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Sonia Bavistock


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25.01.2022 And it starts with ONE thing. Yes, really! And I know this to be true, from (deeply) personal experience. Over the past 2+ years of my spiritual awakening and especially during the past 3+ months of my intense transformation and transition I have changed my life and business, one thing at a time. 1 belief.... 1 situation. 1 doubt. 1 emotion. 1 story. 1 habit. 1 idea. 1 block. One by one, I have looked at these things. Felt them. Understood them. Transformed them. And made empowering new decisions and taken bold steps in new directions. One at a time. Because, it only takes one thing to change EVERYTHING. And if it’s true for me, it’s available to you. Which is why @jody_mcgrice and I have created Sacred & Seen Live a 2-day high end mastermind meets luxury beachside retreat. Because we know the power of creating a sacred space that brings women together with the intention of connection, growth and belonging. And how the one thing keeping you stuck can be shifted in a moment of powerful coaching. So, if you’d like to join us for what we know will be a beautiful and transformational weekend, send me a DM for all the details. Because to experience something you‘ve never had before, you must be willing to do something you have never done. Is this your one thing?

22.01.2022 There is a certain kind of magic that happens when women hold space for one another. A healing takes place. For past generations.... For future generations. For ourselves. We are living in a time where the Divine Feminine is rising up to bring balance back to our world and way of living and leading. And we you, me, my beloved @jody_mcgrice and so many others are at the forefront of this change. This is our life’s work. And, like anything you commit to for life, it takes work. Time. Practice. Persistence. And a whole lotta love. Which is why when women come together in a sacred space and witness one another transforming old stories and beliefs, the magnitude of these changes are monumental. It’s electric. And the ripple effect moves far beyond those women who have gathered together. It impacts partners, children, family, friends, colleagues, and communities for the better. Because women are the changemakers. And there is a certain kind of magic that takes place when we come together and hold space for one another. Which is why @jody_mcgrice and I have created SACRED & SEEN LIVE. This 2-day event is an intimate high-end mastermind meets luxury beachside retreat for 12 women ready to make a change. For themselves and for generations past and future. Are you willing to be the changemaker? Send me a message if the answer is YES.

20.01.2022 There is a process in becoming. And what I have learned, this past month especially, is that as human beings, we tend to want to rush through or even skip the integration stage. The pause. The void.... The place where we are called to be still, rest, and allow what we have processed and moved through to weave itself into the fabric of our DNA. This stage is not particularly intense or exciting. But it is essential. It’s where the seeds that were planted receive the time and space and nurturing they need to start to sprout. And me? Well, I am emerging from the depths of a very long and important personal winter. A time of transformation that now finds me in a stage of transition. Integration. The pause. The void. And the Universe has gifted me the most incredible training in being present. In focusing only on this moment. Being. Here. Now. And it is going against every fiber of my human nature, and it is more magnificent than I even realise right now. One day, the stories of my time in the void will form the trainings and the teachings that I will share as a coach. But for now, I am in this moment. Present in the pause. And it is a gift that I can share with anyone who wishes to be supported by me. So, if you are in the process of transformation or you are ready to go there I’m here. And I can hold space for you. Fully and completely. Present.

12.01.2022 Your sassy AF reminder from the Money Queen @xoamandafrances. Your desires are meant for you. You have a right to feel good. You deserve to have your dreams come true.... You get to have an impact and make an income. It’s all available to you. Your job is to stay open. Allow. Receive. This. Or something better. Especially if it feels too good to be true.

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