Speckle Park International | Agriculture
Speckle Park International
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25.01.2022 The Board of Speckle Park International, as well as the subcommittees and members, would like to congratulate the Turnham Family of Waratah Speckle Park Stud on what was a fantastic sale yesterday. Support for this sale from the public was phenomenal, with Elite Livestock Auctions recording 201 registered bidders and an additional 428 observers. Our congratulations also go to the successful bidders on the purchases of their new animals - we wish you all the very best and look... forward to hearing about and supporting your future with the breed. Read the full article >> https://bit.ly/32JfpuT
22.01.2022 This is an article you need to read. Here are four takeaway points: 1. What happened? 137 heifers, comprised of 76 F1 Angus x Speckle Park and 61 Angus, were custom-fed together for 100 days as part of a feedlot trial run by the Speckle Park International Technical Subcommittee ... 2. Dollars per head: on average, the Speckle Park infused heifers returned $149 per head more than the Angus heifers, based on carcase weight 3. Carcase yield: the Angus heifers had a start weight of 20 kilos heavier than the F1 Speckle Park heifers and had a finishing weight 17kg heavier than the Speckle Park heifers, BUT, despite this weight difference, the Speckle Park heifers carcases weighed on average 2kg more than the Angus carcases 4. Marbling score: over 50% of the Speckle Park infused heifers received an MSA marbling score of 400+, and over 20% scored 500+. Of the Angus heifers, only 21.7% scored 400+ and 1.7% scored 500+ Congratulations to everyone involved with this successful feedlot trial, with special thanks due to the dedicated crew on our Technical Subcommittee.
22.01.2022 Congratulations to exhibitor Travis Luscombe and his steer Spotted Warrior, bred by Sowden Speckle Park, on taking out the $2500 jackpot of the 4 round Super Steer Series in the Combined Forces Show Steer & Heifer Sale!
22.01.2022 Fantastic results were achieved at JAD Speckle Parks Bull and Female Sale last week - a 100% clearance! Congratulations. 22/22 bulls sold to $16,000 (Lot 11, JAD Patience P74), average $7,591 20/20 registered females sold to $20,000, twice, Lot 35, JAD 52B Moya P30 to Toebelle Speckle Park Stud, Maitland NSW (pictured) and Lot 41, JAD 25U Yasemin P58, average $13,050. 3/3 PTIC recips sold to $8,000, average $6,333 ... 4/4 embryo packages sold, average $1,350/embryo and 9/9 semen packages sold, average $133/straw. 15/15 PTIC commercial heifers sold, average $3,200. See more
21.01.2022 This coming Monday, 31st of August is the Waratah Speckle Park Stud Genetic Vault Sale in Guyra, NSW, starting 10:30am local time. Up for auction will be: 194 females 77 bulls... 6 genetics packages Link to catalogue and supplementary sheet: http://www.waratahspecklepark.com/sale-2020/ http://www.waratahspecklepark.com//Waratah-Speckle-Park-20
21.01.2022 Are you wondering how to become a Speckle Park International member? Join us here: https://bit.ly/SPIMembership ... We’ve got memberships to suit everyone! There are many benefits to becoming a member, including: - register eligible purebred Speckle Park cattle - receive important SPI updates and breed news - exclusive member deals on advertising and promotion - attend and vote at our AGM to shape the direction of the society
20.01.2022 Great results for the Speckleme Elite Bull Sale crew in Rockhampton, Queensland today. 31 bulls, 100% clearance and a top price of $23,000 - congratulations.
20.01.2022 News from the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW last night - The Sydney Royal Easter Show will now run from the 1st of April to the 12th of April, a total of 12 days. The statement says this will enable events to take place in a less crowded capacity and enable better social distancing. Well done to the committee for their foresight in these unusual times. This show is a special one for us, as Speckle Park has been chosen as the 2021 Feature Breed, and we have all been looking forward to celebrating the breeds success together. Photo credit and thanks to Wattle Grove Speckle Park for this gorgeous shot of Maxie at last years show.
19.01.2022 Have you got questions about selling and buying Speckle Park cattle? Our SPI tip-sheet has important information to help both vendors and purchasers cover their bases and avoid problems down the line. Take a look >> https://bit.ly/3akcyfg
19.01.2022 Please note that the Scone Speckle Park Youth Show has been cancelled
18.01.2022 This Friday, 4th of September is the Minnamurra Speckle Parks Big Spring Sale at Mount Mill, Coolah, NSW - 1:00pm local time. Going under the hammer are: 60 purebred Speckle Park bulls 20 purebred Speckle Park heifers ... Sale will be interfaced with AuctionsPlus. Links below to catalogue and supplementary sheet: https://www.minnamurra.com.au/next-sale/ https://www.minnamurra.com.au//Supplementary-Sheet-2020-Up
18.01.2022 This Wednesday the 10th of June is the Below Sea Level Speckle Park Stud Sale in Ruawai, NZ. Sale starts at 1pm local time. On offer:... 30 Speckle Park bulls 4 Speckle Park females (2 secret lots) 6 embryo packages 8 semen lots Link to sale catalogue below! https://www.belowsealevel.co.nz/sales
17.01.2022 2021 Speckle Park World Congress Postponed - Speckle Park will remain as Feature Breed at the 2021 Sydney Royal Show We were saddened to make this decision to postpone the World Congress, however we will organise a Speckle Park World Congress event to be held once international travel restrictions have lifted. Speckle Park will remain as Feature Breed at the 2021 Sydney Royal Show and we are pleased to release the attached list of classes for this very special event. We have ...a touch over 10 months to go until the Speckle Park goes up in lights at the most prestigious beef cattle show in Australia! Speckle Park World Congress postponed THE impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on another breeds planned world congress, with Speckle Park International (SPI) today announcing the decision to postpone the breeds World Speckle Park Congress, originally scheduled to be held in conjunction with the 2021 Sydney Royal Show. The Speckle Park breed will remain as Feature Breed of the 2021 Sydney Royal Show, and there will be an elite Speckle Park sale, youth events, and a Speckle Park feature steer competition with significant cash prizes. Speckle Park International chairman, Wayne Munt, said due to uncertainty around recovery from the pandemic and resumption of international travel, it was unclear when the World Speckle Park Forum would now be held. We are looking forward to having the global Speckle Park community come together for the World Speckle Park Congress, with significant participation from Canadians and New Zealanders, Mr Munt said. This has been a difficult however prudent decision to ensure the efforts of organisers, and sponsorship support is rewarded through maximum participation in the event. Speckle Park International is grateful for the hard work already completed by the SPI World Congress Sub-Committee, and look forward to our breed benefiting from their contribution when the World Speckle Park Congress proceeds. http://specklepark.org/pdfupload/128.pdf
17.01.2022 Please note the Sydney Royal Easter Show has been cancelled. Updates can be found via the official website https://fal.cn/373Pa
15.01.2022 The 75th Annual Maungahina Stud Sale is on this Thursday July 2nd 2020, on-farm at Maungahina, Masterton NZ. 1:00pm local time On offer:... 19 registered Speckle Park bulls 4 semen packages Link to catalogue: https://issuu.com/bradleycul//maungahina-2020-catalogue/48
15.01.2022 10 days before early bird advertising rates for SPI members finish for the Speckle Park Magazine! You can book your spot at this link: https://bit.ly/bookSPIad Dont miss the early bird cutoff of August 28 to get the discount!
15.01.2022 Great news out of Rockhampton today! #Beef2021
15.01.2022 Dear SPI Members, Join us in celebrating all that is exciting about the Speckle Park breed, with the publication of the 2020 SPECKLE PARK Magazine. The SPI Marketing Sub-Committee is now calling for advertisements for this Speckle Park International (SPI) publication. This annual magazine will feature interesting and educational stories about the Speckle Park breed, in Australia and New Zealand, and a free copy will be mailed to all SPI Members. The magazine will be launched... in November, with all profits to be channelled into Speckle Park International (SPI), where it will be used to help promote the breed through marketing, research and trial work, and the 2021 Feature Breed Show at the Sydney Royal Show. Please note that pricing is INCLUSIVE of GST and there is a special 20% discount available to SPI Members who book their ad(s) on or before August 28. So, book now!! Do you know someone who might be interested in advertising in the magazine? If so, please feel free to share the Promo and Media Guide with them. Click on the link at the base of the Media Guide for advertising bookings. We look forward to welcoming your advertising support for this SPI initiative. An email with more information has been sent to Members. Kind regards, The SPI Board.
15.01.2022 Spotlight on #speckles! Check out the link below for stories across The Land Queensland Country Life Stock & Land and Stock Journal! https://www.flipsnack.com/AF6A9/spotlight-on-speckles.html
14.01.2022 The Scone Speckle Park Sale is on today! Starting at 12pm AEST online via Elite Livestock Auctions Videos of all lots can be viewed here https://www.youtube.com/playlist Sale catalogue can be found here: https://studstocksales.com//2020-annual-invitational-scon/
13.01.2022 Speckle Park International would like to acknowledge the huge amount of time and effort put into the production and distribution of the 2020 Australian Speckle Park Calendars by Amy Dickens and Tania Paget. All proceeds from the sale of the Calendars have been generously donated by Amy and Tania to Speckle Park International for application towards a youth project. On behalf of Speckle Park Internationals young members, Thank you, Amy and Tania, for all of your time and generosity!
13.01.2022 Congratulations to all vendors and purchasers of #specklepark cattle in todays Scone Speckle Park Sale. What a fantastic result! 37/38 bulls sold to $17000 (Lot 27. Promised Land Eldorado Pro P164 to Te Mooi Speckle Park). Average $5846 44/44 females sold to $30000 (Lot 88. Battalion Heartbreaker P6 to Baw Baw Speckle Park). Average $9023. ... 14/14 semen packages sold to $360/straw & average $158/straw 5/8 embryo packages sold to $2000/embryo & average $1389/embryo.
13.01.2022 Visit the how-to section on our website. >> https://bit.ly/3aR0Jha We have videos and PDFs to help you with DNA testing, registering your animals and more.... Thanks to JAD Speckle Park for this fantastic photo.
12.01.2022 SPI merchandise is on SALE for a limited time only! This is a great opportunity to celebrate our history and obtain some retrospective SPI designs to add to your collection or display of cattle industry memorabilia. These items are all that remains of previous designs that will no longer be available for sale on the SPI website once the merchandise with SPI’s new logo becomes available soon.... Please email [email protected] with your order or for more details. Grab a bargain!
11.01.2022 48 hours to go before early bird advertising rates for SPI members close for the Speckle Park Magazine! You can book your spot at this link https://bit.ly/bookSPIad Dont miss the early bird cutoff of 5pm, August 28 to get the 20% members discount!
10.01.2022 As members will have seen today, SPI have sent out an email announcing that due to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and the uncertainty surrounding the show, Speckle Park have regretfully withdrawn as the feature breed for 2021 at Royal Sydney Show. We are deeply disappointed, as we know many exhibitors are, but have made this difficult decision with the interests of the breed and its resources in mind. We encourage those who would like to discuss this decision to get in con...tact with CEO Hannah Bourke ([email protected]) or SPI RAS liasion Greg Ebbeck. We’d like to acknowledge all the hard work which has been put into preparing for the 2021 Feature Breed by both individual exhibitors and the subcommittee, and express how proud we are of our Speckle Park show teams. We thank members for their understanding, and are working hard to set an upcoming feature date. We look forward to making announcements when we can about future opportunities for showcasing the Speckle Park cattle we know and love.
09.01.2022 Happy National Agriculture Day! Thanks to our friends at #AgDayAu for these wonderful Australian agriculture facts. Today is a good day to share your own images of Speckle Park cattle on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #AgDayAu, so we can all celebrate our industry and the things which make it so great.
09.01.2022 Great result for GreenHaven Speckle Park today in Dalby!
09.01.2022 "Spring in New Zealand" Photography credit to Robbie and Anna Clark from Parkvale Speckle Park, Culverden, South Island, NZ. If you would like your image featured as our cover photo, we welcome submissions to [email protected]
08.01.2022 Dear SPI Members, Thanks to all members who completed our recent Speckle Park International (SPI) Member Survey. The wheels are turning in preparation for our annual magazine to be launched later in 2020. We are presently seeking firm story leads from, including names and contact details, particularly with emphasis in the following areas:... Producer case studies Feedlot/carcase results/feedback Speckle Park in the dairy industry Butcher/restaurant/customer feedback regarding meat quality On-farm side-by-side trial results Youth profiles. Any general suggestions are welcome too. Can you please forward your suggestions to [email protected] As an aside, there has been some confusion around the Facebook group that was called the Midcoast Speckle Park Group, and was renamed on March 6 to Australian Speckle Park Association. Despite this being a former identity of our breed society, we wish to inform Speckle Park International members and followers that this Facebook group is not affiliated in any way with our breed society. To avoid confusion within the existing and future Speckle Park community, we have formally requested for the administrators to cease using this name.
08.01.2022 Do you know a great photographer who likes to take photos of Speckle Park cattle? We are looking for a new cover photo and would love to hear from you! Tag your photographer friends and send us your cover-photo worthy shots via DM or in the comments here.
08.01.2022 Some good advice from Neogen Australasia about the best ways to safely send your samples now the Australian SPI members will need to start mailing their samples directly to the lab
08.01.2022 A late entry to the Sire Shootout competition, Minnamurra Speckle Parks bull P196 Plunderer was awarded the winner of the viewers choice category, after being pulled out of the paddock and given a quick hose down! Read The Lands full article here: https://www.theland.com.au//speckle-park-takes-most-popu/
06.01.2022 With fluke season upon us, Virbac will be running a FREE webinar featuring special guests Dr Tim Elliott and Dr Matt Ball who will be presenting on what strategic fluke control means in 2020 and why it matters more than ever. The webinar will be on Tuesday the 21st of April 2020 at 7:00pm AEST (Tonight). If you would like to register to attend, please go to au.virbac.com/webinars Virbac Australia Primary Producer
06.01.2022 News from the Perth Royal Show. It has been confirmed by the Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia and the State Goverment that the Perth Royal Show is cancelled for 2020.
05.01.2022 24 HOURS TO GO before early bird advertising rates for SPI members close for the Speckle Park Magazine! You can book your spot at this link https://bit.ly/bookSPIad Dont miss the early bird cutoff of 5pm, August 28 to get the 20% members discount!
05.01.2022 Final day to book advertising space in the Speckle Park Magazine! The cutoff is 5pm today, Friday the 4th of September. You can book your slot here https://bit.ly/bookSPIad We have been thrilled with the support the magazine has had so far - dont miss out on this fantastic opportunity.
03.01.2022 Congratulations to Manaia Tiller on being awarded the Southern Districts Royal Agricultural Society Champion Beef Herdsperson Title. Manaias family owns Aniwaniwa Speckle Park, located near Gore in the South Island of New Zealand. Read the Otago Daily Times full article below. https://bit.ly/2WoF0ah
03.01.2022 Congratulations to Minnamurra Speckle Parks for their Champion Carcase win in the Paddock to Plate awards at the Ekka! The animals they entered into this tough competition were purely paddock fed during the drought, with no supplementary feeding at all, a testament to how well Speckle Park cattle perform in dry conditions.
03.01.2022 A great story of success and resilience in the face of drought for Bingara-based Speckle Park breeder, Rhonda King. Read The Lands article on her journey and decisions along the way https://www.theland.com.au//6808900/breeding-back-out-of/
02.01.2022 Remember: tomorrow, Friday the 11th of September at 3pm AEST is our AGM. Members can register up until the start of the meeting, however are encouraged to install ZOOM and register their attendance early in order to receive their link to access the meeting. Some important information below: SPI Members will have received an email from Vero, where they can:... 1. Register to attend the AGM - this will automatically create their own ZOOM access link 2. View the documents and Information regarding the AGM 3. Important: please submit any Questions prior to the event via the Q&A Tab. Questions can also be emailed to [email protected] prior to the meeting.
01.01.2022 Update: the advertising space on the outside back cover of the Speckle Park Magazine has been sold! Advertising slots will fill up quickly, so get in early and book your space at this link: https://bit.ly/bookSPIad You can email us with any questions at [email protected], or call on +61 (0) 401 733 230 Happy booking!
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