South Australian Hair Aid Volunteers in Adelaide Airport | Charitable organisation
South Australian Hair Aid Volunteers
Locality: Adelaide Airport
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24.01.2022 Hello Hello all our beautiful Adelaide HairAid fam bam .... how are YOU all?... I miss chatting to you and seeing your faces so please feel free to connect and if you have any ideas of how we can help the community while adhering to necessary safety precautions dont hesitate to sign me up to help you .... big love to all from Me
22.01.2022 Formal night celebrations ! tIn the South Australian community, there It is a one off event for young men and women that may not have the financial ability to get their hair done for their upcoming formal. There is an organisation that is arranging for dresses and suits and shoes and jewellery and hair and nails to be done. Theyve invited Hair Aid to be part of this event. ... This will be more upstyling, not a Hair Aid Community Cuts event. .Please let me know if youre keen on this one. It might be a case where the young people can come into your salon, and have the head on there. These are people being supported in community through foster care etc etc As always I thank you very much for your time and commitment and your passion to your craft and using this to help change the lives of others. I appreciate that not everyone can participate in all the events, but I do appreciate when you can. Thank you very much for being part of an initiative that is helping so many people. Selina Tomasich CEO and Founder Hair Aid Inc. M: +61 4 23 923 434 E: [email protected]
19.01.2022 FYI .. This might interest some people. We also have another event coming up. This one is for the Suicide crisis team. Its a celebration day for their clients, a pamper day through Anglicare. Its for people that have been through a treatment process and emerged the other side stronger and their well-being and mental health being able to tackle the world.... Its on Wednesday 7th October time still to be advised, but we expect this to be a morning to mid afternoon events. We are also seeking a volunteer beautician that can help. We would need 2-3 volunteers for this one + a beautician (or 2!)
19.01.2022 Good morning South Australian team. Just wanted to let you know that a few of our SA locations have informed us that they are able to recommence with the Hair Aid Community Cuts very soon. Ive sent some details to Dara, who will review and advise dates and times and pop details in this Facebook group once confirmed. I just want to keep you up-to-date with how we are traveling at the moment, getting these locations up and running again. ... Hope youre all keeping safe, and I look forward to touching base with you all when I come down to South Australia for another event in October.
19.01.2022 BIG SHOUT OUT ... our Puddlejumpers location needs a volunteer this coming night 16th March 5pm ... if your available please let me know ASAP BIG SHOUT OUT ... our Puddlejumpers location needs a volunteer this coming night 16th March 5pm ... if your available please let me know ASAP
19.01.2022 Hello all SA volunteers I posted on Monday about putting together a community cuts to directly help families and people affected by the bush fires around Adelaide... the Adelaide hills council has put me onto volunteering SA to register our offer I am hoping to hear back in the next couple of days as this organisation puts us in direct contact with the people who need our help . SO ... if you are willing and able to help I please need to know ... it will likely be a Sunday or Monday as soon as I have more details I will post them on this page ... please comment your interest below... thanks guys
19.01.2022 Hiya everyone just wanted to check in and see how everyone is getting on with their checks for working with children? Also keep an eye out for my post for the upcoming dates for Faithworks location with Sam and Puddlejumpers with Tracey ... also hoping to launch out Elizabeth location with Anglicare in the next fortnight ... if you wish to jump on board and help out at any of these locations please contact me either thru this page or messenger or at ... [email protected] hope to chat you all soon
18.01.2022 Brrrrr South Australia ..hope you are all rugged up warm
17.01.2022 Happy Friday all your fabulous people how are we all. Got some excitement happening here our Vinnies location would luv to have us back to do some more mens cutting a Monday Morning about 10.30am would work great for them Im looking at 2-3 weeks time so please let me know ASAP if you can help. We also have an opportunity to help at a pamper day for the suicide prevention team at Hindmarsh Anglicare on Wednesday 7 th October its for their end of session celebration for their clients. We need 2-3 volunteers for this and Sharon from Revlon is going to help with pamper packages... if your able to help let me know. Looking forward to doing our thing SA HairAid fam bam
16.01.2022 Happy Monday lovely people hope your all well We have a Community Cuts booked and happening at out Vinnies Men’s shelter location on Monday 9th November at 10.30 am till 12.30 pm we have 2 volunteers for this location but more would be awesome... can anyone join James Somerville and Tameika to help out that morning?
15.01.2022 Helloooooo everybody Im so very excited to be dusting off my HairAid T-Shirt today and getting ready to head into the city for tonights community cuts at Vinnies for Men in crisis at 22-28 Whitmore square... stay tuned for pics
15.01.2022 Hi everyone I have sent out an email just to get us all on the same page and up to speed , hope it got to you all . I have two of us attending the ladies day at the Parks library on Friday 27th March , its Anglicares first time facilitating something like this so we could have 5-30 ladies they are a bit unsure of numbers if if your free and would like to be a part of this day please come along I would love to see you there. I have also been having very exciting chats w...ith an organisation called Orange Sky and we are looking at putting together some evenings of care in the future where we come together with other organisations at an Adelaide location so that people in need can get a haircut/ have laundry done/ get clothing and have a feed ... so I will keep you posted on this one. And last but not least Catherine house has reached out to us for help with a permanent location for women in crisis. It will be every 6 weeks on a Monday still waiting to find out if daytime or nighttime. Catherine house will facilitate all clearances necessary and the induction process needed . This is an ongoing commitment and must be carried out by the same two volunteers due to privacy and censorship. I please need a volunteer that can share this commitment with me . PS ... still in touch with Fire victims volunteers organisations ... we are on their list for future need as you can imagine clean up is a slow process. Whew big couple of weeks ... very exciting stuff for us guys thankyou so much for being a part of the Adelaide HairAid fam bam xx
14.01.2022 Hi everyone how are you all going this week ? So its looking like nearly everyone on board has now got their working with children clearance yay... could you please tell me if you have your police clearance? I also now have a new contact for Anglicare so am currently chasing her up . Can I also put it out there we need 5 volunteers for our Faithworks location on Monday night 6-8pm (5.45pm if possible to get ready )2nd December... working with children clearance is required for this location... stay cool HairAid family
14.01.2022 Three Musketeers tonight it was a chilled location not too many guests but so great to be able to make a connection back in the community, help some gentleman out and hang with some awesome people
13.01.2022 URGENT CALL !!!! We need 3 more volunteers for this coming Monday night December 2nd at our Faithworks location ... please if your available come and give us a hand starts at 6pm we are arriving from 5.30pm to get set up post below if you can help out
13.01.2022 Gawd! I just saw the expected temperatures in your region for the next few days... stay cool peeps!
13.01.2022 Hey team terrific, hope youre having an amazing Christmas trading festive season. I know you are all crazy busy. Just a quick message. ... One of the community members from Chiang Mia, Thailand, is coming over to Adelaide for the Christmas break. Shes looking to any second hand clippers that might have some life left in them, to take back. If any of you have any, please let me know. We will be taking clippers to Thailand in March 2020, but this might be too far away for them to wait. In this particular location where we will be training has an already established training salon, with a couple of people that have been barbering over there for long time. We are not giving clippers to people who dont know how to handle them. Their old clippers has given up the ghost, gone on to a different place, no longer work. Thought Id just ask in case any of you had clippers you could donate. Dont worry if you dont, but if you do please let me or Dara know. ***Old telephone photo used, cause I cant find a IP free one of an old set of clipper!
13.01.2022 Hello guys how are you all settling into the New Year? I got an email back from the crisis recovery centre and SA Volunteers at this point in time they are looking for help for clean up only as this is deemed priority here and in KI but will keep you updated ... As for our regular locations of Faithworks and Puddlejumpers they will be back in full swing so watch this page .... if any queries or questions please dont hesitate to ask ?
12.01.2022 Hiya All our Puddlejumpers location is getting organised and their dates are being set but while thats happening they would like to know if anyone can come and help them out this coming Monday night the 21st?
12.01.2022 As you all know I spent some time last week hunting down a direct contact to our Bushfire victims it took a couple of days the outcome being I was invited to go up to the recovery crisis centre at Lobothal and introduce myself and pass on my details and how we as volunteers can help with a community cuts ... so now we wait as they sort through and think about how best to organise such an event... as I drove through the area I was moved to tears by the decimation of land and property and at the recovery centre there is just an air of urgency to get to all the people suffering from this horrible situation . They are very grateful for our offer of help and I will keep you all posted on any progress
12.01.2022 Though things have very much slowed down on the cutting hair front every little thing very much counts ... Im very grateful and excited to say I have had boxes of Jurlique sample goodies donated to us to pass onto one of our new up and coming locations Catherine House ... tomorrow I get to be a gift fairy cant wait
11.01.2022 Hiya everyone our Puddlejumpers Glandor location needs an extra pair of hands tomorrow night Monday 10th 5pm - 7pm ... is anyone free to make it to this location?
11.01.2022 Hey guys 7 news just broadcasted that one our locations , Puddlejumpers is making up care hampers for people in the community... they need fresh veg, long life milk, tinned goods etc ... happy to pick up any items you may wish to pass on .
10.01.2022 Hello fellow volunteers just throwing it out there is anyone free next Monday night to help Tracy at our Puddlejumpers location date being the 11th November? Let me know ASAP if you can help out for 2 hours ... thankyou have a great day
10.01.2022 HELLO everybody exciting things are happening around our Adelaide HACCs locations... Monday 3rd August we are looking at taking care of the Vinnies city location for homeless men, The community here are so very excited to have HairAid back and Im so excited that we can take care of them . Things are also coming together for the Catherine House location so now just waiting to hear back from Puddlejumpers and Faithworks for when they are ready for us ... dust off your t- shirts my lovelies HairAid happiness is rolling out again
09.01.2022 Hello Im SA HairAid land how are we all enjoying this little hot spell? We are in the process of locking down the dates for our two big Adelaide locations and will be popping them up very soon so keep your eye on the page ... Im also very excited to say we have a few new volunteers that have joined us over the break so our team is growing... Yey ... stay cool
09.01.2022 PLEASE HELP HairAid to Help our community suffering from bushfiresGood morning and Hello to the New Year !...As all of you will well know the Xmas and NY break brought devastation to our Adelaide Hills through destructive bushfires. I personally have friends who have lost everything they own and their workplace is destroyed as well ... I am sure you yourselves would know someone or of someone suffering the same situation.... So I am reaching out to ALL our Adelaide and asking for you to help me. I want to pull together a big HACCs with all of us to offer haircuts for those who have lost livelihoods and property... to cut their kids hair before school goes back to cut their hair if they need as they wouldnt even have had time to consider it ... if you have participated in a HACCs you now know what the gift of a haircut can do for someone who is struggling...i am starting to make contact with those I think can help get this off the ground as we will need to get this moving.... So hands up WHOs IN? See more
09.01.2022 Are we looking at you? South Australia volunteers, Adelaide area. We have a domestic violence location, secured location. Looking for HACCs location coordinator. Youll need police check, have or obtain working with children clearance and undertake induction with organisation including signing a non disclosure agreement. Vulnerable families are housed here which means we need thoughtfulness and extra care. Is this you? Can you commit to six weekly visits for 2-3 hours? [email protected] is keen to hear from you.
07.01.2022 Hello to you all our there how are you ? Iv got some great news our Mens location in the city through Vinnies is ready for us to come along and do some much needed haircuts ... ASAP ... they are very flexible with days and times ... so to get the ball rolling is Mondays best ... and who is available to come along ? Please let me know in the comments below
05.01.2022 Good morning SA HairAid fam bam . Hope your all doing ok in these crazy times. I just wanted to check in with you all and make sure you have all seen the HairAid post earlier this week... Due to the current world climate ALL community cuts have been suspended at this time . I know this is a sad decision to have to make but necessary. What I would love for you to remember is we can still help ... please talk to your reps and ask can they spare any shampoo and conditioner for our more vulnerable in the community. I am in the process of contacting each location just to touch base and to ask if Care packages of personal hygiene items are needed. So lets keep Changing the world in our hearts and our thoughts for now and remember the smallest kindness can have an impact you cant even imagine
05.01.2022 Tracy and crew have another HACCs at Puddlejumpers this coming Monday night ... doing a great job guys and Im happy to announce they have enough hands on deck. Due to a change of management at Anglicare our Elizabeth location is in a holding pattern at the moment but Im endeavouring to make a new connection so that can move forward so will keep you all posted
05.01.2022 Check it out guys Sharon from Revlon and my fabulous employers Paul & Rachel donated some goodies for our locations... how exciting
05.01.2022 good morning to all our wonderful volunteers in South Australia. Just letting you know that we have secured the first event for The Vinnies Shelter for Men in Whitmore square on Monday 21st September - 10.30am - 12.30pm. The management at this location has advised that there are some very eager guest waiting for haircuts. We are looking for around three hairdressers that can commit to this location once every six weeks. If this is you, can you please message me, or email me... so I can dedicate you to this location. This will be an ongoing location, and I know that youre gonna have great fun here, and meet many wonderful people. [email protected]
05.01.2022 Bruce from the community you guys worked at last night, took and shared these photos for you all.. Great job Hair Aid Community Cuts Adelaide team. He wrote to me and shared what an amazing time it was so all the guests and what a difference you all made. xxoxo
05.01.2022 Hiya Adelaide HairAid fambam how are you all? Did you have a nice long weekend? Our Puddlejumpers location was up and happening on Monday a big thankyou to our volunteers for keeping this rolling even on a holiday much appreciated. A quick reminder about our ladies day later this month... PLUS I would like to know if any of you are interested or participating in the global cutathon ? Want to know more about both events please msg me here or personally
03.01.2022 A BIG HELLO to you all this fine Thursday morning... I am so excited to report that Selina and I have been chatting and we are getting the ball rolling on starting up Our HACCs here in Adelaide again. A couple of our locations are not quite ready yet but we do have a Mens shelter that has reached out and would love some volunteers down there ASAP ... I am hoping to meet with their coordinator within the week . So can you all please let me know 1. If your feeling ready to jum...p back in 2. Can you help at the Mens shelter ( which I believe is a city location. And most importantly if you need a chat or have any questions please dont hesitate to call me ... Oh and one other thing ... Selina Tomasich is coming down to Adelaide in October so I will be hosting another Morning Tea woop woop . Hope your all well cant wait to start connecting us all again have a great day See more
03.01.2022 Good morning Adelaide crew happy Thursday... just some quick housekeeping... as we gain momentum our friends and colleagues are getting excited and expressing interest in wanting to help and jump on board with the HairAid Community Cuts so as people contact you can you please share this link and invite them to join this page and introduce themselves so I can touch base with them and share details and how to register with our volunteers list ... also for those of you that have... personally taken on a specific location can you please let me know when and where you have set up dates for HACCs with your location so I can post the information in here and keep track of who we are taking care of also if you need help or any other assistance for these locations dont hesitate to contact me... and last thing me email has gone kaput so if you need to contact me PM me or call on 0419 848 644 ... thanks guys doing great See more
02.01.2022 Hi guys just reposting this in case you missed it as our Vinnies location is desperate for us to come along so if you can help please let me know ASAP ... thanks
02.01.2022 Alright Im happy to say thats the 11th at Puddlejumpers sorted BUT is anyone free to help with the 18th November 5-7pm?
02.01.2022 Hey team terrific, hope you're having an amazing Christmas trading festive season. I know you are all crazy busy. Just a quick message. ... One of the community members from Chiang Mia, Thailand, is coming over to Adelaide for the Christmas break. She's looking to any second hand clippers that might have some life left in them, to take back. If any of you have any, please let me know. We will be taking clippers to Thailand in March 2020, but this might be too far away for them to wait. In this particular location where we will be training has an already established training salon, with a couple of people that have been barbering over there for long time. We are not giving clippers to people who don't know how to handle them. Their old clippers has given up the ghost, gone on to a different place, no longer work. Thought I'd just ask in case any of you had clippers you could donate. Don't worry if you don't, but if you do please let me or Dara know. ***Old telephone photo used, 'cause I can't find a IP free one of an old set of clipper!
01.01.2022 Today has been an awesome day for Adelaide HACCS Sam James went out to our DV location and thanks to Rogue Beauty every guest received a shampoo and conditioner and of course a haircut from Sam . And then a group of us went to our Faithworks location and smashed out 43 haircuts woop woop ! And we had 3 new volunteers tonight on board Chiara, Kayla and Mario which is just so exciting thankyou so much to all of you it was a great HACCs
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