Special Needs Travel Australia in Hervey Bay, Queensland | Alternative & holistic health service
Special Needs Travel Australia
Locality: Hervey Bay, Queensland
Phone: +61 448 697 985
Address: 21 Colyton Street 4655 Hervey Bay, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.westernhealing.com.au
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23.01.2022 Problem behaviors in Share So what is a problem behavior? At the NCH we define it as an unwanted habit or addiction; something you feel you have no control over which affects your life and the lives of those you care about....Continue reading
18.01.2022 Just to be sure.. So nearly everyone's account is being hacked. The profile picture and your name are used to create a new facebook account. And then they want your friends to add them, your friends think it's you and accept. From this moment, the pirates can write what they want under your name!! ..... I want you to know I have no plans to open a new account, so please do not agree to a 2nd invitation from me!! Copy this message on your wall so that all your friends be warned! Do not share. Make a copy / paste.
18.01.2022 You are able to download our stop smoking hypnotic cd and weight loss cd direct from my new web site . www.westernhealing.com.au It is a long-held belief that smoking can calm you down. That is why many people turn to cigarettes to keep their stress levels at bay. But according to a new study, smokers have 70 per cent greater risk for anxiety and depression than do non-smokers and ex-smokers. Researchers say temporary relief from anxiety that smokers experience is only a brie...f release from feelings of withdrawal and cravings, but the withdrawals and cravings (hence the anxiety) wouldnt exist without the smoking. There is a belief from many smokers that smoking reduces anxiety and stress, which is in turn causing many smokers to put off quitting, said Dr Mike Knapton, British Heart Foundations associate medical director. Yet, instead of aiding people to relax, smoking increases anxiety and tension. When smokers light up, the feeling of reduced stress or relaxation is temporary and is soon replaced by withdrawal symptoms and cravings. While smoking temporarily reduces these cravings and feelings of withdrawal which are similar to feeling anxious or stressed it does not reduce or treat the underlying causes of stress. Among the 6,500 people involved in the study, 18.3 per cent of smokers reported suffering depression and anxiety compared with 10 per cent of non-smokers and 11.3 per cent of ex-smokers. Dispelling the myth that smoking is a stress reliever should be another motivating reason to finally kick the habit this See more
18.01.2022 Paul has just released a Stop Depression CD, that you can now buy online. To read more about the content of this CD Click Here While a depressed mood is usually referred to (and perceived) as negative, it can sometimes be subtly beneficial in helping a person adapt to circumstance. For example, physical illness, such as influenza, can lead to feelings of psychological malaise and depression that seem, at first, only to compound an already unpleasant situation. However, the ex...Continue reading
17.01.2022 www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 3 Major benefits of this morning drink to your body, health, and energy: ... According to a leading health publication, TheAlternativeDaily.com: "The health promoting benefits of lemons are powerful. For centuries, it has been known that lemons contain powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting components. We know that lemons are a great digestive aid and liver cleanser. Lemons contain citric acid, magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and limonene, which supercharge our immunity so that the body can fight infection. Lemons are considered one of the most alkalizing foods you can eat. This may seem untrue as they are acidic on their own. However, in the body, lemons are alkaline; the citric acid does not create acidity once it has been metabolized. The minerals in lemons are actually what helps to alkalize the blood. Most people are too acidic (from eating too much sugar and grains), and drinking warm lemon water helps reduce overall acidity, drawing uric acid from the joints. This reduces the pain and inflammation which many people feel. And the American Cancer Society recommends warm lemon water to encourage regular bowel movements." Benefits that you can enjoy: 1. Improves your digestion: Lemon juice helps your body improve digestion and stimulates bile production. Lemon juice can even be an aid for heartburn and indigestion. 2. Boosts your energy for the day: Even just the scent of lemon juice has been shown to improve your mood and energy levels, and reduce anxiety. Plus the detoxifying effect and alkalizing effect of fresh organic lemon juice can improve your energy through the removal of toxins from your body. 3. Helps you to lose fat: Since lemon juice helps to improve your digestive system, aids in removal of toxins, and increases your energy levels, this all combines together to help you to lose body fat as well through improving your hormonal balance... Yet another reason to add warm lemon water to your daily morning routine! Thats a pretty simple trick, right?
17.01.2022 www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 Natural Painkillers .. Note as always this is just background information, not medical advice or a recommendation to self-medicate. Pain may be an indicator of more serious issues and so if you have symptoms, medical consultation is advised. Also, be sure to ask your physician if there are any known interactions between herbs and medications you are taking....Continue reading
17.01.2022 www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 Heart Attack Prevention Tips 5 A heart attack is a dangerous-to-deadly cardiovascular event wherein the oxygen supply to the heart suddenly gets cut off. In official medical terms this is called an MI which stands for myocardial infarction. Heart tissue can be deprived of oxygen in a number ways, usually because the blood flow to the heart is slows or stops. When the coronary arteries of your heart get blocked by deposits of arterial pla...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Divest yourself of bad habits without pain and suffering with the help of hypnotherapist. Jan31 Sometimes, when you are given up with your life and you find nowhere to go. That time, hypnotherapist gives the new direction and program your mind in such way that it only response to the positivity. There are many hypnotherapists out there but it is very tricky to choose the right hypnotherapist for you. There are many courses, which teach them to talk slowly, relax the client an...d then read scripts at them. Hypnotherapy specialist Los Angeles Hypnotherapy Specialist There are certain things that an authentic hypnotherapist should know. The therapist should understand the hypnosis because there is no more to hypnosis than relaxation. If real hypnosis is achieved then the process of change is not about the therapy but is to solve the problem quickly. Not all the therapist know the hypnosis, they take it as a trade. Hypnotherapy is usually conducted by a trained professional who knows how to bring about the hypnotic state of mind and who also knows how to help him to come out of the deeply relaxed state completely which is as important. The therapist should not use the script as people are not alike so their nature and problems are. Once the hypnosis is achieved, there is no problem to be solved. For example, the anxiety you experience is not the same as the anxiety that someone else experience, so the therapist should not use the script and treat the patient according to their requirements. Hypnotherapy specialist Los Angeles tailors what they do to you and your experiences and also uses two way communications to check whether the therapy is working or not. Hypnotherapy is well known as therapeutic tool, which promotes as a method of smoking cessation, weight loss. It proposed to curb the desire to smoke and also strengthen the will power to quit smoking and program your mind to have only healthy food but in limit. A hypnotherapist can break down those walls of addiction.
14.01.2022 Smoking: Hayley Curtis, 27, is confident hypnotherapy is the key to kicking the habit www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 Hayley Curtis is confident she will be a non-smoker after following Julie Parrys stop smoking hypnosis program...Continue reading
14.01.2022 www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 5 Top Tips For Preventing Stroke:...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Question: What is Psychotherapy? Understanding Psychotherapy for Panic Disorder Answer: What is Psychotherapy? Psychotherapy is a treatment process used to help in the management of mental health and emotional disorders. This treatment option utilizes therapeutic techniques to assist the client in coping with the symptoms of ones condition. Psychotherapy is also referred to as talk therapy as it involves discussing ones personal problems and experiences....Continue reading
10.01.2022 Hypnotherapy is giving cool relief for menopausal hot flushes www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 A new report suggests hypnosis is almost uniquely effective in alleviating symptoms of the menopause. Like many women going through the menopause, marketing director Amanda Jones often suffered hot flushes at the worst possible moment. At one crucial business meeting last year, she felt so hot and sweaty that she had to nip to the loo and dry her hair with paper towels....Continue reading
10.01.2022 Just to be sure.. So nearly everyones account is being hacked. The profile picture and your name are used to create a new facebook account. And then they want your friends to add them, your friends think its you and accept. From this moment, the pirates can write what they want under your name!! ..... I want you to know I have no plans to open a new account, so please do not agree to a 2nd invitation from me!! Copy this message on your wall so that all your friends be warned! Do not share. Make a copy / paste.
09.01.2022 Now I want you to think about the top of your head... many people dont realise that tension often starts in the little muscles of the scalp, so I want you to think about those little muscles and the skin of your scalp and just allow them to let go and relax... now all the muscles of your face, just let them let go slack... your forehead and your eyes and eyelids... the cheeks, mouth and jaw muscles... its a wonderful feeling when you let your face totally relax, because you... can actually feel the skin settling, smoothing out... it might mean that your mouth opens slightly, but whatevers best to you, just let it happen... unclenching your teeth and relaxing your tongue, because the more you physically relax, the more you can mentally relax... thinking about your neck and shoulder muscles now, and into the tops of your arms, letting all tensions drain away as you think on down through your elbows... into your forearms... down through your wrists and into your hands... right the way down into the very tips of your fingers and tips of your thumbs... just letting all those muscles let go and relax... and now think about your breathing, noticing that youre breathing even more steadily, even more slowly, as you relax more and more, so you can let any tension in the chest area simply drain away as you think on down to your stomach muscles, letting those muscles relax, too... think down into your back now, the long muscles either side of the spine, just let those muscles relax... and your waist... and your main thigh muscles, as you think on down through your knees, down through the shins and calves, just allowing all those areas to relax and let go, as you think on down through your ankles, through your feet, into the very tips of your toes... all the muscles of your body beautifully relaxed and easy... very lazy... See more
09.01.2022 www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 Weve just discovered an amazing herbal remedy for migraines, along with a recipe for how to make it and had to share....Continue reading
07.01.2022 www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 Researchers at the University of Granada -- in collaboration with the Clinical Hospital San Cecilio and the University Rey Juan Carlos -- have shown that the psychological and physiological state of patients with tension headache improves within 24 hours after receiving a 30-minute massage.... As researchers explained, tension headaches have an increasing incidence in the population. This type of disorder is usually treated with analgesics, that relieve symptoms temporarily. One of the main causes of this type of headache is the presence of trigger points. Recently, new strategies for controlling this disabling pain are being studied. Physiological improvement Researcher Cristina Toro Velasco -- leader of the study, under Professor Manuel Arroyo Morales supervision -- has shown that a 30-minute massage on cervical trigger points improves autonomic nervous system regulation in these patients. Additionally, patients exhibit a better psychological state and "reduce the stress and anxiety associated to such a disturbing disorder." Similarly, patients report a perceived relief from symptoms within 24 hours after the massage. This might mean that massages may reduce the pain caused by trigger points, which would involve an improvement in the general state of patients. The results of this pioneer study were published in American Journal of Manipulative Physiological and Therapeutics. Story Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releas/2010//100708081233.htm
07.01.2022 www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 Brain research has shown that there is a split-second of time between a thought or urge and the resulting action. They call it "free wont." "In a nutshell, free wont refers to the minds veto power over brain-generated urges. Making that attention mindful and wise requires effort of the highest degree. That effort becomes causally efficacious on brain action through the mechanism of mental force...effort itself is the key to altering ones brain function." So as a result of "free wont" you can make the split second decision to not smoke of leave that last bit of food or not through that punch ."free wont" is what I want
06.01.2022 Hypnotherapy is giving cool relief for menopausal hot flushes www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 A new report suggests hypnosis is almost uniquely effective in alleviating symptoms of the menopause. Like many women going through the menopause, marketing director Amanda Jones often suffered hot flushes at the worst possible moment. At one crucial business meeting last year, she felt so hot and sweaty that she had to nip to the loo and dry her hair with paper towels....Continue reading
05.01.2022 Using Hypnosis To Quit Smoking Image Paul has just released a Quit Smoking CD, that you can now buy online. To read more about the content of this CD Click Here...Continue reading
05.01.2022 www.westernhealing.com.au 0427290401 3 Major benefits of this morning drink to your body, health, and energy: ... According to a leading health publication, TheAlternativeDaily.com: "The health promoting benefits of lemons are powerful. For centuries, it has been known that lemons contain powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting components. We know that lemons are a great digestive aid and liver cleanser. Lemons contain citric acid, magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and limonene, which supercharge our immunity so that the body can fight infection. Lemons are considered one of the most alkalizing foods you can eat. This may seem untrue as they are acidic on their own. However, in the body, lemons are alkaline; the citric acid does not create acidity once it has been metabolized. The minerals in lemons are actually what helps to alkalize the blood. Most people are too acidic (from eating too much sugar and grains), and drinking warm lemon water helps reduce overall acidity, drawing uric acid from the joints. This reduces the pain and inflammation which many people feel. And the American Cancer Society recommends warm lemon water to encourage regular bowel movements." Benefits that you can enjoy: 1. Improves your digestion: Lemon juice helps your body improve digestion and stimulates bile production. Lemon juice can even be an aid for heartburn and indigestion. 2. Boosts your energy for the day: Even just the scent of lemon juice has been shown to improve your mood and energy levels, and reduce anxiety. Plus the detoxifying effect and alkalizing effect of fresh organic lemon juice can improve your energy through the removal of toxins from your body. 3. Helps you to lose fat: Since lemon juice helps to improve your digestive system, aids in removal of toxins, and increases your energy levels, this all combines together to help you to lose body fat as well through improving your hormonal balance... Yet another reason to add warm lemon water to your daily morning routine! That's a pretty simple trick, right?
02.01.2022 Pain management can only be taught on the strength of a doctors referral and frequently in consultation with and supervision by him/her. There is good reason for this: pain is a symptom of something wrong in body and/or mind. If the primary cause of the pain is physical, the client can be taught to induce analgesia or anesthesia in the painful area. In these situations it is usually adviseable to reduce the pain but not eliminate it. The residual discomfort reminds the clien...Continue reading
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