South Perth Physiotherapy in Perth, Western Australia | Medical and health
South Perth Physiotherapy
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9368 6599
Address: 152 Douglas Avenue, South Perth 6151 Perth, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Our lovely administration legend, Megan, delivers a lovely quote on this lovely Friday afternoon! Have a great weekend everyone!!
23.01.2022 I dont want you to give me exercises, I just want you to fix me! Its tough to keep compliant with the exercises our physios give us to prevent injury, especially as life gets in the way! After we see our physios in the clinic, where youll likely receive some hands on treatment, in parallel with some other fun stuff (taping, dry needling etc), usually clinically prescribed exercises are a VITAL part of your treatment! A common mistake is when patients rush into their ex...ercises when their pain flares up. The idea is to try to keep compliant with exercises when youre feeling GOOD in order to REDUCE the chance of flare up and hence having to see your physio! The key thing is to have these exercises become a regular HABIT(easier said than done I hear you say!). I could write a novel about how to turn behaviours into positive habits, but for now, start to try to LINK your physio exercises to a: 1. Time - at 8am every day, do your 20 squats. 2. Location whenever you walk into your bedroom, do your neck stretches and shoulder exercises. 3. Preceding activity when I walk in the door from work, do your calf raises. 4. Person meeting a trainer at the gym to perform a workout, organising to meet your best friend for a biweekly walk. 5. Good/healthy habit youre already doing when you walk the dogs, perform your pelvic floor exercises. You get the idea! Try these as a start and chat to your physio about ways to improve compliance and accountability with your exercises, so they become a HABIT and not a CHORE!
23.01.2022 GOOD NEWS!! South Perth Physiotherapy have been deemed an ESSENTIAL service and have been encouraged to provide face to face appointments where needed, however.... We have some NEW, EXCITING and INNOVATIVE services we can deliver for those who cannot come in to the clinic!... Check out our website for more details!!
22.01.2022 Our Principal Physio, Lauren, does a better job at treating human necks than she does treating dogs' necks. What do you think Rico?
22.01.2022 SOUTH PERTH PHYSIOTHERAPY WISHES ALL OF YOU A CRACKING GOOD EASTER! We are closed Easter Sunday and Monday but open first thing Tuesday morning for business as usual!
22.01.2022 Today was 65 Roses Day, a special day to raise awareness for those living with Cystic Fibrosis. We got into the spirit today at SPP!!
22.01.2022 Congratulations Michelle!! Michelle completed her 200th Over 55s Strength and Conditioning circuit class today!! We are SO proud!!
21.01.2022 Meet Rob Bulich! Rob is our very experienced and reputable physio who works afternoons and Saturdays at SPP! What's the most common thing you see in the clinic? Spinal pain. What's your favorite genre of music?... Everything! What's the most surprising thing that's ever happened to you in another country? I had a dance-off with a seal at Singapore Zoo! What kind of chocolate do you prefer white, dark, or milk? White. What was your favorite TV show as a teenager? The Office. Come and have a chat to Rob today, especially if that back of yours is driving you crazy!
21.01.2022 Happy Birthday to one of our amazing receptionists, Megan! Have a brilliant day! We hope you are very spoilt!
19.01.2022 Accountability to a group can increase your motivation of achieving your goals you set with your physiotherapist. Your physiotherapist can help you understand why there's gap between your current behaviours and why/how they're going against the goals you want to achieve. Group exercise may be the answer! We offer Group Clinical Exercise Rehabilitation at South Perth Physiotherapy. Give us a call today on 93686599 to start your rehabilitation journey today! ...
19.01.2022 Happy Birthday to our legendary physio's, Julian and Rob!! Have a great day guys!!
19.01.2022 So you're frustrated that your gym has closed and you don't have access to adequate weights? What seems like the next best thing? Running? I'm seeing a lot of people coming into the clinic, starting to get knee pain because they've ditched the weights to pound the pavement. Now, I'm not saying running isn't good for you, in fact there are plenty of studies out there suggesting that runners do not have a greater prevalence of knee osteoarthritis (OA) than nonrunners ( so don't let that scare you off, but, what I'm saying is, it is super important to continue to parallel your strength work with your running! Check out this blog for more detailed information about how best to avoid that pesky "Runner's knee"! Remember, we are open and here to treat those pesky knees so come and chat to one of our physio's today!
18.01.2022 We all know that a good ergonomic set up when working from home can help in the prevention/reduction of back and neck pain but did you know, it's more about getting moving that's the real secret. Benjie hasn't done a great job of setting up his work station but he's taking regular breaks nonetheless. Benjie says, "your best posture is your next posture!". Ask us about the best way to treat those pesky necks and backs today!!
17.01.2022 Congratulations Fay!! Fay has just completed her 200th Over 55s Strength and Conditioning class at our clinic!! GO FAY!! We are SO PROUD!!
16.01.2022 South Perth Physiotherapy is closed today and Monday but open for business first thing Tuesday morning! Have a safe weekend everyone! Lest We Forget
16.01.2022 Are you sick of being in pain? Are you tired of having the same injury come back over and over again? Have you had a niggling back for as long as you can remember? Are you sick of waking up with headaches? Do you have an injury that's not improving as quick as it usually does or it's getting worse?... There is a TONNE of research out there to support consistent strength training to treat and prevent injuries. Why is our training different? Highly experienced physiotherapists who know the details of your diagnosis and predicted recovery plan 1 on 1 or small group training Exercises are prescribed for your body and your body only. No generic exercises are given. Your goals are reviewed weekly Morning and evening groups available to suit your schedule Have a read of the link below to find out more and call our friendly front desk to book in for your clinical assessment in order to start the ball rolling!
14.01.2022 SOUTH PERTH PHYSIOTHERAPY is OPEN as an essential medical service to treat your aches and pains during this uncertain time! For those of you who are unable or choose not to come in to the clinic at this time, we ask that you be very patient with us as we are in the process of fine tuning some exciting new services we can deliver! Our team of physiotherapists are experienced and highly qualified health professionals. Through further study, higher degrees, on-going education, ...and sporting team associations, our physiotherapists are very well equipped to help diagnose, treat, and manage all types of sporting and musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. We offer highly experienced Sports, Musculoskeletal, Pilates and Womens and Mens Pelvic Health Physiotherapists; as well as highly experienced Pilates instructors. Our physiotherapists have worked with state, national and international athletes and sporting organisations, the biggest mining companies in the world, paralympians, entertainers, the defence forces, as well as thousands of everyday people with a complete range of physical issues. We plan to deliver this to YOU, just in some different ways! We encourage all patients who are unable to come in to CALL the front desk on 93686599 and PLEASE LEAVE a message! Nobody gets left out and we plan to follow up with every single one of you as part of the South Perth Family!
14.01.2022 **IMPORTANT MESSAGE***
13.01.2022 GO ELIZABETH! Elizabeth completed her 100th Over 55s Strength and Conditioning Circuit Class at South Perth Physiotherapy today! We are all very proud!!
12.01.2022 SOUTH PERTH PHYSIOTHERAPY IS OPEN!! Our expert physiotherapist, Rob, is here to treat your aches and pains first thing tomorrow morning and afternoons next week! Book online via our website [email protected] or call us on 93686599 during our opening hours!!
11.01.2022 SOUTH PERTH PHYSIO IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!! Don't let your aches and pains get the better of you when now is the time to take charge of your health! Our expert physiotherapists may use one or more of the following to treat your injuries/aches and pains:... Soft tissue techniques, myofascial release and massage Joint mobilisation and manipulation Musculoskeletal analysis and biomechanical assessment of movement Assessment and treatment of postural and spinal alignment Clinical Exercise Rehabilitation/Gym Programs using our fully equipped gym Muscle stretching Neural tissue mobilisation Dry needling Specialised taping methods including stabilisation taping and performance taping Real time ultrasound Imaging to assess and retrain specific core muscle function NOTE: there ARE treatment options for those who are unable to come into the clinic. Please check the "Services" section of our website - for further details. Please be patient with us during this time, give us a call and leave a message (93686599) or send us an email ([email protected]). We want to know how to make YOUR visit to us the most comfortable it can be for YOU!
11.01.2022 DO YOU SUFFER FROM ARTHRITIS? Pay particular attention to the last minute of this video where Specialist Physiotherapist, JP Caneiro, talks about why Physiotherapy is imperative in managing the condition!
10.01.2022 ***GOOD NEWS AT SOUTH PERTH PHYSIOTHERAPY*** Due to the excellent progress WA has made in combatting the spread of COVID-19 and Mark McGowan announcing a cautious relaxation of some restrictions in WA, other than our expert Physiotherapy services, we are now able to RE-START OUR GROUP REHABILITATION SERVICES AND MAT CLASSES! When you attend a Physiotherapy consultation at South Perth Physiotherapy, there will be strict hygiene measures in place and we will ensure all patien...ts and staff practice good physical distancing etiquette, including keeping the group sessions small for now. Remember, for those of you who cannot attend, we offer some excellent Virtual Health Physiotherapy which most private health insurers cover! EXERCISING AT HOME? We have plenty of equipment available at the clinic for purchase to keep you at your healthiest during this time! TAKE AWAY MESSAGE! Call us, email us NOW and LEAVE A MESSAGE! There's definitely a way we can help you! See our website for contact details and more information about our services! [email protected]
10.01.2022 Funky sock day at SPP!
08.01.2022 Yesterday was National Admin and Support Services Appreciation Day! Our admin team has been working tirelessly and continue to do so during this time! We would not be able to deliver such excellent services without our INCREDIBLE front desk team!! Thankyou
08.01.2022 "TREAT THE (WO)MAN, NOT THE SCAN!" When you have a scan (MRI, CT, xray or other), you may read a pile of scary words. These changes can be present in asymptomatic individuals, are often not the reason for your pain and most of the time, won't change your plan of treatment. So when you obtain your scan results... DON'T panic... DO consult your physiotherapist so they can give you a CLEAR explanation of what those long, confusing words mean! Remember, pain doesn't necessarily mean damage! Findings on a scan DO NOT correlate with an individuals pain! Anatomical abnormalities found on a scan are actually NORMAL! See more
06.01.2022 Congratulations Joan!! Joan completed her 200th Over 55s Strength and Conditioning Circuit Class today and we are SO PROUD of her. She attends Tuesday and Thursday classes consistently, every week!... GO JOAN!!
06.01.2022 Do you suffer from neck pain, which, when your neck is treated, never seems to go away? Do you have pain down your legs that seems to get worse when you stretch/strengthen your legs? You've gone for your 100th shoulder massage for your shoulder pain and symptoms are just getting worse? You are likely dealing with REFERRED PAIN!... Our job as physio's is to find THE spot(s) that your symptoms are coming from. That leg pain may be coming from nerves in your back, so it's the BACK, the underlying cause that needs to be addressed. That pesky shoulder pain may be caused by a super tight mid back and THAT is the thing that needs to be addressed. That horrible knee pain you're feeling when you run may be due to weak muscles in the leg, or may be due to muscle imbalance on that side from a shoulder injury you sustained years ago! COME AND GET AN ANSWER TODAY at SOUTH PERTH PHYSIOTHERAPY!
06.01.2022 HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY TO US!!! Today marks the six year anniversary of when we took over the iconic South Perth Physiotherapy, founded by Bob Elvey, who provided outstanding leadership to the physiotherapy profession nationally and internationally and made significant contributions through teaching and research, clinical work and to professional organisations both in Australia and internationally. We couldn't have made six years without our amazing, hard working staff and loyal ...patients!! You all know who you are! You're all part of our SP family!! Lauren and Julian See more
05.01.2022 We are open, we're "essential medical" and we're safe!!
05.01.2022 Time to meet the real heroes behind the scenes at South Perth Physiotherapy! Meet Lucy!! Lucy joined us in the 2nd half of 2019 and has been a vital part of our admin team since. Here are a few things about Lucy you didn't know!... 1. Where is your favourite place in the world and why? Favourite place in the world is Hamilton Island as its so relaxing and there are so many fun things to do there. 2. What's one thing about you that staff and patients wouldn't know? I love singing. 3. What's your pet peeve? My pet peeve is that I get so frustrated when big groups of bike riding groups of 15 or 20 take over the lane instead of staying to the left. 4. Who inspires you? My son ALEX inspires me every day, with all his challenges, he gets up each morning and doesnt complain if he is in so much pain and brings so much laughter into our house.. I love his motto dont worry be happy !! 5. Who would you most like to swap places with for a day? Why? I would like to be a politician for one day to see if I can bring up issues and make a difference in the community.
03.01.2022 "Magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the affected knee joints revealed that those who had undergone early surgery experienced a greater loss of kneecap cartilage a key cause of arthritis. These findings challenge existing beliefs that reconstruction surgery is required to prevent early arthritis in young adults following ACL injury, says Dr Culvenor."
03.01.2022 Hey guys, we're currently having difficulties with our phone system at SPP which we're attending to ASAP! If you want to contact us, please message us through facebook, our website or via our email [email protected] Thanks for your patience!!
03.01.2022 At South Perth Physiotherapy, did you know that your first mat pilates class is FREE!? Pilates is a mind, body, and spirit practice with benefits that include improved posture, better coordination and balance, increased lung capacity, improved concentration and focus, increased body awareness, stress management, and injury prevention. Exercises not only can build in difficulty, but every exercise can be modified to decrease or increase the level of challenge. Practicing Mat P...ilates helps build a strong, balanced body and increases flexibility. As you progress in your practice you will notice improvements in breathing, focus, stress management, and body awareness. For more information, check out our website or call our friendly front desk on 93686599. Note: Pilates classes don't involve cute doggies
03.01.2022 ***STAFF PROFILE*** Meet Sophie! Sophie is a titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist with a post graduate Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and is available to see YOU on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at SPP. Sophie has a keen interest in identifying the underlying cause to a clients pain, and the management of complex pain and injury. Come on in so she can help YOU sort out that injury NOW!
02.01.2022 Posture tip! Whether you're sitting in your car, on the sofa or in a chair at work, try to use the chair/seat/sofa as much as possible to support your pelvis and optimise your posture. Lift up your "bum bones" and place them as FAR back as you can on the chair/seat/sofa. This will improve the support of your pelvis and hopefully lessen the amount of work your muscles have to do, hence lessening fatigue and pain. Note: no pigs or dogs were harmed in the preparation of this photo
02.01.2022 So youre stuck indoors, you have no motivation to continue that home exercise program or your gym closed down and you cant fathom lifting baked bean cans for weights when youre used to bench pressing 40kg. You gotta keep going somehow, you gotta keep your strength, flexibility and cardio up. But how? When Netflix is calling 20 metres away and that chocolate bar in the fridge seems to whisper your name, just how?? The answer: ACCOUNTABILITY. ACCOUNTABILITY. ACCOUNTABILITY....Continue reading
02.01.2022 Fancy Dress Fluoro Thursday!!!
01.01.2022 TELEHEALTH/VIRTUAL PHYSIO AT SOUTH PERTH PHYSIOTHERAPY! For those of you who choose not to attend the clinic, we offer virtual physio, or, "your physio by video"! We are still available for, and highly encourage face to face appointments, although this is an alternative method of treating your aches and pains! Contact us for more information on 93686599 or email us at [email protected]....
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