Sonja Newton Doula & Massage Therapist in Flagstaff Hill | Medical and health
Sonja Newton Doula & Massage Therapist
Locality: Flagstaff Hill
Phone: +61 404 681 074
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25.01.2022 I am your Doula. I will be with you and for you, as you dig deep, go inward and surrender. You are safe with me. You are loved with me. You are supported with me. I will hold you physically and emotionally. I will remind you of your strengths and your ability to birth your baby. ... I will honour and celebrate you as a newborn Mother. I am blessed to guide you and support your journey to motherhood. @focusedonlovebirthphotography
24.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all our special Dads. To those waiting to be fathers, to those who hold their babies in their arms, to those who hold their babies in their hearts and to those who choose to step in and love children who may not be theirs by blood. Also to the single Mummas who fill the shoes and parent for two and to all the same sex couples raising incredible children. For some of you its your first Fathers Day. I hope you know how much your children adore you. One of my favourite things about being a doula is witnessing the dads support their partners and when they see their baby for the first time. Its goose bumps and tears stuff for me every single time. To my hubster, Michael, our world wouldnt be the same without you. Thank you for being such a wonderful dad to our children and amazing support to me. You are loved
24.01.2022 Hi lovelies, happy Monday, I hope you are all feeling happy and well. Finally, I have my new Massage space and will begin treating from my new room from tomorrow. Those who have been with me for a while, know this has been in the pipeline for AGES! I still need to finalise some things, and am waiting on my rug and wall art, but thought it was best to just get in there....we all need a fresh start and to end the year on a high!! The room will evolve as it needs to over the c...oming months. I hope you find my space comforting and nurturing. I really want my clients to feel they have been looked after and cared’s what I love to do. Remedial doesn’t mean painful. I like to incorporate relaxing techniques into all treatments so you leave feeling better than when you came in both physically and emotionally. I’m really looking forward to supporting your health from this space. I have a few appointments left for the year, so please touch base if you’d like to snap one up. I feel I need a glass of bubbles to celebrate A reminder of my treatment services: Remedial Massage Remedial Pregnancy Massage Relaxation Massage Trigger Point Therapy Deep Tissue/Sports Massage Dry Needling Myofascial Release Cupping Chapman’s Reflexes PNF Stretching and Mobilisation Optimal Maternal Positioning Spinning Babies
24.01.2022 I really love Pinky McKays advice. I saw her speak in Adelaide when Benny was 10 months old and it was a game changer for this 3rd time mum!! I now tell my clients that there is no such thing as bad habits. It is totally okay to do things that make life a little easier and take the pressure off whether it be for that moment, a day, week or more. You can adjust things later when you have more energy, have had a good sleep, or when/if it no longer works. No rods for your back no bad habits, just doing what is right at the time for you and your child.
24.01.2022 That’s a wrap for me. The hubster and I have loaded the nutbags in the car and we are taking some time off to hang out and relax a bit over Christmas. I’ll be back on board from the 27th December and will then work adjusted hours over the remainder of the school holidays Current Doula clients...I’m available by phone for anything you may need over the next week
23.01.2022 Good evening my lovelies...I’m reaching out to all my incredible breast feeding Mumma’s with a request for donations of your liquid gold. This little cherub is Albert. I have the absolute pleasure of being his Mum and Dads Doula. He was born on 20th October this year. After Albert’s birth he was diagnosed with a genetic condition that has meant lots of challenges for him and his amazing family. He had a long stay in the NICU, but has recently gone home to be with his Mum and... Dad and big sister. His superhero Mumma, Carley, has been expressing since day one to ensure he is breastfed. He is unable to feed from the breast, so feeding is via a feeding tube. Express feeding is so damn hard, not to mention stress and exhaustion of the last 2 months. Understandably Carley is struggling to keep up with supplying Albert with her liquid gold. Hence my request, if there are any Mumma’s who would love to support Carley and donate breastmilk to little Albert, please contact me. I’m happy to be a drop off point or pick up milk, or put you in contact with Carley. It’s takes a village to support a Mumma. I know we have an amazing village ready to step up and surround this family with some love and liquid gold. See more
23.01.2022 Happy Wednesday lovelies First of all let’s take a few minutes to practice a bit of self care... Check your breathing...are you shoulder or belly breathing? ... Drop your shoulders, relax your jaw, close your eyes and take 10 nice deep breaths into your belly. I hope that has helped you to feel relaxed... Now just to update and reassure that I am following all SA Health recommendations. I also have a Covid-Safe Plan. Thorough cleaning takes place before and after every clients, fresh linen is always used, face masks (although not mandatory for clients) will be available for those who feel more comfortable wearing one and I will wear a face mask for all treatments. Please, if you are feeling unwell, stay home, contact me to reschedule your appointment, get tested and self isolate until you get your results. I understand that Covid has caused a lot of anxiety for people. Particularly if you are in a high risk category. If you are struggling with the events of the last few days, feel free to reach out to me for support. I’m always happy to be a sounding board and to do what I can to lessen your anxiety
23.01.2022 Sharing this very insightful discussion around the trauma that women experience during birth, why it happens and what can be done to prevent it. I strongly encourage everyone to listen to this. If you have experienced trauma in birth, please go gently as you listen. You may find this empowering and healing or triggering. Please let me know if I can support you. The way women feel when birthing and how they are treated is an important issue and has many ripple (in fact tidal)... affects within our families, community and society. This panel discussion really explains how birth is much bigger than it being just a day in a womans life and that its not just about being grateful to have a healthy baby. Please make yourself cuppa and watch this.
21.01.2022 Just letting all my lovely massage clients know that I will be taking a short break over the school holidays from September 28- October 12. Im really looking forward to letting my body have a rest and hanging out with my kids. This does not affect my Doula services at all.
20.01.2022 Please sign & share this in support of Victorian Women
20.01.2022 #Repost @mymidwives The perfect position Relax and open Breathe @thebirthbutler... T O I L E T You might be saying, Ummm what does this have to do with birth!? . The toilet, the john, the Lou, the porcelain throne. . We are all familiar with its many names, but what you might not know is that it is a POWERFUL tool for labor! . For years, our bodies have been programmed to open up and #letgo while sitting on the toilet. . The same muscles that have to release to urinate, also release to let baby come through! Not to mention having the help of GRAVITY Some people report contractions becoming more intense while sitting on the toilet, and for that reason, its a great way to get a stalled labor to pick up! . You can even make it comfortable by straddling and setting up pillows on the back of the toilet to doze off in #laborland Happy birthing! . Was any part of your labor spent on the toilet? . Do you envision yourself getting comfy with the porcelain throne while bringing your baby down?? #placenta #treeoflife #freebirth #placentaencapsulation #fourthtrimester #placentaspecialist #welcomebaby #shippingplacentas #okps #placentalove #pregnancy #placentafacts #village #mothers #afterbirth #selfcare #ppd #birthkeeper #postpartum #lifegiver #cordart #placentaprint #placentaart #placentapills #postpartumcare #spoilmama #umbilicalcord
19.01.2022 Aww a beautiful Mumma client of mine just sent me this so I wanted to share it with sums up beautifully what Doulas are about There are so many reasons why I love doulas! I wish I had hired a doula after my little ones were born. I truly think it would have made a huge difference to my stress levels. Doulas listen, talk about options, empower, and care. ... They dont tell, advise, diagnose or prescribe. They will support you without taking over. They will make suggestions and offer some hacks, but not be dictatorial. They will educate but not patronise. They will hold space but not try to fix you.
18.01.2022 I can wholeheartedly recommend Hypnobirthing to my Mummas and their partners. Not only have I been at beautiful Hypnobirths, I used the techniques myself to birth my babes and I truly loved my births. My hubby also valued the hypno experience because he had a whole toolbox of ideas to support me labouring. We are lucky to have some fab Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioners in Adelaide, and Hannah is one of them. So if you are planning a birth, please consider looking into Hypnobirthing. I think youll be glad you did Ive also completed the Hypnobirthing Australia supportive Caregivers Training, so feel free to chat with me if you have any questions and how I may be able to support you to birth your babe
18.01.2022 The positive side effects, or silver linings, of covid distancing are fascinating - exponentially less SIDS cases, far less premature births, physicians specia...lizing in childhood anxiety who have reported that 100% of pediatric patients they see with clinical anxiety have shown dramatic improvement - most to the point that they wouldnt even be classified as having anxiety any longer... Entire practices seeing virtually no illness of other kinds among pediatric patients either. Maybe ...maybe... there is something to be said for keeping parents and babies and children together, for not pressuring and rushing birth, for not pathologizing pregnancy, for allowing children (and new/expecting moms) the ability to get enough sleep, to cocoon together at home (not always, but sometimes), and to not be rushed around to this or that event/class/early appointment/daycare/7am school, 3pm afterschool... among *other* things... Maybe. There are so many nations that dont have the SIDS and childhood anxiety and birth morbidity that the US has... maybe we are catching a tiny glimpse into why this is. During Coronavirus Lockdowns, Some Doctors Wondered: Where Are the Preemies? Off FB sharing: Peaceful Parenting Community
17.01.2022 When a mother says she's tired Don't tell her that you have done a lot of things today When a mother says she needs sleep Don't tell her you didn't sleep for th...e heat too When a mother asks for help Don't just give her the minimum When a mother says she's tired it means she's passed every limit, for who knows how long When a mother says she needs sleep It means she hasn't been sleeping for months, sometimes years so much that maybe she's no longer able When a mother asks for help It means that she has already done everything possible and even more. It means she needs to eat, drink, wash, means she has already neglected herself for too long. When a mother asks... she has already made an effort she should not have had to Mothers should feel you saying I'm here, I see you, I appreciate you, I know what you do. Come I will hug you. ( Ve Gayatri) Artist: Tamara Phillips
17.01.2022 Happy weekend lovelies. Ive been a little quiet on the social media front this least few weeks. Its been an incredibly busy time of me being on call for 3 beautiful Mummas who all birthed their babies within a 10 day/night period. All amazing midwifery supported home births. Ive also been massaging in between births, and spending time with my little loves. I crave time with my own babies, their births fresh in my minds as I drive home after a birth. I really want to take... a moment to acknowledge all my massage clients who have been so understanding and supportive when Ive had to reschedule their treatments due to being called to a birth. It doesnt happen often but when it does, I feel so fortunate to know that I have your support. Also to my friends who rally around me and help with my children when I go on call and sometimes at very short notice. Jodie, Leah, Ulana, Vic and Flanez, its so lovely to know that when my babies arent with me they are being loved by you. It helps me relax and support my mums whole heartedly. And to my hubster, Michael, you understand my Doula work and how important it is to birthing mothers and families. Each time I jump out of bed and run out the door you hold the fort. Often having to reschedule your own clients and drop kids of here and there. I know its not easy for you, but Im grateful for what you do to support me. Today Im cooking 3 soups for 3 mums, doing a postpartum visit and tomorrow an in home massage and postpartum visit with another mum. Life is busy, hectic and exhausting...a juggling act but I love it. Im not a Doula as a job, its in me, its who I am! I love that you all appreciate that about me. This pic is of beautiful blossom I saw on a tree when I went for a walk with my boys this spectacular is it!!! Just like my newborn Mothers and their fresh squishy babes
17.01.2022 Dr. Nils Bergman, is a Swedish specialist in perinatal neuroscience, is one of the founders of the Kangaroo Mother Care movement and a promoter of skin-to-skin contact between a mother and newborn. In this video he talks about how doulas, or as he calls them 'Kangaroulas' are there to protect the oxytocin in the mother. He also explains what's going on neurologically in the Mother, Baby and Father in the first 1000 minutes after birth....A very interesting talk. You wont have to read as he gives his talk in English
14.01.2022 I’m quite (okay super) passionate about breast feeding! I’ve encountered every issue under the sun with feeding my 3 babes. Tongue and lip ties, allergies and intolerances, mastitis, cracks, bleeding, toe curling pain, vomiting from the pain abd serious feeding anxiety....sounds fabulous doesn’t it!!! But I surrounded myself with professionals who helped me conquer every issue. My hubster was also a rock star supporter and did everything he could to support my breast feeding ...journey. I made platinum boobs with Ella, almost diamond boobs with Liam, and apparently I’m Amethyst boobs with Benny. He told the hubster today ‘I want boobie until I am 5!’ Where are you at with your breastfeeding journey? Reach out if you need support. I’m more than happy to share my experiences and help you. I’ll also connect you to incredible professionals who will be a part of your tribe to help you achieve you breastfeeding goals. It takes a village and I’m part of yours See more
14.01.2022 A topic many clients want to talk with me about. Should I do the test for Group B strep?. Its very important to understand the true risk of GBS and importantly know how the results of the test may impact your labour. Of course, your body, your baby, your choice. You can decline the test. If you have already tested positive, its entirely your choice whether you have antibiotics administered during your labour. I welcome you to contact me if youd like to talk about this test, your options and what you feel is best for you and your baby
13.01.2022 Wow, what a day!!! At this stage remedial massage is still permitted. However I stress that if you have been to any of these places at or after the listed times, have been feeling unwell or in contact with anyone who is unwell, please contact me to reschedule your massage and get tested ASAP. My families livelihood depends on me being able to stay open and continue offering remedial massage. I’m sure if we all do the right thing we can stop this situation getting out of control and we can get on with life as much as possible. In the meantime, and as always, I’m taking the appropriate measures recommended by SA Health and also my massage association in regards to cleaning and safety protocols.
13.01.2022 Our journey to 2am on 11th July 2016, after exactly 24 hours of magnificent labour we became a family of 5. Benny was born in the water, surrounded by love by our gorgeous midwife Phyllis, amazing birth photographer Victoria, and very excited siblings. He has blessed our lives more than we could ever have imagined. Although not his responsibility he helped put back together our broken hearts after losing our little love before him. Im sure he was sent to us for a reason. Everyday with him is magic. He makes people happy, loves flowers, animals, nature and donuts. His empathy is beyond his years and his way of looking at the world is so beautiful. Happy 4th birthday my beautiful Donut. My heart aches a little knowing your firsts are my lasts, but I cant wait to see what you become, the world needs you
12.01.2022 Many of my Doula clients know that one of the things we talk about is positions to increase the birth inlet and the birth outlet. This is a great visual showing two positions. See in the first pic her feet and knees are turned out which brings the sit bones closer together this combined with the squat is a great to open the birth inlet. The opposite is shown in the second where the feet are turned in which moves the sit bones apart and opens the birth outlet. Movements dont have to be massive or onerous. A small internal or external hip rotation can make all the difference. Another reason why birthing on your back with feet in stirrups is a bad idea!! Pop your hands on your sit bones and practice positions to see what else opens the inlet and outlet.
11.01.2022 As always, last night involved my Benny climbing into bed with me and waking numerous time. He had some bad dreams about spiders. Lying across the other side of the bed to me he whimpered mummy where are you? I told him I was next to him and reached over to hold his hand. I need you to be close to me so the spiders cant get me he said as he rolled over on top of me. I feel better now he said has he wrapped a leg and arm over me and buried his face into my neck. Yes, I ...get broken sleep every night. Im usually tired and even when I get the chance to sleep a full night through I dont because Im so used to waking for him. So many people have told me to sleep train, that Im creating a rod for my back, that I shouldnt feed to sleep because its taught him bad habits, or that I should never let him (or Ella and Liam) in my bed. But I wouldnt have it any other way. Ill always be his/their soft place to fall and find comfort. As their mum, Ive followed my gut, listened to my instincts and met them where they need me. I have done it every time no matter the situation, sleeping, toilet learning, breastfeeding, separation from me...the list is long. But as I see them grow, take on new challenges, and gain independence and confidence, I know that I all the sleepless nights, all the comments were worth it and I will continue to meet them where they need need me for the rest of my days because Ill always be their Mumma, and they will always be my babies. See more
10.01.2022 Keeping it real!
09.01.2022 It’s not surprising that the majority of my clients are 2nd, 3rd or even 4th time Mumma’s. So much of my work is about helping clients unpack previous birth experiences. This can be hard for Mummas and partners. It can trigger a range of emotions and reactions. You are safe to feel them with me, without judgement. Your feelings are always valid and I will always respect them, your journey and you
09.01.2022 Well that changed quickly!! All clients with pre-booked treatments over the next 6 days, will receive priority rescheduled appointments as soon as I get the go ahead to reassume massaging.
09.01.2022 This was the scene in our house on this day 4 years ago. My waters had broken at 2am and Id been in labour for 6 hours. Our Journey to Benjamin
08.01.2022 Every single time...the anxiety is real
08.01.2022 One for the Dads! Beer and Bubs is back on!! Whether you are preparing for the arrival of your first bub, or you are a seasoned pro, Beer and Bubs session are a great opportunity to meet with other dads and discuss all things labour and birth and your role as a supportive partner. The dads I know who have attended loved the opportunity to attend and chat with other men on the same journey.
08.01.2022 For those who have had a difficult day. I hope you have someone willing to sit with you in your hard day and just holds space for you. Someone that just lets the day be what it is, that doesnt try and fix it, that doesnt judge you for it, that doesnt make it about them, that just sits with you so you arent having a difficult day alone. Im happy to be that person for you should you need
07.01.2022 The is a fabulous video from Ginny, explaining how to use the peanut ball to create space within the pelvis in labour. Getting on our hands and knees, practicing different positions, using birth aids such as the peanut ball and talking about how to use them in labour is some of what I do in prenatal appointments with my Doula clients. It all helps to educate clients and help them feel prepared and empowered to labour and birth their babies.
07.01.2022 Another day and another birthday for our family. Happy Birthday Babe, you have the worst dad jokes, are a noisy eater and a total nutbag. But you are ours and we kinda love you. So we will keep you around for many more birthdays. This guy holds down the fort every night that I work, keeping the house quiet for my massages, and when I go on call for a birth he does too. He keeps our family running and supports me in everything I do. He is a good egg
06.01.2022 Such a good post and reminder that babies are not overdue at 40 weeks. My Ella was born at 41+3 weeks and Liam was 42 weeks. Trust the process, enjoy the time you have left holding your babe inside, spend some time with your partner and other children....and send a message to friends and family saying please dont call or text, we are enjoying the last moments of our pregnancy and we will let you know when we are ready to share the news of babys arrival.
06.01.2022 Helping clients prepare for their postpartum is something that warms my heart. I love the opportunity to support mothers to RECOVER after they birth. Unfortunately much of our society has lost postpartum traditions, leaving new mothers isolated, exhausted and forced to navigate their new world alone. We need to embrace postpartum again, and honour our newborn Mothers. I welcome you to contact me so we can chat about how I can help you, or someone you love, during postpartum. Mothers need support and thats what I love to do
06.01.2022 What does a doula do? She does what needs to be done to serve you. Via @doulaviewllc... Doulas are the best If you have doubts about having a doula or not having one, always say yes!! you wil never regreat it! #Repost @orgasmicbirth @thebirthimpact @withregram @birth_ed Doulas... "Before you scroll on past with rolling eyes thinking this one is just for hippys, bear with me for 60 seconds. 'Doula' is another one of those words, a but like 'hypnobirthing' that sounds a bit weird until you know what it really means! And (unless you're a big Gilmore Girls fan like me) you may not have come across doulas before. Doulas nurture and support women either throughout labour and birth or in the postnatal period (or both!). As a non medical professional they are there to provide you with support (be that practical, physical, emotional, information providing or as your advocate), no matter what decisions you make or how you give birth. Doulas, just like the rest of us, come from ALL walks of life! It's simply about finding someone you connect with, who you feel able to welcome into your birthing space. A cochrane review into continuous support from a woman in labour showed women were.. More likely to have spontaneous vaginal births Less likely to have any pain medication including epidurals Less likely to have negative feelings about childbirth Less likely to have instrumental births, and Cesareans Likely to have a shorter labour by approx 40 minutes. Less likely to suffer from postnatal depression. There is NO evidence that having continuous support in labour has any negative outcomes NONE! YIKES! So why don't we all have one? For more info on doulas and the most wonderful and insightful chat about birth, listen to episode 1 of the birth-ed podcast! Would you consider a doula?" Photo: @evarosebirth ___ #thelamazedoula #doulaviewllc #doula #birthdoula #postpartumdoula #laborsupport #womensupportingwomen #birthteam #doulasrock #doulasupport #yourbirthyourway #birthwithconfidenconfidence #thebirthimpact
04.01.2022 If you read nothing else please read this Birth trauma week starts on the 6th and goes until the 12th September and I will be focusing on this a lot in the c...oming week. There is a common myth out there that is also often politically hijacked that birth trauma is just physical trauma and hence the focus ends up on the pelvic floor and manifests as anti normal birth. As over a decade of ours and others research has shown this is just the tip of the iceberg. Birth trauma is so often about not being listened to, disrespected and losing control. It often leaves no physical scars and so is dismissed as something women should just get over and be glad they had a healthy baby. I have heard leading health professional and others say no one is ever traumatised by Caesarean section. This reveals the reductionist, narrow thinking on this issue. We must work to reduce all kinds of trauma whatever the woman or her partner says that trauma is. Our book this year, Birthing outside the system: the canary in the coal mine, showed clearly that trauma is so often deeply psychological and also can be physical and we must work to reduce both. The safest birth is one that is supported by a respectful, competent and known midwifery care provider backed by an equally respectful and component obstetric provider. Doulas also play a critical role in reducing birth trauma. I have become a great advocate of these amazing people.This kind of supported birth has been shown to be both physically and psychologically safe. Do not let the agendas of some people derail the reality thousands of women attest to. Stay tuned as there is about to be announcement of a free, first ever fabulous event next week with a line up of speakers (consumers, obstetricians, lawyers and midwives) like you have never seen before. Announcement coming soon See more
04.01.2022 Postpartum Oxytocin We all know the benefits of Oxytocin during labour and birth, but what about during Postpartum? Oxytocin is the love hormone...the feel good hormone. Its helps us feel safe and secure. It makes us feel happy. During postpartum it helps with bonding and connection to our newborns, to cope with sleep deprivation and the monotony of newborn days and nights, to increase milk supply and generally keeps you healthy and happy as a new mum.... As a new mother it is so easy to get caught up in focusing on the needs of our baby, establishing breastfeeding, learning to settle them, understanding their cues...and then there is also needs of the rest of our family. It is so easy for the things that make us feel peace and joy to be lost in the thick of things. For our needs to go unmet. When this happens our oxytocin levels take a dive and we can feel empty, exhausted, and disconnected from ourselves. The good news is that it is quite easy to give ourselves a quick oxytocin boost, to recharge and feel happy and healthy again. When working with my Mummas I always talk with them about what makes them happy. What fills their cup. What brings them peace and joy? And when in their day are they able to spend some time focusing on their needs. So if you are in the craziness of the newborn haze right now, take a moment to checkin with yourself and ask...what do I like to do that makes me happy? Have I done anything for myself today? What can I do today that will bring me happiness, peace and joy? You might feel you dont have time, that you feel guilty for taking some time or feel you will be judged for putting your needs first. Let me shout this from the roof tops...You deserve an oxytocin boost. You are worthy! Some of my oxytocins boosters are spending time in the garden, sitting in the sun, having a hot cup of tea, bringing flowers into my home, going for a walk, getting a massage (bonus points for a facial), eating chocolate, having an uninterrupted bath or shower, talking to my bestie on the phone. They dont all take a lot of time, or cost a lot of money....some I can even do in my pjs (win win). Share your favourite oxytocin boosting ideas
03.01.2022 I’m am really looking forward to seeing this long awaited doco. Obviously I’m passionate about birth....about how women feel when they birth and how babies are born. This is why I’m a Doula. It’s my goal that women feel physically and emotionally well, educated and empowered and, excited and proud about the birth of their babies. If you care for and respect women, women’s rights, culture, about the next generation of human beings I believe this is an important doco to see. ...Our maternity systems needs to be rebuilt. Women need to be heard, loved, respected, supported and celebrated. See more
03.01.2022 I love that over my clients pregnancies I get to know them, and them me, and we can have a laugh. One of my clients has just started a week of testing her glucose tolerance for gestational diabetes (she is unable to do the usual GTT due to an allergy). Below is the text she sent to me when her testing started on Saturday....and also the response I sent to her text
02.01.2022 Im totally blown away, and have been really emotional everytime I look at this stash of donated breastmilk. This is LOVE. This is a VILLAGE. This is SUPPORT. Thank you to every single mother who has so very generously expressed and donated their precious breastmilk to Krista and her newborn son. To every mother who has dropped milk to me, dropped it Krista, who has allowed us to come to you home to collect THANK YOU ... Ive had offers of breastmilk donations from all over Adelaide and even country SA. Every mother who has donated has been on their own journey, yet wanted to support another mother. Every single drop is so valuable and appreciated and is contributing to a beautiful new babe to grow healthy and strong. They say it takes a village to raise a child. I believe it takes a village of women and mothers to support another mother to raise her child. Im so proud of the little village we have created for Krista and her son. Below are pics of the donations I have received...precious liquid gold! This is on top of those who have donated directly Krista.
02.01.2022 Happy birthday to our favourite donut loving Benjamin. Enjoy being 4
01.01.2022 Does this look familiar? My little love, Benjamin, still does this to me...every night!!! I showed him this when he woke this morning and he laughed...a full on belly laugh. Then he said ‘sorry for kicking you on your back and head!’ Then he gave me butterfly kisses on my nose. He knows how to win me over
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