Southern Koala Rescue | Non-profit organisation
Southern Koala Rescue
Phone: +61 435 056 252
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25.01.2022 If only we could understand what dear Gwen is trying to say ? What do you think she is saying? This lovely lady is back at the vets today for some further tests . Thanks to Chandlers Hill Vet and SA Veterinary Sonography - Professional Mobile Ultrasound for always being so willing to help . Fingers crossed we get some good results.
25.01.2022 After being found in the same tree in the middle of the fire groundit seemed only fitting to release these 3 back to an unburnt home together. Burnadette, Bundy and Beau were keen to get back out into the wild, even if Beau did temporarily forget what a tree looked like . Don't worry it wasn't long before he joined Burnadette high up a tree.
25.01.2022 We were so happy to send beautiful Mona back home after some much needed R and R . This park is located about 1 kilometre away from where she was rescued sitting on top of a ladderin someone's backyard but as you can see there are a lot more eucalypt trees here for her to eat so let's hope she doesn't try and head to the beach again anytime soon.
24.01.2022 Happy hump day! Anyone else feeling like Billy and just want to stay in bed today????
24.01.2022 For anyone that was concerned about Fern being upset without her big brother Beau around, never fear her big sis Daisy still has her back
24.01.2022 It's election day for our friends in the US and whilst we normally try and keep politics off our page , today we want to provide an alternative for those who still don't know who to vote for . Itty Bitty has more sass than both the current candidates combined! So as you head to the polls today, remember Vote #1 for Itty Bitty to be the first koala POTUS! #2020election
23.01.2022 We won't post the video because its just too distressing to see but it doesn't matter how many times we see this it never gets any easier. Whilst driving to the McLaren Vale Biodiversity Project working bee this morning we came across this beautiful fella. Sadly it quickly became apparent that he had been hit by a car and left in agony with broken bones . We don't know how long he was there for but we do know he was in pain and didn't deserve to be left to suffer.... There are many options in South Australia to call for assistance when you hit a kangaroo. These are just a few: Mount Gambier Wildlife Carer Adelaide Wildlife Rehab Adelaide Hills Kangaroo Rescue Fauna Rescue SA Native Animal Network of SA Kangaroo Island Koala and Wildlife Rescue Centre Kangaroo Island Wildlife Network Barossa Wildlife Rescue (Feel free to tag any we have missed)
23.01.2022 In a world of Internet Trolls and Keyboard Warriors we feel the need to remind everyone to be kind to wildlife carers and vets. Euthanasia is a decision that is NEVER made lightly and NEVER gets any easier but it is ALWAYS done with the best interests of the animal in mind. Wildlife only need rescuing when they are really sick or badly injured and the people that dedicate their lives to helping them do so because they deeply care for our native animals . The reality of wildlife rescue is we CANNOT save them all and it can be cruel to even try in some circumstances. So sometimes you just need to trust the experts . #BeKind
23.01.2022 It's hard to believe this is the same koala that was barely responsive when we picked him up from in the middle of the road after being hit by a car on Piggott Range road in Onkaparinga Hills, South Australia. Chandler is not out of the woods yet. He is off to see an orthopaedic surgeon today to assess whether surgery is required to stabilise his hip . We are keeping everything crossed that we get some good news for this handsome devil .
23.01.2022 Clearly its a hard life for koalas here at SKR headquarters or maybe not . Chandler has broken both his legs in two separate hit by car incidents two years apart . Both times Chandler was hit on Piggott Range road but the second time he required surgery to stabilise the break. He's like a cat with 9 lives but other koalas haven't been so lucky. Please remember we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0435 056 252 if you find a sick, injured or orphaned koala or echidna . Because sometimes one phone call is all it takes to save a life .
23.01.2022 Quill Smith is one lucky echidna . With the amount of blood on his beak (nose) and quills we expected some more severe injuries . But thankfully his biggest worry is a cut on his beak which would be quite painful. Quill was found on the side of the road so we suspect he was hit by a car . He will remain in care with us receiving appropriate pain relief while he recovers so we can check he is able to eat ok .
22.01.2022 As amazing as the power of social media is, sadly we haven't been able to locate baby Croft. With so many people keeping an eye out for him we are sure if he is still out there someone will find him. Thank you to everyone who contacted us with past and current koala sightings or related information. Nature can be cruel and sometimes mums know when there is something wrong and sometimes there are freak accidents. We have had a couple of reports of deceased koala jo...eys that we weren't aware of but we may never know for sure what happened to our fluffy little man. But on a positive note we health checked Lara before relocating her from a yard with dogs and were surprised to discover she had a new born baby in her pouch. The circle of life continues and we can only hope Lara has better luck with her next baby. Please call Southern Koala Rescue on 0435 056 252 if you find sick, injured or orphanedkoalas.
22.01.2022 It was such an honour to care for Nia who has become a little bit of a star with her story reaching more than 1 million people from all around the world . Nia and her bubs are urban koalas which means they have adapted to living in the suburbs . It is really important we return her to her home territory because if we don't we put her at more risk of getting hit by a car . Koalas have a home range and will try and walk back to her home if we move them too far. We ...found this amazing corridor of trees which Nia couldn't wait to climb , we almost thought she wasn't going to do the look back . She wasn't even the slightest bit fussed about the noisy myna birds . Stay safe precious mumma
22.01.2022 Planning is underway for our 2021 Southern Koala Rescue calendar and we want your input . What are your favourite koala photos from all the ones we have posted in the last 12 months? Of course Harry , Billy and Itty Bitty will be included but the hard part will narrowing down their pictures to just a couple...... #BringOn2021 : Kimbley is one of our local koala who is blind in one eye , after some time in care with us last summer she has been spotted in the wild doing just fine .
22.01.2022 A magical moment for your Monday morning. Baby Croft and his mum Lara have been spending some time reconnecting. We are still providing supplement feeds of special koala milkas we are concerned Lara isn't producing enough milk for Croftto continue gaining weight. Please send some positive vibes to this adorable duo .
20.01.2022 Meet Indiana Jones , he is a little joey orphaned during the recent extreme heat over the weekend. Indiana was found by the side of a country road in Kangarilla, South Australia by a lovely couple on their morning walk. Weighing only 810g, he can not yet climb big trees and was at risk of being killed by a fox or would have most likely perished in the hot sun expected later that day. He is one very lucky boy!
19.01.2022 If you're feeling a little sore from too much partying this weekend, spare a thought for this guy . Bradley was hit by a car and found by another driver who called for help . It was a massive team effort by our amazing volunteers with some much needed assistance from SA Country Fire Service and the MFS . The team worked until the early hours of the morning because with signs of internal bleeding, despite fleeing up a tree , we knew this boy needed our help . Bradley is doing incredibly well despite losing a lot of blood and sustaining a fair few cuts and a lot of bruising. Our biggest concern is a hip injury that needs further investigation from our vets. We are keeping everything crossed for this gentle soul.
19.01.2022 We've had such an exciting weekend with the debut of our brand new pre-release enclosure as part of our new rehabilitation centre . It took Itty Bitty some encouragement to climb a tree rather than a human leg and Billy took his sweet time to even look at his new surroundings but we got there in the end . As for our dear Harry , don't worry he is enjoying some peace and quiet and extra space to move around. Koalas are solitary animals and whilst Harry did enjoy wrestling with Billy and tolerated Itty bossing him around and using him as a pillow he is now equally enjoying being the king of his own castle again.
19.01.2022 That moment when you feel like you are being watched (Look closely ). We are so excited about the build of our new Koala Rehabilitation Centre commencing. Unfortunately due to #covid19 we are a bit behind schedule but we know the wait will be worth it. You can help get closer to our fundraising goal by sharing this post or making a donation of money or goods through the below link: ... https://southern-koala-rescue-rehabilitation-centre.raisely Or donating direct through our website at
19.01.2022 Bless her cotton socks . We loved seeing old Gwen flourishing in care . Despite having 2 teeth removed, Gwen did not lose her appetite one bit and loved being under the misting system on the hot days. We are thrilled that Gwen has now returned home. to live a much less painful life without broken teeth interfering with her eating .
18.01.2022 Meet Curious George . He is another hit by car victim from this weekend . Thank you to those who stopped and called for help when they found him laying on the road . He has some spinal injuries that we are hoping he can overcome . Please share this with anyone who drives along States road regularly as this is not the first koala hit on that road. Remember we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0435 056 252 if you find a sick, injured or orphaned koala or echidna .
16.01.2022 If you're struggling after a big weekend, spare a thought for little Daisy who was hit by a truck on Main South road Saturday morning. The driver of the truck tried to swerve but had a car in the lane next to him so couldn't avoid her completely. Miraculously Daisy only has a sprained wrist and a slight jaw fracture but is understandable feeling a bit sore. With pain management and supplement feeding we are hoping with time we can pull this girl through. Thank you to the driver and all the other people who called to get her help. Please ALWAYS call for advice if you hit an animal, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0435 056 252.
16.01.2022 With so much habitat destruction koalas like Mona are moving further into the suburbs in search for a place to call home Moana is a beach side suburb with lots palm trees and pine trees . Poor Mona most likely took a wrong turn and ended up in a yard with not a eucalypt in sight . Mona has an empty belly and is dehydrated so will spend a few days in care so we can ensure she is 100% healthy.
15.01.2022 It's heating up once again this week, with Friday and Saturday being around 40 degrees . So start preparing now to help your local wildlife get through this next hot period by checking out this handy list below.
15.01.2022 As the weather warms up expect to see more koalas lounging around in trees . Koalas have incredible balance and often lay on a branch without using their arms or legs to hold on. John is soaking all the vitamin D he can get in between the days of heavy spring rain we are having.
15.01.2022 Ever wondered what a koala would look like without all their fur??? Well here is a sneak peak . We are so thrilled that Chandlers surgery went well. His hip has remained in place since its initial dislocation but it was decided surgery on his fractured fibula would ensure a better healing process for this handsome fella . We are so thankful for the assistance of Dr Punke and his team at Adelaide Animal Emergency & Referral Centre for generously donating t...heir time to fix Chandlers broken leg. We are so lucky to work with so many amazing vets who volunteer their time but we do incur costs for diagnostics , medication and other consumables . If you would like to contribute to some of these costs you can donate through our website @
14.01.2022 When its arm day at the gym and you're doing some chin ups but just have an itch you have to scratch . Harry loves showing off his multi-tasking ability . Soubd on
13.01.2022 Billy has claimed victory in his wrestle with Harry . Here he is with Itty Bitty celebrating If you missed the wrestling video you can check it out here
13.01.2022 Some people might say this is a face only a mother could love... but Willy Wonka is one of our local boys and we absolutely adore him . Please show this floppy eared fella some love
13.01.2022 Gwen is a dear old thing who has come us with a few health issues. She had broken teeth that have now been removed by our vet, what appears to be healed burns to the top of her paws and some internal issues that need further investigation. So for now she is filling her belly with eucalypt leaf and chatting to Harry , no doubt instilling her years of wisdom into our young fella.
12.01.2022 Bluey is one of one of the many faces we couldn't save during Save the Koala month . What makes it sadder was Bluey had an old injury to his knee that had been causing him pain for quite some time . We suspect he was hit by a car months ago and has been managing as best as he could in the wild with a very noticeable limp. Sadly his knee was riddled with painful arthritis which cannot be cured and all we could do was prevent him suffering further . Please remember we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0435 056 252 if you find a sick, injured or orphaned koala or echidna .
12.01.2022 We've previously shown you koala joey zoomies but have you ever seen a kangaroo joey doing zoomies? Claire Bear is practising her hoping skills and strengthening her muscles in short bursts before returning to the safety of her pouch . In South Australia a permit is required to care for sick, injured or orphaned wildlife so please if you find an animal in need contact your local rescue and ensure the animal has the best chance of survival with experienced carers .
12.01.2022 2021 Calendars on sale now with all profits going directly to Southern Koala Rescue . With Christmas exactly one month away this is a perfect gift for any wildlife loving family member . Every month features at least one of our koalas including favourites like Constable Bruce (cover photo and koala in this post), and of course Harry , Itty Bitty and Billy . Available for $30 from the following locations (please bring correct cash amount): Sprint ...Auto Parts McLaren Vale, 119 Main road, Mclaren Vale Raine & Horne Morphett Vale , 176 Main South Road, Morphett Vale. Postage can be arranged for an additional cost. PM the page for info See more
11.01.2022 Reuniting a koala with her lost joey doesn't always go to plan. Little Croft was found at the base of a tree during the extreme heat . A female koala was in the tree above but just out of reach and with the hot sun beating down we decided to keep bubs safe and bring mum down once it had cooled . First thing the next morning we received a report that the suspected mum was down low. We captured "Lara" from Woodcroft, South Australia and took her for a vet check which confirmed she was the likely mum. We took her straight to HQ to reunite her with Croft. It wasn't the instantly loving reunion we had hoped for. We are giving these 2 some time to rebond and monitoring them closely
11.01.2022 We tried to get one last nice photo of Itty Bitty and Billy before opening up their pre-release enclosure but the ratbags had other ideas . Within an hour Billy had vanished without a trace . We suspect he is laying low as one of our locals Willy Wonka has been patrolling . We hope he will pop back to say hi real soon! Itty Bitty also flew the coop the next morning and completely vanished for an anxious 24 hours before being spotted in the closest tree to our home. It doesn't get much more special than that . She has moved trees but staying close while she works out this big wide world she is now a part of
10.01.2022 Anyone else feeling like this after a long week??? There won't be much relaxing for us as we continue our bushfire preparation around the property and the building of the rehabilitation centre. The list is never ending!!! What's everyone else got planned?
09.01.2022 For anyone have Itty or Billywithdrawals. Here they are living it up in our pre release enclosure. A couple more weeks and we might let them venture out into the real world
09.01.2022 Thanks for everyone who has asked for updates on Nia . We are thrilled that she passed her vet check with flying colours and bubs is doing great too. So watch this space for a release video coming soon.
09.01.2022 Regular public transport users will have all experienced their trip being delayed for an unknown reason. This morning the Seaford train line was temporarily bought to a halt so we could rush in and get this girl out of harms way. Whilst we are based on 5 minutes away the drive felt excruciatingly long as we know in times like this every second counts . Thanks to Adelaide Metro for stopping the trains and apologies to anyone inconvenienced, but we are happy to report the beautiful "Nia" (for the Thomas the Tank Engine fans) is safe . She is uninjured but exhausted from trying to climb the concrete to freedom so will stay with us for some TLC . What's even more exciting is we saved 2 lives today as Nia has a baby on board
08.01.2022 Wow, what an amazing way to end the week, we have just surpassed 50,000 Facebook likes . We love sharing our passion with so many of you around the world and helping educate everyone about these unique animals and the trees they need to survive. Thank you for all your support. Together we can help save this incredible species
07.01.2022 It's not just the trick or treaters out and about this weekend , koalas are still moving about and sadly getting hit by cars . Sometimes accidents are completely out of your control but you can control what happens next. Please ALWAYS call for help when you hit an animal, even if the walk (or hop) away they could have injuries that may end up being fatal .
06.01.2022 Constable Bruce is making us put our detective hats on . We thought he had cut his foot whilst in care after discovering fresh blood on the ground but it turns out the blood was coming from inside him. At this stage we are waiting on further tests to determine if the cause is an infection or the results of some trauma . But the good news is he seems to be on the mend and is eating well whilst in care.
06.01.2022 With weather forecast to be over 40 degrees in Adelaide, South Australia it is not unexpected to find koalas sitting at the base of trees trying to escape the sun. Please do not attempt to give koalas water from a drink bottle , this can cause water on the lungs which can lead to asphyxiation or pneumonia which can be fatal . If you see them on the ground in the shade and they are alert, please place a bowl of water nearby and monitor from distance to reduce stress. If the koala is not responsive when you approach with water, is sitting in direct sun or drinks for more than 15 minutes please call us on 0435 056 252 for further advice. We are available 24 hours a day , 7 days a week to assist.
05.01.2022 With the shortest covid lockdown in the world having ended at midnight , thanks pizza guy , please get out and top up those water containers in an appropriately socially distanced and responsible way of course. Jack Sparrow has also been freed from his short lockdown so please watch out for him and his friends on the roads and call us on 0435 056 252 if you have any wildlife related concerns.
05.01.2022 Breakfast in bed anyone??? Its such a hard life for little Indiana Jones Happy Monday
04.01.2022 Chandler wants to give you all an update on his broken leg so listen up . For those who can't speak koala , he is saying he feels great and is moving around nicely and eating lots of yummy leaf . Its a long road ahead for this boy but so far it's looking pretty promising .
03.01.2022 Relocations dont always go quite as planned . Blue Steel was wandering around Reynella Steel Supplies Fabrication & Welding which is near 3 main roads and a big hit by car hotspot. So we gave him a helping hand to a nearby park but the magpies were not impressed with the arrival. Whilst this might look bad to us humans , this is just how nature works. As you can see koalas aren't really fussed by all the commotion and this boy continued to climb to where he... wanted to be. We observed this boy for a while and he did as most koalas do and climbed up into the leafy canopy of the tree where it was impossible for the magpies to get to him anymore. This is a common occurrence all through spring and koalas will move to another tree if they are really bothered. They are definitely tougher than they look.
03.01.2022 We are so thrilled to finally be able to announce that we have been awarded $10,000 thanks to #westfieldlocalheroes . Thank you to everyone who voted for Mish, we couldn't have done this without each and every one of you . This brings us one step closer to completing the build of our new rehabilitation centre. For more information about the Local Hereos Community Grant, check this out:... See more
03.01.2022 Little Daisy is a real fighter. Looking at her you wouldn't know she had been hit by a truck a few days ago. She has moved out to the koala kindy with Fern and Indiana Jones and is walking and climbing well. Her fractured jaw is a little sore so we are feeding her a special supplement to help boost her energy but she has also started to eat leaf too . Don't worry we gave her mouth a thorough clean afterwards because leaving food or milk in their fur can make their fur fall out!
03.01.2022 It's the start of another week again and we are privlidged to kick it off at a special dinner with our local Rotarians. Rotary Club - McLaren Vale and members from the Unley and Mitcham clubs have been amazing in their support in helping us get out home base bushfire ready and planting phase 1 of our Koala food plantation . Thank you to all the Rotarians who have volunteered their time. : Billy struggling to get some Monday motivation
02.01.2022 Sound On Most people think its the male koalas that make all the scary noises but Miss Piggy is here to show you otherwise. Harry is quite happy having a pretty girl to talk to and to add to the chaos a local boy was also bellowing in a nearby paddock at the time of this video . There is never a dull moment around here , its pretty lucky we are based on 22 acres and don't have any neighbours nearby!
02.01.2022 Cleopatra, also affectionately known as the Devil Koala , has definitely been the most challenging when it comes to giving her medication . After finishing a course of antibiotics and anti-inflamatories, Cleopatra's pouch infection is all cleared up and there are also no signs of internal injury from her altercation with dogs. So just as she has started to settle in, it's time to send her home .
01.01.2022 You can hardly recognise our train tracks girl Nia, from our previous picture . She has settled in well and has lots of leaf to eat to help her and bubs recover from the traumatic experience . Its impossible not to love her squishy little face and check out the size of that baby bump
01.01.2022 In case we didn't have enough bellowing happening around here, our old friend Bruce has come to join the choir . But even Bruce is a little confused by Miss Piggy's vocal contributions. Bruce has a cut on his foot that we are monitoring but hope to send him back home soon. Bruce was in care with us earlier this year after being hit by a car . In the 7 months since his last release Bruce has travelled a few kilometres, from Onkaparinga Hills, South Australia to Huntfield Heights we can only assume he is on the lookout for a lady and Miss Piggy seems very keen to get to know our new handsome guest.
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