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23.01.2022 Meditation When I mention this how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel, relaxed & calm OR nervous & anxious?... For many people starting out on their meditation journey, it makes them feel the opposite of what it should, why? Because they don’t think that they can actually meditate or they think that because they don’t get the same results as someone else that they must be doing it all wrong Meditation is a deeply personal experience. What I experience when meditating to what you would experience while in meditation WILL BE completely different because WE ARE different. Some say you must sit in a chair with your back straight, feet flat on the floor and your hands in your lap. For me I say, it is whatever position you want to be in that makes you feel relaxed & comfortable, even if to start with it means you are laying down. Want to learn more then why not join me at the upcoming workshop Beginners guide to Spirituality where we go over all of this plus more....... I’ll just leave the link here so you can check it out! Much love & big hugs #beginnersmeditation #spiritualjourney #womenhelpingwomen #guidance

16.01.2022 "I don’t care how spiritual you are. How long you can melt in the sweat lodge. How many peyote or ayahuasca journeys that have blown your mind, how many master ...plant dietas you’ve done or how well you can hold crow pose. I don’t care what planets fall in what houses on your birth chart, or how silent your meditation is. I don’t care how many crystals you have or how long you’ve gone without sugar, salt, spices or sex or how vegan your diet is. I want to know how human you are. Can you sit at the feet of the dying despite the discomfort? Can you be with your grief, or mine, without trying to advise, fix or maintain it? I want to know that you can show up at the table no matter how shiny, chakra- aligned or complete you are- or not. Can you hold loving space for your beloveds in the depths of your own healing without trying to be big? It doesn’t flatter me how many online healing trainings you have, that you live in the desert, forest or in a log cabin, or that you’ve mastered the art of tantra. What turns me on is busy hands. Planting roots. That despite how tired you are, you make that phone call, you board that plane, you love your children, you feed your family. I have no interest in how well you can ascend to 5D, astral travel or have out of body sex. I want to see how beautifully you integrate into ordinary reality with your unique magic, how you find beauty and gratitude in what’s surrounding you, and how present you can be in your relationships. How do you hold the ones you love in the midst of conflict? How do you take responsibility for your part? How do you make amends? I want to know that you can show up and do the hard and holy things on this gorgeously messy Earth. I want to see that you can be sincere, grounded and compassionate as equally as you are empowered, fiery and magnetic. I want to know that even during your achievements, you can step back and be humble enough to still be a student. What’s beautiful and sexy and authentic is how well you can continue to celebrate others no matter how advanced you’ve become. What’s truly flattering is how much you can give despite how full you’ve made yourself. What’s honestly valuable is how f***ing better of a human you can be, in a world that is high off of spiritual materialism and jumping the next escape goat for freedom. At the end of the day I don’t care how brave you are. How productive, how popular, how enlightened you are. At the end of the day, I want to know that you were kind. That you were real. I want to know that you can step down from the pedestal from time to time to kiss the earth and let your hair get dirty and your feet get muddy, and join the dance with us all." - A modern day call to shifting from spiritual consumerism to returning to human kind heart inspired by Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s, The Invitation, by Taylor Rose Godfrey

13.01.2022 Just to enjoy New homewares coming soon #crystalenergy #homewares #selenitecrystal #rosequartzcrystal #rainbowfluroite #amethystcluster #spititualgrowth #spiritualprograms #shineyourlight #helpothersgrow #pastliferegressions #spititguides

10.01.2022 Today I’m snuggling up in my favourite chair, cup of tea in one hand and my book in the other. I love reading, especially when you receive a learning from it. My biggest problem is that I get so engrossed in the book and can’t put it down and before you know it I’ve read it till the end, generally in one sitting! So what’s the problem with that? Well as I tend to keep turning page after page after page, because the book has me hooked and I must keep reading it, i sometime...s miss the important stuff, I definitely have aha moments whilst I’m speed reading but I don’t always take in all the teachings from it that I should. Instead of worrying about that I now just keep reading to the end and enjoy it, then a week later I will pick up the same book again and take my time reading it second time around. To fully comprehend what it is the author is saying. Does anyone else do this too or am I the only special one This got me thinking what are your favourite books that you have gotten your aha moments from? Here’s my top no particular order Life’s Golden Ticket - Brendon Burchard The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Tuesday’s with Morrie - Mitch Albom The Power of Now - Eckhard Tolle The Untethered Soul - Michael A Singer The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari - Robin Sharma The 5 People you meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom The Art of Happiness - Dalai Lama The Shack - WM Paul Young A couple more for the list are The Success Principles - Jack Canfield The Celestine Prophesy - James Redfield The Power of Intention - Wayne Dyer The Richest Man in Babylon - George Clason I could keep going on this list forever!!!! Have you read any of these? Did you like them? What were your favourite takeaways from the book? Share yours with me so I can add them to my list of future reading material Much love & big hugs

07.01.2022 It’s been awhile so I thought today we should have a card reading Look at the cards, then close your eyes and feel into which card/message you need for the week ahead Left - Middle - Right I’ll be back tonight with the reveal ... Enjoy this beautiful day, it always feels so clean & clear after a storm #freecardreading #messagesfromspirit #intention #sundaysoulsession

04.01.2022 2020 for most people has been very challenging and I don’t think anyone could say they have been exempt from it. Everyone has been affected by this craziness in some way shape or form. Me, well it has made me stop and really think about what’s important and what isn’t. It’s made me look into the life I’m living and to examine if that’s how I want to continue moving forward. The things currently in my life that I don’t like are being left behind, I no longer choose them and am... inviting in all that I want with open arms. As a family we have had many stressful moments sitting in hospital waiting rooms, as our daughter underwent more brain surgery for her shunt and tumour (she calls it Britney ) we have had lack of sleep, stress through the roof and many ups & downs BUT it has also given me time, time to just sit, I didn’t have to be anywhere, or do anything, all I had was time with my own thoughts while sitting & waiting. Time to reflect and revise. So what did I think about? Lots!!! Lots of soul searching, lots of why is this happening, lots of what the hell do we do now, lots of Is this going to happen again lots of I don’t know if I can handle anymore bad news lots of It’s ok lots of how many more times is this going to happen lots of are you fucking serious lots of ok one day at a time lots of she will be fine, she’s strong lots of we’ve got this and then once all those have finished running rampant I did lots and lots of tuning in and listening to my intuition, lots of just be-ing lots of meditating and lots of finding my inner peace and knowing all will be ok. I really had to dig deep in my beliefs and connection with my guides to see the bigger picture that has been unfolding and to stay strong in my faith. While doing all this thinking and sitting and be-ing and talking with friends about my own spiritual path and how I started on my journey they reminded me that not everyone knows how to do that, how to start their spiritual journey and what steps to take to begin. So that got me thinking, and this is what I have come up with. So who here would be interested in attending a one day workshop to get you started on your spiritual journey? Starting right at the beginning with the basics that you can learn on the day then continue to develop from that day on in your own home. This isn’t just for those wanting to continue on their journey but is absolutely for anyone who wishes to learn techniques to calm the mind, gain clarity and learn how to just be present. If this sounds like something you would happily attend then leave me your favourite emoji below and I will send you through the details. After all we are spiritual beings having a human experience Much love & big hugs

03.01.2022 Today’s therapy’s amazing what ideas come to you when sitting around hospitals! It’s bringing me back to my love of crystals and tapping into my creative side. Watch this space as this will continue to come together over the next few weeks... Excited to see the end result to share with you all... Yep I’m creating crystal homewares

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