Sole Reflexions | Medical and health
Sole Reflexions
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25.01.2022 ATTENTION!!!! Have you seen this event? Will I be seeing you there? I hope soo. ... There will be heaps to do and see local businesses, readers, holistic, health, lifestyle and more. Most modalities covered. Shopping for all ages. A great time out, with an amazing backdrop. Be there or be square. <3 xx #sunday #solereflexions #healing #expo #joondalup #holistic #shopping #local #support #mentalhealth #sound
25.01.2022 Oh me oh my.... Wow, wow , wow!!!! What a way to end the week first BOGO with a sweet, calming lullaby and a second offer with the sweet seduction flower and of course a diffuser to create all the magic!!!... What an offer! Today is buy a 15ml Lavender Peace at $40.75 and receive a 5ml Forgive valued at $34.50 for FREE!! AND.... Buy the Lumo Diffuser at $104 and receive the sultry Ylang Ylang valued at $57.00 for FREE!!! How amazing! Something to give you a big hug and calm the emotions and something to create peace and rest, and something to tantalise the senses. That is a weekend wrap right there! Right?! Dont have an account? No worries, contact me today and I can help you sort that out. The membership is $35.00. Or simply select a starter kit and add Lavender Peace and a Lumo Diffuser and receive your membership for free, a Forgive for free, Ylang Ylang for free and a welcome kit from me for free. What a great deal! Contact me today, this offer only available till 11.59pm AEST or whilst stock lasts. Looking forward to hearing from you today. #lavender #lavenderpeace #forgive #essentialoils #solereflexions #lovewhatyoudo #bogo #whilststocklasts #free #lowtox #naturalsolutions #todayonly #lullaby #weekend #ylangylang #lumo #diffuser #omg
24.01.2022 Who is missing #bogo from last week? Or are you struggling to keep up with the parcel hiding??? #iknowiam Here are some tips for you, more to come later on. ... #fomo #doterra #essentialoils #hiding #solereflexions #omg #itslikechristmas
24.01.2022 A man was asked to paint a boat. He brought his paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him. While painting, he noticed a small hole in the hull, and quietly repaired it. When he finished painting, he received his money and left.... The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and presented him with a nice check, much higher than the payment for painting. The painter was surprised and said You've already paid me for painting the boat Sir! But this is not for the paint job. It's for repairing the hole in the boat. Ah! But it was such a small service... certainly it's not worth paying me such a high amount for something so insignificant. My dear friend, you do not understand. Let me tell you what happened: When I asked you to paint the boat, I forgot to mention the hole. When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and went on a fishing trip. They did not know that there was a hole. I was not at home at that time. When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat, I was desperate because I remembered that the boat had a hole. Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing. Then, I examined the boat and found that you had repaired the hole! You see, now, what you did? You saved the life of my children! I do not have enough money to pay your 'small' good deed. So no matter who, when or how, continue to help, sustain, wipe tears, listen attentively, and carefully repair all the 'leaks' you find. You never know when one is in need of us, or when God holds a pleasant surprise for us to be helpful and important to someone. Along the way, you may have repaired numerous 'boat holes' for several people without realizing how many lives you've saved.
23.01.2022 Looking for a Christmas gift, wanting to start the new year with the natural touch? Come and see me on Sunday, (tomorrow) at the Health and Healing Expo at Joondalup Resort. #health #healing #expo #joondalupresort #arocahealingcentre #solereflexions #naturalsolutions #kits #essentialoils #sunday
22.01.2022 Happening right now!!! @ulunalife sale and education on crystals and minerals etc. Head there now and say hello.
22.01.2022 Come get your scan on Sunday. Want to take control of your health and wellness? Get yourself a scan today, a report emailed directly to you.... What is an iTovi? It is a portable scanning device that identifies unresolved biopoints of a client and gives product suggestions based on that clients specific wellness needs. Want a device for yourself, check out his link, or ask me for help. <3 #itovi #solereflexions #scantoday #takecontrol #joondalupresort #sunday #healthandhealing #aroca #arocahealing
21.01.2022 Whats in the box? Emergency kits!!! 30 of the kits we have prepared are on their way out to the fire area of Braidwood, with more possibly heading over to the Currowan area in the next few days.... Thank you for all you support, please dont stop, there are more kits needed and more donated items to get this done. Thank you for all your support in this project. #wands #dontstop #rfs #ses #communitycomingtogether #donations #help #thankyou #braidwood #currowan #whatsinthebox #emergency #solereflexions
21.01.2022 Who loves a new deck? #deliveredtoday #new #nofilter
21.01.2022 Do you know what day it is today? Its the eve of the full moon. The energies around the full moon are building. Its a great time to dance in the moonlight to recharge yourself, and get your crystals out to cleanse and recharge them also. Know the energy is building today and will be at is highest tomorrow and can still can be utiliseda on Sunday, even better if you can make the most of it on all 3 nights. ... #solereflexions #cleanse #restore #energy #fullmoon #dancelikenooneiswatching #lovewhatyoudo #magicisallaround #recharge #rechargeyoursoul
21.01.2022 Wow, wow , wow!!!! What a way to end the week with a sweet, calming lullaby. What an offer!... Today is buy a 15ml Lavender Peace at $40.75 and receive a 5ml Forgive valued at $34.50 for FREE!! How amazing something to give you a big hug and calm the emotions and something to create peace and rest. And doesnt need that as you head into the weekend, right?! Dont have an account? No worries, contact me today and I can help you sort that out. The membership is $35.00. Or simply select a starter kit and add Lavender Peace and receive your membership for free, a Forgive for free and a welcome kit from me for free. What a great deal! Contact me today, this offer only available till 11.59pm AEST or whilst stock lasts. Looking forward to hearing from you today. #lavender #lavenderpeace #forgive #essentialoils #solereflexions #lovewhatyoudo #bogo #whilststocklasts #free #lowtox #naturalsolutions #todayonly #lullaby #weekend
19.01.2022 OMG... I almost missed this... The last BOGO for the week... available till midnight. All other BOGOs finished...... How amazing is this. This diffuser is one of the best... I love it. And Ylang Ylang who doesnt love the sweet aroma of this amazing flower. Let me know if I can help you set up your account today. There are options.
19.01.2022 So we are at that time of year again, where you may not know what to give the special person in your life. Well after going through the house again to pack and move I very much appreciate the gift of experiences as much as stuff. So if you are stuck for something to give your love ones, consider a treatment option. We have gift vouchers for any amount, they will be emailed to you, so no need to wait for the mailman. They can also be used in stuff ( oils etc ).... Western Australia these can be used for treatments from about Feb/Mar (I will confirm in the new year). All states they can be used for products (treatments will need to advised closer to travel dates). Wishing you all a happy and safe festive season. #sillyseason #giftideas #gift #giftcertificate #reflexology #reiki #indianheadmassage #essentialoils #giftedwithlove #lovetheonesyourewith
18.01.2022 Passing time at the airport... See you soon Perth. #perth #canberra #qantas #club #travel #lovewhatyoudo #essentialoils #katyk #modernoracle #reading #bushfires #inthebackground
17.01.2022 From my family to yours MERRY CHRISTMAS May the day be full of love, joyous laughter and fun.... #merrychristmas #solereflexions #love #joy #laughter #family #friends #seasons #presents
13.01.2022 These awesome cards will be available on Sunday at the Health and Healing Expo I hope to see you there, stop by and see whats in offer. ... #sunday #joondalupresort #arocahealingcentre #solereflexions #modernoracle #specialofferontheday #essentialoils #christmasgifts #health #healing #lifestyle #seeyouthere
13.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Just a reminder we have a destash sale going on. :-) The sale runs from today till Sunday, all details are in the event And the group link is Please stop by and check it out. <3
12.01.2022 Come on done and grab a bargain. #lastminutechristmasshopping #whitfordsnodes #marketsbythesea #arocahealingcentre #solereflexions #essentialoils #nurtureyourself #modernoracle
10.01.2022 Whats the first thing you do when you get to accomodation??? Get the diffuser out and on, unpack and contact family to let them know you are safe and have arrived (not necessarily in that order... ). #diffuser #doterra #essentialoils #solereflexions #travel #lovewhatyoudo #alldaytravelling #vacation #islandmint
09.01.2022 WOW guess what?! There is still a few more hours to great these great offers!!! What a deal!!! Buy Turmeric and get Past Tense for FREE... Buy DigestZen and get Rosemary and Lemongrass for FREE Buy Lemon Mrytle and get Tangerine for FREE Dont have an account? No worries we can sort that today. Drop me a line. #howamazingisthis #essentialoils #plantmagic #giftoftheearth #solereflexions #bogo #free #notlongleft #limitedtime #donotmissthis
09.01.2022 Check this promo out!!! Stocks wont last. This and many more promos, TOMORROW (Sunday 8th December) at the Health and Healing Expo at Joondalup Resort.... See you soon #health #healing #expo #joondalupresort #arocahealingcentre #solereflexions #essentialoils #promo #stockwontlast #pleasedontletmetakeithome
09.01.2022 So today is the day of days this year Clear your mind Picture what you wish for, maybe right it down, draw it out, or simply make your wish/prayer.... Today’s the day, but be clear in what you manifest. #masternumbers #masterday #manifest #powerful #livethelifeyouwant #lovewhatyoudo
09.01.2022 Hey everyone, Still needing a Christmas present for that someone special (maybe its yourself)? I have one of these available for collection at the market tomorrow..... Let me know tonight and Ill have it gift wrapped for you. You also get the information on what to do with it, on going support, and wholesale access to purchase more for 12months. The gift that keeps giving. #gift #essentialoils #naturalsolutions #solereflexions #christmas #homeessentials #giftthatkeepsgiving #freshstart #love
07.01.2022 Hey everyone, Just another shout out, for donated items. Do you have kids that could do crafts and make cards? (Let me know I might be able to help with craft supplies)... Are you a medical professional (doctor, nurse, chemist or other professional)? Do you know the cloths you use fir surgeries etc the ones that dont get used and go to the bin? They could be used as face cloths. Can you spare samples of Eyewash, lip balms, or pawpaw ointment? Are you in the hotel industry? Can you spare some toiletry samples? Are you in the dentist industry? Can you spare Toothbrush or toothpaste samples? Are you in the retail industry? Scan you spare samples of any items? Ziplock bags? Are you in the hardware industry? Can you spare microfibre cloths? I know its a lot to ask, especially with the silly season looming, but there are over 300 people still displaced, and countless people working to get the fires under control. Every little bit helps. We have drop off locations all around the country, if you can assist please drop me a message if the below locations dont work for you. We thank you for you kindness and generosity. #thankyou #donations #naturaldisaster #fire #earthquake #flood #wands #solereflexions #eternallygrateful
07.01.2022 Hey everyone, Sorry its been awhile, heaps has been going on behind the scenes, hoping to update you all soon. In the mean time... BOGO IS BACK!!!... Its a little different to usual. This time you can get 3 days of offers all in one. Giving you a saving of nearly $100. Dont have an account but want to get started with this offer. No problems. Drop me a line and Ill give you the options. Stay tuned fir more details on these oils in the coming days, but dont delay in your orders, these are only available until 8.59an Friday 22nd November AEDT, or until sold out. #bogo #solereflexions #essentialoils #whilststocklast #lovewhatyoudo #turmeric #pasttense #rosemary #digestzen #lemongrass #lemonmyrtle #tangerine #thiswontlast #love #gratitude
05.01.2022 Have you seen this weeks #bogo ? Only a few hours left... education to follow, and one on one learning is available with me also. These great offers combined give you a saving of nearly $100. How amazing is that!!!... Option 1 is buy Green mandarin and get pink pepper free Option 2 is buy the yoga collection and whisper free Option 3 is buy wintergreen and get balance free These are some of my everyday oils. Drop me a line if you want to be hooked up. #willnotlast #offerexpiressoon #essentialoils #solereflexions #greenmandarin #pinkpepper #wintergreen #whisper #yogacollection #balance
05.01.2022 Wanting say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all those that contributed to todays efforts. Final count for today (more will be added as more donations coming during the week) 84 kits!!!... A few needing a couple of items to finish up (once the shops restock... ) Thats a massive effort for a few hours. Ill keep chipping away at it as the other donations come in. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. #bushfires #gratitude #wands #australia #ourcountryisonfire #communityspirit #exceededexpecation #doterra #essentialoils #support #solereflexions #emergency #donated #volunteer
03.01.2022 Happy Sunday!!! What are you doing today? I am, in amongst the chores and wet weather... nourishing myself on this #fabulousness .... celery juice to start the day, followed by fruit, (half hour later... might have been a bit longer) lunch of juice (apples, blackberries, strawberrys, blueberries) with more fruit, afternoon tea setting in the fridge... whos coming to join me? P.s. dont tell hubby I used his superhero cup.... the juicer jug now growing celery in it...... #hubbymightchoosetoeatouttonight #lazysunday #juice #buildingstrongerbodies #rawfood #fruit #vegetables #cacao #solereflexions #lovewhatyoudo #
02.01.2022 What are your plans tonight? Stop by @Uluna on Instagram tonight for live crystal shopping. Please note that its aest. ... #ulunalife #liveshopping #online #tonight #australia See more
02.01.2022 So every now and then I come across these and do them as a distraction from I should be doing. I hope this is translated correctly, I did not do it. What does your birthday mean?... #curious #procrastination #birthday #meaning #fun
02.01.2022 A bit of fun for the weekend... Whats your crystal ball telling you? #fun #crystalball #crystals #solereflexions #distraction #predictivetext #weekend #future #predictions #entertainment
01.01.2022 Just a quick Sunday promo... Grab the modern essential oil oracle deck and the modern oracle deck through me and get it tonight for $70.00 instead of its usual price if $85.00. The first 10 people to order will also get a reading from me. ... #getitnow #dontwait #itwontlastallnight #solereflexions #oracle #cardreading #sunday #lovewhatyoudo #guidance #essentialoils #tonightonly
01.01.2022 Something I find fascinating, ok there is a few things... Firstly us how even though you follow a page it only when a topic is relevant I actually see it. And of course feet... they carry our souls, we punish them with what we put them through with little thanks, and that they show us what we need, what we are going through and where we are headed.... But this information (below) is from #elizabethperu During major cosmic energy shifts, your physical and spiritual direction become of prime importance. And it's our FEET, which are the primary movers of our direction in life. So, with Mercury about to MOVE retrograde, you could find that you're being particularly drawn to LOOK after your feet. Learn more about your direction in today's Tip-Off Forecast. It's online now, waiting to guide you into power #feet #reflexology #solereflexions #whatareyourfeettellingyou #direction #energy #fascinating #relevant #feetfeetfeet
01.01.2022 I find this totally mesmerizing to watch and a fantastic reminder that no matter what we are doing, we are always whole. We just shine a little differently each day. <3
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