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Soul Balance by Rina in Burleigh Heads, Queensland | Alternative & holistic health service

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Soul Balance by Rina

Locality: Burleigh Heads, Queensland

Phone: +61 414 960 857


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25.01.2022 Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday I did my Level 2 Shamanic Healing training at @heart.hive with Kendall and this bunch of amazing humans. It really is hard to put into words what a transformational 3 days this course is. Not only for what we learn as practitioners, but also what we heal in ourselves at the deepest levels. We laughed, we cried and we journeyed to some incredible places. My sessions will slowly start to change as I integrate this new medicine into what I do. Sooooo excited to see what happens . #westernshaman #shamanichealing #kinesiology #reikimaster #healing #soulhealing #balance #goldcoast #burleigh @ Gold Coast, Queensland

24.01.2022 As well as using Kinesiology, I am also a Reiki Master and Reiki has become a very big part of what I do with my clients. Reiki is a Japanese word meaning 'Universal life force energy' with the 'rei' meaning soul, spirit, universal god and the 'ki' referring to the energy, force, breath of life, it's energy that sustains all life and matter, the energy of all that is. Disease, illness and injury are often a result of unexpressed, stored, blocked emotions, the limited thoughts... and beliefs of the world and ourselves. When healing takes place there is a shift in the emotional and mental levels, allowing the physical body to respond. Reiki is the life forces of unconditional love. Reiki activates and accelerates the body's natural intelligence to heal on all levels, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Leaning more towards the spiritual side with my balances. My aims is to give my clients a supportive and relaxing experience in a safe space free of judgement. It is not uncommon for clients to fall asleep through Reiki. I am currently offering a Reiki Reset session - 60mins $60 Your session will start with a health history being taken and a chat about what you would like to on. Once you are on the table (fully clothed) I will use kinesiology muscle testing to see where stress is being held in your body and what emotions are attached to that stress. Then I will balance your Chakras and Reiki will take up the rest of the session. I will check if there is any home support (homework) for you to do. As well as checking to see if and when another balance may be needed. . #reikihealing #reikimaster #kinesiology #painrelief #healing #hooponopono #shamanichealing #westernshaman #goldcoast #burleigh

24.01.2022 Happy early Mothers Day to all the awesome mamas out We are all going to need a little (or a lot) of extra TLC moving forward after this hibernation season. So I have a special offer for when I open back up for 1:1 sessions (hopefully in the next few weeks). A 60 minute reset balance for those who really need a boost. This balance will include working out what issue youd like to work on. Then using Kinesiology muscle testing to see where stress is being held in your body..., what emotions are attached to that stress, balancing your chakras and full reiki. This session will help bring your body back into balance, relax and reset so you can move forward with ease. These will be $60 for 60 minutes. Gift Vouchers are available and valid for 2 months from the date I am allowed to reopen. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask. Blessings Rina #burleigh #goldcoast #kinesiology #reiki #chakras #mothersday #giftvouchersavailable

23.01.2022 Highly recommend booking in for Melissas free online Breathwork Friday 24th April 7:30pm. See you there

23.01.2022 If all goes to plan I will be reopening from Tuesday 26th May. Limited appointments will be available to insure time in between clients to assure no overlapping. Every precaution is being taken to keep everyone safe. My space has been cleaned top to toe. I ask that if you have a booking and are unwell to please reschedule until you are better. I am trialing a booking system which is now live Looking forward to seeing everyone and he...lping you return back to balance after what weve all been through so far in 2020. What a ride its been. Initial Balance* ~ 1.5-2hrs $120 Subsequent Balance ~ 1.5hr $90 kids {0-16yrs) ~ 60mins $60 Reiki Reset^ {for a limited time) ~ 60mins $60 *Initial Balance is required for all new clients as a health history is taken at this time as well ^No initial balance is needed for this offer #kinesiology #reiki #reikimaster #balance #sanitysaver #goldcoastkinesiologist #burleigh #goldcoast

21.01.2022 How does Kinesiology work? To keep it non technical, Kinesiology is a way to bring your mind, body and soul back into balance. Everything that happens in our lives (trauma, illness, family, work, bullying, abuse and more) we can hold onto emotions and store these emotions in our bodies. Each emotion gets layered on top on one another and if nothing is done to help you/your body release these then that can possibly lead to dis-ease down the track. This could manifest with ac...hes and pains, anxiety, depression, illnesses etc the list goes on. With Kinesiology we use muscle testing which gives us a yes/no, positive/negative feedback from your body. We can look at where stress is being held in your body and what emotions are attached to that stress/issue you wish to work on. Then using gentle correction, we work together to help bring your mind, body and soul back into balance. I am also a Reiki Master and Reiki has become a very big part of what I do with my clients as well. I lean more towards the spiritual side with my balances and aim to give my clients a supportive and relaxing experience. (Possibly a few tears depending on what we are working on) There are many different types of Kinesiologist out there and we all work completely differently to each other. Its a matter of finding one that you click with and then watch the magic unfold. Blessings Rina #kinesiology #reiki #reikimaster #anxietyrelief #healing #goldcoast #burleigh

21.01.2022 Just a heads up as Mars goes Retrograde

20.01.2022 I am a mother to a beautiful young man. This young man came from love and was/is very much wanted and needed. He has the most beautiful heart and soul. He is full of compassion for everyone and gets sad when other people are sad. He gives the best hugs, is always happy and usually singing something and/or dancing. Life is a bit like a broadway show on our house. He loves his family and his friends so much. ... He is smart, loves maths, science and all things space. He talks to me about everything and we have an awesome mother/son relationship. My sons name is Malakai and he is biracial. I am Australian with Dutch heritage and his dad is African American. What is happening in America has saddened me deeply and has really triggered me if Im honest. Its also bought to the front of my mind that this still happens in Australia to the Aboriginal communities with wrongful deaths in custody. We must not forget we have a dark history here as well. Can someone please tell me why I am going to have to explain to my beautiful 8yr old son that in his life time, some people are not going to like him purely because of the colour of his skin????? As a mother and an empath I have felt all the energy this last week. The tears have flowed and my heart has been broken. Please, as a collective, we need to do better. Blessings Rina xx Photo by @dani_r_portraits #love #healing #blacklivesmatter #reikimaster #kinesiology #burleigh #goldcoast @ Gold Coast, Queensland

20.01.2022 After much procrastination, tech challenges and wanting to throw the computer out the door countless times I have a live website. You can now see a bit about me, all the services I offer, book directly online and gift vouchers are also available. Yay! Giving myself a big pat on the back for this one. Tech is my frustration, not my strength. . . #kinesiology #soulbalancebyrina #reiki #reikimaster #healing #breath #anxietybusting #burleigh #goldcoast

20.01.2022 Oh I love this. With Shamanic Journeys we journey with our Bear Wolf and Deer . Our Bear is always there to protect us along the way.

20.01.2022 Sooooooo much yes! I try my best to keep my posts real and authentic. I hope they come across that way. A lot of what I post is from first hand experience of thing Ive dealt with personally (especially anxiety). I have my great days and I have my not great days just like everyone else. As much as we would love healing to be all rainbows and lollipops its not. Especially at the start when you crack yourself wide open. That can be . HOWEVER as you move along and you... let some of the internal sh*t your holding onto (knowingly or unknowingly) go, it does become an easier process over time. BUT dont expect to have all your ducks in a row after one session with someone. Thats just not realistic Im afraid (Ive been there, thought that before ). One day and one step at a time my friends Blessings Rina #healing #anxietyrelief #anxietybusting #mentalhealth #kinesiology #reiki #reikimaster #goldcoast #burleigh

19.01.2022 What a big, heavy week learning about modern day slavery and human trafficking A few days ago I jumped on a zoom call organized by @jesslee_williams to listen to the amazing Sally Irwin from @freedomhuborg My mind was so blown with the stats. Its hard to talk about and get your head around but this isnt only happening overseas, its happening right here in Australia and on the Gold Coast. All profits from their cafe in Palm Beach (5th Ave) @freedomhuborg_gc goes to help s...urvivors of modern day slavery and human trafficking. They are currently helping rehabilitate 65 women and the cost of that is $25k each!! 15,000 survivors in Aus that have been identified 2018 estimated 15,000 in slavery in Aus. Sally says its more like 15,000 just in Sydney and 8,000 of that is international students trafficking is the 2nd biggest profitable crime in the world 40.3 million people being trafficked worldwide and 1 in 4 of those are children 40% of victims in Aus are sex trafficked @tonyrobbins said in a post today that the National Center for Missing & Exploited children has experienced a 90.46% increase in reports of missing & exploited children compared to the same time period in 2019...and the numbers a rising. . If you live on the Gold Coast please help support the Freedom Hub by visiting their cafe so they can continue to help survivors My mum and I went down there today and loved it. Great service and great food. Edit: Freedom Hub also have a cafe in Sydney. If your unable to get into the cafes they do accept donations through their website. Thanks soooooo much to everyone who has shared this post . . #moderndayslavery #standup #freedom #endtrafficking #kinesiology #reiki #goldcoast #burleigh @ The Freedom Hub GC

19.01.2022 One spot available if anyones keen. This is the amazing course Ive recently done.

19.01.2022 Level 2 with @heart.hive for the next 3 days So excited to learn more about this incredible medicine and journey with an awesome group of humans Integrating what I learnt in Level 1 has added a whole new level to my sessions. . . #shamanichealing #shamanic #healing #kinesiology #reikimaster #hooponopono #goldcoast #burleigh

19.01.2022 Coming Soon to Soul Balance by Rina ~ 6 wk & 12 wk programs Whilst I really enjoy seeing clients for a session here and there, I absolutely LOVE forming a relationship with my clients and see them transform their lives over time. To go from lost to THRIVING in all areas of their lives is so incredible. To go from tears when they first arrive, to then coming to see me and being so excited with life and where they are heading is amazing To know I played a small part i...n the transformation warms my heart and brings happy tears to my eyes. One session can make a difference thats for sure. But multiple sessions is really what can help you transform yourself and your life. Each session builds on the last and strips another unwanted layer off. The more layers we strip off, the freer you are to move forward in all areas of your life. Each session we will work together and focus on getting to the root cause of the issues/stress that you wish to address/release. If you would like me to let you know before I release these programs to the public, please pm me and I will let you know all the details in advance. I will have a limited number of places in each program to assure I give my all to each of you. Rina xx #tranformation #6wks #12wks #kinesiology #soulbalancebyrina #reiki #reikihealing #westernshaman #hooponopono #healing #goldcoast #burleigh

17.01.2022 How is everyone doing on day whatever it is of this hibernation situation ? Has anyone had some sh*t come to the surface that has thrown you for a six? It would be nice if it was just a matter of saying, oh Im done with that now and be able to move on. Or be given a road map of issues to deal with and in what order One of the corrections we have with Kinesiology is Free form writing. Ive done a post about it before but figured it would be a great exercise for people... at the moment given whats going on. grab some paper and a pen write down anything and everything thats spinning around in your head right now and causing you anxiety and stress. Swear and carry on if that helps. If you cry thats perfectly ok too IMPORTANT- DONT RE READ IT! That just cements it back in your brain when you are done, rip it, scrunch it, burn it (safely) and get rid of it remember to breath This is such a simple exercise but can make a massive difference. I hope you are all well and surviving ok through this time. I am actually loving not wearing makeup for day at a time, not having to dress up or put a bra on if I dont want to, bike riding and walking along the beach. Its been some much needed down time for me. Looks like we will be back on deck and seeing clients in person soon. Just waiting on confirmation and will let everyone know . . #freeformwriting #healing #kinesiology #reikimaster #goldcoastreiki #burleigh #goldcoast

16.01.2022 Anyone else a free spirit ?

15.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.... Lest We Forget #anzac #anzacday2020 #lestweforget #thankyou

14.01.2022 Who out there does breathwork? How amazing is it This mama put herself first tonight got her self care on. Such an absolutely amazing breath session with my gorgeous friend @themelissamelrose and the rest of the tribe held at @freedom_float The energy in the room was electric and I dont think Ive ever felt that much energy buzzing through my body EVER!! Pure bliss So grateful for Melissa guiding us through the session and holding space for us all Just what this mama needed . #breathwork #bliss #healing #heart #burleigh #goldcoast #kinesiology #reiki

14.01.2022 Im watching, listening and educating myself on what to look out for. What this group is doing is incredible. You can make a one off or monthly donation. This is a global issue and we cant simply put our heads in the sand and pretend its not happening. In the past six years of existence, O.U.R. has rescued 3,800 victims and assisted in the arrests of more than 2,100 traffickers around the world. The partners we are empowering have collectively helped rescue the lives of m...ore than 10,000 survivors who were enslaved, exploited or at risk. Follow @timballard89 @ourrescue . #childtrafficking #childtraffickingawareness #change #educate

13.01.2022 I love colour and have colour all through my house and healing space with my art on the walls. I need colour around me as it brings me joy

13.01.2022 Looooooove what I do

12.01.2022 Quick check in with a client to see how they are feeling after their balance Fricken fantastic luv!! Went for an epic swim today, body feels amazing and I love saying my affirmation, I feel so empowered Love what I do ... #kinesiology #healing #shamanichealing #reiki #clearing #energyhealing #goldcoast #burleigh

11.01.2022 Getting reviews like this is so heart warming. I could not be prouder of this client of mine. It has been a big journey and she has had such a massive transformation over the last 2 years. Especially the last 10 months. She is so excited when we have a session now and cant wait to tell me everything. Going from working full time in a stressful job that was emotional beating her down, to now working part time for someone and launching her own coaching business a few months... ago Such an EPIC transformation!!! Can not say enough how much I love what Im doing now. If you need help transforming your life, reach out. Id love to play a part in helping you Rina . . #transformation #changeyourlife #shiftyourshit #emotions #kinesiology #reiki #shamanichealing #hooponopono #anxietyrelief #goldcoast #burleigh

10.01.2022 How is everyone doing?

10.01.2022 This is such a great and informative podcast on gut health. Balance in the gut is so important.

09.01.2022 Food for thought The Covid virus has a vibration of 5.5 Hz and dies above 25.5 Hz. For humans with a higher vibration, the virus infection is a minor irritant that will soon go away. The reasons for having a low vibration could be:... Fear Fatigue Stress Shame Guilt Nervous tension Anger Hate Holding on to grudges Lack of forgiveness Resentment Judgement And so......we have to vibrate HIGH so that frequency does not lower our immune system. The frequency of our Planet Earth today is 27.4 Hz. But there are places that vibrate very low like: Jails Underground bunkers & tunnels Hospitals Detention centers Hospice/nursing homes Bureaucratic buildings. In such places the vibration drops to 20 Hz, or less. For humans with low vibration, the virus becomes dangerous. Vibrations in Herz Frequency: Pain 0.1 to 2 Hz. Fear 0.2 to 2.2 Hz. Irritation 0.9 to 6.8 Hz. Noise 0.6 to 2.2 Hz. Pride 0.8 Hz. Superiority 1.9 Hz. A higher vibration on the other hand: Loving Kindness 528 Hz Gratitude 432 Hz Compassion 528 Hz or more. Love and compassion for all living beings 528 Hz and more. Joy 540 hz Peace 600Hz Enlightenment 700+ What helps us vibrate high? Loving, Smiling, Being grateful & Thanking, Blessing, Laughter, Being in Nature, Praying, Painting, Playing with children, Singing, Dancing Meditating, Yoga, Tai Chi, Walking & hiking in forests, Being in the Sun, Sungazing (sunrise & sunset), Exercising, Connecting with animals, friends & family. Eating whole foods & Superfoods Gardening, Drinking clean pure Water, Bathing in the ocean, lakes & rivers. Deep breathing All This helps us vibrate HIGH & enjoy Life. Namaste Copied & Pasted

09.01.2022 How many things on this image can you put a tick next to? Maybe youve experienced a few of them before (or still are) and didnt know they were linked. Anxiety can sneak up on you slowly and before you know it, it can take over. Leaving you feeling like your crazy and your life is out of control. Maybe you start pulling away from friends or are to scared to be alone because your brain wont switch off. Over eating or not eating, even drinking more alcohol to try and numb i...t. The list can go on. The good news is, it doesnt have to stay this way. There is help out there and people who would love to support you. 99% of my clients have some degree of anxiety. I can relate to what they are going through because Ive been there myself. Kinesiology has helped me so much and may be help you too. It is a really beautiful, gentle and supportive modality. We use muscle testing to work out where the stress is being held in your body and then we work together to help bring your mind, body and soul back into balance so you can move forward with ease. Its not a one session quick fix, but one session can certainly start shifting things. Im back seeing clients 1:1 from Tuesday 26th May in Burleigh, and am also available for distant sessions as well. Initial Balance* ~ 1.5-2hrs $120 Subsequent Balance ~ 1.5hr $90 kids {0-16yrs) ~ 60mins $60 Reiki Reset^ {for a limited time) ~ 60mins $60 *Initial Balance is required for all new clients as a health history is taken at this time as well ^No initial balance is needed for this offer Blessings Rina #anxiety #anxietybusting #kinesiology #healing #reikimaster #burleigh #goldcoast #healinganxiety

09.01.2022 We spend Mothers Day in Mother Nature today and it was 100% what I needed. Ive been so drawn to nature through this whole hibernation period. Have spent a lot of time walking on the beach, through Burleigh Headland and long bike rides with my son. Nature is so grounding, amazing and my sanity saver #nature #grounding #breath #kinesiology #reiki #healing #sanitysaver #goldcoast #burleigh @ Burleigh Waters

06.01.2022 Doing my training in Western Shamanic Healing with Kendall at @heart.hive this year has been mind blowing. Today another adventure begins as I headed into Level 3 for the next 3 days. 3 days with amazing like minded souls, learning, journeying and holding space for each other. So excited to see how the next 3 days unfold Amazing image credit: . #westernshaman #soulwork #soulhealing #journey #shamanicjourney #kinesiology #reiki #goldcoast #burleigh

06.01.2022 Today I am SO grateful to be able to do what I do and for all my amazing clients who place their trust me to help them on their healing journey. I said to a client this week, healing is not all roses and lollipops, it can be far from it. Some of it can be so ugly and tough. BUT if you commit to the process, you come out the other side such a better version of you and its so worth it. To be able to take that first step and make that appointment to own your stuff and want t...o deal with it, is HUGE! Congratulations to all of you that have. So thank you all for allowing me to walk beside you as you go on your healing journey Rina xx #healing #trauma #anxietyrelief #kinesiology #reiki #shamanichealing #goldcoast #burleigh #grateful

05.01.2022 I honestly can not say enough good things about this course. It is so amazing and life altering. We laughed, we cried and we healed a whooooole lot. This is the last Level 1 for this year.

05.01.2022 This weekend marks the start of another long awaited journey. A few years ago I started going to Shamanic Journey nights with Kendall @heart.hive and absolutely loved it. Since then Ive wanted to start my training and this weekend its finally happening. 3 days of Level 1 Shamanic Healing training. (Yay!!) This means there will be a whole new level being intergrated into what I do. Im so excited to see where it all leads. .... . #shamanichealing #shamanictraining #healing #reiki #reikimaster #kinesiology #goldcoast #burleigh See more

03.01.2022 Ive always done things differently (I am Aquarian and stubborn after all ), But its only been the last few years with Kinesiology Ive fully embraced the different without letting it bother me that other people may not understand me or everything I do. Finally I am 100% ok with that. How freeing!! So keep doing you not matter how different and keep doing what lights you up Coaching packages for business/personal will be released soon Helping you release the blocks a...nd cement lasting change #whatlightsyouup #different #changeisgood #healing #balance #reiki #kinesiology #shamanichealing

02.01.2022 Time for a little humble bragging with what some of my clients have said after their Kinesiology Balances: "I had the most beautiful healing Reiki today and I feel like Wonder Woman! Sometimes you need to fill your bucket so you can help others fill theirs" SG, Gold Coast... "I'm feeling so good! I'm feeling happy as I am pain free. I went to the gym today and had a great time. Didn't even have to put ice on my knee. Thank you so much for helping me! You are a truely gifted person and I'm so happy to have crossed your path" CV, Gold Coast "Rina, I felt so supported and safe during our session last week, the feeling continues even till now. I am so grateful for the different perspectives you have introduced me to continue working through and issues that arise" ED, Gold Coast "Rina I don't think I would have got through the past year without your balancing sessions" KH, Gold Coast "Hi Rina, just wanted to give you a quick update and say thanks! We had some pretty lovely sessions where you released some blockages around my heart. Well, as an FYI, I've been with my boyfriend for over a few months now and he's fabulous and I'm very happy. So, thanks so much for everything you've done" EV, Gold Coast If you are needing some support with what ever you are going through at the moment, I would love to help. The whole Covid deal and now the US riots have seen a lot bubble to the surface for many of us, myself included. Sometimes all you need is a little self love and a balance to get you back on track. Blessings Rina Initial Balance* ~ $120, 90~120mins Subsequent Balance ~ $90, 90mins kids (0-16yrs) ~ $60, 60mins Reiki Reset** (for a limited time) ~ $60, 60mins Initial Distance Balance* ~ $120, 90mins Subsequent Distance Balance ~ $90, 60mins *Initial Balance is required for all new clients as a health history is taken at this time as well **No initial balance is needed for this offer #anxiety #healing #kinesiology #reiki #reikimaster #trauma #goldcoast #burleigh

01.01.2022 Do you have physical pain that just wont go away? Have you tried so many different things to ease the pain and nothing is long lasting? Are people telling you that all the tests look ok or the only choice is to have xyz done to help? How frustrated are you that so far nothing is really helping? ... What if it was your body holding onto an emotional pain that was manifesting as a physical pain in your body? This is an amazing review from a client of mine who is a nurse. She was told cortisone was the only option for her shoulder pain. 5 months later and no cortisone she is still pain free We store so much in our bodies which can then lead to dis-ease. That dis-ease can manifest in many different ways and is different for everyone. For myself it was my left hip. For years I had varying degrees of pain. From mild to unbearable and every step was agony. Osteo, massage, acupuncture would all give some relief for a short time but the pain would return. When I studied Kineselolgy we would work on balancing our issues/stressors/traumas every week. By then end of the course I realized my hip was completely pain free for the first time in years it blew my mind! In times of major stress it may flair up a bit, but now it goes away really quickly. One session can make a small dent for many people, but each session builds upon the last and can be absolutly life changing. The more emotional stuff you clear, the more your body can come back into and stay in balance. Still blows me away how such a gentle modality can have such a massive shift for people. I incorporate Reiki in all my sessions (which I LOVE). Reiki combined with Kinesiology is proving to be a really beautiful and powerful combination. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask. Rina #pain #healingpain #balance #kinesiology #reiki #hooponopono #shamanichealing #stressrelief #burleigh #goldcoast

01.01.2022 What an absolutely epic 3 days of training to add a whole other level to my business. I completed Level 1 Shamanic Healing with Kendall at @heart.hive and an amazing group of women (Jaguar tribe). I can not even explain the depth of the shifts that occurred and I am so excited to start integrating this beautiful medicine into my business and how I am able to support my clients. #shamanichealing #medicinewoman #kinesiology #jaguar #reiki #reikimaster #healing #burleigh #goldcoast @ Burleigh Heads, Queensland

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