SoulAsanas Kinesiology & Yoga | Alternative & holistic health service
SoulAsanas Kinesiology & Yoga
Phone: +61 467 442 506
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25.01.2022 Y O U A R E P O W E R F U L ... and have all the answers. ... Slow down, Breathe deeply, Feel within the silence, Remember you were born, From a space of pure and divine love, You are whole, You are powerful. . . .
25.01.2022 , ' , , ... . . . Dancer posing ....into this week with mega excitement!! Sir Elton is stopping by soon. Eek! . . . See more
25.01.2022 So many lifetimes, so many changes in the wind We go on and on, for my forefathers Sharing their stories, sharing their traits tread And it's you I see when I close my eyes Coming down slowly, wings open wide ... My angel love, the one I've waited for Whispering softly to the depths of my soul This is love ~ X.Rudd . . . . . Happy Friday lovely ones xxx See more
24.01.2022 The best way to find yourself is to... lose yourself in the service of others ~ Mahatma Gandhi . . . There are so many ways to gift of yourself to others. It doesnt have to be in the context of healing (although this is my favourite way). . One of the simplest ways to share is to be a good listener (especially with someone who challenges you). . Doing work with our children and grandparents, I find one of the love languages (see Gary Chapmans book 5 Love Languages for more info) that frequently comes up is quality time. . I keep seeing how important it is to others when you take the time to listen and be present (making eye contact and being open). It can have such an impact. . I know this sounds so simple and so every day but you would be surprised how many people dont receive the quality time they want or deserve. . Much love coming your way gorgeous ones. Xx See more
22.01.2022 :: L I S T E N :: For the sounds in nature For the pause at the end of the breath ... For the words of your inner voice The more you listen The louder your instincts become . . . . #meditation #healing #yoga #kinesiology #wellness #mindfulness #reflection #waterfalls #prana @
22.01.2022 Sundays are for stretching and hiking ! UPWARD FACING DOG (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana): Amazing for loosening up the lumbar spine... Happy weekend everyone! @ Whistlepipe Gully Creek
21.01.2022 LOVE is our natural state of being : Love shares with us the highest of vibrations. : Its a great...... : Healer : Connector : Teacher : Self- Love is an area thats always challenged me and is forever an ongoing process. Ive had massive shifts in my lifes directions over the last few years and for me the most important way to feel through these sticky moments is to learn to be gentle and kind to yourself. To trust that youre worthy and deserving of whatever small or large daily dream you want. : What Ive learned to notice about myself RE: SELF - LOVE is how you speak to yourself (inner talk) how you speak about yourself to others how you view your imperfections how you spend time on just you (self-care) who you surround yourself with and how they treat you and themselves how you delay things that would benefit you how you treat your body how you create burdens (debt or disorder) : If youre interested in more practical ways to be kinder to yourself. DM me for more details! : Much love See more
21.01.2022 Please sign the petition to help continue the search for my bro-in law’s family.
20.01.2022 Happy World Mental Health Day ! . . . #bethechangeyouwanttosee #yogalol
20.01.2022 Hearts on fire . . .
19.01.2022 If you want to F L Y give up everything that weighs you down ~ Buddha . . .... . Before having a session with me clients can arrive feeling anxious, heavy and overly stressed. One hour later they describe the after effects of having a Kinesiology balance as feeling lighter and way more relaxed. Such a relief when you have too much on your mind or are unable to sleep well. Big ocean love to you allxxx See more
19.01.2022 Mother Nature you’re incredible
18.01.2022 Life is a balancing act, forever in tree pose aka Vriksasana. . Thankful to our ancestors on this day for sharing their wisdom. .... Walking through the bush land and striking a pose(asana)in nature. . Heres one I prepared earlier... . Happy International Yoga Day beautiful legends ! . . See more
18.01.2022 Kinesiology is designed as a form of preventive medicine. . This healing is there to help you, even when youre feeling good. . Every balance helps to alleviate any internal stress and energetic blockages before they build up to make you feel heavy or weighed down. ... . Note to self: Dont wait until youre feeling overwhelmed and down to have a session. . Get regular balances to keep you feeling fresh and sparkly inside and out. . Much love to you all x See more
18.01.2022 When the silence is golden . . .
18.01.2022 Came home to these goodies last night :: Earths Offerings - Organic Solutions Left for me by my talented sister @claudieml All her products are handmade and crafted with natural organic ingredients. ... What a lovely treat after a big day! Thank you xx @ Boddington, Western Australia
17.01.2022 Take the trip (when the borders open) Buy the kayak (after saying you would) Tell that special someone you love them (nothing is certain) . .... . Got myself a kayak, After years of telling myself, & others that I would , Come full circle with my promise, Finally... @ Mount Pleasant See more
17.01.2022 Yesterdays playground with @fifo_dutchie ! . . . .... ....sometimes you just have to dip your toes in... See more
15.01.2022 Guess whos taking Kinesiology bookings again in South Perth. DM me up for appointment times and days. chilling out in peaceful warrior pose. ... Big love coming to ya. See more
14.01.2022 YAY, WEVE MOVED! : Im super excited to invite you all to this beautiful new space @studio64group in South Perth. : Its located on Millpoint Road-... close to the city freeways and all you lovely people : Theres even childcare facilities (for registered kiddos) for all the Mammas & Pappas out there. #stopit : Ill be taking appointments for balances from July! So feel free to drop me a DM if you have any questions. : Tap above for more info. Booking times/dates can all be done online.So friggin easy! : Come and check it out, see what Kinesi is all about. Much love xx @ South Perth, Western Australia See more
14.01.2022 F R I D A Y F U N Big love to all the beautiful people who have been coming to join me for Friday sessions! Been overwhelmed with the response, love and gorgeous gifts. Especially this pretty dried posie @chelsea.hetebry, thank you . ... See you soon! @ South Perth, Western Australia See more
13.01.2022 Join me Tuesdays for Sunrise Yoga !
13.01.2022 ~ . . . - ! ... . . . So many exciting things are going to happen... Looking forward to seeing it all unfold for yall! Big love xx See more
13.01.2022 E X H A L E & P A U S E ~ . Listen to the stillness between breaths . The pause between heart beats ... . The still point . . . . Adho Mukha Svanasana - Our fave resting pose in our Sun flow! See more
12.01.2022 . . . Happy Wednesday Yall
12.01.2022 Hello lovely ones For any of you due for a balance. Im taking appointments (for next week) at my space in South Perth. ~ 9am, 2pm & 4pm times available... ~ Thursday 13th & Friday 14th ~ DM me to lock in your first Kinesiology Balance for 2020 ! Look forward to hearing from you! xxx See more
11.01.2022 If only I had checked myself ~ person who wrecked themselves . . Simplest way for me to relax (check in) is by hanging with these tall beauties (& 1 handsome man ). .... Being in nature soothes our nervous system, calms our thoughts and allows us to take deeper more mindful breaths. . #natureheals @ Boranup Forest, Margaret River See more
10.01.2022 Join me for our OPEN DAY tomorrow @bodyforlife_au . Book your spot .... Free yoga classes Yummy Treats Fresh juice Good vibes Amazing community Healing Chance to win 1/10 prizes . Looking forward to seeing yall there! . Happy Friday lovelies! X See more
10.01.2022 Yoga & Pilates Giveaway !
07.01.2022 . - . . .... #unconditionallove See more
07.01.2022 Friday feels like : windows down, playing this song & a nourishing yoga sess .... You will breeze in, fresh air that you are... They will inhale you deep into their lungs... They will exhale you as far as you may go... And you will touch their souls... ~ X.Rudd . . . Join me for a nourishing and fun weekend class! 9.15am tomorrow @bodyforlife_au All levels welcome. See you there! See more
07.01.2022 Todays yoga studio... salt air, sandy hands, and sunshine on my face.
06.01.2022 I know, its been a while ... . ~ . . . . & - ? ... . ( & ) . ( ) , . . . : . , . /, . . . . . - - . . . Something to ponder on, whilst we are going inward. Thinking of you all and sending you lots of love! xxx See more
06.01.2022 . - . . .... My sacred spaces are... At the beach On a yoga mat In a Kinesiology session . You too ? . . DM me for more details about Kinesiology and how a balance can help reduce symptoms of physical/mental/emotional/spiritual stress. . Big love to you all. xx See more
05.01.2022 O U R D E E P E S T F E A R ... is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness That most frightens us.... We ask ourselves Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of spirit. Your playing small Does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking So that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, As children do. We were born to make manifest The glory of spirit that is within us. It's not just in some of us; It's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others. . . . One of my fave poems growing up. The first few lines always hit home for me. I was reminded of this by someone this week, so thought I’d share.
05.01.2022 D A Y S L I K E T H I S When no one steps on my dreams there'll be days like this When people understand what I mean there'll be days like this When you ring out the changes of how everything is... Well my mama told me there'll be days like this . . . Thinking of you, the beautiful people out there, who’ve had tricky days this week, month and year. Days where you struggle to get out of bed. Days where you wonder what your purpose is. Days where it feels like the one before. Here for you. So much love to you. Keep going. It gets better.
04.01.2022 Good morning lovely ones . Hope youre enjoying a sunny start to the week! . Just a friendly note ~ letting you know that I have a free spot on Wednesday @ 12pm for a Kinesiology healing session.... . Book in, treat yourself to a balance this week. Why the heck not ?! #investinyourself . DM or email me for more details! . Much love xxx See more
03.01.2022 Y O U A R E I M P O R T A N T . Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. . . . A little reminder ~ that you have the power to make a difference, affect others, help your community and your actions dont go unnoticed. Just like this forest as an example of our importance. If we look at every individual tree here we can observe its strength importance and power. Then when we observe all those individual trees together, we can see how as a collective they can create a sacred space for smaller plants, animals and a playground for us. Together or alone we are all like these trees, connected and having the power to create, affect and change our environment. You are important ! Big love See more
01.01.2022 One of the most relaxing moments in Kinesiology is when you get to enjoy the sound therapy of these beautiful tuning forks. . In session, your tuning forks are directly linked to the specific frequency of the energy meridian I am working with. This sound is tuned to the specific organ this meridian relates to and also the organ system. . Sound healing in general has the ability to transmit through to your nervous system via your nerves. Helping with reducing stress, anx...iety and anger. It can also improve circulation, chakra balancing and emotional clarity. . Hope youre having a warm and sunny day! xx . . . . See more
01.01.2022 How many of these 15ways do you SELF SABOTAGE // prevent yourself from living your best life : Quite surprising how many of these you may tick off... : Worrying ... : Procrastination : Ignoring Problems : Comparing yourself to others : Giving in to anxiety/ depression : Denying help : Lying to yourself : Self - criticism : Denial of your potential : Taking on too many tasks : Too much self- deprecating humour : Isolationism : Avoiding enjoyable experiences : Failure to assess personal needs and desires : Maintaining toxic relationships : Kinesiology helps you rewrite your subconscious story. Making you more aware of specific patterns that get in the way of you feeling good. Hit me up for more info lovelies : Happy Tuesday lovely ones. xx See more
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