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25.01.2022 Are you ready to transform your uncertainty into clarity? 1 space available for our full day workshop this Saturday 26th, 10am-4:30pm. Is this for you?... Last ticket found here:
24.01.2022 We had such a transformative day today, trialling our upcoming "Uncertainty to Clarity" workshop on ourselves We deeply believe in what we do and we practice what we teach! We are so excited to share this special day of new practices with like minded people on the Saturday 26th of September!... There are currently 2 spots left available and the early bird rate finishes this Thursday. Are you feeling the call to join us and experience for yourself what we are talking about? Confirm your place here:
24.01.2022 Has 2020 been shrouded with uncertainty for you? Join us this Saturday 26th of September, 10am-4:30pm to shine some clarity into the space where uncertainty is lurking! 2 tickets left for this transformative full day experience in the Blue Mountains... Secure your spot here:
23.01.2022 Transformation and healing is a very uncomfortable painful confronting and sometimes scary experience...but the rewards whilst on the healing journey make it all worth it #peace #freedom #healing #ancestralhealing #intergenerationaltrauma #butterfly #transformation #spiritualgrowth
22.01.2022 Just walked past this little guy radiating so brightly near our home What a beautiful day it's been today. We can't wait to see those of you who feel called to join us for our final sound activation + healing event this coming Sunday! 5:30pm-8:30pm at Energize Health Club Belrose Ticket links in comments below
22.01.2022 Join us on Sunday 11th October for our upcoming sound healing at Energize Health Club to assist you in truly feeling the miracle that you are Early bird tickets end 1st of October! Brene Brown puts it perfectly ... You are worthy, You are enough.. We all are, no matter what we've been through, what we've done, or how we judge ourselves.. Remind yourself every day just how special and unique you truly are. Be unapologetically you! Ticket link in comments..
17.01.2022 Timely release of our latest Source 88 fashion wear!! Who wants to order one???
14.01.2022 Uncertainty- 'the state of being uncertain. A nervous feeling that you have because you think bad things might happen'. Clarity- 'The quality of being coherent and intelligible. The quality of transparency or purity'. We have 2 spots left for our upcoming 'Uncertainty to Clarity' workshop on Saturday 26th September, 10am-4:30pm at our beautiful new, sacred space in the Blue Mountains ... Join us and give yourself the opportunity to transcend any uncertainty you may be feeling, bring about a greater sense of clarity, and invite more miracles into your life! Book your tickets via the link below: Last day for early bird tickets!
14.01.2022 "I dreamt that I was trapped in a burning room. Thick smoke filled the air, and the only exit door was blocked by fire. As I gasped for breath, a hand appeared behind the flames, beckoning me to come. I knew that freedom, light & air were on the other side of that door and that certain death awaited me if I remained. Still I hesitated, how could I walk through the fire? ... Sometimes I feel the same way about the challenges I face in my waking life. Even when my position is hopeless and my Higher Power beckons, urging me to take a risk, I still hesitate, hoping for a miracle. I forget that the miracle is already here! I have a Higher Power who is always there for me, helping me to cope with my fears and find new, effective solutions to my problems. Thus I am taken beyond the problems that once held me hostage. I am free to act or not to act, to take a chance, to hold off on a decision, to make choices that feel right"- Al-Anon. Martin Luther King quoted "It takes courage to step beyond what is comfortable, predictable & known". Are you ready to step beyond your comfort zone, to take action in making positive changes in your life, to reach out & create a new direction in your life? Join us Saturday 26th September for our full day "Uncertainty to Clarity" workshop, where we can guarantee you won't walk away with the same energy you came in with. You will leave feeling inspired, connected, loved, valued, and most importantly not alone. Click the link below to book your ticket. Early bird special finishes Sunday 12th September.
12.01.2022 Love & gratitude for our opportunity to be in Uluru for the Great Conjunct in December + part of the beautiful soul family team at Cosmic Consciousness Conference! Our deepest thanks to Bianca from Rainbow Sounds for her extremely generous gift of donating these beautiful bowls to us Don't hesitate if you feel the call to be there with us is and will be a life changing event and experience!... Ready to change your life in ways you cannot even begin to imagine? Link in the comments to take the leap!
10.01.2022 We are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. It is so important to remember that we chose to have this human experience, therefore we must stay grounded on Earth, whilst also exploring the expansiveness of our spirituality. This then allows us to have the full rounded, unique human experience that we have been gifted during our time here on Earth #basechakra #muladhara #health #wellbeing #chakras #holistichealth #spirituality #emotions #energyinmotion #grounding #motherearth
08.01.2022 We all have experienced trauma on some level & we all have dysfunction somewhere in our lives as no one is perfect. Our dysfunction continues to pass down from generation to generation until someone is willing, brave and courageous enough to heal it. To speak up and not hide in the shadows anymore, to stand up and speak their truth, feeling the pain, not avoiding it, and therefore healing it- for themselves + generations before and after! Healing intergenerational trauma is... an integral part of our own healing journey at Source88 and we believe it is part of our divine life purpose to assist you in healing too! Do it for yourself, your family, your children + your children's children..for the world to heal, one person at a time so that the pain gets less and less and we continue to evolve humanity into a safer, loving, peaceful and joyful experience Healing is not always pretty, and it can feel very very painful, isolating, frustrating, challenging, lonely, hopeless, confronting, and so much more.. but these wounds and dysfunctions are passed down continuously until we consciously make a change, and our children and future generations will continue to suffer! As you heal yourself, you heal others up and down the line..the ripple effect is far & wide! The gift of transformation, such as when the caterpillar evolves into a beautiful butterfly, starts off very painful and uncomfortable, but once the butterfly flies free of its cocoon, it has a completely different view of life, a new sense of freedom the caterpillar could never even imagine! You're not alone, we are all doing the best we know how to! Start cocooning (inner reflection + healing) and prepare for that unimaginable feeling of freedom, beauty, joy and gratitude of all your hard work! Miracles do happen if you're open to them
08.01.2022 Thank you to all the beautiful people we connected with at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference at Uluru! As promised we have uploaded the audio of the sound healing which took place on the last morning of the conference (22/12/2020). This included many fellow musicians and sound healers. We thank them for their participation and expressions of love! Thank you Rufus, Naithen, Jack and anyone else involved. Please put your headphones on, create an intention and breath deeply al...l the way in (4 seconds) and breathe all the way out (4 seconds). Keep this breathing up until you hear in the audio "to take a deep breath in." Then hold your breath as long as feels comfortable, release your breathe and just breath normally. Enjoy the rawness and realness of this sound experience which was recorded on our mobile phone. Turn it up loud and thank you for being amazing!!! You will find the dropbox file for the audio in the comments below.
07.01.2022 Love is the highest vibration and I love this woman. My fiance, my business partner, my teacher, my twin flame and my fellow adventurer. I couldn't imagine unraveling my divine life purpose with anyone else!!
06.01.2022 Journey With Us For A Full Day Of Sacred Activities Releasing And Clearing What No Longer Serves And Connecting To Your Own Integrity And Inner Truth Connect to Your Inner Strength - Full Day Workshop - Max 10 people... Early bird ticket sales end 16th January See more
03.01.2022 Are you feeling stuck and unsure of your near future, questioning the world that you are currently experiencing, not knowing which path to take next? Early bird sale ends on the 1st of October for your ticket to gaining a clearer perspective on your circumstances and connecting into a deep space of love, trust and support. Read more on our FaceBook Events page and book your spot here:... Max. 20 tickets.
02.01.2022 If like us, you find yourself at a turning point in life right now then come and find clarity on the way forward, as we created our upcoming events to specifically assist you on the path of least resistance. Amidst such a tumultuous year, we are super excited and very grateful to have launched 3 Upcoming Events and we hope to see you there: * Uncertainty to Clarity- Full Day Workshop- Saturday 26th September - 10am- 4:30pm, North Katoomba, Blue Mountains -... $122 Early Bird/ Special 2 for $222: Visit * Forging a New Way Forward Sound Healing- Energize Health Club, Belrose- Sunday 11th October- 5:45pm- 8:30pm- $45 Early Bird/ $55: Visit: * Creating a Life That You Love Retreat- Blue Mountains- Friday 23rd -Sunday 25th October- $777 Early Bird/ $888 Visit: Please look on our Source88's FaceBook Page for more information on what's coming up, or contact us via 0423 129 599 or email [email protected] We hope to hear from you, and see you at an event soon. With love, Elise and Tim
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