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Sol Yoga Tribe Collective
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24.01.2022 Emotion Potion Anyone else loved all things witchy and potions growing up? We were constantly making potions in the garden and now when I make oil blends I feel like I’ve been training for lifetimes The Emotion Potion Apply to naval and wrists to experience the healthy paradox of both grounded and elevated emotions
23.01.2022 Self Care Weekend Vibes Protect Your Peace Get rid of toxicity Cleanse your space ... Cultivate Love See more
22.01.2022 The greatest love ~ is the love you give yourself when you love yourself it is then that you can love another What if you simply devoted this year going forward to loving yourself first? What does this look like for you? ... Self respect? Honouring your body, your mind, your soul? Boundaries? Physical Health? Mental Health? Rest? Positive Self talk? Nutrition? Essential Oils and Our community bring forth with it a lifestyle change that focuses on loving yourself, healing and coming home to yourself. Joining our community is more than just using oils it’s inspiration and guidance to loving you so that you can be your happiest and healthiest you Are you ready?? Saturday 20th February from 2-4pm we are going to cover off Essential oils w/ emotions, wellbeing, green clean and a bunch of goodness that we know has positively impacted our worlds. Please text me for your booking to our FREE workshop open to all non Doterra members
22.01.2022 When You Love What You Do, Every Day Feels like a Holiday Building a Business I love has been the greatest challenge and greatest reward. It can feel as good as a holiday living deep in your soul. ... Monday Vibes Happy dance I took the step in the direction of my dreams See more
21.01.2022 And so the Adventure Begins Today is the perfect day to begin writing your new storey ~ co creating with the Universe whatever your heart desires choose to let go of that, that no longer serves your higher self and choose to seek what is going to light you up Magic is yours for the taking ... Happy New Year Gorgeous See more
20.01.2022 Because Healing and Peace means at times to Rest and be Present It’s so easy when you run an online business to be available to it 24 7 actively showing up 24 7. Social media an incredible opportunity full of possibilities however strong believer no amount of work business or money is worth my health and sacred time with my nearest and dearest. It is so important to have balance. Switching off to refill my cup is imperative to keeping my energy full and overflowing ... It’s an important time of the year I believe to be as present as I can be with my family and loved ones. It’s a time to rejoice in the glory and grace of my healing journey and my life which I’m so in love with ~ even the curly windy challenging bits that are here for my uplevelling! I will be immersing myself in this sacred time with my babes I’m still available to all my Oily Sol members however will be back in full swing on this beautiful space soon Until then have the most Wonderful Christmas And may you too bask in the love you hold within and dwell in the peace of the present moment with loved ones See more
18.01.2022 Dear Universe, I am open to things be easier and more magical than I could ever imagine.
18.01.2022 Sisters ~ the angels who lift us up when our wings forget to fly Blessed to have this insanely inspiring babe as my baby sis 17 months apart and almost a life time of loving you. ... Thank you for always reminding me to see the Magic thank you for uplifting, inspiring and grounding me always Thank you for this journey we get to venture on together co creating our businesses changing our lives and positively impacting others ~ it truly is magic on earth
18.01.2022 And then we ponder on our symptoms and illnesses wondering how we got there Being proactive and investing in your health is the most important thing you can do
18.01.2022 Long before our bodies met My soul made love to your soul When I first laid my eyes on you I recognised you ... You held my future in your hands
18.01.2022 In a market where everyone claims to have pure Oils what sets Doterra apart? They are 100% Pure Oils each bottle Rigorously tested to ensure purity, there are absolutely NO contaminants, fillers, or adulterations. Transparency ~ on completion of testing they are then sent off for 3rd party testing To ensure the highest possible quality of oils they are sourced from the indigenous country to the plants, tree and herbs. ... Every oil is sourced responsibly and sustainably. Co~Impact Sourcing ~ oils are sourced from their native country Doterra through the Co~impact sourcing supports communities and makes it a top priority to support farmers providing sustainable jobs and positive impacts throughout many communities across the globe. And also protect the environment to ensure quality and sustainability. Co~impact sourcing mean sustainable jobs for farmers and positive impacts on their communities Every single oil has a batch number and can be reviewed at We know we are given Highest of quality in every single bottle every single time
14.01.2022 Whatever Makes you Feel the Sun from the Inside Out ~ Chase That
14.01.2022 Never lose your childlike fascination with the wonders of our World We can learn so much from our babes
14.01.2022 Empowered with Natural Solutions..... A sneaky snap shot, of eth and his bestie, I heard these two discussing eths wheezy chest after running round in the rain having the time of their lives. I watched from the kitchen,, ... Together they chose 2 drops of eucalyptus, 2 drops rosemary and 2 drops lime, they discussed where to put the water level in the diffuser and carefully sorted them selves out. What’s interesting is that they both new what was going to help ethans chest and as they made this beautiful concoction with purpose I could not swipe the smile off my heart These boys are empowered naturally Some Oils I love to diffuse or make rollers from to support my eth are: Easy air Lavender Eucalyptus Peppermint Frankincense Turmeric Rosemary Lime
14.01.2022 Just over a year ago I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Both Symptoms of an incredible amount of inflammation caused by 3 months of antibiotics for a cyst under my tonsil 2 years ago. Just over a year ago my health, my energy, vitality, had completely left me.... I did not give in to this diagnosis instead I I prayed, I meditated, I connected with the divine and have nurtured myself back to a state of vitality energy and probably better than ever good health! With the help of holistic healers, many amazing natural solutions, and with the determination of a mum that loves life and knew this was not how I wanted my storey to end ~ I woke up every day with one thing in mind::: MY BODY IS MY SACRED TEMPLE. I LOOK AFTER IT WITH MINDFULNESS, COMPASSION AND LOVE End of storey ~ if you do not treat your body and what you put into it as though it is your temple ~ your health diminishes. Our body is an Amazing amazing self healing tool and if supported in the right ways you can come back from something that feels close to death. Unfortunately depletion, stress, modern day living, medicines, our foods, toxins and chemicals are everywhere, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t be making small changes everywhere to lesson the load for a happier healthier you. Whether your at the beginning of a healing journey or just sick of where your at, craving more vitality and energy perhaps even passion, those soft pulls of intuitive feelings and thoughts longing a new better you are your whispers to do just that. Step into the healthy you that you were always meant to be, thank the struggles for the lessons, and move forward into a pro~active, energetic, strong and happy you. Enjoy your journey, thank it and let it know you are not staying here. Be mindful of how you fuel your body, your mind and your spirit. It’s all about the growth. And then it will become a light to share with others ~ we all need a light True inner peace and joy can be found in each season if you go within. And if I did it you can too Me right now in my painting get up ~ with overwhelming gratitude to my body and a high fucken five of how proud I am of myself for taking steps every day to heal and to be stronger, happier and healthier than I’ve ever been
14.01.2022 When buying Essential Oils ~ Who you buy from matters... and How you buy them matters.... Oils are so very versatile and they are also incredibly powerful which is why ongoing education and training resources form part of your Doterra Membership. Jess @the_sol_essentials_ and I both co creaters of Oily Sols are working hours everyday to educate our community on how to use oils effectively and safely. ... We form part of a wider community with oily educators and wellness advocates that have a wealth of experience and knowledge of essential oils. When you join with us you have access to these amazing educators and all of the wider community perks too, websites, camps, courses, all the support you will ever need to make a positive shift in your life using natural solutions. We dedicate ourselves to ensuring you are getting the most out of your oils providing you with many resources and daily education. We also make your wellness journey fun and enjoyable with promos, prizes, and competitions. We are a community and we are here to support your oily journey and improved wellness every step of the way. There is so many ways you can begin a wellness journey and we tailor this to your needs ensuring you will be getting the most pure oils with oils that meet your personal needs, in the most cost effective way. Please contact me if you would like to chat about how we can support your wellness journey with natural solutions... because it matters.... Happy Monday gorgeous!! See more
13.01.2022 My 2021 Desires in 3 words ~ Alignment ~ Harmony ~ Well~Being Do you have 3 of your own? Comment Below let’s make 2021 magic no matter what surrounds us ... Set your powerful intentions now See more
12.01.2022 The Earth Has Music for Those that Listen
12.01.2022 I see you over there I know you feel so much, I know your emotions can be big. You have a gift my angel boy ~ feeling deeply is going to make for a magical life. ... I take this on with all of my heart to guide you through and set you up with tools that support you through life. Whilst you have got the world I will always have you. See more
12.01.2022 We are in for a beautiful Australian Summer weekend Join us at 5.40am Beach Side Sun Salutations to set the tone for a magical weekend of health love and happiness
09.01.2022 It’s the month of sexy time 23 years this year into our relationship and my hubby still has one thing on his mind all the time hahaha anyone else have this problem?? But seriously now Did you know that floral oils are libido enhancing natural aphrodisiacs?? ... Need I say more ladies??! Neroli, Rose, Jasmine and Magnolia just a few of my faves Your welcome ladies And gentlemen if your stuck for ideas to spoil your someone special with I will tell you a secret.... We love Essential Oils!!! Let me know if you need my guidance!!! And remember it’s for her not you
08.01.2022 But why do you want to share oils Jac?? They supported me through the hardest times of my life and I know they can help others They support a healthier lifestyle for me and my family and I want to help you do the same ... I want to be empowered with natural solutions to a healthier me and empower as many others as I can Chronic illness sucks and can be avoided if you are proactive Mumlife is Massive and we need support for our body our mind and souls Being your strongest and healthiest self often means being able to flow with whatever life gives us Their is purpose in sharing a better lifestyle a healthier happier lifestyle and I want to support others to earn an income whilst doing the same I want to be my own boss, work around my children with a product I know will positively impact others and help you do the same When I began sharing I didn’t believe I could do it I didn’t believe it could replace my income and I didn’t believe I wouldn’t have to do without hassling my friends and family ~~~ BUT I DID IT ANYWAY, and I’m here to help you do it too And now...... I’ve positively impacted many many families lives and that’s what is important to me and that’s why I will share oils
06.01.2022 How Empowering is it to be able to Clean and Purify the Air within your Home (nasty pathogens, microorganisms be gone) WHILST supporting your Wellbeing AND creating a positive impact on Your Emotional Health. Really Friggen Empowering
05.01.2022 The most regretful people are those who felt the call to creative work, to work with purpose, the people who felt those intuitive calls but gave them neither no time or no power. go do You
04.01.2022 The Magic you’ve been waiting for has been here all along. Just waiting for you to see it ~ Spirit Daughter
03.01.2022 Your Purpose is Your Drive ~ It’s the reason you bounce on up in the morning, the reason you do what you do and the reason you never give in My purpose is to Empower you with Peace, Health and Financial Abundance. I share Yoga for Peace, Essential oils for Wellness and a Business Structure that empowers you to work around your children, create a passive income and be a part of an Inspiring community.... Are you where you want to be, waking with passion and purpose? It’s a very powerful time to set your intentions ~ what would light you up? You are the creator of your life See more
02.01.2022 You will cry tears of gratitude when you realise your healing journey was a path home to yourself Repost @evolvewithsarahlafaye
02.01.2022 Don’t feel as though you always need to keep up, do all the things, be all the things. There will be so many times throughout our journey where it is a moment to retreat and go within, to heal, to grow, to awaken, to change paths, to draw on a faith within. To grow spiritually through love, joy, peace and abundance, and make high vibrational choices that feel good to you. ... To take time to nourish every bit of your heart, your soul and your body. To honour yourself, to rest. If this is you right now, be there, be all there, give yourself everything you need right now for this time right now. You have the chance right now to surrender and honour your soul, so that when you move through this time you have new found strengths, faith, and appreciation for life and health like never before. ~ so take the time learn, grow, evolve. You are not alone you are always being supported
02.01.2022 Monkey See Monkey Do!! We were taught that synthetic fragrance and highly toxic, chemical filled cleaning products are the norm. We use them all over our bodies, only to be absorbed into our bloodstream and lungs, all through our homes, round our babies, our children and fur babes. ... So what is Fragrance ~ 95% of synthetic fragrances are derived from petroleum. So now that you know what’s in these products and that they are completely unsafe and unnecessary can you continue to use them and then even worst train your children to use them? nope not me I know we have toxins and chemicals and shit everywhere but what I also know is making small changes within your environment that won’t cost you anything more than the supermarket buys and the perfumes you buy will ultimately improve your wellness, improve your environment and In turn will train your babes to also choose natural solutions for their families to come and that is as good as it gets a legacy to pass down ~ now that you know what ur using and all See more
01.01.2022 Peace isnt something that you ultimately get when you slow down the pace of your life ~ yes I believe in a slow pace for sure but Peace is what your capable of being and bringing to every encounter and event in the waking moments of your life. Being peaceful is an inner attitude that you can enjoy when you’ve learned to silence your incessant inner dialogue. Being peaceful isn’t dependent on what your surroundings look like or anything to do with what the people around think and do. Be the inner peace and harmony you desire ~ You cannot get it from anything or anyone else. Place a candle flame from the place where all your thoughts flow, make a commitment to this flame, keep it alight with peaceful thoughts fuelling the burning flame. You don’t need to change your thoughts as much as you need to learn to be an energy of peace lighting the way and attracting serene, harmonious thoughts and beings. In this way you’ll become a being of peace. ~ Dr Wayne Dwyer See more