revive #love #nature #movement #energy #feelgood #naturetherapy #movementtherapy #therapeuticsprays #healingbalms #naturalbaby #yoga #downsouth #smallbusiness #mumbusiness #pilates #matwork #matspray See more
22.01.2022 Day by day, reminding myself of this. It’s not selfish to look after yourself, it’s essential . #selfcare #lifelessons #vibrations #daybyday #thesimplethings #solas #light #nature #naturetherapy #naturalproducts #handmade #localbusiness #wamade #naturalskincare #naturalbaby #therapeutic #therapeuticsprays #yoga #mindset #mindfulmoments #breathe #perspective #life
21.01.2022 I read a post recently about putting essential oils in some salt to give your room/ house a nice lift if you don’t fancy using a diffuser ... so I’m giving it a go. One with lavender and bergamot and a lemongrass one in the bathroom:) When finished or the smell runs out, either add more or pop them in your bath I can’t remember where the original post came from ... but Thankyou:) . #essentialoils #therapeuticscents #solas #light #handmade #naturalproducts #naturalskincare #naturalbaby #therapeuticsprays #timeout #timeforyou #breathe #mindset #mindfulmoments #love #bathsalts @ Dunsborough, Western Australia
20.01.2022 Joy Perfume.... made from 100% pure essentials oils and nourishing carrier oils which specifically bring an uplifted, joyful feeling. Apply, inhale, notice the effects of Joy that it brings, exhale and hang on to that feeling. Even for a few moments of your day . When it’s pouring rain outside, find the joy within. This can help . Miss this lady x... . by @angewallphoto . #joy #thefeelingwihin #selfhelp #selflove #mindfulmoments #breathe #naturalperfume #naturalproducts #handmade #naturaltherapy #naturetherapy #nature #lovenature #creatives #mumbusiness #smallbusiness #naturalbaby #mumandbaby #naturalskincare # See more
20.01.2022 Stay CALM ... beach days are here . Natural Perfumes which smell great as well as promote the feeling of their name ... Calm . Love . Joy . Revive. . Available at stockists down south or online ... . #naturalproducts #nature #naturetherapy #naturalperfumes #naturalskincare #naturalbaby #handmade #calm #anxietyrelief #christmasgifts #love #joy #essentialoils #downsouth #smallbusiness #mumandbaby #breathe #mindfulmoments See more
18.01.2022 A little reminder that those beach days are just around the corner.... Hello Spring (in WA) . #solas #light #springishere #sunshineplease #nature #naturetherapy #breathe #anxietyrelief #nourish #beachdays #naturalproducts #oceanlove #oceantherapy #yinyang #yoga #mindfulmoments #naturalbabyproducts #therapeutic #healing #essentialoils #takecareofyou #selfcare #massageoils #sweetdreams #handmade #australianmade #wamade
17.01.2022 FACE AND NECK CREAM . #naturalskincare #essentialoils #lookafteryourskin #solas #light #faceandneckcream #handmade #nature #naturetherapy #naturalbabycare #healing #therapeutic #naturalperfumes
16.01.2022 Dry Skin?! Need some Love?! Need a massage?! Yes to all of the above I say . When in need, I massage this Love Body Cream (or the Body Butter for those extra scaly days:)), into my legs. Then pop my legs up the wall. Writing this is going to inspire me to do it tonight again! Sometimes we just need reminders to do something small but nice for ourselves . This Cream and the Body Butter is called ‘Love’ due to the essential oils I’ve blended to use in this. All have mood en...hancing and feel good properties... the list of positive properties in essential oils is huge. There really is something for everything. . Remind yourself to take a moment for you each time you use a Solas Product. . All products are now in reusable glass jars . #solas #light #love #handmade #naturalproducts #naturalbodycream #naturalskincare #nature #essentialoils #naturetherapy #therapeuticsprays #peaceandlove #solasessentials #theessentialsoflife #wellbeing #mindset #mindfulmoments #mumbusiness #creative #thepowerofscent See more
14.01.2022 So many options for mums of young kids, older kids, fur babies or it’s not necessary to have any youngsters at all . These mum and baby products can be used when a little older too:) . All products available online and more coming soon.... ... . I swear I’ve been saying this for months! In my head I have these ‘new’ Products. I’ve even made them, tested them, have labels.... it’s simply finding time to get them online and as an option for you guy’s now Is anyone else like me? Aims to do their goals in a day but gets through minimal due to 2 little kids consuming most hours !! I wouldn’t change it for the world though . #solas #light #solasessentials #essentialstostaylight #selfhealing #love #mumandbaby #essentialoils #handmade #naturalproducts #localbusiness #australianmade #mindset #movement #mindfulmoments #mumlife #breathe #meditation #takeamomentforyou #therapeutic #healing @ Dunsborough, Western Australia See more
13.01.2022 My regular each week. At the end of the day I love smoothing the Anti Wrinkle Face Serum over my Face and Neck. The pure essential oils and deeply replenishing carrier oils are not only sucked in by my skin, the scent helps me take a deeper breath. It creates a moment for me to know everything passes no matter what it is. Be grateful for the good moments that come and breathe deeply through the challenges... which will also come:-). The nights I don’t use the serum, I use th...e face and neck cream. . I love knowing what is being taken in by my skin does not have all the extra unnecessary nasties some other products contain. Less is more! . #mindfulmoments #solas #light #handmade #naturalproducts #nature #naturetherapy #thepowerofsmell #breathe #mindset #naturalbaby #therapeuticsprays #naturalskincare #antiwrinkle #nourishing #facialserum #downsouth #southwest #smallbusiness #theessentialsoflife #movement #mindset #wellbeing See more
13.01.2022 Does life ever overwhelm you?! If it doesn’t, give me all the answers please!! A friend recently mentioned, she doesn’t think there’s such a thing as balance... only the swaying of life. Sometimes really full, sometimes there’s a lull and the key is to learn how to handle each of these. Food for thought . My life has certainly been full recently, hence the lack of posting. I decided not to put extra on my plate. I post when I feel inspired rather than scheduled. My work and... priorities are changing as my family grows. Change isn’t always easy but very worth it! . Enough ramblings... I came on to say. I’m going to be rolling a lot of this Self Love Perfume on me as I head away with my family for the weekend. Switch off time Family time No tidying the house time . Handling the sway of life can simply be a moment to inhale a Solas product. Notice the effects on your body and mind. Exhale and hang on to that feeling, even for a moment of your day. It’s better than nothing at all. . Also, if you haven’t tried this Organic Granola from @oceansofloveandhappiness then do. It’s soooo good and so healthy. Another positive thing to do for you . Be kind to you. . #solas #light #love #essentialoils #thepowerofnature #mindset #motivation #mindovermatter #breathe #naturetherapy #flow #selflove #selfcare #anxietyrelief #spaceclearing #peace #acceptance #handmade #naturalproducts #australianmade #nature #naturalperfumes #naturalbaby #naturalskincare #therapeuticsprays #massageoils #mumandbaby See more
12.01.2022 I LOVE mornings like these, run, swim, coffee, great chats! The best way to start the day I often forget how lucky I am when I get caught up in my mind. When I lose sight of the bigger picture. . We all have monkey minds, self doubt & challenges to deal with. A reset, no matter how small, is so important. . T.R.U.S.T.... . #mindfulmoments #solasessentials #solas #light #handmade #essentialoils #naturalproducts #oceantherapy #naturetherapy #lovenature #reset #naturalbaby #babyproducts #therapeutic #naturalperfumes #mumbusiness #smallbusiness #handmadenaturalproducts #yallingup See more
12.01.2022 Morning light . #nature #naturetherapy #oceanlove #earlymornings #runtime #mindfulmoments #solas #light #naturalproducts #handmade #withlove #naturalbaby #naturalskincare #therapeutic #healingsprays #massageoils #yoga #movement #lifetools
09.01.2022 Mothers.... you deserve this... plus it’s a bargain . Order for yourself through @blindcorner . @oceansofloveandhappiness ... . #mothersday #organic #wine #granola #greatgifts #supportlocal #handmadeproducts #smallbusiness #southwest #downsouth #treatyourself #dunsborough #margaretriver #rosewater #facialspritz #oceansofloveandhappiness #greatwine See more
07.01.2022 Sometimes we need a little lift without the coffee and to smell good too . by @angewallphoto . #revive #nature #essentialoils #naturalperfume #handmade #withlove #calm #love #joy #mindfulmoments #inhale #exhale #breathe #naturalproducts #naturetherapy #therapeutic #healingsprays #naturalbaby #naturalskincare
06.01.2022 Starting your day doing something you love, that’s just for you, is priceless. It sets the day . Thankyou @blueoceansfinance .... this lady is full of the best advise . #beachruns #earlymornings #loverunning #movement #mindset #ocean #nature #naturetherapy #yallingup #handmadenaturalproducts #solas #light #naturalproducts #life #passion #selfworth #innerwork #bekindtoyou #meditation #mindfulmoments
06.01.2022 Whipping up a storm ... when the weather turns I can’t help but feel like retreating and getting more creative! I love the change in seasons. Being part of nature ourselves, maybe we should embrace it?! . #handmade #naturalproducts #handcream #stormydays #hibernating #rainydays #solas #light #love #lightwithin #mindfulmoments #nature #naturetherapy #lovenature #madewithlove #essentialoils #naturalbaby #naturalskincare #selfcare #mindset #
05.01.2022 Best combination . #antiwrinkle #faceserum #faceandneckcream #mindfulmoments #handmade #naturalproducts #downsouth #smallbusiness #solas #light #essentialoils #naturalskincare #naturalproducts #naturetherapy #naturalperfumes #naturalbaby
03.01.2022 Thanks for the post @bareandwilde As the school holidays are here and I have some extra time, I feel the desire to clear my space, declutter to make way for a fresh term ahead. This Space Clearing Spray will definitely help me on my way . #spaceclearing #decluttertime #holidays #outwiththeold #fullmoon #naturalproducts #therapeuticsprays #essentialoils #nature #nurture #naturetherapy #handmade #naturalproducts #life #time #mindset
03.01.2022 L.O.V.E.... it makes the world a better place . #love #thediamondwithin #solas #light #madewithlove #applywithlove #mindfulmoments #thesimplethings #thebasicsoflife #naturalproducts #naturalperfumes #handmade #smallbusiness #naturalbaby #naturalskincare #southwest #madeinwa #madeinaustralia #dunsborough
02.01.2022 School holidays.... enjoyed the time with the kids and for myself that I pretty much forgot to post It’s so nice to switch off when you can... and the is out... get those legs summer ready with our deeply nourishing, handmade LOVE Body Butter or creamy LOVE Body Cream. Now all in reusable, glass jars . by @angewallphoto Model: @soulful_living_nz .... #summer #summerlegs #summerready #sunshine #mindfulmoments #handmade #naturalskincare #essentialoils #selflove #takecareofyou #bringonbeachdays #downsouth #southwest #wa #australianmade #smallbusiness #nature See more
02.01.2022 I want to be a mermaid when I grow up . I’ve just spent a long over due weekend away with some great ladies and no kids!! I forgot how good it was for the soul. Completely being me, not being woken up by a ‘mummy’, not checking emails, not checking my watch & reliving my 80s!! It reminds me how much we can stop ourselves from doing things that fill us up. . Why do we wait until that 40th ... why not make it happen ‘just because’. I can think of many, many reasons why, when the time is right, make it happen for you. . #weekendsaway #oceantherapy #nature #laughter #love #connection #goodforthesoul #soulfood #timeout #mindset #takecareofyou #bekindtoyou #whywait #downsouth #solas #light #essentialoils #naturalproducts #handmade #naturalskincare #naturalbaby #therapeutic #mumbusiness #smallbusiness @ Dunsborough, Western Australia See more
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