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Elemental Training and Consulting


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24.01.2022 This looks amazing

24.01.2022 "We defy: By existing; By determining our identity; By asserting our histories; our culture; our language; By telling our stories, our way; By being one of the oldest continuous living cultures in the world." - Tina Baum, NGA Curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art

23.01.2022 Racism is complex and can be dismantled! Are you using the Elemental Training anti-racism program in your work or school? Someones life could literally depend on it.

23.01.2022 Struggling financially more than their parents did, this crisis period of the mid-twenties is characterised by insecurities, disappointments, loneliness and depression. The stark reality is that todays generation of young people is the first to be worse off than their parents on a number of key social and economic measures. Prolonged periods of unemployment and underemployment have serious implications on a young persons self-esteem and general mental health as they trans...ition to adulthood. Today 40% of young people identify as having low levels of social and emotional wellbeing. Among 18 to 24 year-olds who are looking for work, 28% reported anxiety in the previous year and 41% said they were affected by stress. In their 2018 New Work Reality report, the Foundation for Young Australians stated that at age 25, young people are increasingly reporting they feel like they cant get anywhere and are struggling to navigate a career path in a rapidly changing world of work.

22.01.2022 Are you a young person with lived experience you'd like to share? Do you enjoy listening to young people's stories and representing them to make change? Check out this pretty huge opportunity at the Australian Red Cross.

22.01.2022 Right wing extremism grows in times of crisis. And it is our duty to guard against it.

21.01.2022 "In many ways, last summers fire season is a reminder of the brutal acquisition of land in Australia and its ongoing consequences for all Australians. The chal...lenges involved in helping to right this wrong, by enabling Aboriginal people to use their fire management practices, are complex. They span social justice, funding, legal liability, cultural rights, fire management and science. Fundamentally, we must recognise that Aborigines are fire people who live on fire country. Its time to embrace this ancient fact." A great article in the vein of National Reconciliation Week with contributions from our Firesticks Co-chair Andry Sculthorpe #reconcilliationweek #righfirerightcountry #letusdrivethiscountry

20.01.2022 STARTTS own Dayana Yakho, Mental Health Community Living Support for Refugees (CLSR) Officer, spoke recently with SBS Assyrian on culture and identity from the perspective of her own refugee experience. #MentalHealth #Youth #Culture #Identity #ThirdCulture #Migration #Belonging

20.01.2022 I hope you have a good day and keep doing what you are doing! It really is making an impact!I hope you have a good day and keep doing what you are doing! It really is making an impact!

19.01.2022 This makes a lot of sense to me

18.01.2022 Prime Minister Scott Morrison asserted in a radio interview that there was no slavery in Australia. This is a common misunderstanding which often obscures our... nations history of exploitation of First Nations people and Pacific Islanders. Morrison followed up with Ive always said weve got to be honest about our history. Unfortunately, his statement is at odds with the historical record. This history was widely and publicly documented, among other sources, in the 2006 Australian Senate report Unfinished Business: Indigenous Stolen Wages.

18.01.2022 Do you know a young person who makes a difference in the community or who is an inspiration to others?

17.01.2022 This free training opportunity looks amazing. If you work with CALD young people in Fairfield NSW I encourage you to sign up!

16.01.2022 Cant wait to tell you all about Elementals next project Listening to Country, Talking to Each Other. Alongside Ancestors Singing andMulticultural Youth Affairs Network - MYAN NSW we will be making exciting things happen. What does Listening to Country mean to you? Image: Full Moon rises on the road from Oberon to Blackheath on Gundagarra nation territories

14.01.2022 Racism and its harmful impacts are often considered an inter-personal issue and not a systemic one. Many think that if they are nice to each other then racism or discrimination cant happen. This program - currently being delivered in five countries around the world - will challenge your long-held views of how concepts of race, power and privilege work to keep certain members in, and others systemically locked out and what you can do in your every day working life to change this for better outcomes for people. The program is available for download online for $110 at

14.01.2022 Twenty-four years ago today, Keshia Thomas was 18 years old when the KKK held a rally in her home town of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Hundreds of protesters turned out... to tell the white supremacist organization that they were not welcome in the progressive college town. At one point during the event, a man with a SS tattoo and wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with a Confederate flag ended up on the protesters' side of the fence and a small group began to chase him. He was quickly knocked to the ground and kicked and hit with placard sticks. As people began to shout, "Kill the Nazi," the high school student, fearing that mob mentality had taken over, decided to act. Thomas threw herself on top of one of the men she had come to protest, protecting him from the blows, and told the crowd that you "can't beat goodness into a person." In discussing her motivation for this courageous act after the event, she stated, "Someone had to step out of the pack and say, 'this isn't right'... I knew what it was like to be hurt. The many times that that happened, I wish someone would have stood up for me... violence is violence - nobody deserves to be hurt, especially not for an idea." Thomas never heard from the man after that day but months later, a young man came up to her to say thanks, telling her that the man she had protected was his father. For Thomas, learning that he had a son brought even greater significance to her heroic act. As she observed, "For the most part, people who hurt... they come from hurt. It is a cycle. Let's say they had killed him or hurt him really bad. How does the son feel? Does he carry on the violence?" Mark Brunner, the student photographer who took this now famous photograph, added that what was so remarkable was who Thomas saved: "She put herself at physical risk to protect someone who, in my opinion, would not have done the same for her. Who does that in this world?" In response to those who argued that the man deserved a beating or more, Pulitzer Prize-winning commentator Leonard Pitts Jr. offered this short reflection in The Miami Herald: "That some in Ann Arbor have been heard grumbling that she should have left the man to his fate, only speaks of how far they have drifted from their own humanity. And of the crying need to get it back. Keshia's choice was to affirm what they have lost. Keshia's choice was human. Keshia's choice was hope." For two uplifting picture books for children about the power of kindness, we highly recommend "Be Kind" for ages 3 to 7 ( and "I Walk With Vanessa" for ages 4 to 8 ( For an excellent bullying prevention guide that teaches kids how to stand up for themselves and others in a positive, productive manner, we highly recommend "Stand Up for Yourself and Your Friends" for ages 7 to 12 at For two wonderful books that help foster children's compassion for others by giving them a visual way to think about kindness, we recommend "Have You Filled a Bucket Today: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids" for ages 4 to 8 ( and its sequel "Growing Up With A Bucket Full Of Happiness" for ages 9 to 12 ( For stories for young readers that encourage them to take a stand on behalf of others -- even in the face of opposition -- we recommend "Unspoken: A Story From the Underground Railroad" for ages 4 to 8 (, "Dare" for ages 4 to 8 (, "Bully" for ages 7 to 11 (, "The Lions of Little Rock" for ages 10 to 13 (, and "To Kill A Mockingbird" for ages 12 and up ( For books for children and teens about the importance of standing up for others, regardless of the differences between them, visit our blog post "60 Mighty Girl Books About Standing Up for Others at And, for more books for children and teens about overcoming racial prejudice, visit our "Racial & Ethnic Discrimination" section at

14.01.2022 Do you agree? From thingsmadebyzulaikha

13.01.2022 Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander young person? Are you interested in learning how to tell the story of your cultural journey? Join us for a unique project in Western Sydney. ... The project Listening to Country, Talking to Each Other will bring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people together with newly arrived migrant young people to share stories, show empathy and build cross-cultural respect. If you are interested in participating, you will take part in: 1. A one day Witness the Journey workshop event with Ancestors Singing, Saturday 24 October 2020 2. A ceremonial process on Darug country 3. A unique opportunity to build cross-cultural connections with multicultural young people If this sounds like you, or you would like more info please contact Annukina Warda at Elemental Training [email protected] This project is proudly brought to you by Multicultural Youth Affairs Network - MYAN NSW

13.01.2022 This is interesting what do you think about this? Is Shisha smoking cultural - or bad for our health?

12.01.2022 Sorry means you dont do it again.

10.01.2022 "It means to me that my people are finally recognised and acknowledged by a government, showing they care," he said. He said the apology gave a strong platform to inform non-Indigenous Australians about the Stolen Generations and open a dialogue around the history of Indigenous Australians.

10.01.2022 "Your next breath will contain more than 400,000 of the argon atoms that Ghandi breathed in his long life. Argon atoms are here from the conversations of the Last Supper, from the arguments at Yalta, and from the recitations of the classic poets.'' And from exhalations of the dinosaurs, the whales and the sabre-toothed tigers. Air, says Suzuki, is 'a matrix that joins all life together,' past and future as well as present. We inhale our ancestors and exhale into the lungs of the children. Furthermore, by befouling the air - and the water, and the earth - we very literally befoul ourselves." From Blood and Honey: The Secret Herstory of South Slavic Women's Experiences in a Modern Day Territorial Warfare by Danica Borkovich Anderson, PhD (2015)

10.01.2022 I am proud to have co-designed an #antiracism learning resource with the support of the Australian Human Rights Commission. The resource is available on my website for download - or you can find a bunch of free materials at the link below. Let's do better by each other. Building a world based on the principle of #care is certainly worth the work.


10.01.2022 Australian Public Grant funding of between $80,000 and $1 million is available to non-government organisations (NGOs) that deliver online safety education to children, young people and their communities, or training to those who work with them. A total of $9 million will be allocated starting in mid-2020. This is an open competitive grants program for NGOs. Applications are NOW OPEN!

10.01.2022 I missed Autumn planting season...anyone recommend I plant seeds in winter? Sydney location, little frost. What have you been planting?

10.01.2022 We can create the communities we want to live in

09.01.2022 Thanks to all new likes, shares and comments!Thanks to all new likes, shares and comments!

09.01.2022 Antiracism work is critical work. Every educator must include anti racism work in their work. Every not for profit must use staff meetings to dismantle racism. Just because your school or workplace is diverse does not mean it is a space free of racism. How are you doing it?

09.01.2022 Hope is such a white concept, Heglar said. Youre supposed to have the courage first, then you have the action, then you have the hope. But white people put hope at the front. Their insistence on hope for all of these years has led to exactly where? Nowhere.

08.01.2022 Children’s parliament in Liverpool

07.01.2022 Reading yet another report where young people are saying that racism and discrimination is among the top three issues they experience. Educators, youth workers - stop assuming your workplace is culturally safe for everyone just because it is multi-racial! Want to be anti-racist? Get in touch for youth designed programs that guide you step by step. It's uncomfortable work, but easier than you think.

07.01.2022 A lot of anti-racism education is based around teaching people to learn about other cultures. Racism runs deeper than understanding how people eat or pray. It is about power and the ways that power and privilege play out in our everyday lives, even subconsciously.

07.01.2022 An important read as we listen to First Nations young people

06.01.2022 My sincere grief, outrage and words of courage go to the Black communities of the world tonight. The weight of the grief of watching countless murders of young, beautiful Black kids in their prime at the hands of the White supremacist state sits heavily. It sits heavily for me as a displaced person with more settler privileges than Aboriginal people on their own country. It sits heavy with me because our world is reduced to these five minute soap box gestures on social media that dont dismantle structural or interpersonal racism. My soul is so tired for speaking out against murder. Can the subaltern speak, asks Giyatri Spivak? How many voices in slums across the world dont have this golden moment that I have. Yes and no, she answers. But just because no one is listening does not mean we dismiss (the work) with a flourish.

05.01.2022 I understand this statement to mean that inter-dependence and biodiversity are active participation-what do you think? I love this provocation into the concept of activism.

05.01.2022 Today's "Spread the Love, not the Virus! Pay it forward." goes to All Together Now - The only national not-for-profit organisation in Australia dedicated solely to promoting the prevention of racism. #GeorgeFloyd - #EraseRacism

02.01.2022 "The reality is, growing up in the area and community that I did, I was only a breath away from a very different life. For other kids around me, I saw violence, poverty, and high levels of incarceration." I was interviewed for an online mag recently. You may wish to check it out.

02.01.2022 10 Documentaries to watch about race. Instead of asking a person of colour, you can teach yourself in your own time

02.01.2022 Listening to Country, Talking to Each Other is a new intercultural initiative for young people brought to you by Multicultural Youth Affairs Network - MYAN NSW, Ancestors Singing and Elemental Training. This project will invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to share the story of their cultural journey to newly arrived migrant and refugee young people. Aboriginal young people will be supported to do this work in a culturally safe environment (led by Ance...stors Singing) and share with other young people in ceremonial ways led by Aboriginal specialists and elders on Darug country. Young people who arrive to Australia as migrants or refugees have experienced terrible violence, poverty and extreme conditions. They are often very passionate about learning the real history of Australia and wish to build bridges, heal cultural wounds and make inter-cultural connections with Aboriginal young people. Why? To build empathy, increase trust, fight racism and create a world we all want to live in. Please contact me if you have any questions, and if you know of any fabulous young people you think would like to be involved please comment, share and like! With my sincerest respect for elders and country, Annukina

02.01.2022 By 2020, instead of classes in physics, math, literature, history or geography, Finland is going to introduce a different approach to life through education. Welcome to the phenomenon based learning!

01.01.2022 Seen in Parramatta yesterday #parramatta#darug

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