Soul City Roasters in Adelaide, South Australia | Shopping & retail
Soul City Roasters
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 421 830 020
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25.01.2022 Soul City Rollers in action! Parties, events, functions...we can come to you! Just hop on our website and book us! #scr #scrgoesmobile #soulcityroasters #soulcityrollers #adelaidecoffee #adelaideroasters #ichoosesa #brightonsfinest
21.01.2022 Were on location at Concordia College for Adelaide Mens Convention 2019! Come drop by for a delicious coffee or grab some beans for a great mothers day gift! Soul City Rollers is out and about! Plus, a small reminder that today is our last day of business of our Brighton Road cafe as we focus on Mobile Coffee opportunities and roasting. Wed love to say thank you and goodbye to many of our wonderful local residents so please say a Gday to Nazee in the cafe today :) Cheers! #scr #soulcityrollers #soulcityroasters #adelaidemensconvention2019 #localbusiness #coffeeondemand #mobilecoffee #adelaidecoffee #adelaideroaster #ichoosesa #concordiacollege #brightonsfinest #localcoffeescene
21.01.2022 The long weekend is fast approaching and that means many days of relaxation! But what if your coffee supply runs out?! Let us help you with that! We have beans all ready for you to take on trips or enjoy at home! Dont delay, get your coffee supply today at Soul City Roasters. 238C Brighton Road, Somerton Park. Or order online ASAP to get yours delivered; ! #scr #soulcityroasters #beansbeansbeans #getyourcoffeebeanshere #brightonandhove #glenelg #australiawidedelivery #tendollarpostage #localbusiness #smallbusiness #ichoosesa #localroaster #adelaideroaster #adelaidelocalcommunity #forthebeanforthepeople #coffeewithacause
21.01.2022 What a great first day at #sophiespatch!! We were so excited to see and serve coffee and hot chocolates to so many! Many many thanks to the wonderful team at sophies patch, we hope to continue to provide delicious locally roasted coffee (by us, for you!) over the next couple of days! For the Bean, For the People. From all of us at Soul City Roasters. #scr #scrgoesmobile #soulcityroasters #abcgardeningaustralia #sophiespatch #easter2019 #localcoffee #localroasters #adelaidecoffee #ichoosesa #supportsmallbusiness #brightonsfinest
20.01.2022 And roasting is done! Have you tried our KAHAWA blend? I still rate it. It took me 6 months to perfect 2 years ago and I still love it. Chocolate and almond with plenty of punch. Great for espresso. The perfect balance of body and acidity with plenty of natural sweetness. Get your hands on some from our cafe or online store. Heres to delicious coffee. #australiawidedelivery #specialtycoffee #coffeemyway
19.01.2022 And Sophies patch is live! Come join us for a coffee and enjoy the beautiful garden! Thank you so much to #sophiespatch and @sophiespatch for hosting us and allowing us to serve coffee with a cause! #abcgardeningaustralia #scr #soulcityroasters #australiawidedelivery #localcoffee #localroaster #soulcityrollers #scrgoesmobile
19.01.2022 Big announcement! As mentioned in our newsletter yesterday, we have the privilege of taking our new mobile coffee service to Sophies Patch! Thats right, Sophie Thomson from ABCs Gardening Australia has asked us to come and make coffee for her many guests that will embark upon her incredible garden this Easter weekend. So if you are a gardening fan and in Adelaide this weekend, come on up for a coffee. We will have beans for sale too. Cash and Cards accepted. Soul City Roasters hits the road again! Massive thanks to Sophie and her team for supporting us and helping grow local business! #scr #soulcityroasters #soulcityrollers #sophiespatch #abc #gardeningaustraliamag #gardeningaustralia #sophiethompson #costa #adelaidecoffee #localcoffee #localroaster #brightonsfinest #brightonandhove #glenelg #ichoosesa #southaustralia #sabest
19.01.2022 Just a heads up ahead of the day; Soul City Roasters will be open today but closed on ANZAC day (April 25th). Well be back and serving on Friday. Thanks! #scr #openinghours #soulcityroasters #anzacday #brightonandhove #glenelg #ichoosesa #localroaster #localcoffee #adelaidecafe #smallbusiness #supportinglocalbusiness #localssupportinglocals
19.01.2022 For those local to Brighton SA, pop on down to @thesellerdoor_brighton cafe to try their delicious food and pick up some of our beans which they kindly stock on their local produce shelves. Both our KAHAWA blend and House of Soul blend are permanently stocked there. #kahawablend #houseofsoulblend #thesellerdoorbrighton #pickupourbeans #specialtycoffee #coffeewithacause
18.01.2022 Its why not reward yourself with a delicious coffee to stave off the cold? Freshly brewed, locally roasted right here in Brighton. Soul City Roasters; making your week start right! #scr #soulcityroasters #brightonsfinest #brightonandhove #glenelg #localroaster #localbusiness #localcafe #smallbusiness #ichoosesa
15.01.2022 It is my pleasure to announce that Soul City Roasters will LIVE ON in the experienced hands of Ben Laakmann (pictured with wife Katie) founder and owner of b3 coffee roasters in Blackwood, SA. Please continue your support of SCR as Ben(L) takes over next week. He is an experienced coffee roaster who will continue to provide the quality that you are used to with SCR and continue the vision of being Coffee with a Cause. Happy Days. #provisions #godisgood #newowner #coffeewithacause #specialtycoffee
14.01.2022 Want to take a bit of the world with you wherever you go? What about also saving the environment in the process?! Our Soul City Origin Collection Totes are repurposed coffee bags from farms all around the globe. They can be yours too for only $22! Drop by our store to discover a range of styles, perfect for your sustainable, daily needs. For the Bean. For the People. #scr #soulcityroasters #savingtheenvironment #sustainableshopping #locallyminded #adelaideroaster #adelaidecoffee #brightonandhove #glenelg #ichoosesa
14.01.2022 Well thats me signing out and handing over to the very capable Ben Laakmann. A huge thanks to all my loyal and encouraging customers along the journey. A big thanks to my team (pictured - minus Peter) I couldnt have done it without you. Thanks to @melbcoffeemerch and @Southland merchants for supplying us with incredible tasting and relationally sourced coffees and for being such a support to me. And lastly thanks to my beautiful wife Heather and my kids for putting up with my stress and enjoying some delicious coffee with me along the way. Please keep up your support to Ben(L) as he makes SCR bigger and better than ever. God bless, See you round, Ben Cosford.
12.01.2022 Its Roasting Day at Soul City, getting all your coffee roasted and posted. Today we are roasting for our online customers, and our cafes at @edgechurch.rey , @edgechurch.fin, @zans.van, and some contract Roasting. #coffeewithacause #specialtycoffee #coffeeonline #australiawidedelivery #coffeeathome #coffeeatoffice #coffeeforyourcafe
11.01.2022 Well that’s me signing out and handing over to the very capable Ben Laakmann. A huge thanks to all my loyal and encouraging customers along the journey. A big thanks to my team (pictured - minus Peter) I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks to @melbcoffeemerch and @Southland merchants for supplying us with incredible tasting and relationally sourced coffees and for being such a support to me. And lastly thanks to my beautiful wife Heather and my kids for putting up with my stress and enjoying some delicious coffee with me along the way. Please keep up your support to Ben(L) as he makes SCR bigger and better than ever. God bless, See you round, Ben Cosford.
10.01.2022 Dont you love this cute little caravan? Were excited to start supplying our much loved signature KAHAWA blend to Zanny Twopeny (former owner of the Star of Greece cafe) in her new coffee venture #zansvan! Keep an eye out for her keeping the crowds caffeinated on the southern beaches. You cant miss her in this beauty. #newcafe #coffeeventure #coffeeinabubble #kahawablend #scrforyou
10.01.2022 The Countdown is ON Order your coffee, Huskee cups, Keep Cups and Aeropress before we run out. HELP US FINISH WELL. We have been so stoked with all the support over the last week since our news that we are closing. So encouraged to have such an awesome bunch of customers who support us so much. Thanks. It means a lot. Head to our website and get your last Soul City beans. #finishingwell #beforeitstoolate #helpusfinishwell
09.01.2022 Order yourself some of our delicious coffee for home, office or cafe today, and it will be roasted tomorrow and shipped Australia wide Wednesday. FREE SHIPPING Australia wide on all orders over $55. Specialty coffee with a cause. Whats not to like? Ethically sourced - paying on average 4 times the C price to producers, because we care about the whole supply chain. #specialtycoffee #coffeewithacause #artisanroasted #ordertoday
09.01.2022 The Home Barista course is back on again at Soul City Roasters! Come join us on June 11 from 7:30pm - 9:00pm to engage with the world of specialty coffee, learning new brewing techniques to step up your coffee at home and on the go. $30 entry. Must be pre-booked before June 9. Available in store and online at . For the Bean. For the People. #scr #soulcityroasters #brightonsfinest #brightonandhove #glenelg #adelaidecoffee #adelaideroaster #ichoosesa #learntomakecoffee
08.01.2022 Get 10% OFF our delicious KAHAWA blend if you order before midnight tonight. Use code KAHAWA10 at checkout - . We describe it as chocolate and almond with plenty of punch. Get onto it now. #timeisrunningout #youknowyouwantit #specialtycoffee
07.01.2022 Heres something to write home about! Our good friends at The Seller Door Cafe on Jetty Rd in Brighton SA, have offered to sell our two blends in their cafe along with other local produce. So if you just miss our cafe opening hours, be sure to drop by to pick up some beans from Tom, Ben and the team. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to @thesellerdoor_brighton for having our beans in your place! #supportlocal #scr #soulcityroasters #thesellerdoorbrighton #adelaideroasters #adelaidecoffee #localcoffee #ichoosesa #brightonsfinest #broghtonandhove #glenelg #australiawide #forthebeanforthepeople #coffeewithacause
07.01.2022 And what a great finish to the easter long weekend at #sophiespatch! Over 750 coffees served! A lovely experience had by all and a privilege to be part of the many small business and causes joining together and supporting South Australia. Thank you all for being part of our mobile coffee journey! Big shout out to @jillmrivers @rundles_ , Isabella, Gary, Nicky, @nazijafari6834, @bencosford & @djangorango and so many more for coming together to be such a brilliant coffee team. ...Most of all, thank you to @sophiespatch for hosting and supporting us! From all of us at SCR...For the Bean. For the People. #scr #sophiespatch #scrgoesmobile #soulcityroasters #soulcityrollers #abcgardeningaustralia #brightonsfinest #brightonandhove #glenelg #ichoosesa #localcoffee #localroaster #supportsmallbusiness #localssupportinglocals #saevents @ Mount Barker, South Australia See more
07.01.2022 Monday starts off with our gorgeous Ethiopian Qilenso single origin ready for your tastebuds and enjoyment at Soul City Roasters! Drop in for other delicious deals today; we have 3 lots of 500g & 3 lots of 250g beans (mixed variety) available for 20% off!! But be quick, they wont be there long!! Only at Soul City Roasters...For the Bean, For the people. #scr #soulcityroasters #australiawidedelivery #facilitieshire #localroaster #localcoffee #localcafe #beansforsale #adelaidecoffee #adelaideroaster #localssupportinglocals #ethiopiaguji #ethiopiaqilenso #mondaywakeup #ichoosesa #brightonsfinest #brightonandhove #glenelg
07.01.2022 Dont forget folks, June 11th will be the return of the Home Barista Course at Soul City Roasters! Want to learn a bit more about how to make your coffee better? Curious about the elements of cafe service? Dont delay, sign up on our website now and secure your spot! Also, make sure to get your coffee orders in for this weeks roasting because we will be heating up a storm tomorrow and supplying all our wonderful customers with their roasting needs. Cheers! #scr #soulcityroasters #scrhomebaristacourse #adelaideroaster #adelaidecoffee #localbusiness #brightonandhove #glenelg #brightonsfinest
06.01.2022 Just a bit of a reminder that Soul City Roasters cafe will be closed at the end of the week for the Easter long Weekend! But, you can still reach us through email and find us all weekend at our brand spanking new mobile set up at #sophiespatch over the weekend! Well have beans, coffee and smiles as you enjoy your Easter break! #scr #soulcityroasters #easter2019 #longweekend #localcoffee #localroaster #yourcoffeeyourway #beansbeansbeans #coffeegear #mobilecoffee #sophiespatch #abcgardeningaustralia
04.01.2022 Remember the fallen. Honour the sacrifice. Lest we forget. #remembertheANZACS
04.01.2022 10% OFF our Signature KAHAWA blend until the end of May, midnight Friday. Just use the code KAHAWA10 at checkout. Ethically Sourced Full Bodied Espresso Blend. In The Cup: Chocolate, Almond and Plenty of Punch. KAHAWA is the Perfect blend for Espresso, Aeropress and Plunger. A full bodied blend that captures the best of its blended single origin beans. It features expressive notes of chocolate and almond bursting through, with plenty of punch to give you a good strong coffee experience with crema to boot. #kahawablend #specialtycoffee #coffeewithacause #kahawaforyourcafe
04.01.2022 Wondering what #soulcityrollers is? Wonder no more! Need a mobile coffee set up for your event, party or gathering? Why not try our services?! Simply hop on to our website at to book us for what you need! Also keep an eye out for these flyers at our cafe and mobile coffee events with all our details on how to secure a booking with us. Thank you for supporting local business! #scr #soulcityroasters #soulcityrollers #forthebeanforthepeople #coffeewithacause #mobilecoffee #localcoffee #localcafe #brightonsfinest #brightonandhove #glenelg #ichoosesa #adelaidesmallbusiness #smallbusiness #localbusiness #supportlocal
04.01.2022 And that wraps up day 2 of Sophies patch! Fantastic job by Nazee, Nicky and Gary working together as a team and getting delicious coffee to the masses! We even had @costasworld stop by and say hello! Again, thank you to Sophie and the team at Sophies Patch, were having a blast!! #scr #scrgoesmobile #soulcityrollers #abcgardeningaustralia #sophiespatch #adelaidecoffee #adelaideroaster #forthebeanforthepeople #coffeewithacause #brightonsfinest #brightonandhove #glenelg #ichoosesa
03.01.2022 Dear SCR likers, I (Ben) have had to make the tough decision to close Soul City Roasters. The current economic climate has taken its toll on us, plus I have discovered that trying to run a business and pastor a church is very challenging and not sustainable. And so I have decided to focus on my church ministry @All Saints Seacliff BUT WE ARE NOT DONE YET and we need you to HELP US FINISH WELL with one month left to get your final order of Soul City beans and clean us out of Huskee cups, Aeropress, BODs, keep cups and our delightful Origin Bags made in store from our coffee sacks by the talented Nikki. #endofajourney #atimeforeverything #closingdown #helpusfinishwell
01.01.2022 Hi everyone, its with a heavy heart that we have to make a difficult announcement. We have decided to focus on the coffee roasting and mobile coffee service aspects of our business. Sadly, that means after this Saturday the 11th of May we will be saying goodbye to our in-store cafe. We are so thankful to everyone who has walked through our door in the last year and shared your community with us as we shared our coffee with you. Yet, while we may be changing focus, we are not... gone forever. We will continue to roast each week. Our beans will still be available online for purchase. Free shipping is back on for orders $55 or over. And we are available and willing to serve at any mobile coffee opportunity throughout the week. Just book us for a party, event or function and well be there for you. Thank you for visiting our cafe and thank you for supporting us as we look towards the future of Soul City Roasters. For the Bean. For the People. Sincerely, Ben & the SCR team. See more
01.01.2022 We are back in action, moving towards our goal of "Coffee with a Cause". We are currently only operating online. We are Coffee with a Cause supporting refugees to give them help and hope as they seek to make a new home in Australia. 50% of profits are donated to the Welcoming Centre in Bowden. They are focused on creating a safe, supportive and welcoming space for refugees, people seeking asylum, recently arrived migrants and the local community.... Head online to see our latest range including once off and 5% discounted subscription beans:
01.01.2022 We are on location at Brighton Uniting Church polling station!! Nazee is rocking the counter and the coffee and hot chocolates are flowing! Come drop by to vote or say hello! #scr #scrgoesmobile #soulcityrollers #constitutionalcoffee #brightonsfinest #brightonandhove #glenelg
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