Sparrow Early Learning Wyndham Waters in Williams Landing, Victoria | Nursery
Sparrow Early Learning Wyndham Waters
Locality: Williams Landing, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 8360 8088
Address: 1 Bronzewing St 3027 Williams Landing, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Wondering about what kinder program we offer? Well you are in luck! Usually about this time in the year we hold a kindergarten information night but now you can watch from the comfort of your seat. So, what makes our kinder program unique?... Well, our kinder program is delivered by a Qualified teacher who is passionate and dedicated, building strong relationships that leaves a print in young childrens lives. Our program has diverse opportunities for learning, embracing community and social experiences through inquiry based play experiences. Interested? Check out the video for more information on our kinder program. If you have any questions get in touch and we will be happy to help.
25.01.2022 Children of different ages use and create with blocks in different ways. There is no right or wrong way to build with blocks, as every child is unique in the way that they choose to approach this material. Playing with different types of blocks provide children with endless opportunities for development and open ended play!... Here at Sparrow Early Learning Wyndham Waters, children from all rooms have been engaging in block play, developing their creativity and imagination and extending on their physical and social development.
24.01.2022 Miss Jenny is working closely with our PreKinders and Kinders in creating our compost. The children were invited to share their thought and observations on how our natural environment behaves, gets nutrients and grows our food.Then they learned the importance of the natural composting process.Got introduced to the tools and helped in the setting up of our centre compost. If you are looking for early education setting that supports learning and implementation of sustainable practices for your 3,4 or 5 year old, vacancies are available in our PreKinder and Kinder room. #SparrowEarlyLearning #ENROLOVER3
24.01.2022 Miss Nabanita came up with a daily activity for the educators in order to promote the wellbeing in Stage 4. Today we were all asked to share our favourite song and then the children draw the lucky song to be played and we learned the dance that goes along to it. Miss Clara was lucky enough to have her song chosen: Lungi Dance <3 What is your favourite song? Please... Share the link in the comment, so we can keep our educators dancing #SparrowELWyndhamWaters #SparrowValueFun #EducatorWellbeing See more
23.01.2022 SPARROW EDUCATOR OF THE MONTH CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Nazia S! Miss Nazia did outstanding work in supporting the leadership team in implementing the Sparrow Way of Education and collaborated closely with families and children in implementing inclusive practices in our Service. Thank you for being amazing! We are proud we have you on our team!
22.01.2022 Have you ever tried Aboriginal Flag pancakes? NoWell look no further, to celebrate National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day, our Chef Jenny put on a little cooking show for the children making pancakes. Using natural ingredients, tumeric, beetroot and charcoal to bring about the colours of the Aboriginal Flag. ... Ingredients: 1cup Self raising flour 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 ts Baking soda 1cup buttermilk add Tumeric/Beetroot/Charcoal for colour 2tp butter Combined all ingredients till a smooth consistency Make 3 batches to add seperate colour Have fun making this at home.
22.01.2022 Our educators work on building secure relationships with the children and their families, create the learning environment, respond to the childs interests and cues and scaffold them to achieve their developmental milestones. If you are looking for a warm and caring educational environment for your baby, vacancies are available in our Nursery #SparrowEarlyLearning #VACANCIES #Nursery
22.01.2022 Our PreK and Kinders have made their colourful rain sticks and are giving a go at singing the wonderful theme song:"We are stronger when we are together. This is only one of the many ways we acknowledge Indigenous Culture in Our Service. How do you teach your children about the First Owners of the Land?
22.01.2022 Big thanks to our Welbeing leader for looking after the team! Miss Nabanita organised a wonderful 10 minute yoga session for the team. We got to work on relaxing our head,neck and back. Follow the link and give it a go with your family: #SparrowEarlyLearning... #InspireNurtureGrow See more
21.01.2022 Today our Gardner removed a shrub that didnt survive the winter, we learnt it was a gathering spot for many snails. Spring is the time when many interesting garden inhabitants are getting active. Have you checked who lives in your garden? #SparrowELWyndhamWaters #ExplorersAndWonderers... #MakingSenseOfTheWorldThroughPlay See more
20.01.2022 Creativity, fun, coordination, togetherness. All in one moment. Our kinder and Pre-Kinder children are making the most of this beautiful sunshine and outdoor play to create their own Sparrow gig. ... Not sure about you, but I feel like dancing #WeAreSparrow #SparrowEarlyLearning #whyndhamwaters
20.01.2022 Today is the perfect day to make some slime and enjoy the sensory relaxation with your children! Please follow the instructions from miss Nazia in this video she prepared for our remote learners in the Nursery! #rainydayexperiences #havingfunwithlime #familylearningtime
19.01.2022 Today the PreKinders and Kidners went on a shape hunting game in the yard. Collected first rocks and leaves, created their own shape sequences and discussed the shapes present in our yard. Great game for fostering early math and literacy concepts and it is so much FUN too! What shapes can you find in your garden, share your sequences with us! #playbasedlearning... #preparingchildrenforlife See more
19.01.2022 Lots of room on my broom! #sparrowearlylearningWyndhamWaters #childrenbookweek2020 #dressupday #SparrowValueFun
18.01.2022 Happy First Day of Spring everybody! We are starting to see some seedlings from our seeds in the garden, all that hard work is slowly paying off. We are very successful with our compost bin development too! Thanks to lots of hands to feed it and tumbling it every day! How are your garden projects going? ... #SparrowELWyndhamWaters #SustainabilityPractices #LittleGardnesrs #SpringIntoSpring See more
18.01.2022 Our Kinder and Pre-Kinder Teachers and children are staying connected via zoom meetings, building and strengthening our relationships during Stage 4 Lockdown. As some of our children are currently not attending, we have decided to schedule weekly catch ups via Zoom, so that they can stay in touch with their peers and educators. Well done Kinder children on your first meeting! #SparrowEarlyLearning#wyndhamwaters #sparrowelwyndhamwaters #stayingconnected #strongrelationships #stage4lockdown #wearestrongertogether
17.01.2022 Children have been busy making new discoveries this week in occasion of National Science Week. Our Toddlers have been learning about a process called Capillary Action, by witnessing how colored water in a jar travels up the paper towel and back down into another jar. Our Pre-Kinder children have been learning how to create drawings and patterns in milk, using food coloring and cotton tips. ... "Children are born eager to learn. Curious by nature, you cant keep them from exploring as they try to comprehend their environment. Everything is a wonder. Childrens enthusiastic curiosity doesnt need to diminish over time. When conditions allow children to satisfy curiosity through safe, self-initiated, and playful exploration, learning occurs naturally. As children investigate, the experiences simultaneously fuel emotional, social, intellectual, physical, and ethical development". by Karen Stephens #nationalscienceweek #scienceexperiment #curiosity #discovery #SparrowEarlyLearning #wyndhamwaters
16.01.2022 This Thank you note is keeping us going through Stage 4 all the way! Role modeling mutual respect and appreciation is very important early learning lesson for children. Thank you to our wonderful families for their respect and support! #sparrowvalues #respect
16.01.2022 Our sandpits and garden beds have been topped up with new mulch and sand, making our outdoor space look even more inviting. Different materials such as kitchen utensils, loose parts, gardening tools and natural resources have been added to our sandpits, mud pit and mulch areas to create new learning, interest and possibly new challenges. Our aim is to promote exploration, creativity participation and a sense of wonder through our outdoor program. #ReggioEmiliaApproach #beinspired #outdoorplay #SparrowEarlyLearning #wyndhamwaters #sparrowelwyndhamwaters
15.01.2022 * Pyjama party in progress * Our kinder and pre-kinder children are having so much fun, dancing, blowing bubbles, face paining and reading stories in oaccasion of National Pyjama Day. #SparrowEarlyLearning... #WeAreSparrow #Fun #Passion #ValueInAction #NationalPyjamaDay See more
15.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Nabanita being our Educator of the Month! Thank you Miss Nabanita for making a difference in our Educators Lives during Stage 4 restrictions. hank you for going that extra mile and creating a happy and nurturing work place for us. Thank you for looking after everyones well being! #EducatorOfTheMonth
14.01.2022 Let's introduce our kindergarten teacher Ms Isabel and our educator Ms Nabanita. The kindergarten room is such an exciting experience for children, an opportunity to learn and connect with our self-identities and individual development. There is so much fun, play, investigations, projects and experiences happening that it is more than just learning, it is learning to be the best version of themselves to prepare them for the world and more. Now, what is the best memory you h...ave from a young child? Happy Friday and Happy Diwali to all our families
13.01.2022 Congrats to Sharan S Kandhari for winning the Peter Alexander gift voucher! Thank you, Sharan for helping us spread awareness and funds for the Pyjama Foundation. Thank you to all the wonderful families and educators that donated and helped us raise $160 for the pyjama foundation. #SparrowEarlyLearning #PJDAY20... #MakingADifference See more
13.01.2022 Today we celebrate our amazing Educators and all that they do for the children, families and our Service. Thank you for everything you do! Happy Early Childhood Educators Day #WeAreSparrow #SparrowEarlyLearning #ECED2020 #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay2020
12.01.2022 People of all ages can enjoy gardening, but children in particular will have lots of fun and gain special benefits. Gardening is educational and develops new skills including: Responsibility from caring for plants Understanding as they learn about cause and effect (for example, plants die without water, weeds compete with plants) Self-confidence from achieving their goals and enjoying the food they have grown Love of nature a chance to learn about the outdoor environm...ent in a safe and pleasant place Reasoning and discovery learning about the science of plants, animals, weather, the environment, nutrition and simple construction Physical activity doing something fun and productive Cooperation including shared play activity and teamwork Creativity finding new and exciting ways to grow food Nutrition learning about where fresh food comes from. Source: #SparrowELWyndhamWaters #LittleGardners #CareForOurEnvironment #SpringIsComming See more
11.01.2022 Looking for ways to support your own and your childs wellbeing? Engaging with your children keeps you focussed on the present and gives you an opportunity to feel in control of your life and have a sense of achievement. Please follow this diagram to support your childs and family mental health Source: Community Child Care Association #SparrowELWyndhamWaters... #SparrowValueMakingADifference #ChildrensHealthAndWellbeing #CollaborationWithFamilies See more
10.01.2022 Flap the fish race on a rainy day. A game that definitely got the whole room involved. Children helped cutting the fish and creating fans. They also decorated their fish and fan and put all their energy and coordination forward to flap their fish!... Well done children! #sparrowwyndhamwaters #WeAreSparrow #fun
10.01.2022 This morning one child organised the blocks in a manner that created a high tower, then she moved on to other area of interest, another child came and added some animal figurines, and in midday, a third child was organizing little vehicles around the majestic constructed work of his peers. Block play is an amazing experience, has inspired creation through trial and error challenges, appreciation of others achievements, inclusiveness and sense of agency and belonging. If you are looking for Education and Care setting that supports your toddlers creativity and respectful relationships with the community, please contact us vacancies are available. #SparrowEarlyLearning #ToddlerVacancies
08.01.2022 Did you know that you can book casual days straight from your mobile phone? Use the KindyNow app to notify of absences and to book casual days. Download via the App Store or GooglePlay #KindyNow #BookChildcare #SparrowEarlyLearning
08.01.2022 Growing plants from seeds is a great way to start gardening earlier in the season. Today, our children and educators have been busy planting seeds into recycled cups and containers filled with potting soil. This process will help seeds to germinate before they can be moved into bigger pots. Children develop positive attitudes and values by engaging in learning experiences such as gardening and taking care of plants. When educators model sustainable practices, they foster c...hildrens capacity to understand, respect, care for and appreciate the natural environment. #sparrowelwyndhamwaters #gettingreadyforspring
07.01.2022 We are stronger together! The PreK and Kinder children made and used their rain stick and played to the tunes of the Song:We are stronger together. This is one of the ways we acknowledge Indigenous culture in our service. How do you teach your children about the First owners of the land?... #sparrowelwyndhamwaters #Naidocweeks2020 See more
07.01.2022 Handcrafted flatbread and hummus dip with veggie sticks is one of our favourite afternoon teas :) Please see this short video of how to make your own flatbread demonstrated by our amazing cook Jenny, dont forget to get your children involved in the making and promote those early math and science concepts <3 #SParrowELWyndhamWaters #NuritionalMenu #SparrowValues... #Passion #KeepConnected #WeAreInThisTogether See more
06.01.2022 Happy Educator Day to all amaizing educators out there! Special thanks to our Wyndham Waters team for providing a safe,caring and peaceful learning environment for our community and children #SparrowELWyndhamWaters #SparrowValues #makingadifference... #passion #EducatorDay2020 See more
06.01.2022 Dear families, Are you curious to know how we can help our children understand the benefits of healthy eating? If your answer is yes, there is a wonderful learning opportunity waiting for you with this free webinar tonight at 7 pm:... "Practical Tips on how to help Children understand the benefits of Healthy Eating" with Professor Felice Jacka and Dr Tetyana Rocks Please follow the link below to register, dont miss this opportunity :-) Enjoy
05.01.2022 we are in celebration mode, preparing for the upcoming Diwali! look at the beautful Diya’s, our children made to light the holiday of Diwali! How does your family celebrate Diwali? #SparrowELWyndhamWaters #Multiculturalcelebration... #Service #Passion #Reciprocalrightsandresponsibilities See more
03.01.2022 Here at Sparrow Early Learning Wyndham Waters, relationships are everything! We talk about foundations a lot but it mostly refers to preparing children for school. Scissor cutting is a foundation for pencil holding, letter recognition is the foundation of the ability to read and write. RELATIONSHIPS is the foundation for everything. Strong relationships helps cultivate trust, confidence, resilience, respect, empathy.the list goes on!... If children feel safe, secure, respected and LOVED they are much more likely to succeed in all other areas of learning.
03.01.2022 Here is a little sneak peek into some of our emerging new environments, inspired by the Reggio Emila philosophy and our intensive Sparrow Way educator professional education.
02.01.2022 Our Wellbeing leader Miss Nabnita organised another yoga session for our team today.This time she included some aromatherapy with freshly picked mint and flowers from her garden. Thank you Miss Nabanita for looking after us #EducatorWellbeingPart2 #SparrowEarlyLearning
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