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Soul Birth

Phone: +61 422 432 499

Address: Blue Mountains, NSW


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25.01.2022 Motherhood has changed every cell in my body. In a way that my body feels more full, more whole, more mine than ever before. And yet I wonder how can that be, when we walk every day through life now with a soul that doesnt belong to us but at the same time does? How can this transformation within be so pure and magickal that we dont even question it? How can LOVE be so immense?... I dont have the answers, and Im not searching for them because I dont need them. I purely believe in them by feeling it all over my body, my heart and my soul. Now we wait for you. Our second child. And I wonder... how can all this expand even more? Motherhood. I adore you. by @kate_randall_photography See more

24.01.2022 Now more than ever .. lets support women to have better choices for their births.

24.01.2022 Cant wait to listen to this.. ! Thank you. Being on the journey of HBAC myself at the moment, I find this very inspiring. Xxx

23.01.2022 Hello to you all on my beautiful community. Heres a link for our GoFundMe to support raising funds for our Home Birth to welcome our second baby. Any help is heart welcomed, and sharing is invaluable. Sending so much love.... Xxx

22.01.2022 Go Westmead !! Such a powerful change for women and their birthing journeys.

22.01.2022 Welcome Earth side little one. We are all so in love with you and deep in the magick of sacred postpartum bubble. Alma Eve Hanly Gardella You are a blessing.... #womban #lifejourney #sisterhood #tribe #trust #empoweringfromwithin #mooncycle #earthrhythms #lifecycles #newbegginigs #present #positiveenergy #renewal #fire #wind #water #earth #lifeelements #daybyday #silentmeditation #youareenough #mother #daughter #luna #mothersaremagic #makelifesacred #livemoremagic #shamanicjourney #priestesspath #sacredcircle See more

22.01.2022 Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to our fundraiser... we are so close ! And so is baby Please share along if you can and remember that everyone who donates (within Australia) will be running in the Giveaway for a beautiful Box filled with amazing products from our local Blue Mountains and beyond.. yay !! Thank you ... Xxx

20.01.2022 Last month we gathered for our first circle under the Full Moon and I am short of words on how to describe the magick that was created through the courage, strength, love, compassion and beauty from these women. It was so much more that we couldve ever expected.. it felt like what we where trying to achieve with my sister @julesg58 went beyond and far anything we imagined. We dreamt of this day and put so much of our visions and love to create a safe space for women to gat...her and rejoice in the power of circle. Believed that we could hold this space because it felt so right, because we believe that at the end of the day, we are all there holding space for each other... and you know what.? We did! And what a pleasure and honour it was to sit in sacredness. Like we have been doing for centuries. We are re-membering - So, as the first Full Moon of the year approaches us, heres an invitation to our next gathering. With love. Xx Romi & Jules Dear Beautiful Women, You are invited to join us as we gather under a Full Moon in Cancer. A powerful time to connect with Mother in all Her aspects and an opportunity for us to come together and nurture and support each other during this difficult and distressing time. - This Cancer Full Moon connects us with The Mother aspect and Nurturer. This energy runs very deep for many of us so you may wish to reflect on what Mother means for you. Here are some questions that we will reflect on and share in our Circle that you may wish to consider: My relationship with my Mother Myself as Mother And of course our relationship and connection to our collective and precious Mother Earth. - We are very much looking forward to sharing an evening under the Full Moon with you. Bookings essential to: [email protected] See more

19.01.2022 Working on this painting touched me both on a spiritual level as well as on an emotional one, and there are so many things I'd like to say about it - but I'll the image speak for me this time. I dedicate this to all mothers, to all those warrior and nurturing spirits out there standing up for what they believe in. Prints at: View my latest art book, A Compendium of Witches, at

19.01.2022 You'll find me breaking bread with the birth educators, doulas, witches, midwives, nurses, and other physicians who guide their patients to safety without failing to appreciate the beauty and majesty displayed by a birthing human

15.01.2022 Because it was absolutely mad !!

15.01.2022 Today feels like - - - Artist - @luspider... Photo credit @wombenwellness Reposted with @plannthat See more

14.01.2022 There are so many of them; they stand behind our backs, long trails of mothers stretching out over the frozen lakes, spilling beyond the skyline and eventuall...y lost far inside dark shadows of time. There forms a river of women's blood, a mesh of women's bones, a web of women's lives into which we are profoundly, intricately woven. As we walk back along our line of ancestral women they reach out their hands to touch us. We are being wrapped in the enduring life force of our many ancient mothers. Each ancestor we pass has given some part of herself to the women we are now. There are so many mothers whispering inside us. ~ Carolyn Hillyer, from the Weavers Oracle Art by Anna Henning IG: @annaofthemeadow

14.01.2022 I dreamt last night that I was sitting in circle with one of my mentors @janehardwickecollings and pulled two tarot cards. One was Death. The other one Offerings. - So much thinking has come out of it, specially as weeks go by and my baby grows and grows in my womb.... What does this mean ? Are these for me or somebody else? Are they a message for my inner journey of a message I need to carry? Maybe all of them ..? - As I keep bringing it to the surface, all I know is that it was absolutely beautiful. See more

13.01.2022 I had a plan yesterday to do a really good post on this campaign and time was just not on my side.. you know, quarantine at home with kids is not necessarily the most freeing time. So, now that Im sitting with my cup of tea I can have a second attempt at it. As many as you would know, (and if you dont :), we are having our second baby in just 3 months and this time around we have planned to welcome him/her at home. In the loving, sacred, gentle caring space of our own... home, surrounded by the perfect birth team and little family. We have learned so much since our first birth and know that this is the right path for us. It is the journey we want and need to embark ourselves this time around...for so many reasons. But we also know that it doesnt come without challenges, particularly financially. Which is why weve created this GoFundMe campaign in order to reach out to community, family, friends and beyond for support, in any way, to try and ease the load of this investment. We of course know that not everybody is in the position to donate money, but if you could find time for sharing with others, this is also a massive contribution. And even if we dont reach the goal, everything is so helpful. And we are , and ever will be, beyond grateful. This is another way to connect with each other as one Tribe. A Village where help comes in many forms. So, if you feel inclined to read our story and support however you can, the link is in my Bio. Also Im hoping I can do a little video where I keep you updated with it all, just have to work through my fear of putting myself behind the camera ... I can do it ! And please, if you have any questions about it please DM and we can have a chat. Thank you thank you thank you With love Romi Xx @lifeandlens_photography See more

13.01.2022 Did you feel the shift of energy on Lammas ? Like something has changed and we are on the transition into something new? I did... big! I felt slower, tired, like a different current was running through my body.... I saw the colours shift around me. I saw the clouds bringing messages from a land where they have been resting, where they have seen the dormant state of things and now they are letting us know its time for us to follow. I felt my son closer to me. As if he could feel all these things too so he knew it is time for more cuddles, more kisses, more softness. I felt my steps becoming lighter. Just as you do when you step into the dark... slowly watching what is ahead of you. I can see life and death so intertwined that being here today is a pure form of miracle. Growing and nurturing my spirit baby seems almost surreal, because magick exists beyond the realms we know and understand. And having to come back to trust sometimes feels like the hardest a of tasks, but maybe it is because me know it so deeply that we fear being so honest with ourselves. Like we actually know we have the answers but prefer to believe maybe we dont in order to feel more human...? Stop right there. Acknowledge your power. Acknowledge you inner wisdom. You where created from it. You ARE it. This morning the colours of the sunrise have also changed. So much more pink hues, softer tones, slower shine. We are all shifting, so maybe take this moment as an opportunity to see the fruition of the seeds you harvested in Spring. What messages are they bringing for you? Connect to the Moon cycle. What is she showing you? Connect to your spirit animal. Look for answers in the realm beyond.. and who knows?, you might find yourself all over again. #womban #lifejourney #sisterhood #tribe #trust #empoweringfromwithin #mooncycle #earthrhythms #lifecycles #newbegginigs #present #positiveenergy #renewal #fire #wind #water #earth #lifeelements #daybyday #silentmeditation #youareenough #mother #daughter #luna #mothersaremagic #makelifesacred #livemoremagic #shamanicjourney #priestesspath #sacredcircle See more

12.01.2022 Just wanting to send love your way during this crazy times. Lets show ourselves and others that we can be/do better for one another. That the opportunity to create that village, that Tribe we all long for so much, is being presented to us right NOW. Let us be the change we need to see for our world.

11.01.2022 Its been a long time since posting. I guess I have been feeling a bit more inward, or a bit more focused on some personal stuff. Growing a little baby and nurturing my family have taken all my attention, and as we draw closer and closer to a time where this baby will join our family Earth Side, I feel more and more focused on whats happening right here, right now. But I have to say, I find so much inspiration from all of you and this magickal web. So thank you !... Now to take my attention back the lemon pie on the making before Pre school pick up. Lots of love to all xxx See more


10.01.2022 Happy 4 loops around the Sun my dear Oli Inti You are the kindest, loving, funny little boy. And the best big brother now to your little sister. We love you !!!

09.01.2022 Someone has been hiding in there for a few weeks now ! Yay! Hence the reason I havent posted in weeeeeeeeks. This much loved and wanted baby has taken all my energy and attention, making my everyday life look like lying on a couch with deep nausea, deep sleepiness and all and all tiredness. I havent been able to be my usual self for ages, but now I am finally seeing the light. -... Although... seeing the light is just a way of putting things because I believe taking the time to nurture ourselves when our bodies are asking us too is not just a task, but a deep important ritual. Specially when growing a little person. I feel utterly blessed to have the time to do this and to honour the fact that yes, I am not my everyday self at this moment. I am working with the forces of the universe, together creating magick, one of the most amazing things our bodies can accomplish. And Im so proud. - Having had a miscarriage earlier this year made this pregnancy quite different.. to the point that feeling so sick was a way of being thankful that a baby is in me doing its thing. It was a sign of things being ok. And then I did this scan, and let me tell you, the tears rolled as I sighed with relief of knowing I am capable of growing a healthy and strong baby all over again. I needed to see... So, here I am. Wanting to share with all of you wonderful people how happy I am and how grateful I am for being a woman and having a new opportunity to grow and birth a child.. on my own terms! - #womban #lifejourney #sisterhood #tribe #trust #empoweringfromwithin #mooncycle #earthrhythms #lifecycles #newbegginigs #present #positiveenergy #renewal #fire #wind #water #earth #lifeelements #daybyday #silentmeditation #youareenough #mother #daughter #luna #mothersaremagic #makelifesacred #livemoremagic #shamanicjourney #priestesspath #sacredcircle See more

08.01.2022 Never an ending was so much of a beginning Thank you for so much @schoolofshamanicwomamcraft ... #womban #lifejourney #sisterhood #tribe #trust #empoweringfromwithin #mooncycle #earthrhythms #lifecycles #newbegginigs #present #positiveenergy #renewal #fire #wind #water #earth #lifeelements #daybyday #silentmeditation #daughter #luna #mothersaremagic #makelifesacred #livemoremagic #shamanicjourney #priestesspath #sacredcircle #schoolofshamanicwomancraft #fourseasonsjourney See more

07.01.2022 "I'm not broken" she cried. . Another little darling made her way earthside today. Two midwives and a doula raced through peak hour traffic to be at her amazing... mamas side who triumphed against the naysayers by birthing her baby vaginally after 2 caesarean sections. . . #gomama #vbacsuccess #vbacwithoutfear #vbac . [email protected] for your homebirth

07.01.2022 Hello in there .. - How do I tell you how much you are loved already? How much joy and gracefulness you have given me and taught me? How much I think of you and who you will become?... How much I wish I didnt pass onto you the pressure of being a light seed after going through our loss... ? Because I have had thoughts I wish I didnt have, or fears I wish I didnt feel only because of the weight of what happened. - Is this you again..? I think so. I believe you have come back to us.. only you needed a different time. A different journey. - Just letting you know, no matter what. We are ready for you. - - - Thank you @lifeandlens_photography for our caption. - - - #womban #lifejourney #sisterhood #tribe #trust #empoweringfromwithin #mooncycle #earthrhythms #lifecycles #newbegginigs #present #positiveenergy #renewal #fire #wind #water #earth #lifeelements #daybyday #silentmeditation #youareenough #mother #daughter #luna #mothersaremagic #makelifesacred #livemoremagic #shamanicjourney #priestesspath #sacredcircle See more

07.01.2022 Sometimes I feel like being seen, others like being hidden. But its all me. Some days I feel like Im walking on the right path and that everything is falling into place. Others I feel like Im not doing enough. Like Im not being honest to my truest potential and my capacities. ... Because I know I can do more, so why dont I? Its like I keep fighting against this strong feeling within me that others are better than me, or more magickal than me, or more creative, or more more more.... I mean I have moved to another country far away from home 10 years ago, I got married, birthed a baby, loss a baby and now growing a new soul. I have done Doula training and learnt so much about the truth behind birth, I have supported women through this. I have birthed a business where I wanted to support our local small businesses here and nourish women as they journey through motherhood... I go to work, take care of a home, have friends, have life, have so much !! So how is it that I can feel Im not doing enough.? Seems ridiculous. But its true. Have you ever felt like this? Have you got any inspirational and supportive ideas on how to change this ? Right now though, I feel like a power house as I grow this little babe. But also annoyed at the fact that womens birth options have to limited to money and not free of choice. Wtf! But thats on my next post... I want to have this talk with you. Ok, now back home to my boys. @kate_randall_photography Flower crown by @floral_ink_bluemountains #womban #lifejourney #sisterhood #tribe #trust #empoweringfromwithin #mooncycle #earthrhythms #lifecycles #newbegginigs #present #positiveenergy #renewal #fire #wind #water #earth #lifeelements #daybyday #silentmeditation #youareenough #mother #daughter #luna #mothersaremagic #makelifesacred #livemoremagic #shamanicjourney #priestesspath #sacredcircle See more

05.01.2022 The amazing Michelle Palasia and her words !! Had to share this ! Xxx

05.01.2022 Hygieia Health Ltd have been listening to pregnant women, birthing women and women post-partum, during this global pandemic. In response to the emerging needs ...of these women, Hygieia Health has created a Hotline. The Hotline is serviced by Birth Workers (including midwives, doulas, birth keepers, mothers) from around Australia. This is a woman to woman volunteer support service. The Hotline is open from 6am-10pm to speak with a Birth worker. Birth workers will provide non-urgent pregnancy, birth and post-partum support and advice to women who call, based on the Birth Workers knowledge and skill set, working from the premise of the professional ethos Birth Workers are educated in. Another Hotline is open from 10pm-6am to speak with a Midwife. Midwives will provide more urgent pregnancy, birth and post-partum support and advice to women who call, based on the Midwives knowledge and skill set, working from the premise of the professional ethos Midwives are educated in. We have been listening and we are answering your call. For any questions, please contact Frederique Van Poppel at [email protected]. HOTLINE: 0482 468 007 with Birth workers open 6am-10pm daily AEST HOTLINE: 0467 470 901 with Midwives open 10pm-6am daily AEST #supportingmamatotos #protectingmamatotos #crisisresponseforbirth #ustoo #hygieiahealth #pregnancysupport #birthsupport #postpartumsupport

04.01.2022 This is the story of our birth journey with Oli and the new journey we are embarking ourselves for welcoming our second baby at Home. Please, if you feel inclined to donate to our fundraiser, we would be so so grateful. Home birthing in Australia comes with a high cost, so every little bit counts. This is our absolute dream, and we know we are in the best hands with our Midwife and our Doula to hold space for us and support our journey.... We cant wait to meet this little baby in just a couple months With love and gratitude. Our family xx

04.01.2022 2020.. youve given us a wonderful beginning. Spent days swimming in pristine rivers, laughed and shared with special friends, held newborn love in my arms, eat yummy food, cared and supported each other and dreamt about what life can look like with a few changes. Because at the end, all that matters are the lived experiences. The love around us, and the happiness we bring to ourselves and others. Dreams can be more than that.. they can be realisations in the making, so he...res to life changes that bring joy and self growth. - Also, had our first beautiful meeting with our midwife @midwifejohunter as we dream the welcoming of our new little baby into our arms... at home. Supported, cared for, held. Trusting the process of this miraculous journey, now in our own terms. - So, heres to love. - - - #womban #lifejourney #sisterhood #tribe #trust #empoweringfromwithin #mooncycle #earthrhythms #lifecycles #newbegginigs #present #positiveenergy #renewal #fire #wind #water #earth #lifeelements #daybyday #silentmeditation #youareenough #mother #daughter #luna #mothersaremagic #makelifesacred #livemoremagic #shamanicjourney #priestesspath #sacredcircle See more

03.01.2022 Dont have plans for this date..? Well now you do !! This powerful three women, and all the wise people interviewed for this documentary, have joined together and created this powerful and important film so we can truly see what happens in this country, and around the world, regarding our birth system and how this has impacted, and still does sooooo many women and their families on one of the most important times in their lives. Birth Matters.... This documentary matters ! I am so honoured to have Jo as my midwife while I prepare to HBAC my second baby.. and I am so proud of her Save the date and join us !

03.01.2022 Beautiful women, Come and join us this Friday 13th of March as we gather under the energy of a Full Moon in Virgo -our Earthy Helper-Healer. This Virgo Moon is like a Sacred Earth Goddess nurturing and guiding us back towards our nature-loving origins and reminding us to take care of ourselves, others and Mother Earth. ... DM for details or send us your email to join our monthly mailing list #womban #lifejourney #sisterhood #tribe #trust #empoweringfromwithin #mooncycle #earthrhythms #lifecycles #newbegginigs #present #positiveenergy #renewal #fire #wind #water #earth #lifeelements #daybyday #silentmeditation #youareenough #mother #daughter #luna #mothersaremagic #makelifesacred #livemoremagic #shamanicjourney #priestesspath #sacredcircle See more

02.01.2022 Congratulations @bushrat_ ! You are the winner of the Giveaway Box ! Thank you so much for your support And thank you to the wonderful women who donated a part of their beautiful creations to make this Giveaway a reality. Its been so so soooooo heart moving to feel the support from all of you as we journey as a family through this new chapter in our lives. So grateful for al of you...! Sending you all so much love. Also, thank you so much to everyone who has donated to the fundraiser.. wide world community and support has been so moving. You are all so amazing! Donations are still open. And baby should be here any day now

02.01.2022 When I first started dreaming with the idea of creating my own business, I was deeply immersed in the gentle, loving, soft journey of my first motherhood journey. All my mind occupied at the time was the blessings of love life had given me and the opportunities I now had the choice to follow. Of course I also knew very well some of the hardships that come with this initiation. The beginning of this cycle wasnt easy for me. But I knew what I wanted the journey to look lik...e, and so I persevered knowing I had the five within me to overcome those things and come through on the other side more empowered and tender than ever. And I did ! So with this, I was faced with a glorious reality that I couldnt have looked at until this moment. Until I had gone through this Rite of Passage, this sacred ceremony. It showed me that women are FIERCE. STRONG. POWERFUL. TENDER. CAPABLE. GODDESSES. Dont get me wrong.. I have always felt this. But this moment showed it to me on a different level. So, I wondered. How can I make all women see this? How can I support the community I live in by doing this? How can I make women feel acknowledged, seen, cared for and loved? What can I make different? Off I went and became a Doula, learned lots (and still am), was welcomed to witness women in all their power, surrounded myself with special women, visionaries, creatives... and from it, SoulBirth was born. And the developing of Moon Boxes was like birthing another baby, another dream. I looked around the Blue Mountains community for inspiration and found soooo many wonderful women, that just like me where mothers with dreams, gathered them round, and together we aligned to support each other. Each one of them with their uniqueness and gifts. And from it, a special specific box was curated for pregnancy, birth and postpartum journeys. And can I say... wow! I feel proud of myself. I do ! I never thought I couldve done something like this! From this moment, lots of things have happened... and SoulBirth has evolved into so much more. I run womens circles and have experienced life changing times with sisterhood through the @schoolofshamanicwomancraft I am no See more

01.01.2022 And like that, we have officially received our last Meal Train since welcoming our little Alma into the world. And you know what..? I am in awe of the community I live in. The generosity and support weve received is so humbling and beautiful. This time wouldve been so different without all those delicious and nutritious foods arriving at our doorstep every day. So I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts to each and every one of you so much love to you all. Now I cant wait to make someone else a meal when in need ! But for now I have to get organised to make our own dinner #ittakesavillage #postpartumbliss

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