Industry Cafe & Catering in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Food wholesaler
Industry Cafe & Catering
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9357 8184
Address: 69 Capital Link Dve Campbellfield 3061 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Likes: 862
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25.01.2022 Friday’s are for burgers Dine in or find us on Uber Eats for your fix #tgif #burgersandfries #burgerlover #fridaysweeatout #melbournecafe #melbourneeats #unereatsmelb #foodpics #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal
25.01.2022 Have you tried our Moussaka... layers of eggplant, potato & rich homemade sauce #realfood #moussaka #comfortfood #homemadefood #melbourneeats #freedeliveryservice #halalfood
25.01.2022 Whats better then a piece of lasagne....? LASAGNE BITES Crispy outside oozing with bolognese sauce & mozzarella cheese in between those fresh lasagne sheets See you on the @ubereats_aus app at INDUSTRY KITCHENS ~ open till 10PM tonight ... #lasagne #lasagnebites #ubereatsmelbourne #takeawayfood #lunchtime #dinnerideas #foodpics #melbourneeats
24.01.2022 Why cook when you can #ubereats INDUSTRY KITCHENS open to 10PM tonight #buffalochicken #chickenburger #numberoneburger #realchicken #realfood #unereatsmelbourne #ubereatsaus #melbournecafe #supportyourlocalbusiness
23.01.2022 We cook all meals fresh in our Central Kitchen Using fresh high-quality ingredients is one the most important parts of our cooking, to create flavours that your tastebuds and belly will love ~ Order all your favourite meals online for FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY ... #freenextdaydelivery #freshmeals #italianfood #homedeliveryservice #melbourneeats
23.01.2022 Homemade Panko Crumbed 100% Premium Chicken Breast Taste the difference #realfood #premiumchicken #homemadeschnitzels #feellikechickentonight #halalfood #melbourneeats
23.01.2022 Do yourself a favour and order an Industry Burger for lunch today UBER EATS OPEN TILL 10PM OR AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP! Just click the Order Food button in our bio or go straight to INDUSTRY KITCHENS @ubereats_aus 1. Buffalo Crispy Chicken Burger ... 2. Double Cheese Burger 3. Industry Classic #burgerheaven #foodpics #takeawayfood #ubereatsmelbourne #chickenburger #beefburger
22.01.2022 Nothing but 100% Premium Chicken Breast in all our meals and homemade schnitzels Know youre feeding your family real food with our hearty Homemade Meals ~ FREE DELIVERY MELBOURNE WIDE ... #realfood #realfoodoverprocessedfood #chickenrecipes #premiumchicken #halalfood #melbourneeats #melbournedelivery
22.01.2022 You can now find us on @ubereats_aus under INDUSTRY KITCHENS OPEN 7AM- 2PM Weekdays, 7AM - 10PM, Thursday, Friday & Saturday Pickup & Delivery Check out our tasty night menu at INDUSTRY KITCHENS x @ubereats_aus ... #ubereats #burgers #burgerspot #parma #tastyfood #melbourneeats #ubereatsaus #delivery #takeawayfood
22.01.2022 Our Classic Parma now on @ubereats_aus Homemade Panko Crumbed Schnitzel topped with Napoli Sauce and Mozzarella Cheese, served with Fat Fries #feedme #parmaandchips #classicfood #melbourneeats #ubereatsmelbourne #breakfastlunchanddinner
22.01.2022 @ubereats_aus open till 10pm today! Find us at INDUSTRY KITCHENS #burgertime #ubereatsmelbourne #takeawayfood #allyoucaneat #lunchanddinnerideas #realfood #melbourneeats #foodpics
21.01.2022 COVID CATERING Individually packed and labeled catering for any essential event. See our full menu online ~ #covidcatering #covidsolutions #covidcateringlooksdifferent #melbournecatering #melbourneeats @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
21.01.2022 On Friday’s we #ubereats #doublecheeseburger #burgerandfries #halalburgers #halalfood #burgerlovers #cheeseburger #melbournecafe #melbourneeats #ubereatsmelbourne #supportyourlocal
20.01.2022 Scallop Potatoes are always a fave Available FRESH or FROZEN ~ Tap to shop ~... FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY #scalloppotatoes #freshmeals #feozenmeals #freedeliverymelbourne #melbourneeats #halalfood
20.01.2022 Need something to get you through these long #lockdown afternoons ~ Homemade Vanilla Slices... now available to order Monday - Friday Free Next Day Local Delivery Product linked in video ~... #homemade #vanillaslice #feedthecraving #treatyourself #freemelbournedelivery
19.01.2022 Layered with fresh lasagne sheets, homemade bolognese and cheese Beef Lasagne now available for FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY! Fresh or Frozen ~ See website for all the areas we are delivering to! ~... #beeflasagne #homemadefood #halalfood #freedeliverymelbourne #melbourneats
19.01.2022 We got you covered with our single meals Meals only $12 ~ #singlemeals #freedeliverymelbourne #melbounrnefood #mealprep #lunchfood #dontsharefood #mondaymood
19.01.2022 Experimenting with our Panko Crumbed Schnitzels What’s your favourite Parma Combo? #parmas #chickenparamigiana #greekparma #mexicanparma #realfood #frozenmeals #fooddeliveryservice #melbounreeats #foodpics
18.01.2022 Fresh Vanilla Slices coming your way FREE LOCAL DELIVERY EVERY FRIDAY! Product linked in the video, just tap to order #vanillaslices #homemadevanillaslice #homedelivery #melbournedeliveryservice #sweettooth
17.01.2022 Doesn’t everything taste better when you can dine in #chickenfriedrice #realfood #asianfood #friedrice #lunchideas #melbournefoodie #seemelbourne #melbourneeats #melbournecafe #halalfood
17.01.2022 FULLY LOADED BAD BOY CHIPS ~ topped with whatever you desire INDUSTRY KITCHENS open for delivery and pickup! #fullyloadedchips #badboy #badboychips #ubereatsmelb #goodfoosgoodmood #melbounreeats #foodideas #takeawayfood #halalfood #foodpics #supportyourlocal #melbournecafe
16.01.2022 Buffalo Crispy Chicken Burger + Fat Boy Chips... what a combo Now on @ubereats_aus at INDUSTRY KITCHENS ~ OPEN 7AM - 2PM Weekdays, 7AM - 10PM Thursday - Saturday #chickenburgers #burgersandfries #burgertime #lunchideas #ubereatsmelbourne #takeawayfoodmelbourne #melbourneeats #foodpic
15.01.2022 Our Homemade Panko Crumbed Schnitzels are the best thing to keep in the freezer for those busy days!! Team it up with our Homemade Napoli Sauce and you have the quickest, tastiest Parmas youve ever made Order online ~ #pankocrumbs #pankoschnitzel #homamdefood #mealideas #parmas #chickenschnitzel #busylife
15.01.2022 We are OPEN and offering FREE DELIVERY MELBOURNE WIDE!!! Fresh Meals, Frozen Meals and Pantry Goods delivered straight to your door with contactless delivery ~ FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY TO THE FOLLOWING SUBURBS; *Thomastown - 3074... *Lalor - 3075 *Epping - 3076 *Campbellfied - 3061 *Broadmeadows - 3047 *Coolaroo - 3048 *Glenroy - 3046 *Reservoir - 3082 *Mill Park - 3073 *Craigeburn, Donnybrook, Kalkallo, Mickleham, Roxburgh Park - 3064 *Greenvale - 3059 *Calder park, Delahey , Hillside, Sydenham, Taylors Hill - 3037 *Keilor downs , Taylors Lakes, Watergardens - 3038 *Fawkner - 3060 ~ FREE DELIVERY MELBOURNE WIDE on all orders over $99 ~ Head to our website to place your orders ~ #supportyourlocal #freedeliverymelbourne #melbournewidedelivery #mealsonwheels #pantrygoods #melbournehalalfood #melbourneeats #realfood @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
14.01.2022 Have you tried the Eddie Parma yet? Find out what’s under that layer of american cheese at INDUSTRY KITCHENS #ubereats #unereatsaus #chickenparma #parmas #fatboychips #takeawayfood #melbourneeats #foodpics #halalfood
13.01.2022 Lasagne Bites ~ served with Napoli Sauce Just a reminder our Uber Eats opens late Thursday, Friday and Saturday... see you for dinner tomorrow Find us at INDUSTRY KITCHEN @ubereats_aus ... #takeawayfood #realfood #ubereatsmelbourne #lasagne #lasagnebites #foodpics #melbourneeats
13.01.2022 Find us on @ubereats_aus under INDUSTRY KITCHENS Open 7am -2pm WEEKDAYS, 7am - 10pm THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY! ~ Pickup and delivery available Click Order Food link in bio to go straight to our menu ... #ubereatsmelbourne #takeawayfood #breakfastlunchanddinner #yummyfood #melbourneeats
12.01.2022 Homemade Panko Crumbed Chicken Schnitzel Why go Panko? Panko crumbs are made from a crustless bread, making them lighter and crunchier and as result absorb less oil. Youll taste the difference ~ Tap to order. Free Delivery Melbourne Wide ... #tastethedifference #homemadeschnitzel #pankocrumbs #pankocrumbedchicken #melbournefood #fooddeliveryservice
11.01.2022 Were just going to leave this here... Crumbed Buffalo Wings ~ covered in hot sauce @ubereats_aus x INDUSTRY KITCHENS #buffalowings #chickenwings #foodpics #melbourneeats #takeaway #lunchideas
09.01.2022 We love seeing your reviews and we love feeding you INDUSTRY KITCHENS ~ Open to 10Pm tonight #ubereatsaus #ubereatsmelbourne #foodreview #goodfoodgoodmood #melbourneeats #halalfood #halal #melbournecafe #butgerlovers #chickenburgers #crispychicken
09.01.2022 Nothing like spreading love with good food this Christmas Check out our hampers and spoil a loved one... or yourself Hamper One ... 1x Family Lasagne 1x Roast Vegetables 1x Red Wine $60.00 Hamper Two 1x Roast Beef 2kg 1x Scallop Potatoes 1x Red Wine $60.00 For more info or to order our Christmas Hampers just shoot us a DM #christmashampers #foodhampers #feedingmelbourne #christmasgiftideas #christmaslunch #christmasdinner #goodfoodgoodmood #melbourneeats #melbournecafe #halalfood #givethegiftofgiving
09.01.2022 Chicken Stir Fry Noodles Get your dinner sorted with our Fresh Meals Online ~ Free Next Day Delivery #realfood #dinnerideas #melbourneeats #halalfood #foodprep #freshmeals
09.01.2022 FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY TO THE FOLLOWING SUBURBS; *Thomastown - 3074 *Lalor - 3075 *Epping - 3076... *Campbellfied - 3061 *Broadmeadows - 3047 *Coolaroo - 3048 *Craigeburn, Donnybrook, Kalkallo, Mickleham, Roxburgh Park - 3064 *Greenvale - 3059 *Calder Park, Delahey , Hillside, *Sydenham, Taylors Hill - 3037 *Keilor Downs , Taylors Lakes, Watergardens - 3038 *Fawkner - 3060 ~ FREE DELIVERY MELBOURNE WIDE on all orders over $99 ~ Head to our website to place your orders ~ #freshmeals #frozenmeals #localdelivery #melbournesnorth #melbourneswest #lockdown #melbournedelivery #melbourneeats
09.01.2022 Nothing like an INDUSTRY BURGER to complete your long weekend INDUSTRY KITCHENS open for delivery and pickup #ubereats #longweekendfood #industryburger #realburgersreallovers #burgerlife #burgerlover #halalfood #halalfoodinmelbourne #melbourneeats #takeawayfood #grandfinalfeed #foodpics #ubereatsaus
09.01.2022 Finish your Friday off right with our Industry Poutine ~ crispy bad boy chips, covered in gravy & american cheese #ubereats #hotchips #poutine #poutinefries #thinkingoffood #sides #takeawayfood #tgif #fridaydinners #melbourneeats #mebournecafe #supportyourlocal
09.01.2022 This message made our night yesterday We had 10 frozen meals paid forward to this beautiful couple going through a hard time during COVID. I think we all know someone who is struggling, lost their job or working overtime during this pandemic. Our #payitforward option is a great way to support someone in need and remind them they are not alone For more info head to our website or DM us any questions ... #togehtherwearestronger #beatcovid19 #supportsomeoneinneed #kindnessiscontagious #feedingmelbourne #melbourneeats #giveback
08.01.2022 We just added our famous Beef Lasagne to our Fresh Meals Menu! Yes you read right... you can now order our Lasagne any day of the week for FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY Head to our website to order ~ #beeflasagne #freshmeals #freenextdaydelivery #freemelbournedelivery #melbournehalalfood
08.01.2022 Excited to share some of our favorites with you.
08.01.2022 Hav you seen our updated website?! Check out our new single meal options form only $12 + Shop all your pantry essentials... FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY ~... #linkinbio #feedingmelbounre #realfood #homedelivery #melbournedelivery #easymealoptions #supportyourlocal
06.01.2022 Excited to share some of our favorites.
06.01.2022 Fresh Vanilla Slices made in store #yum #vanillaslice #freshsweets #sweettooth #treatyourself #melbounrecafe
06.01.2022 INDUSTRY KITCHENS @ubereats_aus - Open till 10PM tonight Cant go wrong with our DOUBLE CHEESE BURGER ~ Tap order food for direct link #burgers #cheeseburgers #burgersarelife #foodpic #takeaway #dinner
06.01.2022 PANKO BEEF BURGER Double beef patty, stuffed with cheese, dipped in panko crumbs before been grilled to perfection INDUSTRY KITCHENS Open to 10pm tonight on #ubereats ... If we dont reach your area call us for PICKUP ~ 9357 8184 #takeawayfood #ubereatsmelbourne #dinnertonight #burgerfest #burgerlover #pankocrusted #grilling #melbourneeats
03.01.2022 And we love to feed you ~ ... #foodlovers #feedingmelbourne #foodquotes #lovetoeat #supportyourlocal #cafe
02.01.2022 You cant go wrong with any of these.
02.01.2022 Milkshakes to make your lockdown days better #ubereats #ubereatsaus #milkshakes #thickshakes #icecream #dessert #takeaway #industrykitchen
01.01.2022 Did you know all our meals come in singles? Great for your work lunch, meal prep or adding variety to the dinner table We do free next day delivery to our locals... head to our website for more info ~ #mealprep #realfood #eatwelllivewell #freefooddelivery #organiseyourweek #halalfood
01.01.2022 PARMA DARE ~ Hand crumbed schnitzel topped with homemade napoli sauce, mozzerella cheese, jalapenos & chilli encrusted pineapple - served with fat boy chips INDUSTRY KITCHENS x @ubereats_aus #ubereats #parma #bestparmasinmelbourne #chilliparma #takeawayfood #melbourneeats
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