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Source Community Wholefoods in Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia | Health Food Shop

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Source Community Wholefoods

Locality: Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia

Phone: +61 3 6224 0055

Address: 12 French St 7005 Sandy Bay, TAS, Australia


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25.01.2022 It was a beautiful evening to hang out in the Source Garden before heading to the kitchen for Culture Club. Thanks to everyone who came and shared water kefir ...(and grains), beer and elderflower syrup concoctions, seedlings and onion marmalade (and for those brave enough to try the cashew "camembert" we prepared the previous month!). It was also great to hear your stories and learn about your experimenting. We are looking forward to trying Nico's Herb Beer next month and hearing how experiments in water kefir go after the inspiring session from Lauren. The smell of roasting barley for our next batch of beer lingers on... See more

25.01.2022 The first time this training is free and all online: Climate Reality Project

24.01.2022 The time is here - and we are excited to be hosting our first workshop this year! We have an amazing seamstress coming to teach us how to hand stitch and mend our clothes... we will also have some sewing machines set up for people who are interested in helping make patchwork pieces to be turned into our low seating cafe cushions - please message us if you are interested in being part of that team working in parallel to the workshop - A mark of times to come :) It is a ticketed event (unless your one of our patchwork helpers) and is FREE to members so don't forget to update your membership! ITS THIS SATURDAY! and cant wait to see you there!! xx

23.01.2022 Thanks so much for your interest in Source! You may have noticed our cafe and wholefoods store are currently closed; but please be assured that a number of volunteers are working hard behind the scenes to restore our operations as soon as possible. Our messages are also managed by volunteers and as such, will be replied to personally as soon as we are able to; generally within 48 hours. The more people who choose to come along and help, the sooner our vibrant hub of community... connection can begin to serve people again. We are developing a new direction based on sociocratic principles, so if you would like to get involved in volunteering, we would love to have your help! Please drop in to any of the following helping bees or discussion circles to join in bringing Source back to its joyful best. (*note that there may currently be disruption to in person working bees and circles due to COVID-19 measures, but they will continue to run as online gatherings. Please message us here to have your name added to the email list for inclusion in circles!) Garden Helping Bees - Tuesdays 10 til 2 Garden Discussion Circles - Tuesdays fortnightly @ 12.30 Cafe/Kitchen/Store Discussion Circles - Wednesdays fortnightly @ 11 Events Discussion Circles - Fridays fortnightly @ 12pm Of course, you are welcome to come and sit in the Source outdoor space any time - as long as you shut the gates after you to keep the possums and wallabies out of the garden!! Please follow our page for further updates; any changes will be reflected within this pinned post. Thanks again for your interest and understanding and we look forward to seeing you at one of our circles or working bees, soon.

23.01.2022 Coming Culture Club on Tuesday evening at Source we'll ferment grain, fruit and sugar into festive drinks for the holidays Fermented alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available for sampling during this session Come along! Come alive!!! Get cultured.

22.01.2022 Wowee what an amazing event we had two weeks ago! The beginning of our Source Sessions on a delicious Food Friday pizza night @Source. We will be filling the Source garden with sweet melodies from Hobarts pool of talented musicians - with open mic for those who want to share a part of themselves with the Source community! So come down 4pm-6pm $10 and we will fill you up with some yummy soup, non-alcoholic gluhwein and beautiful sounds!!

22.01.2022 volunteer opportunity would anyone like to help elderly migrants connect online with Zoom and practice English on Tuesday 11 August 10am - 12pm? there will be Tai chi after!

22.01.2022 We had a wonderful gift fairy leave us some beautiful bowls - which we got to use at our first event after lockdown a couple of weeks ago!!! So we just wanted to say a BIG thank you to the secret Sourcie who gifted us these.. AND ... A massive thank you to those who managed to make it to our soup fundraiser with the culinary delights of Gaby and Brenda :) We raised $150 to go towards our refit!

21.01.2022 Don't forget to sign up and learn how to mend your clothes with us tomorrow!!! Share with friends and enjoy the wonderful community space we have :)

20.01.2022 Online takayna Artivism Festival this weekend more information via

20.01.2022 Hi Sourcies, we had a great turn out last week for our indoor refit working bee.. so a big thank you to all our vollies who came and did some work. We will be having another working bee this Friday 31st July 12pm - 2pm to do odd jobs around the site so please come along if you would like to be part of the working force to get our cafe reopen asap! Check out the dismantling team working hard!

19.01.2022 Florence is sharing tempeh making tips all the way from the French Alps! Please join us at Culture Club Tasmania tonight (Tuesday 7/7) at 7:30pm for a Zoom session to discuss making tempeh, soy sauce, natto, soy milk and much more: Meeting ID: 770 3520 6946 Password: 1QJJfB

18.01.2022 Please join Culture Club for a Zoom session on how to make your own delicious sourdough bread

16.01.2022 Hi community people far and wide... Its going to be a great friday with Gabys delicious soup and non alcoholic gluhwein to welcome in the weekend. We have music lined up from our pool of local Tassie talent and cant wait to see you there!! $10pp for food, hot drink and music.

16.01.2022 What a year!!! We have our last scheduled Source Session event tomorrow and would love to see you there come join us for two fabulous bands and are very own Lu who will be bringing her soulful voice into the space! Food as always will be deliciously provided by our indoor team! $10 good and music what more could you possibly ask for to start your weekend! Hope to see you there ... ALSO we would live some volunteers you will get fed and all we ask is you help us wash some dishes and put bits and bobs away! See you there xx

15.01.2022 Our clothes swap event for Food Fridays is happening now! Come enjoy the jazz/blues duo, Camel Sunglasses playing in the garden

15.01.2022 Happy Tuesday! Only 3 sleeps until our next collaboration event between Food Fridays and Source Sessions. This will be a good one! We have Camilla Jones playing acoustic 5pm-6pm, original sad girl love songs. Followed by Astral Plane Jane (pictured) who will be delivering space cowgirl rock direct to our ear and eyeholes from 6pm-7pm! You won't want to miss this one <3 <3 <3 see you there xxx ... (PS it's Lu writing/posting this one)

15.01.2022 We are definetly not excited for tomorrow's clothes swap. Not at all... Come join us tomorrow at 4pm for Food Fridays and Source Sessions! Coming in for this week's Source Sessions is jazz and blues duo, Ben and David with Camel Sunglasses!! $10 entry for sweet tunes, delicious food, hot gluhwein and finding the clothes of your dreams.... Link to the Facebook event here:

13.01.2022 For the love of sourdough...

13.01.2022 Hi Sourcies :) We hope youre keeping warm and happy in these winter months ... we are working away at the refit at Source so we can open up the cafe and bring us back together in these socially distancing times. So if your fancy coming and doing some jobs around Source we have our indoor working-bee on Friday 12pm-2pm

12.01.2022 A little snippet of Hannah Price Music with her beautiful song, Team Sports You can check out the rest of the song on our Youtube page here: As we won't be having Food Fridays until the 6th November, we will be uploading all our past Source Session recordings in the next 3 weeks so stay tuned!

11.01.2022 Walls are being plastered... Boxes being built for our low seating section and we are still pulling out some of those nails from the timber whilst sitting in the beautiful Source garden. We have now combined forces with the Garden circle and having working bees on Tuesday 10am-2pm

11.01.2022 Spring newsletter:

10.01.2022 Starting to refresh the walls with some new paint... looking a lot brighter!! Working bee is tomorrow If you fancy coming and being in the space, or maybe making new friends ... or even reconnecting with some old ones 12-2pm

09.01.2022 The awesome Gaby and Brenda will be doing a 17k walk tomorrow and would love for people to sponsor and donate all in the name of Source! so please help Source out and sponsor some wonderful women in the process!!! yaaaarss amazing!

09.01.2022 I'm getting very excited for tonight's Food Fridays and Source Sessions collab. The indoor circle are arranging Italian bean soup (vegan and gluten free friendly) plus a SLAB of foccacia. We have a jazz trio who will be bringing a drum kit, bass and saxophone to our beautiful garden space if that doesn't scream "cosy" evening I just don't know what will. Of course we will also have alcoholic and non-alco gluhwein prepared lovingly (expertly) by Gaby. All of this for only $10! See you there (it's Lu, by the way)

08.01.2022 raising a bit of money for the Source refit

08.01.2022 Are you interested in being a student ambassador? The City of Hobart international student ambassador program is now open for applications. For more information, visit:

07.01.2022 Hi fabulous Sourcies! Low student numbers on campus in 2020 have provided the perfect opportunity for us to temporarily close shop to reimagine, restructure, refit, and refresh our organisation and building. After ten years of being open! The renewal process is moving steadily towards reopening fully early next year . ... Wed love to have more folks involved, helping us get there, so please do get in touch if your feeling it! On a similar note, our AGM is fast approaching (afternoon /eve of Friday 18th September, save the date) and well be seeking new board members again! At the moment Source is trialling Sociocracy as an organisational model, so this is a great opportunity for anyone interested in gaining experience in exploring inclusive leadership models. Please get in touch! Facebook message us, or contact [email protected] See you in the garden!

07.01.2022 Culture Club next Tuesday 7 July 6pm via Zoom with a session all about soy In this video Paul shares about his recent failures with soy ferments

07.01.2022 BULK FOODS CO-OP NEWS: Dear Sourcies. While the cafe space is still under reconstruction, we have started trialing a scaled-down bulk wholefoods co-operative system, running out of the shipping container, once a week on Fridays from 2-4. We hope this scaled down system will allow more affordable prices of everyones most commonly used staple wholefoods, like oats, flour, lentils and oil. There is a limited range of products at the moment, but we will be doing a fresh order ...soon. Some of the items currently available are listed in the pictures below, plus theres quite a lot of herbs, spices and tea. There will be a poll posted here soon to find out the most popular items for us to order. Bulk-pre-orders of items, like sacks of flour and 20l tins of olive oil will also be available in the coming months. Bring your own jars and bags to fill. Eftpos will be available, as well as membership discounts and opportunities to volunteer for active membership. Hope to see you there and look forward to developing the system over the next few months!

07.01.2022 Flo shows us how she makes split pea tempeh - from the French Alps!

07.01.2022 CALL OUT to our Source people! We are hoping to start painting the space up soon and are looking to borrow some scaffolding so we can safely get up to paint the high walls - please contact us if you can help!! Also to any volunteer Sourcies!! We have our pizza night coming this Friday but before hand we will be having our Refit working bee from 12-2pm! Lots of jobs to do still... so would love to see you there and have our volunteers connecting at Source!

07.01.2022 Last " pizza night" was a dream! We saw so many people come to Source and reconnect over oven fired pizzas!! We are having $2 a slice pizza again tomorrow 4pm - 6pm, we will be having some music from our very own, and very musically talented Camilla Jones (Lu)! AND as always if you would like to help out give us a shout as we will start prepping from around 3pm and always need some helpers to pack up the evening!

05.01.2022 Some jazzzzz and smooth saxophone hitting the source session stage this evening!!

04.01.2022 We've got lots of lovely donations of summer dresses, hip vests, flowery pants, skirts and some winter woollies too! Come to Source this FRIDAY for a lovely program starting from 4PM till SUNSET 4:00 PM CLOTHES (swap or pick up some new clothes) 5:30 PM FOOD DRINKS and MUSIC

03.01.2022 We have something cooking up for you all in January - we will be kicking off the year with a garden party! music, drinks, food and a whole lot of good vibes. We will be showing off our new cafe refit and hope you can join us in celebrating the reopening of Source for 2021 Tickets will be available soon as we put up the event in January. The garden will be looking lush and we hope you put on your tuxedos and fancy gowns to swan around our beautiful community!

03.01.2022 Come join us this Friday for pizza and hangouts - you can check out the progress of the emptying of the cafe ready for refitting and get your membership back up and running!!

03.01.2022 Latest newsletter:

03.01.2022 Some more photos from our last Culture Club session!

02.01.2022 Culture Club September - at Source! A great evening of koji sniffing, soy bean mashing, miso mixing and nattoh blending...

01.01.2022 Its Culture Club time and next week (Sep 1, 6 to 8pm) we will be making miso, talking about koji, prepping pumpkin in person at Source! A few things to know before we meet next week: Source is having a refit! The space is a work in progress but we have kitchen access and lots of space around the main table. Come along if you are feeling well and have not been interstate recently. There will be hand washing and hand sanitiser available. There is space for up to 20... people inside (1 person in the kitchen at a time) so let us know if you are planning on coming so we have a good idea of numbers. If you are keen to support Source and groups like Culture Club (particularly as we work on renovating the space), please sign up as a member so we can keep doing what we love: Click HERE to sign up to Source Membership: See more

01.01.2022 Hey hey Sourcies - its time to come and bring your smiley faces and chill vibes as we are back on for our food fridays and source sessions this week! We have made progress inside with our new pantry built!!! very exciting times! Cant wait to see you there!!!

01.01.2022 A very industrious and happy group at our "Darn and Yarn" session today

01.01.2022 Culture Club Tasmania is online via Zoom! Coming Tuesday eve 7:30-8:30pm will be all about soy ferments via: Meeting ID: 770 3520 6946 Password: 1QJJfB... Please enjoy the fermentation videos via Facebook page Culture Club Tasmania and join the online event to learn more about successes and failures in fermenting soy beans into delicious fermented foods! Looking forward to seeing you there!! :)

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