Speeds Truck & Ag in Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia | Local service
Speeds Truck & Ag
Locality: Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6884 0184
Address: 5 Rosulyn Street 2830 Dubbo, NSW, Australia
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23.01.2022 Gday to All, Crackin days with a cool nip in the air, but hey it is winter Bloody Batteries, everyone hates them..... but before u spend your well earnt money.... get a FREE test from SPEEDS, yes u may need a new Battery or if u arent using much u may only need a charger, albeit a Solar charger ?? SPEEDS will look after u & advise what is the best for U !! No Upsizing at SPEEDS, just Facts......... Cheers Mel & Team
23.01.2022 GDAY TO ALL..... What a Crackin Day !!!! Few Beers & a BBQ ... We have been Cranking out Batteries, Fuel Ohead Tank Kits, Trigger Fuel Tank Nozzle Guns, Hose, Metres & More, let alone Filters & Auto Elec Gear...... Nothin like Good Old Fashioned Service At The Right Price...... & A Laugh & Joke For Free Looking Forward To Seeing u All During the Week for a Little Bit of BS & More Cheers
23.01.2022 Gday All, Just another reminder N70ZZS r going up as at 1/5/20.... as r Normal Batteries.... Its NOT just ours BUT All Batteries !!! None of us want this to happen, but, absolutey Nothing I can do.... Trust Me Ive tried & all imported goods will be the same !!... SPEEDS isnt Upsizing You like OTHERS...... Unfortunately its a Fact.... We r going to have to Ride the Rocky Road Together, as We Do...... Cheers Mel See more
22.01.2022 Gday All, hope all well in your patch !! More rain & cold weather on its way..... indoor activites for the weekend it seems !! Just giving everyone the Heads Up...... ... Harvest isnt that far off, BUT we have had alot of customers ordering gear Now...... The more we have been investigating, especially with different FILTERS we r seeing Limited Supply of some, Airs, Fuels, ETC..... So Best get onto what u will be needing as we DONT & Hopefully WONT Let U Down Cheers Team Speedys
21.01.2022 FON....... Mum would try & Vac em up coming thru the door, a Bit Like She Tried To Vac Up The Baby Brown Snake Between The Glass Sliding Doors
20.01.2022 G'day All, hope all well in your patch !! More rain & cold weather on it's way..... indoor activites for the weekend it seem's !! Just giving everyone the Head's Up...... ... Harvest isn't that far off, BUT we have had alot of customer's ordering gear Now...... The more we have been investigating, especially with different FILTERS we r seeing Limited Supply of some, Airs, Fuels, ETC..... So Best get onto what u will be needing as we DON'T & Hopefully WON'T Let U Down Cheers Team Speedy's
19.01.2022 Gday All, Well... me & Glen 20 dont see eye to eye & as it seems, But Anyhoo well keep Punching along ONLY TODAY.... Ive secured OUR N70ZZ Prices till the End of April.......... After that N70ZZS will be Increased Starting From $120 inc gst !!! SPEEDS HAVE PLENTY of STOCK UNTIL THEN All imported goods will be impacted due to the $ & manufacturing of All items Absolutely Nothing Can be done at This Time About IT BALDWIN, WIX, SAKURA & DONALDSON FILTERS ALL GOOD, SPEEDS R STOCKED, READY TO MOVE ALL YOUR GEAR..... DONT FORGET Anything U PURCHASE ON LINE, MAY NOT BE TO AUSTRALIAIAN STANDARDS & AS FOR WARRANTY BE VERY CAREFUL...... WARRANTY IF ANY WASNT GOOD OR EXISTENT BEFORE, COVID STAY SAFE EVERYONE, FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES & WE WILL ALL BE OK @ THE END PUBS, CLUBS, RESTURANTS, ETC WONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH US ALL.... HAPPY DAYS AHEAD !! CHEERS MEL, BILL & BLAKE
19.01.2022 Have a GREAT AUSSIE DAY EVERYONE !!!!
19.01.2022 SPEEDS have been, Busy, Busy, Busy GREAT Rain, GREAT Loyal Customers....... What can we Say...... Bring it On !! SPEEDS have u covered, U look after us & well go the Hard Yards For U !!!! We Wont Let U Down... Best Service, Best Products at The Right Price........ Cheers Mel & Team
19.01.2022 Gday ALL, Well another finacial year has come & gone...... Geeezus!! Time just flys....OMG We all need to take 5 & have a good look at what u may NEED moving forward.... Over Head Tanks need good filtering for a start, contractors wont take fuel off u if u havent installed a reliable filtering system For Common Rails....... When we say that, its approx from 2007 onwards of all gear !! Dont get caught.... Ring Speeds Now !! 68 840184 Cheers Mel See more
19.01.2022 Gday All.... DubVegas has had roughly 50mm Yep, NEED alot more, But heeeey, Beaut... ... Speeds have u ALL Covered... Batteries, Filters, Auto Elec, LEDS & More P.S. No Corona Here.. Unless u wanna bring a cartoon, we r up for it, Bring it ON
18.01.2022 Gday All As my late Mother would say "SHIT A BRICK & FART A PEBBLE " ... Rocky Roads Ahead, BUT We have seen ALOT of That Before...... Just Another Hurdle..... Stay Safe, Clean ALL the Time & IF U NEED TO Venture Outdoors, PLEASE CONSIDER OTHERS !! SPEEDS R ONTO IT, WE R Working with U All !! Phone Ahead 68 840184 or e-mail [email protected] Cheers Mel, Bill & Blake
18.01.2022 Thought this was a lovely post sent to me by a GREAT MATE Im sure u All would Luv It
17.01.2022 G'day All...... SPEED'S has some Fantastic News...... Blake Searle is NOW a Full-time Member of The Team We are so Excited to have Blake a part of the SPEED'S Work Family !!... WIN $100.00 in Store keep reading Blake has been with SPEED'S for a few year's now part time, so u may of missed him..... But U Won't KNOW!! Blake has a vast array of knowledge in the industry & is more than approachable with the "Curly" questions and advice.... As a Welcome for Blake to SPEED'S We R Offering the Following..... Until 31/7/2020 (Drawn 4pm) $100.00 in Store Voucher if U SHARE & LIKE SPEED'S TRUCK & Ag..... with Red Flag ONLY & Your Code WORD is BLAKE !!! Conditions r pick up $100.00 Worth of goods Only In Store & excludes N70ZZ'S & Sale item's..... GO FOR IT..... CHEERS SPEED'S
16.01.2022 Gday All ...... Well more Challenging Times Ahead...... SPEEDS r operating as usual, BUT with a few Tips & Help to Protect us All ... 1) SPEEDS will pay 1/2 $$ for Freight Costs to your nearest courier depot, for orders over $100 !! 2) Phone ahead & well have goods boxed ready to go for pick up !! 3) Credit Card payments can be done over the phone. Unfortunately us Bushies wont be immuned to the Virus, BUT we have time if we All take immediate actions to Slow Down the movement into our region !! Our elderly, as u are aware r at most risk, so lets all follow the Health Precautions to Help Reduce the potential risks..... Obviously None of us want to be ill or Pass it On !!! Cheers Mel
15.01.2022 Gday All, well the start of the week is tomoz..... Get your lists ready for what u all need..... Call ahead On 68 840184 & well have everything organised for u to pick up...... Maybe we can call it SPEEDS DRIVE THRU No Upsize here though !!
15.01.2022 N70ZZS from $110 !!! Grab a Battery for the Ride On, Motor Bike, All Vehicles, Trucks, Tractors, Heavy Equipment or a Stationary Engine...... Got The Lot !!!! Give your gear a service while your going, All Filters, Oils & gear to get you Cracking
14.01.2022 Gday All, hope all well in your patch? My Dammitt Doll has given me GREAT pleasure over the last Months/Years...... But as it seems, we may give her a break for 5
14.01.2022 Hey Team..... Another Crazy Day in The World, But We Wont Give Up..... Especially On Our Farmers !!!!... Weve had a Bloody Great Start & Hopefully No Virus Will Stop Us Stay Calm & Vigilant.... We Will Be OK, Just Follow Rules & Regs Email [email protected] Or Call. 68 840184 We r always here to Help
14.01.2022 Gday All !!!!! We r far from Alarmists, BUT I must say....... Quite A Few Customers ... JUST ARENT GETTING IT THE GOVT HAVE PUT RULES & REGS IN PLACE FOR A REASON!!!!!! We will stay open to the public..... IF EVERYONE IS FOLLOWING THE RULES Please dont put us in a situation where we need to Close the Doors, BUT we Will if RULES r Neglected.... The phones ARENT in Danger or the Email.... Well get it Sorted !!! I REALLY DO NEED TO SEE MY FATHER WHO IS IN AGED CARE Please DONT let me Down Cheers Mel
12.01.2022 Gday All...... SPEEDS has some Fantastic News...... Blake Searle is NOW a Full-time Member of The Team We are so Excited to have Blake a part of the SPEEDS Work Family !!... WIN $100.00 in Store keep reading Blake has been with SPEEDS for a few years now part time, so u may of missed him..... But U Wont KNOW!! Blake has a vast array of knowledge in the industry & is more than approachable with the "Curly" questions and advice.... As a Welcome for Blake to SPEEDS We R Offering the Following..... Until 31/7/2020 (Drawn 4pm) $100.00 in Store Voucher if U SHARE & LIKE SPEEDS TRUCK & Ag..... with Red Flag ONLY & Your Code WORD is BLAKE !!! Conditions r pick up $100.00 Worth of goods Only In Store & excludes N70ZZS & Sale items..... GO FOR IT..... CHEERS SPEEDS
12.01.2022 P.S. Forgot to Post.... We r Having Bangers & Mash for Dinner... NOT BOG ROLL.... For those that DONT UNDERSTAND,... THATS AUSSIE for TOILET PAPER
11.01.2022 G'day All, Just a quick follow up A lot of gear getting slower to get & or limited ... PLEASE start thinking of what u will Need !! SPEED'S isn't Upsizing U, Just Facts !!!!! Get your lists going, FILTERS, BATTERIES, OIL'S, COOLANT, SIGN'S, BEACON'S, H/D RATCHET STRAP'S, WIRING & CABLE, LED'S ETC We Have U Covered !! If we haven't got it we'll get it !!!!! Cheers Team Speedy
11.01.2022 Good Job to All Our Customers Today !! U guys had it nearly all sorted today.... Especially for your Ladies to pick up We may have to put some thought into the Drive Thru Window..... ... Few Probs..... an N200 Battery wont cut it for any of us......
10.01.2022 My Aged Care..... What a Huge Subject !! I have helped Past & Present Friends within this Mine Field........ It is Absolutely Ridiculous, that, I as a Lay Person, know too much about it !!! The System...... Im sure is to look after people with Money.... BUT. ..NOT Nessa The Case !!! THE Full Pension Will Cover It.... Give me a call & Ill get u on the right track !! Conditions Do Apply !!
10.01.2022 Gday All, hope all is well in your patch !! Crackin day, great rain... Burrendong Dam level up to 12.7% & hopefully some in flows ??... Im going to IGA South Dubbo to get a Treat for Dad & Residents of the Aged Care Facility....... Mini Magnums for EVERYONE At least I can see Dad & others thru the glass doors!! Then home for plan XYZ, not sure what they r , but undoubtedly a beer & wine will be on the agenda Have a GREAT DAY!!! Cheers Mel
09.01.2022 R U All Being Bombed By Bogan Moths, or Just Us ???
07.01.2022 G'day All, hope all Crackin in your world !! SPEED'S doesn't want to Crack the Whip or Cattle Prod U, But.... We have secured Stock to the Best of our abilities.... Trust us we HAVE stuff coming from Everywhere!!! BUT, We Need U Guy's to Act NOW with regards to What U Need for Harvest !!!... U ALL would of heard that Parts etc r Hard to Get, DON'T be on the end of an Long List..... SPEED'S can't Express the Importance of This !! We Want & Need to Help US SPEED'S WILL Achieve!! SPEED'S WON'T LET U DOWN, BUT SUPPLIERS CAN, DUE TO THEIR PROB'S!! RING 68 840184 TO GET YOUR GEAR CRACKIN CHEERS TEAM SPEEDY
06.01.2022 JS Car Detailing next to SPEEDS, do a fantastic job, Give SPEEDS a yell if u want a quick hit on Outside or a Full Detail Job... The Boys will get it done & you can get Coffee & Snacks only metres away 02 68 840184 book in NOW!!
06.01.2022 Gday All, Well ... WE have been smashed with orders, which is GREAT, BUT ... PLEASE GIVE US A LITTLE TIME TO ORGANISE SPEEDS R ONTO IT, THE BEST WE CAN !!! STOCK STILL SEEMS TO BE OK ATM !! TIP...... SOME/MOST OF OUR SUPPLIERS R NOW INCREASINGLY PUTTING UP THEIR ITEMS...... WHICH IS UNDERSTANDABLE !! N70ZZS Will ONLY be Avail starting at $110 By End of April Cheers Mel
06.01.2022 Gday to All, well another end of the week..... SPEEDS have been Busy As.... Great to see New & Long Term Customers As it seems we r going to get another drop of rain over the weekend, Happy Days!! If u r thinking about Fuel Filtering for the Tanks, Nozzles, Meters, Hose etc Get your Backside Trackside at SPEEDS........ ... If we havent got it well get!! Cheers Mel & Team
05.01.2022 GDAY ALL. Geezus being Smashed by Bogan Moths...... Anyhoo, Last Day Tomoz 30/4/20 THAT WE CAN HOLD BACK PRICING ON... N70ZZS As at 1/5/20 they will be From $120 inc !! I CANT do anything about it,....... Every Battery Co is doing it, But as u All Know we Have The Best Prices , Quality & Range in the Central West, Let Alone Our Filter Range, & much more etc.... See more
05.01.2022 Gday All, What a Cracking Day !!!! Birds r whistling & Mowers r humming....... What a difference that beaut RAIN makes The Ride on Mower may have a Sad Battery......... SPEEDS have u covered, just check which side your positive terminal is on & come on in U might want to service it as well..... Check the filter numbers & grab them as well plus some Hi-Tech Oil !! One STOP SHOP, Happy Days Have a great day
05.01.2022 Gday, GDAY...... Wow, GREAT Rain in DubVegas... Let us know what U HAVE HAD ... One of our good customers 120klms from Lightning Ridge was Bracing for a Flood..... yet NO Rain on Property for Years.... Shes a Wild & Unpredictable Country Our AUS WE Have ALL Gotta ROCK N ROLL
04.01.2022 Gday All, Well at least we know it can Rain!!!! Yes, some have missed & others have had damaging falls....... But as we say....Cant make a living out of DUST..... Dont forget to change Engine Air Filter & Cab Airs Now !!!!... Filters, Oils, Batteries, Auto Elec gear, LEDS, Jap Truck Parts & More... Call in or give us ring on 68 840184 If we havent got it, well track it for u See more
04.01.2022 G'day All...... what a Crackin Day !! Geeez, Harvest is just around the corner..... Get your Lists Going !! N70ZZ'S Batteries from $120..... Best Quality & Price,... FILTERS, AUTO ELEC GEAR, OILS, GREASE,OVERSIZE SIGN'S, FLAGS,BEACON'S, LED'S, RATCHET STRAP'S, H/D JUMPER LEADS, FUEL FILTERING KITS, FAIRDINKUM MECHANICAL RAGS X 10KG, TRUCK /TRACTOR/ VEHICLE WASH...... BUGGA I CAN'T GO ON JUST RING US WE'LL GET YAS SORTED CHEERS TEAM SPEEDY See more
02.01.2022 Gday All, hows it going in your patch.... DubVegas looking GREAT Filters, Batteries & a Huge amount of Gear moving, its fantastic to see what that Liquid Gold from the Sky makes..... We r a long way from being out of the Dam Water Level Dramas, BUT we r on the right track........ Put it this way.... we know it can Rain, We r a tough lot & we can see the light at the end of the tunnel
02.01.2022 Gday All, Hope All OK in your Patch !!!!! N70ZZS been flying out the door..... & so they should starting at $110 inc gst Best Quality & Price !!... What about the Best Filters at the right price.... Baldwin, Wix, Sakura, Donaldson..... & Oils Aint Oils, we sell Hi-Tech Aussie Owned & Operated, CANT Get Better Than That GO Aussie Go....... Looking forward to hearing from you tomoz 68 840 184.
02.01.2022 URGENT MESSAGE SPEEDS as @ Monday 30/3 will be Taking Immediate Safety Precautions !!!... The Following is to Protect U, Your Family, Friends & Us. 1) SPEEDS will operate behind Closed Doors. 2) We Urge PEOPLE to Ring on 68 840184 or e-mail [email protected] 3) We will pack goods required, disinfected before leaving our builiding. 4) SPEEDS will pay 1/2 the Couriers cost to your nearest Depot in our C/W Region. 5) If u would like to pick up personally, thats fine, goods will be left at the front door with YOUR Name Clearly Marked on Box. 6) If u r in Dubbo & need something Urgently, No Probs, just ring from Outside Shop & We Will Get U Sorted. 7) We can take Credit Card Payments over the phone or Direct Deposit which is just a bit Slower..... Goods cannot be released until funds r in our account. 8) At this Point We Have No Probs Getting Stock !! We Need to Keep the Wheels Turning...... Especially for Our Cockies.... We Wont Let Yas Down..... Please make sure your elderly loved ones & friends r in isolation until we can all battle thru this Together Cheers Mel
01.01.2022 Hi All, Yep we r all over this Bloody Dust..... But in saying that Make Sure U Check your Vehicles Air Filter for the Engine to Breath & Cabin Air Filter, ... So U & YOUR FAMILY R More Protected By All the DUST & RUBBISH COMING THRU THE AIR CONDITIONING Give us a Buzz & Well Get u Sorted 68 840184
01.01.2022 Gday All, Its been like a Happy Reunion @ SPEEDS, seeing all our fantastic customers over the last weeks, No Hugs or Kisses though !! Everyone pulling out the big guns & getting them fired up, including the good old golden oldies...... ... SPEEDS have u Covered, we r just Exicted as u Guys, lets get it All Crackin See yas soon.... Cheers Mel, Bill & Blake
01.01.2022 Gday ALL, Well another finacial year has come & gone...... Geeezus!! Time just fly's....OMG We all need to take 5 & have a good look at what u may NEED moving forward.... Over Head Tanks need good filtering for a start, contractors won't take fuel off u if u haven't installed a reliable filtering system For Common Rails....... When we say that, it's approx from 2007 onwards of all gear !! Don't get caught.... Ring Speeds Now !! 68 840184 Cheers Mel See more
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