Sonesha Upasana Enlightenment in Ashmore, Queensland | Organisation
Sonesha Upasana Enlightenment
Locality: Ashmore, Queensland
Address: 174 Currumburra Rd 4214 Ashmore, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Pendulums | If you take an object, attach it to a length of some material such as a chain, and let it hang down you basically have, by definition, a pendulum. Generally pendulums swing from side to side or about a circular or elliptical path. Back in the day they were pretty big in helping clock mechanisms keep time. In that way they could be said to measure motion. Which brings us to how we apply pendulums in the field of metaphysics. People familiar with such techniques und...erstand that a pendulum can act as a sensor for movement or discrepancies of certain types. Whether it is a dowser searching for water, or a diviner scanning an area for a long lost treasure trove, or a therapist checking the state of someone’s chakras each can employ a pendulum to good effect based on its ability to pick up subtle vibrations and relay that message to the holder of the pendulum in some way. Once a pendulum has been tuned to the person using it, it becomes an invaluable tool in the diagnostic process. Fortunately, it is easy to use. We have seen sceptics amaze themselves with their own use of pendulums. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
24.01.2022 Blue Kyanite | Blue kyanite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Indeed, blue kyanite is one of the few minerals that never needs cleaning or cleansing. It is a gentle and soothing stone, relieving pain and discomfort, and bringing about tranquillity. Kyanite facilitates deep states of meditation allowing for a balanced, stable, and safe experience. It is a wonderful crystal to use in attunements and is suitable for helping the 3rd eye to open for clear vision. We ...can use blue kyanite anywhere on the body as it will only help us. Blue kyanite is one of our favoured crystals because it helps the body’s systems to align as well as allowing energy to flow freely through the chakras which assists in removal of blockages and unwanted energy from them. Treatments with kyanite include: spinal alignment, the muscular system, adrenal glands, blood pressure, pain relief and infections. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
24.01.2022 Mindfulness Tip: Make Gratitude A Part Of Your Routine Gratitude is the very simple act of just expressing thanks for the things you have in your life, and even when you're having a terrible day there are always things to be grateful for. All you need to do is take a pane and paper and 5 minutes to list out a few things you are grateful for today. By practicing gratitude, you are made aware of what is making you happy and/or what you are grateful for in that moment, which supports the idea of being present. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
23.01.2022 Having balanced chakras means our energy is not trapped or blocked so our lives can flow harmoniously. That allows us to be happier and more able to cope with life’s little pitfalls. It enables us to achieve greater personal growth and to find our true life purpose. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
23.01.2022 Affirmations The power of positive thinking is well documented and affirmations are certainly one aspect of that process. An affirmation is a stated intent for anything good that we want to happen to us. It may be general or it may be specific. It may be aimed at something material or at something spiritual. There shouldn’t be any problems associated with that unless the intent is lacking. If an affirmation is not sent out into the Universe with enthusiasm, why would we exp...ect it to do its finest work? After all, by its very name, it is meant to be affirming rather than: oh well give me this if you like and can be bothered. What we do affects others things. If we want to affirm something we ought to be putting our heart and energy into it rather than just mumbling away at a nice-sounding sentence and hoping for the best. We need to be positive and expecting the best and making it clear that we won’t be accepting anything less. We need to be acting as though there is no doubt at all that what we are putting out there is going to happen indeed we might act as if it is already happening; that’s how sure we are about it. So, if you are making an affirmation it is best to make it with all the belief you can muster. When so much might depend on it, why would you hold back? #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
21.01.2022 Mindfulness Tip: Work On Your Breathing Concentrating on your breath and nothing else seems like an easy task but it can be quite tricky if you've got anything on your mind. Focusing on your breathing helps you to be present and gradually drown out your thoughts so you can exist in the here and now. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
21.01.2022 Angels | Of course you have heard of angels! They are known around the world in most cultures in one form or another. In a broad sense they have been defined as Messengers but that is really only one of many purposes they perform. You can ask angels for many things. You can ask angels to act on your behalf in many instances. Even if you are aware that you have guardian angels with you throughout your entire life, did you know that you can ask for more when you need them? Now ...there’s an invaluable piece of information if ever there was one. Unfortunately people often find that their ability to communicate with angels has been neglected over the years; especially if societal pressures have been applied to dampen any such enthusiasm. As very fine Light Beings, angels can find it difficult to attract our attention directly so some people need to hone the skills they had naturally; but may have abandoned over time. Personally I think the world would be a better place if we spent more time connecting with our angels. You ought to know as well that there are hosts of angels and they can even be considered to have different ranks, for instance, Archangels. Isn’t it good to know you have friends in high places? #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
21.01.2022 Isn’t yoga just a type of exercise program? There are actually eight branches of yoga and what we typically call yoga is one of those branches; more properly called asana. While this does involve particular poses and stretching exercises, it should involve more than just a physical fitness program. Yoga asana requires sitting still as well as maintaining postures designed to restore and maintain a practitioner's well-being. Asana postures are also used to improve the body's flexibility and vitality. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
21.01.2022 "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings experiencing a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
20.01.2022 Amethyst is one of the most powerful stones for spiritual connection and it is known as the stone of inner peace. It is an extremely powerful and protective stone, with a high spiritual vibration. If you are carrying anger, hatred or guilt, amethyst can help you to deal with those struggles. In times of stress amethyst helps to stabilise emotions, and even lessens grief and sorrow. Amethyst assists us with positive transformation, balance, and dignity. If you are having troub...le making decisions, working with a piece of amethyst crystal can not only help you to calm down while allowing you to focus, it can help you to overcome the blockages preventing you from making those decisions. Memory and motivation are also improved by working with amethyst. How would you use it, you ask? You can carry a piece with you, keep it in the living room, place it in your workspace, and meditate with it to good effect. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
20.01.2022 Dreams | You may call me a dreamer Too often people remember only nightmares so they associate dreaming with something unpleasant. Some people even say they never dream which really means they are just not recalling any dreams. Some say that their dreams are such a jumbled mess of nonsense that they couldn’t possibly mean anything. Which is such a shame all round, because dreams hold so many clues and lessons for us which we can use to make a better life for ourselves. What ...really goes on in our minds when we dream has been the subject of conjecture throughout the ages. Far from being a jumbled mess of hallucinogenic nonsense, dream images actually reflect what is happening in our lives and sometimes even give us clues about the direction we should be taking. There are messages in our dreams if only we could decode them. Sometimes we might even have the same dream more than once as our mind insists that we pay attention. Or we might have dreams that take place in different scenarios but have a familiar theme running through them. Again, this is the mind trying to give us a message. We know that every picture tells a story and it is precisely that way with our dreams. The greater detail we can recall even down to what colours stand out or how something feels the stronger the message will be for us. We can train ourselves to pay attention to our dreams which is an excellent outcome because then we receive our messages more clearly. Then our dreaming mind no longer needs to scare us into paying attention through nightmares. Some dream symbolism has been shown to have meanings common to many people. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
19.01.2022 A new Sonesha Meditation Level 1 group will begin classes on Monday 25th March 6:30pm. This is a 12 week course. There are more details here - Meditation is the first step in a journey of self-discovery. It is a way of focusing the mind and stilling the endless mental chatter that saps our energy and creates stress. Meditation is a practical aid to inner growth and positive personal development and a powerful tool to help create balance in our lives. It will allow you to access inner knowledge and help you create the life you want. Used as a personal growth device, it nurtures a more positive attitude towards life at large. Meditation is a transforming process that can ultimately reach into every aspect of our lives. Sonesha Academy 174 Currumburra Rd Ashmore Gold Coast Contact Sonette on 0401 932 378 or email [email protected] #sonesha #soneshameditation #meditation
18.01.2022 Self Love and Acceptance: You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Buddha #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
17.01.2022 A Thought On Happiness It seems unlikely that anybody is happy all of the time. Besides, what makes one person happy may do nothing for another, and vice versa. While I may be delighted to have reached the summit of Mt Kosciusko, an Everest mountaineer may consider that a mere stroll in the park. Another person may be delighted that they didn’t attempt either climb! Either way, what makes each individual happy is important and we strive for happiness in many ways. You may kno...w some people who are able to find a degree of happiness in just about any circumstance. Others seem to be stuck with the notion or expectation that no matter how well things are going right now, it surely cannot last. Some people contend that without the lows in life we cannot truly appreciate the highs and that argument certainly has some merit. But as is so often the case with many things, what we expect; we attract. An expectation of happiness and a willingness to embrace the happiness in situations serves to perpetuate that state of mind. The Law of Attraction has many applications. What makes you happy? Is it monetary wealth? A contented family life? A fulfilling relationship? An exciting life of adventurous travels? The prospect of winning a literature prize or discovering a way to make others happy? Only you can know from where your happiness springs. Fill in your own blanks to that question. To tap into that inexhaustible well of happiness that so many people crave, we often need to alter our mindset and truly believe we are worthy of being happy. We deserve to be happy just as much as we yearn to be happy. It is surely much better than the alternative. So where does one begin to find happiness? Try deciding what it is that makes you happy. Recall circumstances and times when you were happy. Remember that feeling and expect it to arise again. To be happy you may need to actively pursue it at first, at least until it becomes an automatic way of life. And should you take two steps forward and one step back in your pursuit, remind yourself that you deserve to be happy and you will be happy. Being happy does not require you to step over others or drag them down in order for you to rise. There is more room in the air than along the ground. We may all be happy simultaneously. Wouldn’t that be blissful! What makes me happy is not important to you. What makes you happy is important to yourself. You will find it within once you start looking for it. It is there for the finding. It is there for the taking. It is there for the sharing. You can be happy if you let yourself be. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
17.01.2022 We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically. - Neil DeGrasse Tyson #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
17.01.2022 Forgive the past. It is over. Learn from it and let go. People are constantly changing and growing. Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See that person now. Your relationship is always alive and changing. Brian Weiss, Messages from the Masters: Tapping Into the Power of Love #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
16.01.2022 Crown Chakra | This is located at the fontanelle at the crown of the head. This chakra rules the pineal gland. It is activated through ultraviolet light. The crown chakra is our connection to consciousness, Self, Source or Universe. The crown chakra rules the central nervous system and the cerebrum. The colour of the crown chakra is super-luminous ultraviolet. As the crown reaches up. It fades to white. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
16.01.2022 More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate. - Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
16.01.2022 The beginning of the new year is a great opportunity to reflect on what you've learned about yourself in 2018, and how you'd like to grow in 2019. Instead of setting resolutions that can easily come and go, try setting intentions that will help you live as the best version of yourself every single day. The act of setting intentions helps to focus your mind, prioritise what's most important and start making transformations from within. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
15.01.2022 Change | If we don’t change we stagnate and that is pretty much just a step away from a slow death. It has been said that change is the only constant but that is just as well because through continually changing we can achieve tremendous growth. It isn’t always easy and often requires us to step outside of our comfort zone. But ask yourself how that is really working for you. When we initiate change and growth though, we can retain a generous amount of control over it which leads us to much greater satisfaction in life. Sure, it might sound easier to opt for the quiet life, but change can bring a mountain of fun and knowledge that improves us in so many ways. We are stronger for being boosted by new experiences. Bring it on I say! #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
14.01.2022 We all know that spending time in nature is a good thing, but with our modern Western lifestyle, we’re indoors more than outdoors. Spending time in nature isn’t just a nice to have, it’s actually really important for optimal health. For instance, did you know that... The sounds of nature shift your nervous system into a relaxed state. Being closer to nature is associated with healthier blood pressure levels in pregnancy. Children who are born to mothers who spend tim...e in nature tend to have a higher birth weight. Living near green space is associated with having a healthier weight as an adolescent and an adult. Children who are able to get outside more tend to have fewer behavioural issues. People who have regular access to nature are less likely to be on anti-depressants. So take a few minutes today to get outside and go for a walk! #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
12.01.2022 Happiness Improvement Tip: Random Acts Of Kindness. Practicing acts of kindness gives people a happiness boost. In addition, the recipient becomes happier and this even extends to people who merely observe the act. These acts don’t need to be anonymous and observers often want to pay it forward. The Dalai Lama emphasises compassion as essential for happiness. Therefore, compassion and affection help the brain to function more smoothly. Secondarily, compassion gives us inner strength; it gives us self-confidence and that reduces fear, which, in turn, keeps our mind calm. Therefore, compassion has two functions: it causes our brain to function better and it brings inner strength. These, then, are the causes of happiness. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
11.01.2022 Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience. Jon Kabat-Zinn #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
09.01.2022 Here are 7 little things you can do for your body to feel amazing everyday; 1. Move your body for 30 minutes a day 2. Start your day with a nutrient packed and protein rich breakfast 3. Try Apple Cider Vinegar in your water to reduce sugar cravings 4. Stay Hydrated... 5. Don’t overdo it when it comes to caffeine. 6. Tune into your hunger. 7. Prioritise sleep. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
08.01.2022 Sit with yourself and close your eyes, even if it is just for 5 or 10 minutes. Focus on your breath and keep coming back to breath when your mind wanders. Focus on being present in this moment. The key to peace and happiness is nothing external. It is actually just being fully present. Listen and trust. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
08.01.2022 Rose Quartz: The Love Magnet Though it’s thought of as the stone of love, it’s not just romantic love that rose quartz crystal embodies. Rose quartz symbolises unconditional love, and facilitates love entering your life is through its ability to bring your consciousness to a higher level. Meditate with rose quartz crystal to bring love and compassion into your life. If you’re feeling down on yourself, bring a rose quartz stone up to your heart so that it can connect to the ...heart chakra. Clear your mind. Sit with your emotions, both good and bad. Feel how whole and powerful you are. While concentrating on your breadth, inhale love and exhale any grudges or negativity buried within your core. Try to see the pink light of love that you are inhaling moving through your body, revitalising your tired mind and surrounding your wounded heart. Stay in this meditation, focusing on breadth until you feel that your essence has lightened. When you are ready, repeat the mantra: I will accept the light of love, I will beam the light of love. This mantra is meant to help in your quest to become a loving being, not just to yourself and your loved ones, but to strangers and acquaintances too. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
08.01.2022 Mindfulness Tip: Take Control Of Your Thoughts Sometimes we all find it challenging to get out of our heads, but mindfulness means appreciating each second and giving yourself entirely to the moment you are in and you can't do that if you're wrapped up in thought with the lights on and nobody home. Let go and give yourself completely to the moment you are experiencing and enjoy it. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
08.01.2022 Clear Quartz | With so many remarkable and beautiful crystals being marketed these days it is easy to overlook some that have been perennial favourites. For instance, the power and uses of clear quartz crystal is not to be underestimated. Clear quartz crystal is commonly found in cloudy specimens that clear the more they are worked on somewhat like many of life’s problems. When clear quartz clarifies it is becoming active which allows it to benefit us in many ways. For exam...ple, clear quartz amplifies the energy of all other crystals and increases our emotional energy. Indeed, clear quartz is basically an amplifier of whatever it is associated with. It is worth adding that this means it will also magnify energy or effects that may not be desirable and for this reason it should not be used with some incapacitating conditions which could become much worse under the amplification of clear quartz. A lot of sources fail to tell you that don’t they? When applied positively though, this Master Healer amplifies prayers, wishes and positive visualisations. It connects with our spiritual side and reminds us that we are spiritual beings. All spiritual pursuits can be stimulated and amplified using clear quartz’s energy to help us be more receptive to greater wisdom. Clear quartz crystal can draw energy in as well as send energy elsewhere. With proper instruction we can even use clear quartz to charge some other crystals to help us in particular ways. Because clear quartz has so many uses we can supply you with clusters, tumbled stones, points, wands, cabochons, generators and more. Treatments with clear quartz crystal include intestinal problems, vertigo, general pain relief, and to improve stamina. All of these things mentioned are just some of the qualities and attributes of clear quartz crystal. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
07.01.2022 Spirituality | All right So you went and got that Om symbol tattooed on your wrist or ankle and that’s about the extent of it. Believe me, if that was all it took to be more spiritual we’d have sorted this world out long ago. Spirituality isn’t something you wear or something you carry about with you or even something you claim to be. Spiritual is something you are. Spirituality is about striving to become more connected to the Source, to the One, to the Universe or you want to call it. Getting too fixated on names and definitions is a bit like looking for proof all the time when it often doesn’t matter or probably can’t be proven any more than it can be disproven. To be spiritual is to be sure that there is more to us than this physical plane reveals or lets us know about. We are basically a mass of energy coalesced in a tangible state. Compared to many forms of energy we are quite slow moving in this physical plane. That is part of our journey as we strive to reunite with our true Self which exists in a much higher state of energy. Why? Well we are all working on that one, all right? We pretty much all acknowledge we have a body and a mind. At a pinch most will even concede that they have a soul. You cannot exactly hold that up to the light for others to ooohhh and aaahhh at like a sparkling diamond though. Meanwhile, if you reckon we don’t have souls and it turns out you are right what prize do you win? None of that explains what the spirit is or what spirituality is. Some would say the spirit is our consciousness. So the mark of our spirituality is shown in the level and depth of our consciousness. I am sure that is a massive oversimplification and only a superficial definition but it’s a start. And starting generally leads somewhere. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment See more
07.01.2022 Just a little reminder for Monday. Have a beautiful day everyone #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
07.01.2022 You are the company you keep. This can be difficult when you're beginning on the spiritual path because your current friends, and especially family, may not understand what you're up to. Then you may start to doubt or question the changes you are feeling. Just trust that you are on the right path and that you will be supported by the universe. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
03.01.2022 Mantras | Words or sounds repeated to support concentration during meditation are often known as mantras. There is some suggestion that the origin of the word relates a mantra to something that actually protects the mind. Whether they are phrases or words, mantras are sounds which are used as an object of concentration. Repeating a mantra internally has an entirely different effect to performing a mantra aloud whether in a group or alone. Some mantra meditations have been performed for thousands of years and can sound truly amazing when chanted by devotees of the craft. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
03.01.2022 The Full Moon is a great time to sit under the light of the moon and meditate (also called ‘moon bathing’) As you breathe-in allow the moon to warm your heart and expand the beauty of the present moment and as you breathe-out let the light of the moon transmute that which you wish to release. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
02.01.2022 Mindfulness Tip: Increase Your Awareness Engaging your senses can help you become more aware, which will help you on your path to mindfulness. You can do this by giving yourself a hug, interacting with a pet, or smelling a flower. If your mind and body feel really out of line, then do something bigger such as swimming, going for a run, or touching something really cold to give yourself a jolt back into your body and out of your head. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
02.01.2022 Mindfulness Tip: Take 10 Minutes To Do Nothing When we disconnect from our phones, eating, reading, or interacting with others, reminiscing about the past or planning for the future, we refresh our minds and keep them working at their best. You will thank yourself later #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
01.01.2022 Mindfulness Tip: Watch The World Go By The art of people-watching has been around for quite some time. There's something so pleasant about just sitting and watching people go about their everyday lives and imagining who they are, what their hobbies are, and what they might do for a living. Taking time out of your day to people-watch is an activity that is rooted in mindfulness: You are taking a step outside of yourself and your ego to observe other people in that exact moment in time. Plus, it's rather relaxing. #sonesha #upasanaenlightenment
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