Soula's Chronic Pelvic Pain Story | Medical and health
Soula's Chronic Pelvic Pain Story
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25.01.2022 In what's becoming a life trek in the aim of defining my ongoing pain issue, there's a pattern I'm beginning to see. Most often when I read educational material and it feels like it's beginning to gell with my experience, I feel a suction toward the words. I'm drawn into the paragraphs of the researcher/s and excitement kicks in. 'I'm going to find the definition, this person is speaking my language!'... It gets wilder and wilder think Willy Wonka's crazy boat ride, the findings and resources amount to great support material. I begin to believe 'this is IT!' But Like Willy Wonka's crazy boat ride, somewhere along the way it gets freaky, the definition starts to go off my track and as I keep reading I'm feeling that I'm coming unstuck. #paineducation #painresearch #chronicpain #painmanagement #patientstories
25.01.2022 Has to stop!!!@AdeleFerguson thank you ‘Problems in the 2 schemes, which cover almost 1/2 the nation's workforce, are leading to delays & denials of med treatment, making some workers sicker & delaying their return to their jobs.’ WorkSafe Victoria
25.01.2022 Professional Workshop for Western Australians. This 2 day workshop for GPs and Health Professionals aims to provide participants with an inter-professional learning opportunity to better manage patients with persistent pain. John Quintner
24.01.2022 Not my usual style to wish ill on anyone but the question did cross my mind... I'll let you finish it!
24.01.2022 My awe inspiring (Mama) niece...
22.01.2022 In case you didn't see it. In case you think Australians seeking Workers Compensation are 'ripping off the system'. WorkSafe Victoria Victorian Ombudsman
22.01.2022 Art therapy with a most divine human? Here's your gal!
21.01.2022 Road Surface Smooth Please! I keep on learning about my sensitivities it’s mind-boggling! Had someone told me I’d feel the difference between a smooth-surfaced road and a rough-surfaced road while travelling in a car I would have stared at them in disbelief. Full post:
19.01.2022 ‘Change of Rhythm I’m going to change things a little on the site. There’s been a build-up of pressure relating to advocacy in the past year. I gave it up and then COVID-19 dragged me back to it again.... The pressure of questioning thoughts; what do I write, what will help other people living with pain, what will be useful information, etc. was putting the pressure on! This is not how I usually rattle off in my journal. In my journal, I begin to write and the thoughts just flow. The process and results are often so much nicer!’ Full blog...
19.01.2022 iCare exec resigns. We’ve had our fair share of horrid executives. One earned a special portrait from me for her quote ‘Those on long-term benefits should be cut like low hanging fruit...’ @JillHennesseyMP are you protecting injured workers?
18.01.2022 My 13th National Pain Week....!
14.01.2022 Life’s Changed '...Not knowing what's ahead is a familiar nightmare for people living with chronic illness and injured workers and their families. This lived experience has been misunderstood.' 'This lack of empathy could not have been understood without the personal experience of something like COVID-19 something impacting the world. Even Governments may just get a glimpse of looking down at their feet and feeling the ground below them is trembling.'... 'Being unable to make plans and left dangling, waiting to hear about a way forward whether you can resume work or even have a job (or business) is excruciating. Add a long-term health issue to that equation and the world begins to fall in on you. You can't help but ask, 'will I get through this?' Full post:
13.01.2022 When I presented at the Royal College of General Practitioners Dealing With Addiction Conference in 2018 (GPADD18) I was astounded to learn the stats on overdoses. I was horrified to learn that the majority of road accidents and deaths are not from people who consume substances such as alcohol and recreational drugs (as the media implies). Rather, people dependant on opioids are the ones dying accidentally and causing road accidents. We need to judge less, help more and live ...and learn far more swiftly. The next report no doubt will record the increase in suicides and those people will be the patients now stripped suddenly of their medications. It's alarming healthcare can't get this right.
11.01.2022 Yes, it's a thing, a very serious and painful thing. This is a FREE Live Webinar Event for anyone wanting to learn more about Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder & Restless Genital Syndrome. Join Dr. Echenberg (Dr E) and the Pain ‘Down There’ team as we talk with Lior Ofir about her experience with Restless Genital Syndrome (better known as Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder or PGAD). There's also a private group: Painful Sex & Chronic Pelvic Pain Conditions (by More info:
09.01.2022 BLOG: 'I’m not going to try and guess. I’m closing the door on the ‘reasoning rooms’ and I’m not going to investigate what might have caused a sudden flare.... ‘Soula, let’s not go there. Don’t enter that routine. Don’t walk towards the dead end. Don’t waste your time again!’ ‘You’ve wasted years, Soula. Over a decade in fact thinking in rooms that provided no answers. They are mostly empty blank walls, no windows, no air to breath!’ COVID-19 restrictions have lifted in regional Victoria. It’s been months since Theo and I stepped out for an end of day drink. The sun was out, it was so warm and the community spirit kicked in. We also wanted to show support for local businesses that have been shut all this time. It makes a difference in a small town. Huge. Certainly might have made a difference to my pelvis. Whoops. Don’t go there close the door. Click. ... read the full post via link in the comment
09.01.2022 Workers And Families To Have Their Say On Safety. Can a Gov group swing all the bad it's done (& doing) & transform into a truly supportive system? Seems to me that to land another man on the moon is going to be far more possible... but I've still applied!
09.01.2022 Are you looking for some office space? Are you a Physiotherapist, Osteopath or Myotherapist who may require an office space in Moorabbin.
07.01.2022 ‘August 28,2020 + Forced myself into the routine afternoon walk. I wanted the vitamin D it was beautiful today. + Needed to wash hair (that’s a longer shower).... + Accidental other noises today. = 5:30 I’m on the couch with screaming, broken feet.’ Full post:
07.01.2022 Here’s a breath from Queenscliff Vic.
06.01.2022 As patients, should we really have to ask if our GP or specialist is being driven by perks? Shouldn’t the Health Pros who accepted benefits for prescribing thes...e meds without investigating be just as accountable? I consider myself so fortunate to have been able to see the danger signs of meds, returning to the GP to reject the prescriptions and finding other ways to manage chronic pain. This is difficult and often not possible for many people who return to their healthcare professional to ask for help and find they’re being thrown more meds. Meds work for some people in small doses & it’s all they need to manage. These people are now left to fight for their scripts. This medication ‘debate’ is the difference between living & existing and staying alive or giving up. Peoples health isn’t helped by court cases and perks. We battle on while these ‘professionals’ play money games at the expense of human lives. ‘Those included payments the firm made to healthcare companies and doctors to encourage prescribing the drugs, which were ultimately paid for by public health programmes.’
06.01.2022 Book excerpt. Physio: How is your pain now? Me: My pain is good now. Physio laughs but doesn't really find this funny. Physio: Pain is NEVER good.
06.01.2022 Victorian Workers’ Compensation System Independent Review (in response to the Victorian Ombudsman's 2nd WorkSafe Victoria report). Would have been great if all injured workers labelled as ‘complex cases’ were notified of this survey participation call. Thank you to the twitter sister who let me know.
04.01.2022 Q&A With Soula 'I often have some very interesting questions about living with chronic pain. Usually, they are questions relating to details that I’ve never thought of discussing, but they are so important.... This page will keep building as questions and answers accumulate. The page may have served better as a community type page but I’d like to monitor the Q&A and also keep contributors’ anonymous. This way, more of you may be encouraged to ask the tougher questions.'
04.01.2022 SIGNED. We need one for Victoria also. The NSW Government is facing claims they underpaid 50,000 injured workers by $80 million. This is the largest wage theft scandal in Australia involving a government.... But this gets worse. The NSW Treasurer awarded executive bonuses to the government agency, called 'icare', which manages the injured workers money. So while icare executives received bonuses, they underpaid 50,000 injured workers.
04.01.2022 A chronic pain episode would be great.
03.01.2022 'Life's pace is vastly slower if you are living with chronic pain. Anticipated outcomes from things like new treatments, explanations about causes of pain, pain research, realisations about personal ideas relating to my own experience all take months, years and even over a decade to arrive. Yesterday was the day I finally received some closure about the wicked Lyrica.... There's been a build-up of medication reporting this past year but none of it hit the spot like The Project's report. I love the reporting on this show it's one of the few programs that brings me to the TV. While watching last night, I got that bullseye feeling: I'm not crazy! How often does a person living with pain come to this blissful realisation? Not often enough I can tell you.' Read the full blog: The Project