Soul Sanctuary | Alternative & holistic health service
Soul Sanctuary
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24.01.2022 This oil... Adaptiv... arrived today at the perfect time! Already in the diffuser... such a calming blend! I highly recommend it!!
23.01.2022 You are unique.. we need your uniqueness embrace YOU
23.01.2022 With many of us currently in lockdown (such a horrible word isnt it??) and surrounded by the people you live with... the below resonated with me as there are days when I forget to create my own space and communicate calmly. Sometimes we dont realise how our energy affects those around us.
23.01.2022 As we start the new week... this is your reminder..
23.01.2022 Each week I choose an oracle card which sets an intention.. today the Gratitude card fell from the deck... sign that this is the intention needed. I do practise gratitude on a daily basis however given life in lockdown for Melbourne peeps I have found it harder on some days... its been hard not to get caught up in the negative energy all around us on socials and media etc. So I encourage you to start and end your day with gratitude... what are you grateful for? What is som...ething that makes you smile? Warms your heart? Lifts your spirits? #gratitude #love #grateful #intention #healing #mindfulness #selflove #selfcare
22.01.2022 Here are the details for tomorrows Zoom .... start the day Calm.. Ill be on at 6:30am
22.01.2022 As the weekend comes to an end I am reflecting on the week that has been ... it was an emotional week... it was mentally challenging... it was demanding ... it had moments of fun and laughter.. it was a mix of everything... and thats life right?! A little bit of everything everyday. Whats important is how we navigate ourselves through it.. what did we learn from it? What would we do again? What would we completely let go of? So I am clearing the slate... sending everything out into the waves and open my heart and soul for another week ... whatever it brings me I know I will be able to deal with it #shiftyourmindset #letgo #accept #forgive #love #findthesilverlining
21.01.2022 Elevate Board Workshop - Saturday 5 December - 11-2pm - Templestowe Lower So what is An Elevate Board Workshop? Think Vision Board but the difference is that instead of connecting to a goal, you connect to a feeling, an emotion, to our compass to then create what we want in life.... It involves some Meditation, an anchoring process, creating the board itself and a bit more! Everything is provided for you... even a cheeky glass of Rose and some nibbles! Numbers are limited due to some restrictions so Click on the link below to get your ticket
21.01.2022 Looking forward to starting the day with you tomorrow... if you haven't already, please let me know if you can join me 6:30am To join, details are as follows: ZOOM Meeting ID 373 372 4535 ... Password: 2z5wjh See more
21.01.2022 Dont suppress your emotions or how you are feeling... the best way to deal with any negative energy or stress is to take a moment to acknowledge it, sit with it, accept it and then release that shit... you dont need to carry it with you. #letitgo #mindset #acknowledge #accept #release
20.01.2022 Good morning! Who would like to join me for another 21 day meditation with Deepak? Let me know and Ill share it with you...
20.01.2022 One of each please
20.01.2022 Spring time... my favourite season.. you can really see the transformation all around us.. blossoms booming everywhere. Its a reminder that everything and everyone is transforming on a daily basis... learning, growing, expanding... we are all on a journey ... as different as they may... we are all experiencing transformation. #evolving #learning #growing #exploring #selfdevelopment #selflove #selfcare #gowithin
18.01.2022 Whats one thing you can do today that will make you feel better? I washed my hair and then actually dried it with the hair dryer... I feel like a million bucks! its the little things right?!? When you feel your energy deplete throughout the day.. take a moment to do something that will energise you!
17.01.2022 Thursday morning Meditation Bliss A beautiful way to start your day, hope you can join me Zoom link ... Meeting ID: 373 372 4535 Passcode: 4ZSnSF
17.01.2022 Getting excited about tomorrows workshop! Im obsessed with oils, so cant wait to share with you the ones I love, how they can support you and the benefits behind each oil. Please RSVP to the event if you can make it!...
15.01.2022 From todays meditation... this resonated deeply When we spend time in silence, we can hear the voice of our soul whispering its sacred message and encouraging us to make choices that bring us more happiness, health, love, meaning and peace. David Simon
14.01.2022 New week. New intentions. Gentle reminders for you
14.01.2022 Self soothing is the ability to calm ourselves down after experiencing something stressful. Although it wont get to the root of the issue, Its a little technique you can use that will calm you down and allow you to reset. Much love Danielle
13.01.2022 It’s that time of the week again! Love Thursday mornings with you. Please join me for a beautiful meditation Zoom details: Meeting ID: 373 372 4535 Passcode: sHP8eu... Please let me know if you are joining Have a magical day
13.01.2022 Loving yourself is first & foremost
12.01.2022 throughout my life I have put others before myself... I was a people pleaser, I allowed people into my heart only to have them break it, and each time that happened, they took a part of me away.... I am now so committed to myself, my heart, self love and I am fiercely protective of myself... although I still go through pain, hurt and challenges.. I can pull myself through it, learn from it, stand up for myself and grow. Always check in with yourself... feel the feelings, c...hange what doesnt serve you.. establish your boundaries.. be committed to YOU #OurPlanetChallengeselflove #heart #passion #boundaries #protection #loveyourself #youmatter #love #alignment #balance #bebrave
11.01.2022 Aromatic anchoring is the process of creating a memory or emotional response and connecting it to an aroma. So most people have experienced having a memory being triggered by a smell, ie the smell of someones perfume reminding them of a loved on, the smell of a certain food reminding them of a holiday etc. Our brain registers the smell and attaches it to a memory. The best thing about essential oils is that we can create this memory safely and effectively. Just by smelling a... particular oil in future moments, it can recreate the feeling that you have attached to it. Its a beautiful practice in times of stress or anxiety, and can be used to deepen the practice of meditation and yoga. These are the two oils I use when Im practising meditation and visualisation. As soon as I smell them my mind and body begins to relax. So powerful. If you want to learn more about how oils can elevate you, reach out. Ive been using oils for a number of years. #anchoring #elevate #oils #essentialoils #wellness #dailypractise #doterraoils
11.01.2022 This piece came through to me via email from a dear friend, and it really resonated with me. Thought Id share it with you: "Sometimes, I just want it to stop. Talk of COVID, protests, looting, brutality. I lose my way. Become convinced that this 'new normal' is real life. But, then I meet an 87 year old who talks of living through Polio, diphtheria, Vietnam, protests, and yet is still enchanted with life. He seemed so surprised when I said that 2020 must be especially chal...lenging for him. "No", he said slowly looking me straight in the eyes, "I learned a long time ago not to see the world through the printed headlines, I see the world through the people that surround me. I see the world with the realization that we love big. Therefore I choose to write my own headlines. "Husband loves wife today". "Family drops everything to come to Grandma's bed side." He patted my hand "Old Man, makes new friend." His words collide with my worries, freeing them from the tether I had been holding tight. They float away. I am left with a renewed spirit. My headline now reads "woman overwhelmed by the spirit of kindness." What is your headline?
11.01.2022 Self love & acceptance
10.01.2022 Good morning! Wanted to share this meditation with you, I have started my day with this one and also have done it during the day when I few out of balance. much love ...
09.01.2022 This resonated with me this morning... Melb peeps... we can get through this, we will get through this. If you have a moment of stress, panic, fear or sadness... take a moment for yourself.... ... Close your eyes Focus on your breathing... take some deep breaths Connect to your heart Visualise your happy space... I always visualise walking on the sand at the beach and hearing the sounds of the waves crashing... Breathe... When youre ready open your eyes and continue with the day with a sense of calm.
08.01.2022 Life is a balance between what we can control and the things we can’t control. I usually start cleaning the house like a mad woman... weird I know but hey we all have our thing when we are trying to control something... right?! So when I notice my behaviour and acknowledge that things are out of balance I take a moment to sit... breathe... and mentally think of or even write down the things I can control and the things I cannot. It helps me with changing my perspective.. it helps me to realign and re-balance.
07.01.2022 The best way to renew thoughts is to go outside the human imagination - Bernard Werber
05.01.2022 Join me this Thursday morning at 6:30 for a 20 minute Calm session.. some breathing, gentle stretching and a guided visualisation. Please let me know if you can join me To join, details are as follows: ZOOM Meeting ID 373 372 4535 Password: 2z5wjh
05.01.2022 Lying here post workout capturing the sounds around me and watching the clouds move slowly across the sky... my little moments of calm.... even in the wind.... its peaceful... BREATHE What calms you? Please share
05.01.2022 As we Victorians head into another lockdown its really important that we dont get caught up in our head, the media and in the things we cannot control.... What we can control is ourselves, how we think, how we respond and how to work through any emotions we are feeling right now. Take a moment for yourself if you are feeling overwhelmed and just not yourself...... Grab your journal, or some paper, and go through these questions.... its an exercise I do when I need to reset my thinking and feeling.... And remember your breath... remember to take a few deep breaths to centre yourself and connect to heart. Much love
03.01.2022 There are some nights when I go to bed feeling really tired and ready for sleep and as soon as I lie in bed... Im awake... Which is so annoying.... This has helped me to fall asleep... and thought it may help if you become restless when you go to bed
03.01.2022 Just a reminder to check in with yourself and reach out if you need support
01.01.2022 Little tip that helps overcome overwhelm
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