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25.01.2022 Setting boundaries. Does your highly sensitive daughter (Highly Sensitive Person) struggle with this? Does she find it difficult to stand up for herself? Or ask for what she wants? If so, shes not alone. HSPs struggle with setting boundaries because we avoid conflict at all costs as it makes us extremely uncomfortable, and we hate making waves. We prefer to keep the peace and carry on with the smooth sailing even at the cost of our own happiness. ... But this behaviour is extremely detrimental to HSPs as boundaries are absolute lifelines for us. We require more space, time, and peace then the average person and having these things requires setting boundaries. In my latest workshop Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome, I explore with mentees what boundaries they require to stay happy and healthy. And I show them how to set boundaries confidently and clearly. This workshop will take place all online via Zoom, in the comfort and safety of your home. There are three dates to choose from - Tuesday, 7th July, 11am AEST Saturday, 11th July, 3pm AEST Wednesday, 15th July, 11am AEST The workshop will go for an hour at a cost of $17 per person and for girls aged 10 - 17 years. You can purchase tickets here
25.01.2022 Are you looking for a way to help your daughter find peace and calm amongst this corona chaos? Then this mediation is it! Meditation improves concentration, memory and sleep. It also reduces the heart rate and enables you to recentre and come back to yourself, an important tool for tweens and teens in learning how to love and trust themselves. ... This beautiful mediation by Yoga With Adriene is just over 12 minutes and is great opportunity to share a bonding and calming moment with your daughter. My favourite part is when Adriene says, "breathe in like you love yourself" Ahhhhhhhh..... #bepresent #meditation #followyourbreath #calm #peace #recentre #returntoself #learninghowtoloveandtrustyourself #breatheinlikeyouloveyourself #sparkstoflames #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #safespacetobeyou #centralcoastNSW
25.01.2022 Does the young person in your life identify as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? If so, then my FREE "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome" workshop, as part of Shine From Within 's Online Teen Academy, is for them. In this one-hour workshop we'll explore:... understanding what it means to be a HSP HSP needs how to navigate socialising & friendships as a HSP boundary-setting for HSPs HSP self-care plan how to embrace and celebrate their unique sensitivities This workshop is happening at 10am on Thursday! Register here Instagramers - link is in my bio Also, check out the many other QUALITY and INTERESTING free workshops by my fellow mentors as part of the Online Academy #hsp #embraceyoursensitivitiesandthrive #sensitivestrengths #highlysensitiveandhighlyawesome #uniquegifts #sfwonlineteenacademy #onlineworkshop #sparkstoflames #youthmentor #safespacetobeyou #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #centralcoastnsw #themostpowerfulpersonyoucanbeisyou
24.01.2022 Here she is! My latest, sparkling, brand new online workshop: "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome!" Do you have a tween or teen who identifies as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Does she struggle with her sensitivities? Is she often overwhelmed with daily life? And lacks the confidence to be her amazing, sensitive self? ... Well this workshop is for her. In collaboration with Shine From Within and their latest Online Teen Academy, Sparks to Flames is featuring "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome" as part of the academy offerings. This workshop explores - what a HSP is why it is hard for HSPs to cope in this world things that make HSPs happy how to establish healthy boundaries how to navigate socialising and friendships HSP superpowers and... a unique HSP self-care plan that will enable your daughter to embrace her sensitivies and see them as a strength, not a weakness. This workshop will take place all online via Zoom, in the comfort and safety of your home. There are three dates to choose from - Tuesday, 7th July, 11am AEST Saturday, 11th July, 3pm AEST Wednesday, 15th July, 11am AEST The workshop will go for an hour at a cost of $17 per person and for girls aged 10 - 17 years. You can purchase tickets here I cant wait to meet your wonderful sensitive daughter and support her to become her amazing sensitive self!
24.01.2022 I love me a book about periods! But what I love even more is a book that lovingly supports and guides girls on the spectrum through menstruation. Check out Sarah Hauslers from Bloom Wellbeing Occupational Therapy beautiful e-book, "Piper gets her Period". ... Its specifically written to be easily accessed and understood by girls with autism. You can purchase and download your copy here on Sarahs website:
24.01.2022 I have been very quiet as of late as Ive been listening to, watching and learning from Black, Indigenous and People of Colours voices and the important message they have to share. Ive also felt extremely paralysed. Scared of saying or doing the wrong thing but wanting sooooo bad to support! Ive also been deep in my own realisations as I slowly uncover my own white privilege and how this is present in myself and in my business. I claim that Sparks to Flames is built on the... values of inclusivity, diversity and equality. I think that I do uphold these values. But since discovering my white privilege, theres still a great deal of work yet to do. And Im not going to get this right. Im going to stuff up multiple times. But the important thing is that Im doing the work consistently and for life. As a youth mentor, I have a major responsibility to uphold for the next generation. To ensure that Im 100% modelling racist-free behaviour, words, education and content. Also, that Im committed to learning and becoming a life-long anti-racist ally. I also wish to ensure that girls from all backgrounds feel included, represented and equal. And to contribute to change for true equality and respect in our world
24.01.2022 Is your daughter in need of some body positivity inspiration? Have her check out this interview! Amanda La Count is oozing confidence and body positivity to the MAX! She is a talented hip hop dancer who hasnt let the word no stop her, despite her not fitting into the "typical" dancers image and body type.... Her motto: "If you love it, do it. Its as simple as that" Go Amanda! #breakingthestereotype #bodypositivity #lovingmycurves #owningit #sparkstoflames #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #safespacetobeyou #centralcoastNSW
24.01.2022 Do you have a strong feeling that your tween or teen might be highly sensitive, but youre not 100% sure? A highly sensitive person is an innate trait that was researched and defined by Dr Elaine Aron. It means that you process stimulation deeply, from sights to sounds, to sensations and emotions. You also experience life more "turned up" than others.... Dr Aron has created a couple to tests to help support you to discover if your tween or teen is a highly sensitive person. Click on the link below to see if your hunch is right And share your insights Dont forget to book your daughter into my "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome" online workshop for girls in July though Shine from Withins Online Teen Academy. Book here!
24.01.2022 "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn't be that women are the exception." Over the weekend the world lost an absolutely phenomenal woman, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, also affectionately known as the the "Notorious RBG" Ruth was an American jurist who served as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States for 27 years. ... During this time she made many ground-breaking changes within the law for gender equality. These changes included: Changing the law that allowed women to have a credit card and buy a house without a male or a husband's signature Defended women's reprodutive freedom Supported gay marriage Won 5 landmark supreme court cases against sex-role stereotyping in the law Fought relentlessly for gender equality throughout her career Ruth is a hero, warrior, powerhouse and pioneer for gender equality and those of the minority. She fought using her intellect, education, calm nature and unshakable strength. Ruth is an inspiration to females everywhere and is an example of what can be achieved when you face adversity with courage, use your gifts and intellect, and show up with true authenticity. From females everywhere, we salute you RBG! #notoriousrbg #genderequality #standupforwhatyoubelievein #changemaker #dontletthewordnostopyou #powerfulfemalesinfluencingtheworld #faceadversitywithcourage #intellectandeducationispower #themostpowerfulpersonyoucanbeisyou #trueauthenticity #sparkstoflames #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #youthmentor #inspiringgirls #safespacetobeyou
23.01.2022 The 11th of October marks International Day of the Girl. What is International Day of the Girl? #dayofthegirl recognises girl’s rights, the unique challenges girls face around the world and the need to address those challenges so that all girls feel empowered and their human rights are fulfilled. ... In Australia, girls currently stand on uneven ground compared to males. Although we’re better off than a lot of other countries, Australian girls still experience sexism and harassment on a regular basis, unequal pay and unequal job promotions and less opportunities compared to boys. There’s also the undercurrent of old-school gender roles and gender expectations that still flows through society. Above, I’ve suggested some helpful hints and tips that will support your daughter to feel empowered and enable her to embrace everything that’s female and strong in her. And together we can smash these RIDICULOUS notions that girls are less than and truly take on and ignite the strong and inspiring females we were born to be. #raisestronggirls #girlsareequal #inspiringgirls #fearlessgirls #supportyourgirls #nomoremindcrushinggenderroles #empoweringgirlstobethemselves #girlscanbewhatevertheywanttobe #sparkstoflames #youthmentor #cheeringgirlson
22.01.2022 ITS HEEEEEEEERRRRRREEEEE!!!!! Shine From Withins Online Teen Academy. Im so pumped and honoured to be a part of this program ... The offerings from myself and my fellow youth mentors are MIND BLOWING!!!! Watch our live from last night to see what beautiful things are on offer. So much choice and variety for you and your daughter to choose from. We love supporting tween and teen girls! Bookings open now!
21.01.2022 I love this quote It celebrates those of us who may be on the more quieter and gentler side. If you can relate to this because your daughter has these qualities, relish that!... Encourage your daughter to embrace these qualities, and although gentle, are still mighty and have a beautiful and powerful impact in the world #staytruetoyou #gentleismighty #celebratinguiniqueness #embraceallyourqualities #sparkstoflames #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #safespacetobeyou #centralcoastNSW
21.01.2022 Shine From Within 's FREE Online Teen Academy If you haven't yet joined in the fun and signed your young person up, there's still time! Free classes continue today through to Sunday 4th October.... They include so much AH-MAY-ZING-NESS such as... Building confidence Getting creative Moving your body Developing your intuition Tapping into your strengths Starting writing And don't forget my "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome" workshop today at 10am. You can register here Instagramers - link is in bio #freeonlineclassesforyouryoungperson #empoweringyoungpeople #holdingasafespace #sfwonlineteenacademy #sparkstoflames #supportingyoungpeopleglobally #sfwyouthmentor
20.01.2022 I love it when another amazing Central Coast business plugs my work! Thanks for the support Central Coast Wellness Community - NSW AU Your support means the world ... And if youve got a Central Coast wellness business, come and list your services here for free until the end of September. Kim Hall who runs this is an incredible human! #womansupportingwoman #cennycoastbusinesses #supportlocal
19.01.2022 Just in time for the school holidays, my first of 3 "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome!" online workshops is NEXT Tuesday, 7th July. Its for tween and teen girls who identify as being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Sign your daughter up and give her the opportunity to, learn about her unique sensitivities, embrace her HSP-ness, and THRIVE!!!!... You can purchase tickets below
18.01.2022 THIS!!!!!!! EPIC!!!!! Supporting 15 young people online in my workshop today to embrace their High Sensitivity!!!!!!!! I. Am. BUZZING!!!!!!!! ... #iadoremywork #makingadifferenceinyoungpeopleslives #youthmentor #hsp #embraceyoursensitivitiesandthrive #sparkstoflames #holdingspaceforyoungpeople
18.01.2022 My beautiful friend Courtney, fellow youth mentor, and owner of Sparkling Souls has just released her latest workshop "Love Your Sparkle" for tweens and teens. It's a self-love workshop for young people. Check the post below for more details ... I couldn't be more proud of you Courtney!
18.01.2022 Journaling - what an incredible tool!!!! Does you daughter sometimes (or often!) have trouble opening up to you and expressing her feelings? If so, journaling could be a supportive practice for her. ... Journaling is the practice of writing down and expressing your inner thoughts and feelings without judgement. It can be guided, prompted (like Jenna Lee Author s beautiful journal featured here) or free flowing. It offers a safe place to dump your thoughts and physically and mentally let go of emotions you may be holding in. Clarity and calm is often the outcome. Its important to teach tweens and teens to sit with their feelings and not to be afraid of them. Journaling can help that. When we allow young people to face their feelings in a safe and supportive manner, a deeper and more connected understanding of their self is attained. And this is where beautiful things like resilience and confidence is born A great way to incorporate journaling into your young persons day is to have them include it in a morning or evening ritual. You can even suggest them using oracle cards like the beautiful ones featured from American Academy of Mind-Body Healing - AAMBH #thepowerinjournaling #courageinsittingwithyourfeelings #peace #calm #clarity #developingresilienceandconfidence #gettingtoknowyourself #aprivateplacetodumpyourfearshopesanddreams #sparkstoflames #empoweringgirlstobethemselves #youthmentor
18.01.2022 Welcome to "Feel Good" Fridays Attitude of Gratitude Here at Sparks to Flames, each Friday, for the next couple of months were going to be celebrating *Attitude of Gratitude*.... Why? Because were going through a very challenging time with the coronavirus and practising gratitude has proven to shift mind-sets, increase fulfillment and happiness. And we all want that for ourselves and our daughters. When you practice gratitude, you focus on the things you DO HAVE rather than the things you dont. This in turn, improves your mental strength, reduces body tension and improves self-esteem. This is a great opportunity to bond with your daughter and to boost her self-esteem and happiness. And to really celebrate this fabulous life we have! So grab your daughter, a cute journal and start your Attitude of Gratitude Do share your answers below and share this post with the hash tags #attitudeofgratitude #sparkstoflames This weeks gratitude is: A person youre thankful to have connected with this week
18.01.2022 How my journey began in youth mentoring... Before I signed up for the Youth Mentor Training with Shine from Within, I was quite lost in life. I was teaching, wasnt fulfilling and it wasnt hitting the spot for me.... I had an idea that I still wanted to work with young people, but in a way that was more inspiring and personally connected to me and my values. I had a dear friend give me the idea that I should run self-esteem camps for girls. This seemed like the perfect fit and something lit up in me! In my quest to research the self-esteem space, I stumbled across Shine From Within and their Youth Mentor Training program. I honestly could not believe it!!! All of the heavens had aligned and the next step towards my dream was right in front of me! I signed up straight away. Throughout the course I learnt how to establish a business that was aligned with my values and utilised my strengths and passions to create fun and engaging workshops. I learnt business systems, how to market and chose suitable venues. But most of all I was welcomed into the most supportive and encouraging community of mentors who share the same passion and vision. Since Ive completed my training, Ive started Sparks to Flames, run a workshop on bullying, built my community, Im in the process of creating my website and Im taking part in an online teen academy coming soon (more on that tomorrow!!!!!). Enrollments open today!!! Click here to enrol Im a proud affiliate of Shine from Within and sales may earn me a small commission.
16.01.2022 SOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!! I received this beautiful journal in the mail yesterday from Jenna Lee, USA Today Bestselling Author Let me introduce you to My Daring Journal. Jenna, who is an author, life coach and youth mentor, has created this journal for older teens and young adults to help them "become unapologetically you". ... I CANT WAIT to sink my teeth into it and uncover all of its gems and how powerful it will be in supporting young people. You can purchase it here: #mydaringjournal #thepowerofjournalling #empoweringyoungpeople #selfdiscoverythroughjournalling #celebratingyou #selfexpression #buildingdreams #kickinggoals #becomeunapologeticallyyou
16.01.2022 The last couple of months Ive taken time out from everything Ive had going on and to settle into a new job. I took this time to rest and be still. It was extremely soothing and reassuring to not be "doing" all of the time. And its something I try to do daily, even for just a few minutes, to block out all of the noise and chaos of the world. I encourage you and your daughter to do the same. We live in a world thats so *ON* (even with corona virus happening!) and were to feel less than if were not *DOING*. These damaging messages are being passed onto our children. By guiding our girls and bringing them into their bodies and the present, were teaching them to tune into themselves, their intuition and therefore, their worth. Or as I like to call it, their unique *MAGIC* What can be born from this is increased self-esteem, knowledge of self and calm. Ahhhhhh.... Below are some quick tips on how to help your daughter be still and be present. You can even do them together! #motherdaughterbondingmoment Journaling - put pen to paper and let all the thoughts and feelings flow! Encourage your daughter to not judge what shes writing. Just let her empty her head of her things and notice how much lighter she feels. Meditation and mindful breathing - nothing brings you into the present like stilling your mind and focusing on your breath. Boho Beautiful has some great ones Yoga - yoga completely brings you into your body and into the present by focusing on your breath and how the breath connects to the movement of your body. Its also amazing for stretching! Some great yoga teachers for your daughter to follow are Yoga With Adriene and Sarah Beth Yoga Literally being still - encourage your daughter to take a moment and sit outside and notice the beauty, energy, life and environment around her. How your daughter has brought value to someone else life that day - have your daughter think about how she has brought value to someone elses life or her own that day. It could be something as simple as smiling at someone, making someone laugh, being kind to herself, or taking time for herself #sparkstoflames #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #NSWcentralcoast #safespacetobeyou #beyou #easeanxiety #increasefulfillment #beingpersent #bringyourselfintoyourbody
16.01.2022 The AH-MAY-ZING Kim Hall who runs Central Coast Wellness Community (NSW AU) put together this video. It features myself and some other talented Central Coast women running wellness businesses, encouraging you all to stay safe and hopeful during this challenging time. Enjoy!
16.01.2022 Hows your daughter going with handling her period? Does she struggle with using pads or tampons? If youre not already aware, period undies are another, more comfortable option. ... RED by Modibodi is one brand that I highly rate. They are designed for tween and teen bodies just starting their period. They are waaaaaaayyyyy comfy period undies made from a combination of cotton lycra, merino, spandex and polyester. They are 100% leak-free and come in variety of styles and super fun prints. And to top it off, they fully replace the need for pads or tampons. Go #waronwaste ! Your daughter can comfortably wear one pair the entire day without worrying about wetness,odour or discomfort. And it makes coping with her period all the more easier. She can just pop them on and forget about her period for the rest of the day. Period undies are easy to care for too. Just wear, rinse, wash, air dry and repeat. How do I know Modibodi are awesome? Ive tried the adult ones for myself and I CANNOT rate them highly enough. I wish I had these when I was a teen! I so love that theyre comfy, reliable and they especially help reduce period-related waste. Go Modibodi!!!! #embraceyourperiod #periodpositivity #itspowerfultobeashe #worryfree #comfy #reliable #waronwaste #sparkstoflames #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #safespacetobeyou #centralcoastNSW
15.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT! Im proud and honoured to announce that I am a part of Shine From Withins Online Teen Academy. YAY!!!!!!! Teen Academy is a smorgasbord of LIVE online classes for 10 to 17 year olds, featuring myself and my fellow youth mentors. It will cover topics such as resilience, self-love, friendships, relationships, skin-care, study skills and SO MUCH MORE!!... Register your interest here: Or DM me. And stay posted for the BIG launch announcement!
15.01.2022 That's a wrap for my beautiful "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome" workshop yesterday as a part of Shine From Within 's 'O' Week. I'm still buzzing!!!! And check out the words of praise from one of my mentees! #sograteful ... During my workshop, I had the opportunity to support 15 wonderful young people understand, embrace and celebrate their HSP traits. And most importantly, remind them how wonderful and powerful it is to be themselves. #themostpowerfulpersonyoucanbeisyou It was also a powerful reminder for me of the impact of technology and it's ability to reach and support young people on a much larger scale with the internet. So watch this space as I create and birth some more wonderful online classes. 'O' Week and it's free classes continues to run until Sunday. You can register your young person here Instagramers - link is in bio
15.01.2022 On Saturday I ran my second "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome!" online workshop. And what a session! I supported one very special girl to understand and embrace her sensitivities. She realised what her HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) superpowers were and we came up with an HSP self-care plan. Only having one student in this workshop, although it was open to more numbers, meant that this girl received VIP attention and extra support. ... I loved how open she was and willing to learn about herself. A wonderful and fulfilling experience for all!
15.01.2022 Welcome to "Feel Good" Fridays Attitude of Gratitude Here at Sparks to Flames, each Friday, for the next couple of months were going to be celebrating *Attitude of Gratitude*.... Why? Because were going through a very challenging time with the coronavirus and practising gratitude has proven to shift mind-sets, increase fulfillment and happiness. And we all want that for ourselves and our daughters. When you practice gratitude, you focus on the things you DO HAVE rather than the things you dont. This in turn, improves your mental strength, reduces body tension and improves self-esteem. This is a great opportunity to bond with your daughter and to boost her self-esteem and happiness. And to really celebrate this fabulous life we have! So grab your daughter, a cute journal and start your Attitude of Gratitude This weeks gratitude is: A challenge youve overcome Do share your answers below and share this post with the hash tags #attitudeofgratitude #sparkstoflames
15.01.2022 Shine From Within Online Teen Academy is BACK!!! Is your tween or teen going to be joining us for all of the fun???? I'm pleased to announce that I'm yet again, a part of the Online Teen Academy. Yaaaayyyyyy!!!! ... We're kicking things off next week with an 'O' Week which features a load of different classes for free. So you can do a taste tester before the official academy is launched. I'll be featuring my "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome" workshop for young people who identify as a Highly Sensitive Person. Other classes include - Build confidence Get creative Move your body Develop your intuition Tap into your strengths Start writing Find your purpose + become an activist + lots more! "O Week" is happening from 28th September - 4th October and is for all young people aged 9 - 18 years. You can find the link to register here I hope to see you there!
14.01.2022 Im going to take you behind the scenes a little bit here at Sparks to Flames. So right now Im birthing (I say birthing because I feel like something beautiful is being created and born right here) an online workshop for Highly Sensitive Teens. The process begins by being inspired by a topic or issue that I feel like girls are struggling with, and a topic that resonates with me, my experiences and my skills and ability to turn it into an engaging workshop. ... So I have chosen highly sensitive teens as I identify as a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) myself. And as a HSP, this world is overwhelming! So I can only imagine how those HSP teens are feeling on top of all the usual challenges of growing up. With this in mind, I am working on educating girls about their HSP traits, how to care for themselves in this fast-paced and noisy world so they can not only survive, but thrive! Check out this link for further information on HSPs and to see if your daughter identifies as one. The above blog postwas written by Highly Sensitive Refuge. I find them such an amazing source of information and support to help me understand my HSP traits. Perhaps they can help you better understand your HSP daughter too.
12.01.2022 Welcome to our FINAL "Feel Good" Fridays Attitude of Gratitude This will be the last in Sparks to Flames "Attitude of Gratitude" series. I hope you and daughter have enjoyed participating in and celebrating all that you have gratitude for. ... Here at Sparks to Flames, each Friday, for the last couple of months weve been celebrating *Attitude of Gratitude*. Why? Because were going through a very challenging time with the coronavirus and practising gratitude has proven to shift mind-sets, increase fulfillment and happiness. And we all want that for ourselves and for our daughters. When you practice gratitude, you focus on the things you DO HAVE rather than the things you dont. This in turn, improves your mental strength, reduces body tension and improves self-esteem. This is a great opportunity to bond with your daughter and to boost her self-esteem and happiness. And to really celebrate this fabulous life we have! So grab your daughter, a cute journal and start your Attitude of Gratitude This weeks gratitude is: A favourite place Do share your answers below and share this post with the hash tags #attitudeofgratitude #sparkstoflames
12.01.2022 Welcome to "Feel Good" Fridays Attitude of Gratitude Here at Sparks to Flames, each Friday, for the next couple of months were going to be celebrating *Attitude of Gratitude*.... Why? Because were going through a very challenging time with the coronavirus and practising gratitude has proven to shift mind-sets, increase fulfillment and happiness. And we all want that for ourselves and our daughters. When you practice gratitude, you focus on the things you DO HAVE rather than the things you dont. This in turn, improves your mental strength, reduces body tension and improves self-esteem. This is a great opportunity to bond with your daughter and to boost her self-esteem and happiness. And to really celebrate this fabulous life we have! So grab your daughter, a cute journal and start your Attitude of Gratitude This weeks gratitude is: A delicious meal or food youve eaten Do share your answers below and share this post with the hash tags #attitudeofgratitude #sparkstoflames
11.01.2022 Sparks to Flames is now on instagram!!!! You can find me at @sparkstoflames So if youre on insta, come and hang! Its super cosy over there
10.01.2022 Happy Easter wonderful humans! I hope over this long weekend youre finding things and moments that bring you joy. (Chocolate is a great option! ) If you or your daughter is struggling, and thats completely fine, carve out some time to journal your feelings, meditate (theres some great guided ones on You Tube), phone a friend, sit out in the sunshine, move your body, involve yourself in something creative like cooking, painting or dancing, or do any activity that brings you joy. But most of all, be gentle with yourself and let yourself feel all that you are feeling
10.01.2022 Im so inspired by what Ange from This Is My Happy Place is creating at Narara Public School. What a way to empower our girls and make them feel incredible about themselves. Well done Ange! Your work is beautiful
10.01.2022 Looking for something fun, supportive, positive and INSPIRING for your tween or teen to do during these upcoming holidays? Then Shine From Within 's Online Teen Academy 'O Week' is it!!!! Come and join the fun and choose from a massive range of **FREE** online classes. ... Topics include - Confidence building Creativity Body movement Developing your intuition Tapping into your strengths Writing Activism And... My very special Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome workshop The fun starts on 28th September. Register here Instagramers - link is in bio
10.01.2022 In case youve not caught up with the latest Sparks to Flames news, Ive been working in collaboration with Shine From Within in their *Online Teen Academy* to create my latest workshop, "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome!" Book your tween or teen daughter in to educate and empower her to understand her unique sensitivities and THRIVE! You can purchase tickets from the link below... I look forward to having your daughter in my workshop
08.01.2022 Right now my heart and soul is feeling EXTREMELY full! Last night I wrapped up 3 months of coaching with the INCREDIBLE Jenna Lee What a freaking epic journey it has been!!!!... Ive been stretched, pulled out of my comfort zone and into my full possibility. Ive also been supported, guided and lead into a new way of thinking. My confidence has been boosted with solid tools and solutions. And I realised that I do have permission to play BIG and fully live out loud! In this time Ive - Established a supportive and productive morning routine Ran two successful online workshops Built the bones of my website Continuously showed up for myself and my business like nothing else!!! Developed some unshakable confidence Beat overwhelm Developed strategies to deal with my mean girl (limiting beliefs) Jenna, I am forever grateful for all that youve done for me and the numerous ways in which youve supported and encouraged me. Thank you
05.01.2022 Im so proud and honoured to be featured as Central Coast Living s "Human of the Central Coast" this week
03.01.2022 Yesterday, the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, was elected and I couldn't not be more overjoyed! But what we should be taking a closer look at, especially if you have young girls in your life, is the woman standing behind the throne - Kamala Harris. I cried absolute tears of joy and honour as I watched her deliver her Vice-President-Elect speech. ... Kamala comes from an inspirational background of scientists, professors and keen actvitists. Being black and of East Asian descent, Kamala and her family have had to fight hard to be where they are today. And she has rightfully earned the place of first female and black Vice President. This action alone will change the trajectory of many girl's and young female's lives as Kamala takes on this position as a powerful and inspirational role model. And even more so if they are black or East Asian. Kamala spoke with such integrity and passion about her hopes for her nation, and the hopes of all the girls watching her yesterday and in the years to come. She stood on the shoulders of the women who went before her. And she she plans to pave the way for the girls and women who come after her in the form of equality and inclusivity. "I may be the first, but I will not be the last" Go Kamala!!!!! #maketheworldkindagain #bidenharris #kamalaharris #inclusivity #equality #yourbigdreamsarepossible #sparkstoflames #firstfemaleandblackvp #youthmentor #safespacetobeyou #empoweringyoungpeople #empowermentworkshops #harrispavingtheway #breakingglassceilingswithhighheels #thisiswhatspossible #dreamwithambition #leadwithconviction
03.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day To all of you Mammas out there, in all of your unique forms, that is, birth mothers, foster mothers, adopted mothers, grandmothers, great aunties, aunties, mothers who have lost children, we celebrate YOU today! Thank you for all of your love, care and patience. You make this world a better place
02.01.2022 This week Sparks to Flames celebrates it's 2nd Birthday. Yahoooooo!!!!! My passion to empower girls and to support parents is like the unique flame I encourage our girls to fan: it grows stronger with an open mind, by evolving, following your heart and by being yourself. Over the last two years, Sparks to Flames has:... run 4 successful workshops, both online and face-to-face Supported, held space and cheered on 22 AH-MAY-ZING young people Been a part of Shine From Within 's Online Teen Academy I will continue to grow and expand my reach of empowering girls, supporting, and holding space for them so that they can learn to be their incredible selves. I hope that you'll continue to join me for the journey and all the magic that connecting and running a heart-centered biz throws my way. Thank you for all of your support so far. I am forever grateful #iadoretheworkido #connectingandservingthroughpassion #empoweinggirlswithheartandpassion #fanyouruniqueflame #celebrate #evolve #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #sparkstoflames #sfwyouthmentor #happy2ndbirthdaytome #followingmyheart #NSWcentralcoast #safespacetobeyou #empoweringyoungpeople #themostpowerfulpersonyoucanbeisyou
02.01.2022 This weeks dose of "teenspiration" "What if young women around the world were encouraged to be more rather than less?" "What if the focus shifted from how we appear to the possibilities of what we can do?"... BOOM!Right there!!!! At age 14, Jade Hameister became the youngest person to ski to the North Pole from anywhere outside the Last Degree. She answered those two question above by attempting and successfully completing this mammoth adventure. Jade wants young women everywhere to #expandpossible and to be more active and chase their dreams. In what ways do you encourage your daughter to be *MORE* rather than less? Share below #moreratherthanless #possibilitiesnotappearance #AdventurousMinds #TedXtalks #sparkstoflames #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #safespacetobeyou #centralcoastNSW
01.01.2022 The last couple of months I've taken time out from everything I've had going on and to settle into a new job. I took this time to rest and be still. It was extremely soothing and reassuring to not be "doing" all of the time. And it's something I try to do daily, even for just a few minutes, to block out all of the noise and chaos of the world. I encourage you and your daughter to do the same. We live in a world that's so *ON* (even with corona virus happening!) and we're to feel less than if we're not *DOING*. These damaging messages are being passed onto our children. By guiding our girls and bringing them into their bodies and the present, we're teaching them to tune into themselves, their intuition and therefore, their worth. Or as I like to call it, their unique *MAGIC* What can be born from this is increased self-esteem, knowledge of self and calm. Ahhhhhh.... Below are some quick tips on how to help your daughter be still and be present. You can even do them together! #motherdaughterbondingmoment Journaling - put pen to paper and let all the thoughts and feelings flow! Encourage your daughter to not judge what she's writing. Just let her empty her head of her things and notice how much lighter she feels. Meditation and mindful breathing - nothing brings you into the present like stilling your mind and focusing on your breath. Boho Beautiful has some great ones Yoga - yoga completely brings you into your body and into the present by focusing on your breath and how the breath connects to the movement of your body. It's also amazing for stretching! Some great yoga teachers for your daughter to follow are Yoga With Adriene and Sarah Beth Yoga Literally being still - encourage your daughter to take a moment and sit outside and notice the beauty, energy, life and environment around her. How your daughter has brought value to someone else life that day - have your daughter think about how she has brought value to someone else's life or her own that day. It could be something as simple as smiling at someone, making someone laugh, being kind to herself, or taking time for herself #sparkstoflames #empowermentworkshopsforgirls #NSWcentralcoast #safespacetobeyou #beyou #easeanxiety #increasefulfillment #beingpersent #bringyourselfintoyourbody
01.01.2022 What a buzz that was!!! I just completed my first "Highly Sensitive and Highly Awesome!" online workshop in collaboration with Shine From Within! I worked with 3 AH-MAY-ZING girls who now realise that being a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) makes them incredibly special and unique.... Each mentee recieved a workbook with the image below in it - HSP Superwoman. Mentees were asked to decorate their superwoman in their own unique HSP superpowers. I truly love my work and I feel so truly honoured every time I am able to connect with, support and mentor girls Theres still room to book in for classes on: Saturday 11th July, 3pm AEST Wednesday 15th July, 11am AEST Book here! **EDIT: I should probably explain the "in-built poo detector" superpower! HSPs have a phenomenal CRAP detector, in that we can smell fake people a million miles away! We can tell when people are being insincere, sneaky and when situations are "off" and things dont feel right. Yay superpower inution!!!!
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