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Soul Emergence
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25.01.2022 September ~ Big Light wave embracing our beautiful planet. The energies have been intensifying for some time, especially over the last month, much releasing of the past. Lots of memories from this life, people no longer journeying with me, the heart remembers & misses them, wishes them only love. It feels like a Multidimensional Life Review whilst in the physical body: this life, past lives, ancestral trauma, Soul woundings. A lot of grief, deep grief is coming up to be felt... & released & the heart opens more, breaks open, to the remembering of Divine Love. Love from the Creator, Source, Spirit, the Universe, which ever word resonates. This brings alignment to the Divine, to the Divine Self. A Higher Self forgotten. The truth of our Being. Who we are at a Soul Level, deeper & deeper into Divine Love. Connecting to the Earth is of highest importance now, you can not remember your Soul Self & embody into your physical body, if you have not been grounding to the Earth, the Ascending Earth. We now have the choice to create the Highest timeline, under Ease & Grace. The timeline that aligns to Joy, Abundance & Soul Love. This is my Highest desire for all Souls currently residing on the Earth Star, let’s bring her home to her Highest Light, to our Highest Light. It is time to become Soul Empowered through the Heart, Master Unconditional Forgiveness of those still trapped in the Illusion of Separation from the Divine. Unconditional Forgiveness of ourselves as we continue to realise where we are living in the Illusion of Separation. As we break this Illusion, We Remember the Power of Divine Love. Full Connection to our Soul & so it is & so it is & so it is! Coming Home The intensity of the Light now beaming onto our beloved planet Earth, is creating internal transformation for each Soul. Self Healing is required, finding balance physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. Grounding & meditation is essential. Breath work is very helpful. Vibrational Healing in many forms, for instance Reiki, Theta Healing, Australian Bush Flower Essences & Homoeopathy all are very powerful ways to help oneself in this process of transformation. If you require assistance please go to Much love & light, Kim
23.01.2022 Tawny Frogmouth (Breakthrough) Look at this beauty who turned up today just sitting there wondering who I was, what am I doing and don’t come to close. This beautiful bird just haven’t turned up for the sake of it when animals cross your path in life most times there is a message they are trying to pass on to you. The Tawny frogmouth is showing us we have become lost and are failing to understand our relationship to spirit and nature. We must remember we are never separated... from nature even when we find ourselves alone physically as well as spiritually alone. When you feel stuck in a rut with an issue and have been coasting along on a plateau the Tawny frogmouth helps you breakthrough and pushes you to the next phase of the issue or project that has been bothering you. The frogmouth keeps reminding us synchronicity is all around us allowing us to see the universe is working with a sense of harmony, even when everything around you is falling apart and descending into chaos. It is showing us to use positive camouflage allowing us to hide facets of ourselves from people in order to make sure our health and protection is strong. This appropriate use of hiding from people at times can be very healthy for us, it is perfectly all right to blend into the background, not disclose any information about yourself or become invisible on occasions. The main theme of the Tawny frogmouth is becoming one with nature, it literally has camouflage the turns it into the bark of the tree. This is unification by changing its posture drastically to then become the tree. You are being shown you have not only lost touch with nature and spirit but you could be questioning why such oneness and unity is needed. You are being encouraged to break through the despair and uncertainty towards nature and its energy, by not doing this could lead to a disconnection in your life. Love, Light & Blessings Glenn
21.01.2022 The energies coming through & onto our planet can be felt strongly by the sensitive & empathic Souls. This can feel like anxiety for no known reason. Grounding into your body & the planet can help alleviate these feelings of anxiety, also anxiety for known reason. Grounding assists in being Present in your whole body, not just living in the head space. This helps you feel more secure, safe & in tune with your own intuition. An easy way to ground, is to stand on the Earth bare feet in a park, beach, river, your back yard & allow yourself to physically connect with your feet to the Earth. Feel yourself being nurtured by our beloved planet Earth. If you are in need of grounding but do not have current access to nature, you can use your imagination to imagine being in your favourite nature spot & feel, see, hear & know yourself connecting to Mother Earth & the nurturing energies. Through your feet & then into the rest of your whole physical body. Love, light & blessings, Kim
20.01.2022 Crystal Skulls, Gate Keepers to Other Dimensions. There have been numerous reports from all over the world, of people having some very special experiences connected to the crystal skulls. Many people’s lives have been profoundly affected after having had an opportunity to spend time in the presence of one of the crystal skulls. It could be said that the crystal skulls create a type of energy vortex, which is a catalyst for helping people to awaken to their true spiritual nat...ure. It seems that when one begins to work with a crystal skull that has the shape of a human-like skull, strange phenomena can begin to occur around them. Crystals are sacred to many indigenous people who all seem to associate them with light. All over the world, indigenous people have said that crystal come from the heavens. Then, of course, there is our modern, scientific use of quartzquartz crystal is found in just about every electronic device from televisions, to computers to telecommunication satellites. If a tiny silicon chip can have such incredible storage capacity, why would a crystal skull not be capable of storing information? It could therefore, as the Maya suggest, indeed be likened to some sort of ancient radio, or computer device, for communicating between the worlds. The crystal skulls can provide us with an access point, into other dimensions, where we can begin to see our connections with all other things. The crystal skulls show us that we need to awaken to this knowledge, that we need to wake up to our connection with each other and with this Mother Earth that sustains us, and that we need to start to repair and celebrate these connections in our lives. Love, Light & Blessings, Glenn
17.01.2022 HIGHER PERSPECTIVE: Due to the Corona virus restrictions currently in place, Soul Emergence is able to offer High Frequency Healings & Soul Readings via Skype, Messenger, Phone (if living in Australia) & email. The healings & readings are as effective as when done in person. At this time it can be enormously helpful to have a Higher Perspective to assist in gaining & remaining aligned to your highest possible alignment. If you need guidance from your Soul & Guides, releasing ...of blocks & fears, alignment to your Soul, we are here to assist you. We, all Souls currently residing on planet Earth are under going a massive initiation. It is time to be fully connected & embodying your Soul. If you have not understood this before now & have not been doing any inner healing, then this time may be bringing up a lot of fear & confusion. We are evolving, it is time that our Soul wants to be in charge & in order for that to happen there is trauma & wounding that needs to be healed & released. This is a massive upgrade that many are going through at once. Please know that we are being taken care of, we will get through this & there will be many very positive changes that will occur. We send much love to those that are choosing to leave the planet & their families left behind & to all of the Doctors, nurses & health practitioners on the front line & all essential workers. Much gratitude for helping us to maintain the basics. A healing will assist you to be proactive & make positive shifts so that you can hold a higher vibration. A reading can give you answers that can help you to hold love & peace. I AM LIGHT I AM LOVE I AM SOVEREIGN & THE CREATOR OF MY REALITY AS I AM ALIGNED TO UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Please visit for healings & readings. Much love & light, Kim & Glenn
11.01.2022 Tree Medicine They are everywhere and have been on the earth for hundreds of thousands of years the humble but mighty tree, without them we would not exist on Gaia Mother Earth. All around the world people have known them to be sacred and honourable the Druids of Europe worshiped the mighty Oak, In Native American rituals the amazing Redwoods where used while in African tribal life the baobab were honoured. Trees were respected and written in literature of the Ancient Greeks..., Romans and scholars during the middle ages. Trees are used as entrance points to the underworld in Native American journeying to find answers to questions you can’t answer or if you want to discover your totem animal. They serve Mother Earth and all living beings in many ways. Trees work as giant air filters by intercepting airborne particles, lowering heat and eliminating pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. The soil is also cleaned by trees through either storing harmful pollutants or they can change the pollutant into a less harmful form. We have taken the tree for granted over the years so they have earnt our respect. Next time you see a tree you are drawn to go and touch it hug it and listen to it they are very wise and have stored a lot of information in them. When holding or being around them draw your energy down to its roots this will help you to ground or be present in your body, also imagine you having roots which go down into the Earth and anchors you to the planet. They have a calming influence on us meditate around them, ask them questions and see what answers you receive you will be surprised what thoughts or visions you have. Now go out into nature and be at one with it, we have lost this magic with nature living in big urban cities. Love, Light & Blessings Glenn
10.01.2022 We would like to welcome you all to Soul Emergence Healing Space in Empire Bay, on the Sunny Central Coast, NSW, Sydney. We have energetically set this healing space up so you get the most out of your healing. Love, light & blessings, Kim & Glenn.
10.01.2022 Chiron the great wounded healer discovered in 1977 just as the rise of alternative healing therapies, channelling and ESP where becoming evident in the public’s eye. As Chiron moves through our chart it triggers our wounds we have been born with, but these wounds have come from another time, place and dimension in other words your past lives. Depending on what year you were born in Chiron will show up in a certain sign, each sign has specific wounds you have to work through i...n this lifetime. Chiron is in Aries at the moment where it will reside until April 2027, now if you have Chiron in Aries your wounds will manifest like this. There will be a strong emphasis on am I worthy of such things, so issues around self-worth, will rise, your boss gives you a raise in your salary, you are a great worker and perform your job brilliantly but the wound of self-worth under this will raise its ugly head if you have not healed or worked on it. You may come across as a very strong and independent type of person but this is just your self-defence protecting your vulnerability and uncertainty. In other life experiences wounds around feeling unloved and being misunderstood can show up. To summarise the wounds with Chiron in Aries Self-worth, Rejection, Personal Identity, Abandonment, Courage and the willingness to stand alone, any one of these wounds can show up in any situation in your life just observe when these wounds pop up. If you needing clarification on certain parts of your life, I can draw up a chart for you and I also do healing's. Please go to for any other information. Glenn Wilshere (Multidimensional Healer & Astrologer)
09.01.2022 Alignment to your Soul. At this present time on our planet with so much going on. There is a lot of clearing of our wounds, trauma & distortions occurring at the physical, emotional, mental & Soul level. All that we have been taught & experienced that is not aligned with Unconditional Love is coming up in some way to be seen, recognised & released. Then, the alignment to the purity of our Soul occurs. We have been in this process of becoming our Soul & beaming the Soul’s Ligh...t. Anchoring at a Soul Level the higher dimensions of our beloved planet. There are many different places on this journey. Some who have not begun yet consciously, some who are just coming out of their slumber, some who have been doing their waking journey for along time & are finally feeling like I am home to my Soul. Knowing oneself so deeply as the Soul is the journey. This Awakening, this Ascension, this Spiritual Connection to the Soul, has been an ongoing process with many challenges along the way & many changes. We have been taught to live from fear, this is not our natural state, fear is unknown to the original purity of the Soul. The original Divine Blueprint of the Soul only knows Unconditional Love. This is where we are returning to. There is much being placed in the external for us to see that is rooted in fear. If one chooses to live from fear, then they are not living in the vibration of the purity of their Soul. Fear comes up to be looked at: find the belief, situation, trauma & a way to heal, release & align to Unconditional Love. I believe it is important to realise that each of us is SOVEREIGN! I AM A SOVEREIGN BEING. I from my Soul Level chooses, decides & gives consent to any & every decision & experience that is had. This has been kept from us, that we have the power to make our own decisions, to heal ourselves, to create our own reality. Understanding this from an energetic point of view is important. Owning this understanding changes everything. I create the intent that all Souls choose to become aware of the significance of knowing that I AM A SOVEREIGN BEING as ABSOLUTE TRUTH from a Soul Level. It is time to be aware of those that do not wish us to discover this truth. It is time for each one of us to understand that we have the choice of how we wish to create the future timeline of our planet. I personally choose FREEDOM. I personally believe that each Soul has the DIVINE RIGHT to live their life according to the Soul’s plan for the Highest Good of All. No one can stop the alignment to the Divine Plan of returning to the purity of Source & Soul Alignment. I AM ALIGNED TO MY SOUL, from that perspective I choose to heal all aspects that are wounded. Activate FREEDOM Codes. Activate AWAKENING codes. Activate SOVEREIGNTY codes. Activate CLARITY codes May we all return to the Light of our Souls & shine brightly. Much love & light, Kim
08.01.2022 Meditation is a excellent tool to use to connect inwards. Most of life is all about what is outside of oneself. What other people think; what is going on at work, the neighbourhood, the family, society, the news. There is so much going on these days with mobile phones & the internet, we are able to be connected with each other at all times. When I was growing up, we didn’t have mobile phones & the internet & life was not so busy. There was more down time. Time to be with one...self, less distractions that take you into your head & out of your body. Life felt slower, more relaxed & more grounded. I experienced a 33 hour black out just recently. For 33 hours there was no internet, no lights, no stove, no refrigerator etc. The first day was ok & we had candles the first night. The second day, there was no ability to make coffee, the phone batteries were getting really low, the food in the frig was staring to defrost & possibly go off. I was at home not even able to work. At night there was no tv to distract, can’t read a book with candle light. It was exactly like meditation. You get to spend time with yourself, it was really peaceful. I must say, that I missed coffee the most & did start to worry about the food going off. Otherwise, it allowed me to continue my meditations for longer periods. Feeling deeper into myself & I kept looking into my shadow self. The shadow self contains the parts of ourselves that we cannot accept about ourselves. The parts that we really judge ourselves over & the associated emotions. For example, a lot of people feel deep down that they are ‘not good enough’, sensitive Souls can pick this up from small acts that make them feel like they are not loved & they convert thus into it ‘must be me’ & ‘ I am not good enough’. Once you connect deeply with yourself & become aware that this is how you feel about yourself deep down. Then you can acknowledge this belief & feel the associated emotion, which could be sadness, defeat, hurt & choose to release the emotions & change the belief. Acknowledgement is a big release when you discover a negative belief about yourself. Once you acknowledge that you have this belief, you will become aware how it has & is playing out in your life & then you can go about changing it. This is what I like the most about meditation, it is a way to connect deeper with yourself, very exciting. Doing shadow work, healing the judgement we have about ourselves, is very liberating. I do though choose to do this myself, with out needing to have the no power to force me into spending time connecting deeper with myself. Love & light, Kim
06.01.2022 Something easy to be aware of & do every day: Since a child, I have had a ritual that came from my own inner knowing, where every day first thing in the morning, I have connected to a colour. I then bring that colour into my aura/field by choosing a crystal or piece of clothing & allowing the energy of the colour, the crystal to heal, that which is out of alignment with my Soul. Currently the colours that I have been working with are blue, green, pink & brown. Where as when ...I was younger it took longer to integrate the energies of a particular colour, some times months or years. Today, the pace is much faster & it can take a couple of hours or days to work with a colour, & also we can work with multiply colours at once. Our abilities to integrate & evolve, as we have been doing our own inner healing has strengthened. Love, light & blessings, Kim
06.01.2022 Embodying More of Who You Are. This is an energy transmission. Releasing the old energies in the physical body is a process. First accepting the new energies & allowing yourself to connect more deeply within your physical body to your own Higher Self/Soul. As we embody more of our Soul Self, the light of our Soul integrates within the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies. This can be experienced like a detox on all levels. The old limitations & trauma arise into our...Continue reading
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