Southern Forests Community Landcare in Manjimup, Western Australia | Community organisation
Southern Forests Community Landcare
Locality: Manjimup, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9771 8180
Address: 52 Bath Street 6258 Manjimup, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Thanks Laura for sending in the photo of Windy Harbour you took from the marked photopoint near the boat ramp, Sunday afternoon 22nd November. Looks like a very calm day.
24.01.2022 As part of a Community Grant from the Australian Government, the Southern Forests Community Landcare is conducting a multi-species pasture trial. Part 1 has bee...n a germination and persistence trial with the late spring 2019 planting of 5 different mixtures of annuals and perennials conducted at three properties within the region. With significantly varied results at the three different properties witnessed over the summer, it will be interesting to see the progress of the evident competitive versus mutually supportive growth within Part 2, the autumn 2020 seeding. This second seeding followed a weeding and pseudo graze/trim of the spring 2019 growth. Additionally, valuable information is being obtained through this trial regarding which species mixes can compete with the significant weed seed-bank in the first year of a rapid switch to perennial/annual mixed planting within three different soil type, historical use and rainfall combinations. The video below walks through just one set of 6 plots (5 seed mixes and a control without seeding) on one property (3 properties have participated) and is an example of a fertilised plot (3 replicates of the 5 plots were fertilised, 1 was not hence the tarp in the first picture). More information to come. Thanks also to Australian Mineral Fertilisers, Heritage Seeds and PGG Wrightson Seeds for their help along the way.
24.01.2022 SOUTHERN FOREST ARTS EXHIBITION Coastal Connections by Ann Rice We are always super proud to host exhibitions by local artists and our survey responses indicate that our supporters are also keen to see what our local creatives get up to.... This Sunday 26th July (between 3-5pm) we celebrate the opening of Coastal Connections by Windy Harbour painter, Ann Rice. An avid observer of nature, Ann is currently in her self-described wave phase. The show will feature an eclectic collection of scenes from Windy, mostly waves. I love the movement of waves and the way the light creates the colour and the shadows. Ann enjoys the challenge of finding the right colours to capture the authentic image of the local seascape and way the light reflects off the surfaces. The colour for waves is different depending on whether you are looking south or east or west, she says the way the light hits the water changes everything.
24.01.2022 Great service today from Dennis and Francis at the Manji Repair Cafe. Terrific idea and well supported by terrific volunteers!
23.01.2022 Many reasons why Shire of Manjimup could jump on this bandwagon.
23.01.2022 Check the label for proper disposal of all components of a product's packaging. A handy reminder.
22.01.2022 Heres an opportunity for local small businesses to reduce their energy costs:
21.01.2022 Thanks Rosalyn Edwards for the latest image taken from the photomonitoring point at Windy Harbour boat ramp, capturing any changes in environmental condition of the site.
20.01.2022 Soil Wealth Knowledge is about to run a series of three webinars on Integrated Weed Management - targeting the horticulture industry but this is valuable information for all! The first one is 10am Thursday 26th November. FREE
20.01.2022 The abstract of this paper effectively summarises biochar benefits - and points to a cost-effective way to reduce pest plants (of which we have plenty!). "The utilization of biochar as an amendment to improve soil health and the environment has been a catalyst for the recent global enthusiasm for advancing biochar production technology and its management. Biochar is simply carbon rich charcoal-like substance which is created by heating biomass (organic matter) in limited oxyg...en condition, through a process known as pyrolysis. Locally available weed biomass which is not economically important and caused crop loss can be used as an important source of biomass for preparation of biochar. Biochar is able to ameliorate soil acidity as well as it is also able to increase the soil fertility. Biochar reduces leaching of soil nutrients, increases soil structure and pH, reduces dependency on artificial fertilizers, enhances nutrient availability for plants, increases water quality of runoff, reduces toxicity of aluminum to plant roots and microbiota and thus reducing the need for lime, reduces bioavailability of heavy metals, thus works as bioremediation and decreases N2O and CH4 emissions from soils, thus further reducing GHG emissions. Employment of biochar as a specialized soil amendment provides a practical approach to address the anticipated problems in the agronomic and environmental sectors. Incorporating huge quantity of biochar into soils provides numerous agricultural benefits, which this special paper examines..." See more
20.01.2022 A great initiative that promotes fix-it rather than toss-it. If you have fix-it skills, think about volunteering a bit of time to support those who want to repair but lack the know-how.
19.01.2022 Following 9 consultation events, 3 promotional stalls and 2 radio interviews since July, Warren Biosecurity wishes to invite you to our Annual General Meeting ...on Tuesday 13th October (click on the image). Apart from electing officers, we will confirm the declared pest rate and operations plan showing how those funds would be spent on private land where it will be raised. While some people oppose the rate, by far the majority support one and are happy to pay for coordinated pest management, and therefore, a rate will be struck. We have taken your feedback on board and adjusted the plan accordingly, aiming to deliver the best value we can for your money. Please contact us for more information, to add your own comments or to see how we can help you with your pests. Check your mail box for the survey and information sheet, too. Kind regards, Josephine Mead, Project Officer #pestfreewarren
19.01.2022 Have you noticed flies are an increasing nuisance? Monitoring conducted by Sharon and Lee, and supporting farmers in more distant locations (Redmond and Esperance in this posting), show the differences in abundance of spring active dung beetles. Hopefully there will be widespread emergence of warm weather active species that destroy the flies' breeding habitat - cattle, sheep and horse dung.
18.01.2022 Landcare Week is 3rd - 9th August. What landcaring activities have you been doing on your patch to improve soil condition, water quality, growing or protecting native habitat? Post your photos in the comments.
18.01.2022 Inspiring Nature that Nurtures exhibition from the local Manjimup Photo Club Inc coming to the Manjimup Art Gallery from 26 August to 24 September 2020. We are lucky to be surrounded by the beautiful nature that is our Southern Forests and Valleys. . . #manjimup #pemberton #northcliffe #walpole #shireofmanjimup #southernforests #exploresouthernforests #genuinelysouthernforests #southernforestsandvalleys #australiassouthwest #justanotherdayinwa #westisbest #thisiswa #tourismwa #australiassw #winterdownsouth #wanderoutyonder See more
17.01.2022 This is a very interesting webinar series. On week one we heard from one of Western Australia's researchers. If you register for the remaining 3 webinars, you can access the recordings.
17.01.2022 Beautiful sunshine (sometimes) encourages us to get out and about. Do it with purpose and take part in this bioblitz! Love the DUNG BEETLE graphic! Catch updates on our dung beetle work on our dung beetle facebook page (link in comments).
16.01.2022 Getting the best returns from pasture Nitrogen application or its going down natures drain? Strategies for beef and sheep grazing systems will be discussed... at this field walk for the #NRightTrial at Vasse-Wonnerup area. This independently funded project, is adapting dairy recommendations and testing new options. Register here: See more
16.01.2022 Anke Seidlitz has been researching numbats in the Warren region for the past couple of years. Check out her website.
16.01.2022 Congratulations Peter Clifton on showcasing the excellent long-term conservation work of the Pickford family.
15.01.2022 Now its spring, you can hear the frogs sing!
15.01.2022 National Science Week activities this year are largely on-line. Events include a DIY Lactofermentation workshop, free access to International Science Film Festival and lots more.
15.01.2022 This photomonitoring point was set up as part of a Little Creatures Toast to the Coast project in 2018.
14.01.2022 At the SKN we are interested in soil educational material for children. Find the Soil Explorer Workbook a good resource - what do you think of it?
14.01.2022 Samuels interim report will go out for public comment before the final report is delivered in October but the government is gearing up to act on cutting "green tape" immediately.
13.01.2022 Another Cosmos article thats of personal interest!
13.01.2022 Reptiles - the word brings a shudder to many however reptiles are an important player in our ecosystems. Time to keep a lookout for bob-tails warming up on our bitumen roads.
13.01.2022 Even more reason to protect our native habitat and its fauna.
12.01.2022 Parents are a childs primary teachers - dont let schools have all the fun!
11.01.2022 What brings you to Soils For Life? Complete our short survey and you can go in the draw to win a regen ag book pack worth almost $150, including titles like Cal...l of the Reed Warbler and For the Love of Soils. It takes less than five minutes and your input will help us improve our support for Australian farmers on their journey towards regenerative agriculture. Take the survey here: See more
11.01.2022 Neroli will help Elaine Haddon monitor their large dairy operation in the Busselton area, the last site in WCCs intensive monthly monitoring programme. Eight of the 19 are managed by producers, with back up as needed. A further 66 sites in six south west transects - to our west, south, north, north east and east are monitored seasonally. Data collected of dung beetle species presence and abundance adds to the national database being built and will provide a basis for selection of future species to import.
11.01.2022 National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants Round 4 open - closes 9th October. $5,000 - $100,000 Outcome 1 - Increased adoption of best practice sustainable agriculture Outcome 2 - Increase the capacity of land managers to adopt best practice sustainable agriculture Contact our office 97718180 if you would like to discuss project ideas.
10.01.2022 Windy Harbour 22nd November 2020 Photo credit: Laura Vermeersch
10.01.2022 Head on down to Northcliffe.
10.01.2022 Is this more research trying to quantify (economically) nature's value in order to influence policymakers to consider it in development decisions?
10.01.2022 How blue is Australias food system - in what ways could it be more sustainable?
10.01.2022 The photo could be one taken in the upper Warren catchment (Tone) - may be worth the trip up to Pingelly to see how effective different amendments have been in this restoration work. Previous revegetation at Tucketts demonstrated when organic matter was able to be built up, pH was modified, clovers and other grasses came back into the system. Andrew Askews layering puccinellia hay was a successful strategy used elsewhere. These amendments may fast track the process.
10.01.2022 If you missed the Carbon Farming webinar posted recently, held today but recorded, I will post address when available. Another information session is available here:
09.01.2022 An early state now daylight saving has started over east!
09.01.2022 Jolene Otway has been working with three local farmers trialing development of a mixed species pasture. If you are looking to make a start this spring, here's one starting point.
09.01.2022 One way you can assist in monitoring the coastal conditions at Windy Harbour is to locate the photomonitoring point near the boatramp. Take a photo and send to Southern Forests Community Landcare. We will add it to the album on this site.
09.01.2022 We have plenty of former Denmark Ag students in the district - maybe an opportunity to return in a new role.
09.01.2022 Today we are having a training session with Paul Matenaar from Paper Napkin Creative, learning how to manage our new website. Stay tuned!
08.01.2022 Firefighters from our region have supported previous Californian fires - maybe preparing to go again. This warning advice to Californians is a timely reminder to us to start fire mitigation strategies.
08.01.2022 Many people are concerned that pesticide manufacturers, governments and Big Ag want to control what we eat. We don’t want that to happen. Our movie Th...e Need to GROW documents a disruptive new technology (And a powerful movement of hope) That threatens to shift the balance of power AWAY from the global food companies And into the hands of the people. If you’re passionate about healthy food, preserving our soil and creating a brighter future for our planet, please watch this film (for free) right away: Executive produced and Narrated by Rosario Dawson (Marvel’s The Defenders, The Lego Batman Movie)... The Need To GROW follows three renegade leaders as they fight to heal our broken food system... And protect precious new technology that holds the key to feeding the planet (and reversing the damage caused by industrial agriculture). Many deep-rooted corporate interest groups want this technology to quietly disappear. We can’t let that happen. Which is why we're sharing our movie for free at: The more people who watch this movie... (and learn about these solutions)... The more chance we have of leaving our children and grandchildren a green, healthy, thriving planet. See more
07.01.2022 So the cauliflower, blue cheese and fig pie from Mt Barker bakery that I enjoyed last week was a healthy choice! Our Southern Forests producers have noticed a Covid-19 inspired increased demand for these vegetables.
07.01.2022 Get in quick folks.
07.01.2022 More good reasons to keep cats under control!
06.01.2022 The Mycelium project grows The latest project for The Creative Grid collective (the collaborative arm of Southern Forest Arts that seeks to develop and deliver innovative projects for the regional arts sector as a whole) is gaining momentum. Mycelium is a connection and collaboration project within WA’s regional arts sector to nurture resilience, sustainability and vibrancy during the COVID-19 pandemic.... Inspired by Mycelium in nature - the network of fungal threads essential to soil fertility and flourishing - the Mycelium project in WA’s regional arts eco-system, is a strategic, state-wide, initiative co-designed to respond to the challenges and opportunities of COID-19 to grow networks of exchange and support between regional arts groups, regional arts practitioners and the communities within which they operate. The initial proposal is now available to read online: If you are an artist, artsworker or arts organisation please register for the Creative Grid subscriber list to find out more.
06.01.2022 Congratulations East Manjimup Primary School on this visionary and important initiative. So many ideas generated when a diverse group discuss Big Issues, and exciting when paired with a Can Do attitude!
05.01.2022 FORESTER TIME - Free LIVE education Zoom webinars for #PrimarySchool and #SecondarySchool! Register and join ForestLearning and Primary Industries Education Fo...undation Australia-PIEFA for national #AgDayAu 2020. Learn more and register your class here --> WHEN: --> SECONDARY SCHOOLS Thursday November 19 - 2pm EDST with Gavin Livingston - Forester Operations, and Sarah Maddison - GIS and UAV operator. Learn about renewable resources, sustainable cycles in forestry, carbon storage and climate change, careers, high tech applications of LiDAR and Drones and more! --> PRIMARY SCHOOLS - Friday November 20 - 2pm (EDST) with Forester Kathryn Creswell - Plantation Forester. Learn about where our wood comes from, what foresters do and how they work to help ensure forests are sustainable for all future generations. Good to know: --> All sessions are held using a secure password zoom webinar format with no video enabled for participating schools. --> Q&A sessions will be answered live! Come with some questions prepared --> learn more about Australia's sustainable forests and renewable wood products before the by visiting Any further information or questions please email us at [email protected]. #educationwebinar #FarmerTime #forestry #teachingresources #designandtechnologies #geography #science
04.01.2022 Science has caught up! You can grow topsoil with regenerative practices.
03.01.2022 Spreading the dung beetle story!
03.01.2022 Join in for the next Zoom discussion or catch up on past meetings.
03.01.2022 Revisited the site of our 2015/16 peat rehabilitation project today. This is a site where we mulched and replanted some peat swamp damaged by feral pigs and fir...e. Nearly 5 years later you can see that there has been little progress with barely any regeneration occurring. A sad result but a timely reminder that our peats are incredibly fragile and how important it is that we prevent damage in the first place. . #walpole #walpolewilderness #nationalpark #wilderness #forest #peat #moss #fern #carnivorousplants #orchid #prescribedfire #feralpig #lastchancetosee
02.01.2022 Have you noticed changes in local bird behaviours - increasing numbers of pink and grey galahs and kookaburras, for example. "Birds adapting to climate change"
02.01.2022 Primary producers are eligible for a range of deductions for landcare activities such as invasive species control and fencing for riparian restoration.
02.01.2022 Frank Strie (Terra Preta Developments) is a forester and biochar producer with a vision for sustainable use of resources that enhance both environment and community through local closed loop economies. His Tasmanian model is one we could adapt to our region. "Lets explore the whole catchment and investigate what a holistic circular economy approach within a water catchment is all about. In our location of North East and Northern Tasmania: From the Ski Field of Ben Lomond - all the way to the seafloor of Bass Strait Restorative Forest Management & Regenerative Agriculture with a zero waste agenda."
01.01.2022 Government's quad bike standard comes into effect On Sunday, 11 October, the Government’s mandatory safety standard came into effect. The standard requires that all new and imported second hand quad bikes sold in Australia must be tested for lateral static stability, display the angle at which the quad bike tips onto two wheels as well as carry a roll over warning label on the quad bike.
01.01.2022 Im sure there will be some lyrics about caring for the environment! *********************************************************************** Re volunteers for the Manjimup Bluegrass & Old Time Music Weekend presented by Act-Belong-Commit We would be most grateful if you could assist by encouraging locals to help with this event, September 25-28th September. We need help with the setting up and cleaning of venues on the Thursday and Friday and people to roster on for welcomin...g people to the event in Brockman Street, venue management, name checking and money collecting, general clean up of venues cleaning, checking the CBD toilets are clean and have toilet paper during Saturday and other jobs as required. Here is the link to the form for people to volunteer Lisa is coordinating our volunteers once they start rolling in, you can contact her via email [email protected]
01.01.2022 Wetlands across the globe are in danger. Estimates suggest that in some parts of the world wetland losses have been as high as 87% since 1700. The loss and degradation of wetland causes impacts on human well being and wildlife alike. International organisations want to tap into your knowledge of a local wetland. Follow the link to participate in a global survey.
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