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Specialist Garden Services in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Home improvement

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Specialist Garden Services

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9560 1110


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25.01.2022 Huge congratulations to our boss Damian for completing the IRONMAN Asia-Pacific Championship in a total time of 12 hours 21 minutes 40 seconds. Including a 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42km run, raced in that order - without a break!!! #ironmancairns #IMcairns #ironman #triathlon #cairns #nunatriclub

24.01.2022 Whos excited to see the Shayn and Carlys Garden Reveal on House Rules Sunday night??? #HouseRules #gardenreveal #dreamaussiegarden #doneinaday #gardencleanups #softlandscaping #specialistgardenservices

23.01.2022 Were continuing to grow...

23.01.2022 Reminder our office will be closed for annual holidays from 12 oclock noon on Friday 21st December 2018. We re-open refreshed on Wednesday 2nd January 2019. Should you require a service during this time, our field staff will be able to accommodate on a pre-booked basis. Please let us know before office closes if you require a service during this time. #holidays #christmastime #christmasiscoming #christmascountdown #festive

22.01.2022 Congratulations to Costa Georgiadis host of Gardening Australia for taking out the @tvweekmag Logie for Most Popular Presenter! A win for gardeners everywhere!!! #tvweeklogies #gardeningaustralia #horticulture #gardening #doneinaday #winning

22.01.2022 Were off and running to get ready for Santa!!

22.01.2022 Ventured out into the garden lately? Here's our "TIP OF THE WEEK", to help keep your garden neat and tidy! TASK: Hand remove weeds from garden beds. See photos to help you Identify the 3 common weeds: 1) weeds taking over 2) dandelion 3) chickweed 4) oxalis... WHY?: Instantly makes the garden look neat. Importantly your plants don't need to compete for nutrients. EQUIPMENT: Gloves, knee pads or kneel board, green bin or garden waste bag. DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY: Basic

20.01.2022 Damian and Michelle visited the beautiful Alowyn Gardens while at last weeks D.M.I.S. conference in the Yarra Valley. Everything has been Winter pruned and deciduous trees are all bare. Hoping to visiting again in Spring/Summer to see the seasonal transformation! #pruning #winter #yarravalley #alowyngardens #specialistgardenservices #doneinaday #beforeafter

20.01.2022 Spring has sprung! We need more hands on deck.

19.01.2022 Very excited to be attending D.M.I.S. conference next month. Lodging at the gorgeous Stonehill Retreat, with inspiration provided by the beautiful Yarra Valley Region! #stonehillretreat #airbnb #yarraglen #yarravalley #visitvictoria #conference #specialistgardenservices

17.01.2022 Were all set for tomorrows Anzac Day dawn service at home. For tips on your own commemoration at home visit: #anzacathome #dawnserviceathome #anzacspirit #rsl #lightupthedawn #anzacday #lestweforget #rememberthem #commemorate

17.01.2022 Doing our bit to keep Australias economy going! We need another 4 garden lovers to join our team!

16.01.2022 Looking forward to the magic and wonder this garden will bring!

16.01.2022 Friday Flash Back of a beautiful landscape makeover in Sandhurst. #softlandscaping #landscapeconcepts #gardenmakeover #doneinaday #specialistgardenservices #flashbackfriday

14.01.2022 The giant fridge magnets are back! #careers #employment #nowhiring #jobs #work #jobseeker #joinus #garden #gardener #gardening #horticulturist #horticulture #landscaping #landscaper #nursery

13.01.2022 Damian and Michelle attended The Landscape Show at Mooney Valley Racecourse today. Great to catch up with all our favorite suppliers StrathAyr Instant Lawn Plantmark, Wantirna FormBoss Steel Garden Edging and Smart Water Shop #thelandscapeshow #masterlandscapers #landscapingvictoria #mooneyvalleyracecourse #strathayr #plantmark #formboss #smartwater

10.01.2022 CHEERS to the New Year! Wishing everyone a happy and safe evening. #happynewyear #nye #party #newyear #celebration #champagne

09.01.2022 Ventured out into the garden lately? Heres our "TIP OF THE WEEK", to help keep your garden neat and tidy! TASK: Hand remove weeds from garden beds. See photos to help you Identify the 3 common weeds: 1) weeds taking over 2) dandelion 3) chickweed 4) oxalis... WHY?: Instantly makes the garden look neat. Importantly your plants dont need to compete for nutrients. EQUIPMENT: Gloves, knee pads or kneel board, green bin or garden waste bag. DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY: Basic

09.01.2022 Damian and Michelle were privileged to attend "An evening with Mike" at Harbour Kitchen Docklands, last night. Mike Michalowicz is an entrepreneur, lecturer and author of five business books including; Clockwork, Profit First, Surge, The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur. Huge thank you to Laura Elkaslassy - Profit Pioneer CEO of Profit First Professionals Australia for hosting this inspiring event! #mikemichalowicz #event #harbourkitchen #profitpioneer

09.01.2022 Were all in this together! Like all responsible, caring businesses around the world right now, we are doing our bit to "flatten the curve". Safety for our customers and employees is obviously our highest priority, were doing the social distancing thing, theres soap and sanitiser everywhere and theres lots of extra cleaning going on.... To book in some gardening, ask questions please dont hesitate to call our office! #staysafe #stillworking #damnyoucovid19 #supportlocaljobs #supportaustralians #viewfrommywindow #gardening #gardenmaintenance #softlandscaping #gardencleanups #doneinaday #specialistgardenservices

09.01.2022 Please feel free to share this ad among family and friends! #nowhiring #careers #employment #resume #jobhunt #humanresources #specialistgardenservices #doneinaday

08.01.2022 Gorgeous new planting of existing courtyard in Williamstown. Being the area had dappled light, we choose; liriope evergreen giant, nandina Moon Bay, heleborus orientalis, arthripodium cirrhatum, loropetulum China Pink. #gardenmakeover #softlandscaping #gardencleanup #specialistgardenservices #doneinaday #beforeafter

08.01.2022 Congratulations to our boss Damian, who competed in the worlds biggest triathlon at Noosa earlier this month!!! Damian managed to shave around 10 minutes off last years finish time and obtained personal best times in the ride and run. Follow his journey to Ironman World Championships on Instagram @damianwood75 #fitboss

08.01.2022 In an electronic age, beautiful handwriting, let alone the art of Calligraphy is rare indeed. A huge Thank you to Regina who has been hand writing our client Christmas Cards for the past 17 years! #ChristmasTradition #TisTheSeason #SeasonsGreetings #ChristmasCheer #ChristmasIsComing #ChristmasAroundTheCorner

07.01.2022 Excited to be attending The Landscape Show on Thursday!

07.01.2022 A rare entry level opening for one deserving aspirant!! #newcareer #entrylevelposition #jobseeker #seek #employment #gardener #horticulturist #gardeningjob #workoutdoors #getoutside #melbournejobs #newrecruit #jobtraining #tafe #jora #indeed #careerone #jobboard #newjob #newteam #freshstart #sgs #specialistgardenservices #doneinaday #mentor #lifebydesign #coaching

06.01.2022 Missing us yet? Heres our "TIP OF THE WEEK", to help keep your garden neat and tidy! TASK: Rake up fallen leaves from lawn areas, garden beds, paths and patios.... WHY?: Instantly makes the garden look neat. Lets sunlight onto the lawn, helping it stay lush. EQUIPMENT: Leaf rake, gloves, green bin or garden waste bag. DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY: Basic

04.01.2022 We're starting to see new shoots all through the garden...see photo. Here's another "TIP OF THE WEEK", to help keep your garden neat and tidy! TASK: Treat roses and other plants for Aphid (the tiny green bugs in second photo).... WHY?: Aphids love those fresh new shoots on your roses and other plants. EQUIPMENT: Gloves, mask, White Oil / Pest Oil in a spray bottle. You can mix your own mild solution of water and a few drops of dish soap in a clean spray bottle. DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY: Basic

02.01.2022 We visited Gardenworld Nursery yesterday in search of some new pots for our office. Fun to explore all the different areas; gifts and homewares, water features, pots, Collectors Corner filled with eccentricities and of course no visit would be complete without a stopping at Gardenworld Cafe for some delicious refreshments! #nursery #cafe #gardeninspiration #gardencentre #specialistgardenservices #doneinaday

02.01.2022 Looking forward to watching this new planting at Ferny Creek develop and flourish into a lush oasis! We chose jasmine, birds nest fern, Japanese maple, tree fern and dieties to thrive in the shade and cool climate. #planting #plants #softlandscape #landscapedesign #landscapeconcepts #organiccompost #gardenmakeover #gardenrenovation #doneinaday #gardencleanup #specialistgardenservices

02.01.2022 Big thank you to the team Graphic Effects for the very professional signwriting our of new Hiace van. #vinylsigns #graphics #branding #logo #companylogo #brandvibe #vehiclegraphics #companycar #toyotahiace #specialistgardenservices #doneinaday

02.01.2022 Last week we tackled those pesky weeds! Here's another "TIP OF THE WEEK", to help keep your garden neat and tidy! TASK: Shallow cultivate soil in garden beds to loosen crusted soil. ... WHY?: To optimise penetration of air, water and nutrients. Bonus, freshly cultivated beds look really neat, see photos below of freshly cultivated beds. EQUIPMENT: Gloves, long handled 3-prong cultivator, see photo. You can use a hand cultivator, but for large areas, this can be hard on you back. DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY: Basic

02.01.2022 Missing us yet? Here's our "TIP OF THE WEEK", to help keep your garden neat and tidy! TASK: Rake up fallen leaves from lawn areas, garden beds, paths and patios.... WHY?: Instantly makes the garden look neat. Lets sunlight onto the lawn, helping it stay lush. EQUIPMENT: Leaf rake, gloves, green bin or garden waste bag. DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY: Basic

01.01.2022 Melbournes temps are expected to soar to 44 degrees today. So Regina has come up with an ingenious way of protecting veggies and delicate ornamental plants by covering them with muslin cloth, held in place with clothes pegs. We like to call them ghosties. #summer #hotday #sun #sunnyday #sunscreen #plantprotection #specialistgardenservices #doneinaday

01.01.2022 Welcome back to students and staff of Rowville Secondary College. Our team visited over the holidays and planted up garden beds to complement their new building, in time for the Grand Opening! #gardenmakeover #softlandscaping #gardencleanup #rowvillesecondarycollege #specialistgardenservices #doneinaday #beforeafter

01.01.2022 Heres hoping everyone made Santas "Nice" List. #summerholiday #summervibes #vacation #summertime #holidays

01.01.2022 Hope the Easter Bunny paid you a visit! Wising everyone a beautiful Easter! #familygathering #happyeaster #chocolateeggs #egghunt #specialistgardenservices

01.01.2022 Exciting opportunity... do you know this person??? #gardener #horticulturist #2IC #career #opportunity

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