Soul Talk Earth Walk | Public figure
Soul Talk Earth Walk
Phone: +61 400 796 728
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25.01.2022 How good is this post. Especially if you currently are in stage 4 lockdown in Melbourne. Yes yes to online shopping......#giveyourselfapresent packages make us happy. #cantrememberwhatiordered #suprise #onlineshopping #shopping #deliveries #lockdown #melbourne #present #package #happy #happiness #loveyourself #selflove #isolation #grateful #soul #awake #awarenes #itsok #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
24.01.2022 There is no way on Earth I could not accept this challenge. Allowing myself to be supported was a big step for me. Opening the doors to being supported by so many strong women with their own amazing stories has absolutely changed my life. When we support each other we empower each other. grateful or rather should I say grateful lol xxx #willalwaysholdspaceforyourstory #honored #womansupportingwoman thanks for the nomination Hanna Ven Kylie JodieBeyond blessed to be surrounded by so many inspirational women in my life. Jodie Nadine Joanne Gayle Samantha Danielle Bec Gayle Michelle Melanie-Nikki Donna Steph Samantha Em Jo Kym Vivian Anna
24.01.2022 Music is such a great way to lift our spirits. Thanks @thefox1019 RnB Fridays are the best #rnbmusic #fridays #listen #happiness #weekend #radio #supporteachother #littlethings #loveyourself #wellness #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
24.01.2022 Hey Beautiful people, Its been a pretty rough 24 hours, Especially if you are living in Melbourne. Lots of people have been really struggling with not "Being Allowed" to do so many things. This feeling goes back to when we were little. We often knew what we wanted yet we werent allowed to do it our way, we had to do what someone else told us or we got into trouble. This led us to feeling quite powerless. As we moved into adult hood we were allowed to do more and more of wha...t we wanted, thus leaving this frustrating powerless feeling behind us. Now as we are told what to do, we are revisiting the same powerless emotional pattern from childhood and its bringing up a lot of emotion and frustration. Our world and what we are allowed to do has got smaller. If we focus on what we cant do the frustration only grows. Think about it this way. When it came to dinner we used to have a smorgasbord on offer, then it moved to a table full of food, then it was a platter, and now it is a plate of food. Yet we can still eat. In other words we work with what we have got. So here is the idea. Write the words I CHOOSE and place it somewhere in your house that you can see every day, and remind yourself as often as you can of this. I choose what I wear, what I eat, when I eat, What exercise I do, who I speak with, what my day looks like, every single thing I do in my day. No matter how small it is it still counts. This way we focus on keeping our power and not being powerless. At the moment I have again moved to online appointments so please tx me 0400796728 if you dont have an appointment booked and would like one. It is possible under extreme circumstances that you may be able to come here, I should get further confirmation of this by the end of the week. In the meantime look after yourselves and the ones you love. Find simple things to help. Dont be too hard on yourself. Give yourself permission to do things you havent done for a long time, rest, have a bath, read a book, do a course (I know a good one lol) Love and hugs to you all Mel xxxx
23.01.2022 Every time I see this picture I want to post it .... yet I cant. I have to wait for the exact moment where we turn from winter to spring. The smell of the blossom trees so reminds me of my childhood and that same sweet smell of those blossom trees always reminded me that winter was nearly done n soon we would be allowed to play with our friends again. How ironic. Change is definitely coming n it is truly beautiful #winter #change #changeyourlife #listen #togeher #friends #spring #blossom #smellssogood #sunshine #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
23.01.2022 Walking in the rain brings so many senses forward. The feel of rain and the way the drops wake each part of us up. The touch. The smell and the way it makes us breathe just that little bit deeper to take it all in. Rain stops us. Rain makes us reasses if its absolutely necessary to go out. Rain makes us wait for the perfect moment to take that opportunity to go for it. Rain makes us breathe deeper. Rain. Who knew it had so many similarities to 2020. #rain #reassess #winter #melbourne #outdoors #wakeup #newearth #newworld #breathe #walk #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
21.01.2022 One tiny little droplet of water is always connected to another tiny little droplet of water. The thing is we forget that. Take a step.back and reasses #Weareallone #Weareinthistogether #Weknowhowtoloveeachother... #Wehavegotthis If our challenge right now by the universe is to ask if we can be there for and care for each other then I am a 100% in yes yes I can I will and I will always xxxxx #stayingstrong See more
20.01.2022 While we are tucked up in our beds or spending the day inside the walls of our house, nature continues to make the most magical moments and the most beautiful specticals. Unfortunately we miss most of them. #thereisaplan #truth #trust #universe #magical #sobeautiful #amazing #bepresent #present #perspective #awake #awarenes #itsok #peace #grateful #blessed #newworld #nature #outdoors #outside #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
19.01.2022 Even in Iso we get to choose what happens next in our day. This has to be one of my favorites (And when we add the sneaky glass of wine to it, then yes yes yes) #melbourne #isolation #stage4 #fire #winter #snuggly #warm #comfy #loveyourself #togeher #supporteachother #littlethings #appreciate #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
19.01.2022 Repeat this phrase. Exactly where I am is exactly where I am meant to be physically mentally emotionally and spiritually. This is the game changer this means that its ok. Everything is ok. Where you are how you feel n what you want right now is just ok. Its all ok. Be present to you be gentle to you. #gentel #listen #present #awake #awarenes #selfawareness #earth #dontapololigise #powerful #change #newworld #perspective #wehavegotthis #togeher #trust #present #breathe #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
18.01.2022 When know you need to change some things in your life so you can begin to find yourself the first thing that has to go is Guilt. Guilt and the impact Guilt has on our lives destroys our ability to listen to ourselves and to be a voice in our lives. Do something for yourself in iso. A course that can change your life. Live without Guilt. $127 guilt free. WE-Being #listen #voice #empowered #awake #awarenes #Imatter #loveyourself #important #guiltfree #selfaware #ihavegotthis #welbeing #change #changeyourlife #soul #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
17.01.2022 An iceberg consists of millions of tiny droplets that come together to form something beautiful, strong and solid. Perhaps we are on the same journey. #relax #togeher #trust #listentoeachother #thereisaplan #strong #loveeachother #breathe #beautiful #loveyourself #magical #nature #hope #perspective #proud #present #plan #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
17.01.2022 When you live with Guilt you stop listening to yourself, and live trying to make everyone else happy. When you live without Guilt it frees you, so now all of you can be part of your life. 2020 The year of Self Awareness. Live without Guilt. Get your power Back. @leah and WE-Being
17.01.2022 So many way we can protect ourselves from the cold and love ourselves while we keep ourselves warm. Mittens. Such a perfect example. #littlethings #winter #melbourne #mittens #staywarm #loveyourself #selflove #newworld #newway #guiltfree #selfaware #ihavegotthis #neverapologise #2020 #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
16.01.2022 Nothing like a foot massage on a Friday. #pamperyourself #selfcare #selflove #massage #feet #relax #youdeserveit #lookaftereachother #loveyourself #wellness #welbeing #change #changeyourlife #livewithoutguilt #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
15.01.2022 Stop for a moment n come back to yourself, to being present to this moment. You 100 % chose to be here at this time. The most amazing time on our planet. Where 2020 will be the talk of so many learning opportunities for our future generations. What will be the story you tell about what you found out about yourself, to the generation to come in your life. #change #newworld #perspective #wehavegotthis #togeher #trust #present #awake #awarenes #breathe #familytime #dontapololigise #powerful #loveyourself #selflove #isolation #grateful #blessed #awarenes #loveyourself #selflove #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
14.01.2022 Hey everyone, just touching base on what has been a very challenging and emotional afternoon for everyone. I have spoken to a lot of us and the feeling of being trapped and powerless has collided with overwhelmed and devastated. I am currently working and fighting so hard to get a clearance from the police and government to continue seeing clients - under mental health and support. I will know of this outcome in the next few days. However I am as always still available on via zoom and it works really well. Please know that even though you may feel alone you are not. I created this space, this group, earlier this year to make space for a beautiful bunch of like minded people who are all after answers of finding themselves and loving themselves. So I want to hand it over to you all. You are all such inspirational people with such beautiful journeys and I am so honored to be part of your lives. Through working with you, all your stories all cross over in so many ways. So if I had a gathering and you came you would introduce yourself to people, so my challenge is lets introduce ourselves. I invite you to post something about yourself, or post a picture, a meme, a quote. This is not my space this is our space. A very nonjudgmental safe space where we can support each other. So as we go back into lock down, lets be better at being connected to the people that make us feel good about ourselves. Inbox me if you need an appointment. Otherwise lets get better about connecting with people who are also working on understanding themselves. Sending love to you xxxxxxxxxxx See more
12.01.2022 Today 1pm Listen to my beautiful friend Mel Ryan on Triple M at 1pm today talking about her course Live without Guilt! Soul Talk Earth Walk
12.01.2022 No matter where you have lived or traveled you can never see it all. The moon however highlights so many untouched places. Just like ourselves really. There is so much in us we have yet to discover. We just need to let the magic in us too come forward. Never be afraid to be yourself. #magical #connect #selfawareness #present #live #connect #moon #soul #awake #awarenes #truth #loveyourself #selflove #newworld #trust #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
11.01.2022 Super proud to announce that I am part of the line up for Seven Sisters Online Festival. Fri 16th Oct at 4pm is my space. Introducing concepts from my course Live without Guilt. Check out this festival so much power in women supporting women. Blessed and Empowered xxx
11.01.2022 Wanting to wake up on the other side of all this when its over? After it rains theres always a rainbow. The up side of covid especially in Melbourne is that when we get to hug the people we care about and do the things we love the appreciation we will have will be off the chart. #isolation #notfunanymore #miss #hugs #family #friends #spring #newworld #newway #lookaftereachother #kindness #listen #bigpicture #connect #loveeachother #loveyourself #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
11.01.2022 After the week we have had in Melbourne we ALL deserve a treat. #yum #sweets #desert #stickydate #chocolate #somethingyummy #wedeservepudding #melbourne #stage4 #isolation #allbymyself #selfcare #staystrong #wecandothis #togeher #supporteachother #littlethings #loveyourself #selflove #soultalkearthwalk
10.01.2022 We are here to celebrate ourselves. To love ourselves and most importantly NOT APOLOGISE for ourselves. There is only 1 you. And the unique way you look at the world possibly holds the door to all the answers for another. Never be afraid to listen to your voice, be your voice and stand in your truth. Its where the true magic of life begins xxx. Live without guilt. WE-Being Link in comments Xxxx
08.01.2022 Give yourself permission.......One of my favorite statements. To give yourself permission; means you are present to yourself of what you want and need. This leads to strong self aware people that dont live by other peoples rules, and who dont apologies for themselves. What a awesome space to be in. #permission #awake #awarenes #selfawareness #dontapololigise #me #selflove #listen #empowered #strong #lovemyself #perspective #proud #present #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
07.01.2022 Hehehe make yourself a Hottie. So love this. Of course we are all hotties. But that aside, Such a simple way to feel loved, warm, hugged n looked after. I was introduced to hotties by my beautiful nan so many years ago. Making a hottie for myself is absolutely one of my very favorite ways to love myself. #hottie #nan #simple #loveyourself #selflove #isolation #grateful #blessed #easy #need #feels #lookaftereachother #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk #covid19
07.01.2022 Waking up to a new start is the most freeing feeling. Being in the quiet before the new day begins is such a magical space. #newstart #newworld #newway #guiltfree #selfaware #ihavegotthis #wellness #magical #appreciate #listen #bigpicture #connect #loveeachother #loveyourself #selflove #newworld #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
06.01.2022 Sometimes we just all.need to wrap ourselves up in a warm fluffy towel. Just because its a warm fluffy towel. #comfy #hugs #feelsgood #loveyourself #littlethings #appreciate #lookaftereachother #newworld #selfcare #selfawareness #isolation #ihavegotthis #bestfeeling #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
06.01.2022 Does feeling guilty impact your life? Were you made to feel guilty as a child? Do you find it hard to say No? If you say No can someone guilt you into saying yes?... Do you feel like you sacrificed yourself? Hi my name is Mel Ryan. I have been working with people for over 20 years to help them live without guilt. Why do we let guilt impact our lives so much? Because we were never allowed to listen to ourselves. For so long we were made to follow the rules, someone elses rules. We werent allowed to question them and we werent allowed to acknowledge what we needed. If we did we were made to feel guilty. We were called selfish. You can, learn how to listen to yourself. You can, be a voice for yourself. What you want and need, can be in your life too. You can move past guilt and get the freedom that you deserve. Get your power Back. Live without Guilt.
06.01.2022 When we were little we had to do what everyone else said. It felt like our power was taken away and to be honest none of us liked being told what to do. We had no choice. From, what time we had to go to bed, to having to eat our vegies, to playing nice, we didnt get a say. Fast forward so many years later and to be told what to do via a curfew and stage 4 restrictions and none of us respond well. Thats because we have awakened the origional emotional pattern of not likeing... someone else choosing for us. So lets take a step.back and reassess. As adults we have the power of choice. So yes no matter what the restrictions are, we still choose. What time we get up, what we eat, when we exercise, what we do in our day. We arent in the same place, so lets move to the I choose state and get back to making our days our own. #permission #perspective #percertion #adults #ichoose #selfcare #selfawareness #selfhelp #selflove #selfempowerment #loveyourself #free #freedom #newage #awake #awarenes #soulliving #selfcare #soultalkearthwalk See more
06.01.2022 Understanding why is like finding the end of the string in a messed up ball of wool. No matter how tangled it is you can still make sense of it. When everything makes sense we then see life from a different perspective. This is one of the most powerful things we can do. WE-Being #livewithoutguiltcourse #guiltfree #listen #understand #why #powerful #livefree #truth #workoutwhy #perspective #believeinyourself #loveyourself #selflove #newworld #course #selfhelp #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
05.01.2022 A vision board means that we have taken the time to tune into ourselves. To allow our inner voice to come forward. To allow ourselves to highlight just what it is we want and need. 2020 is the year of self awareness (amongst a whole lot of other shit). That said making plans for ourselves and knowing what our next is the most empowering thing we can do for ourselves right now. #empowered #listen #whatdoineed #whatdoiwant #vision #visionboard #plans #makelifebetter #strong #allow #perspective #permission #loveeachother #lookaftereachother #kindness #listen toyourself #loveyourself #selflove #newworld #isolation #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
05.01.2022 When you truly understand why you do something, you then get the power to choose what happens next in your life. Understanding why we let guilt impact our lives so much is a life changing experience. Live Without Guilt is an online course by Mel Ryan a creator WE-Being for $127 AU Link in comments. #changeyourlife #livewithoutguilt #understandwhy #getyourpowerback #livefree #freeyourself #upskill #course #newworld #newway #guiltfree #selfaware #selfawareness #selfhelp #love #free #real #loveeachother #loveyourself #change #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
04.01.2022 Sometimes self love can come in the tiniest of ways. But these tiny things can all add up to us feeling loved, nurtured and looked after. Allowing ourselves to love ourselves can simply start with hand cream. #nurtured #giveyourselfpermission #loveyourself #lookafteryourself #handcream #soulliving #selfcare #selfaware #simple #awake #soultalkearthwalk
04.01.2022 Happy birthday my beautiful girl @sttephryann Todays post is for many of us surviving ISO in Melbourne is a shout out to the everyday people in your life. For me its my family. The quirkiness the laughter the fun the raw truth and honesty. The space to listen to support n also challenge each other and yet at the same time the same space to just have fun and connect in the moment. Each of us bring our own perspective to the space which creates an opportunity to grow learn and celebrate together. Grateful to be surrounded by beautiful souls. #familytime #family #present #listen #gifts #lookaftereachother #kindness #change #laughter #fun #insidejokes #inappropriate #dadjokes #supporteachother #grateful #love #togeher #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
04.01.2022 Instead of focusing on everything going on outside of us right now. Stop for a moment and come back to within. To the silence within ourselves that is directing us back to simplicity. Of being present in the moment, present to the people that we are with, to our thoughts, to what feels right for us. For in the quiet we find the answers our soul has been trying to tell us for a very long time. Silence has the same letter and listen. #soulliving #answers #within #listen #silence #wehavegotthis #togeher #trust #present #awake #awarenes #selfawareness #dontapololigise #powerful #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk #soul #wellness #welbeing
03.01.2022 So interesting the smaller we are the less the big picture is actually the big picture, yet at the same time that is our reality. So deep. Yet so true. It coaxes the mind to maybe there is something beyond something. Maybe our big picture is as big as the ants? #mindblown #reality #bigpicture #answers #awake #awarenes #ready #loveyourself #change #newworld #perspective #wehavegotthis #togeher #trust #present #breathe #norules #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
02.01.2022 Your truth when you find it may look very different to everyone else. Yet your truth is the most reliable and honest thing in your life right now. Learning how to listen to that truth is the most powerful thing you can ever do.for yourself. Change your life and you change the world. There is a link in the comments to a course that may just help you. WE-Being #truth #live #dontapologise #powerful #me #real #soulliving #selfcare #change #breathe #loveyourself #selflove #newworld #isolation #allbymyself #strong #lovemyself #perspective #proud #present
01.01.2022 That may have been the case last year but let me reassure the universe, I am absolutely committed to giving a shout out to all the beautiful places in the world if only someone will let me out #melbourne #stage4 #restrictions #isanybodyoutthere #letmeout #isolation #allbymyself #hello #hanginthere #weareawesome #togeher #hugs #family #friends #soulliving #soultalkearthwalk
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