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Somatic Counselling & Psychotherapy in Curl Curl, New South Wales, Australia | Medical and health

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Somatic Counselling & Psychotherapy

Locality: Curl Curl, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 416 256 745

Address: 91 Brighton Street 2096 Curl Curl, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 Doing Our Best BY MADISYN TAYLOR Your best is always good enough, because it comes from you, and you are always good enough. We often come into contact with the idea that our best isn't good enough, as if this were actually possible. If you examine this notion, you will begin to see that it doesn't make much sense. Your best is always good enough, because it comes from you, and you are always good enough. You may not be able to deliver someone else's idea of the best, but th...e good news is that's not your burden. You only need to fulfill your own potential, and as long as you remain true to that calling, and always do your best to fulfill your purpose, you don't need to expect anything more from yourself. It's easy to get tangled up with the idea of trying to be the best--the best parent, the best employee, the best child, or best friend. If we try to be the best, we run the risk of short-circuiting our originality because we are striving to fit into someone else's vision of success. In addition, if everyone is striving for the same outcome, we lose out on creativity, diversity, and visionary alternatives to the way things are done. On another note, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve, but examining where this feeling comes from is important because wanting to be better than others is our ego coming into play. Letting go of the tendency to hold ourselves up to other people's standards, and letting go of the belief that we need to compete and win, doesn't mean we don't believe in doing the best job we can. We always strive to do our best, because when we do we create a life free of regret, knowing we have performed to the best of our ability. This allows us to feel great personal satisfaction in all of our efforts, regardless of how others perceive the outcome.

17.01.2022 Rick Hanson continues to touch in to the basics of what we truly need in our lives with simple truths and practices. Enjoy 'Be Mind Full of Good'.

12.01.2022 I found this article to be a good reminder of how easily we can all get caught up in the media that we are surrounded by and often bombarded by. Reminding ourselves that we can have choices as to how much or how little we want to be held 'hostage' to the various forms of media allows us to feel a sense of freedom as to how we manage these options. Taking a Media Break... By Madisyn Taylor Taking a break from media in all forms is like a cleanse for your soul. In this modern age, we seldom question the pervasive presence of the media. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, telephones, and Websites are part of most people's everyday experiences. They enable us to stay informed while sometimes taking us on amazing journeys. But the content and experiences that these outlets offer also consume space in our minds and can have a profound effect on our emotional state. If you are someone who feels like your life is oversaturated with the "buzz" that comes from the media, you may want to consider taking a break. A media fast involves not watching television, reading any newspapers or magazines, checking or sending any emails, or even talking on the phone. On the simplest level, undertaking this fast will free up thinking space. When you are constantly being bombarded with signals coming from outside sources, it can be hard to disassociate yourself, particularly if what you are hearing or reading is negative or stressful. Avoiding the media for a few weeks, or even just a few days, can help you center yourself. As you enjoy some quiet time and reconnect with other interests, the fast may even introduce you to creative aspects of yourself that you didn't know existed. We may feel like something is lacking from our lives during the first few days of a fast. But it is this emptiness that opens up the space for a more expansive and clutter-free life. Research has shown that both news and television programming can have an intense effect on mood, even causing sadness and anxiety. Without the "noise" of the media running through your head, you are freer to focus your attention inward. Ideas will present themselves to you more readily, and you will find yourself available to revel in the small joys of your own life. You also will be freer to live in the present moment, rather than focusing on what's going on in the news or your favorite soap opera. A media break can also help you develop a more conscious relationship with news and fictional entertainment. When you aren't continuously subjected to the media, you are able to look at what you are seeing or reading more objectively. Taking a break from the media may also give you a greater sense of calm, balance, well-being, and a new perspective on life.

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