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Soteria Safety Group

Phone: +61 480 137 563


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25.01.2022 Work health and safety at public events and in the natural environment.... as an employee, employer or guest.... do you know your rights and responsibilities? Contact us for more information on how we can ensure your event is safe!

25.01.2022 This is fantastic!

23.01.2022 A Brisbane business has been convicted under industrial manslaughter laws for the first time in Australia with a fine of $3 million imposed!! If you don’t have your policies, procedures and safe practises in place and or they aren’t followed this is what can happen.

22.01.2022 The Coronavirus explained so simply! Watch and share!

22.01.2022 Emma and Rebecca have joined forces, bringing together 30 years of knowledge and experience in the HSEQ sector spanning multiple industries where HSEQ is pivotal in the day to day running of the business. Together, we commit to looking after you, your people and your clients. We focus on helping and empowering you to improve and integrate HSEQ in your business - simply and successfully!

21.01.2022 Safety doesn’t have to be hard and shouldn’t be ignored! It should be simple, easy for everyone to understand and implement. It’s so sad that already this year, at least 15 Australians haven’t made it home! Year-to-date 2020: Preliminary worker deaths by industry of workplace.... As at 30 January, there have been 15 Australian workers killed at work in 2020. In 2019, 162 Australian workers were fatally injured while working, compared with 144 workers in 2018. At Soteria Safety Group, we pride ourselves in helping businesses ensure saftey is simple and successful!

21.01.2022 New to Safety? You're not alone, we're here to help..... Every business small or large has Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) obligations, laws and legislation to comply with.... If you think HSEQ must be complicated it doesn’t need to be. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed, or even a lot, know that with the correct systems in place, you can maintain a safe work environment, look after the environment and provide quality services / products. Perhaps you didn’t realise you have obligations under legislation or maybe you know you have an issue but just not sure how to approach the matter. We can help!

20.01.2022 Do you have your ISO Certification? Do you want to gain more business and be a safe employer? Do you need help implementing your HSEQ?... Contact us today!

17.01.2022 Corona Virus - are you prepared? - Have you updated your procedures to include additional cleaning and hygienic requirements? - Are you and your employees prepared? - Are you updating employees and customers on what you are doing and what you expect to help keep everyone well?... - Have you got a contingency/pandemic plan in place? If you are not sure what you need to do or would like support in implementing practices, please contact us either via email, Facebook or phone. We are here to support you Simply and Successfully.

17.01.2022 Did you know... Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Are you a sun safe employer? We would love to hear how you go above and beyond to ensure your employees are safe....

17.01.2022 Now that we are in #STAGE3 easing of restrictions, business who have an approved Industry COVID Safe Plan available must comply with the plan to be able to oper...ate. Industry COVID Safe Plans can be found here: Please note a list of industry plans currently under consideration with relevant industry bodies.

16.01.2022 At SSG we believe Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) should be intuitive, too often it is made overly complex. Safety and Quality should be simple, ‘user friendly’ and integrated. With a head office in Nth QLD and Melbourne, we have you covered from top to bottom and everywhere in between. Let us simplify your HSEQ and watch your team become more proactive and compliant.

15.01.2022 Businesses must have measures in place to protect workers at risk from coronavirus! If your business involves direct contact with sick or ill patients/customers, you should monitor the coronavirus situation as it develops and review your infection control policies, procedures and practices, to ensure they are effective and are being followed. If you or your workers are planning to travel overseas for work, particularly to China, monitor the latest Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) travel advice on the Smartraveller website.

14.01.2022 #SAFETYALERT An increased demand for half face respirators is leading to fake respiratory protective equipment (RPE) entering the Australian market. Ensure you ...or your business can identify fake (non-certified) respirators and highlight the risks associated with using them. For PPE information check out the below:

13.01.2022 The next level! - ISO Certification Accredited HSEQ systems are a great way to provide customers with confidence in your business. AS 4801 or ISO 18001 for safety , ISO 14001 for environment , ISO 9001 for quality can be a powerful platform for gaining the competitive edge or opening up new market opportunities.... Specialising in ISO accreditation, we can make the certification journey smooth and most importantly, successful.

12.01.2022 Helping Australian businesses protect their staff, business and brand reputation.

10.01.2022 Coronavirus (COVID-19) It doesn’t matter if you’re a worker or someone who is responsible for workers, you must identify and manage work health and safety risks including the exposure to COVID-19. Do you have the correct procedures in place to protect workers and visitors? ... Have you implemented sanitising processes, signage, posters, PPE and other best practises? Contact us if you require any support in ensuring your business is compliant.

10.01.2022 HSEQ is often perceived to cost a business with no financial return. However, with great HSEQ implemented businesses often see financial benefits and more beyond the initial HSEQ scope. Including increased efficiency, productivity and improved morale just to name a few. Contact us for a chat and see how we can simplify and progress your current HSEQ.

07.01.2022 Are you correctly prepared to reopen #covid19 #safeworkplace #ssg

06.01.2022 #STAGE3 easing of restrictions announced! Businesses are now able to increase their maximum number of customers. If your venue is under 200 square metres you... can have 1 person per 2 square metres up to 50 people at any one time. Businesses larger than 200 square metres are required to adhere to 1 person per 4 square metres with no limit on the maximum number of customers allowed if the venue is large enough and you comply with the COVID Safe industry plan. Read more about what Stage 3 easing of restrictions means for your businesses

05.01.2022 I believe this is too true! Faking being happy only lasts so long and eventually takes its toll on your health and well-being even outside of work. Most people can tell when your faking it too!

03.01.2022 Our services ensure you have the best and most practical systems in place for your business. No two businesses are the same and shouldn’t be treated as if they are. Give us a call or drop us a message to discuss how we will support you and your team - Simply and successfully!

02.01.2022 Need improvement? Improve, let us show you how..... Do you: Have the basics of a Safety, Quality or Environmental System in place, however, need some guidance related to a specific issue.... Find your business is doing well, but you just don’t have the time to manage all the legal obligations and compliance matters, therefore need assistance to keep on top of things. Need to improve your systems so that your business can be its best but you need some guidance and expertise to achieve this. We can solve these and many other HSEQ issues to improve your business. Contact us to discuss your needs. See more

01.01.2022 Does not matter what your level of experience or of those you employee!!! Everyone has a responsibility to make sure health and safety is 10000 percent in place! Our condolences Businesses are reminded of their duty to identify hazards and manage risks to health and safety in accordance with the provisions of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017.

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