Spencer Cocoa | Product/service
Spencer Cocoa
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25.01.2022 Caption anyone? Best quip wins a bar of chocolate! Snapped the Chocolate Maker and Chief Oompa Loompa yesterday after a hard day molding #beantobar #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #ethicalchocolate #mudgeeregion #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa... t&c: winner will be determined by Mrs Spencer 5pm Saturday 9 Nov 2019 and will be posted a bar of milk or dark See more
24.01.2022 what a cold, wet and windy Winters day! This might help #mondaygrind #beantobar #singleoriginchocolate #vanuatucocoa #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #ethicalchocolate #mudgeeregion #spencercocoa
24.01.2022 Dads on holiday
23.01.2022 Guess what we made this week....! Due for release 7 December #singleoriginwhitechocolate #bougainvillecocoa #australianmadechocolate #spencercocoa
23.01.2022 Flavours of Mudgee is on tonight! Bars for the grownups And frogs for the Kids Flavours tokens Have a fabulous night!! ... #flavoursofmudgee #mudgeeregion #singleoriginchocolate #australianmadechocolate #beantobar #directtrade #spencercocoa #vanuatugrown #vanuatucocoa See more
23.01.2022 Yep! Its Single Origin White Chocolate. Made with the wonderfully aromatic, natural cocoa butter pressed from Bougainville beans. Limited release over December Available online and via stockists from this Friday. Debuting at the @mudgeefarmersmarket on Saturday! #singleoriginwhitechocolate #australianmadechocolate #ethicalchocolate #bougainvillecocoa #spencercocoa ... #mudgeefarmersmarket #mudgeeregion See more
22.01.2022 Is that a new label I spy...? #printstorm #australianmadechocolate #singleoriginchocolate #spencercocoa
22.01.2022 Beanie first... then hair net Monday morning grinds underway #mudgeeregion #australianmadechocolate #beantobar #singleorigin #ethicalchocolate #directtrade #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa
20.01.2022 Aw shucks... thankyou for the lovely write up @chocolate_selectors Posted @withrepost @chocolate_selectors Spencer Cocoa an Australian-made bean-to-bar chocolate business dedicated to quality and integrity.... They buy cocoa beans directly from a small group of families on the island of Malekula, Vanuatu who grow, harvest, ferment and dry the cocoa. Luke will visit twice a year to catch-up and select the new-season beans. Back in Mudgee, they roast, grind, conch and temper the cocoa into beautiful chocolate. Luke first travelled to Vanuatu in 2010, to rejuvenate and manage a large, commercial cocoa plantation. It was there, on the island of Malekula, that his interest in bean-to-bar chocolate began fascinated by the way cocoa trees grow, and how fermentation transforms the beans into the rich, raw ingredient of chocolate. The Chocolate Spencer Cocoa manufactured in Mudgee, Australia a single origin Vanuatu 42% Milk chocolate from the island of Malekula Cocoa Content 42% - Ingredients, Roasted cocoa beans, cocoa butter, Bundaberg raw sugar, Australian full cream milk powder A beautifully packaged bar, although its a paper wrap its the most elegant paper wrap on quite a heavy stock with impressive design. Wrapped with care and attention to every detail of the application, perfectly centred. On the inside of the wrapper is a map and description (pleasantly surprizing) Inside the bar is beautifully wrapped with a non-stick paper lined silver foil and folded to perfection The bar is moulded in a 100g cacao pod design has a great Shine / No air bubbles A great snap - superb temper A creamy aroma with a hint of chocolate muffin as I melt it between my fingers. Gorgeous first impression, takes a moment to open to a creamy dark cacao, hint of light toffee through to caramel notes As it develops there are expressions of molasses and a hint of vanilla. Smooth mouthfeel with lingering notes of cacao and caramel, Overall Taste - Excellent extremely moreish, like, really moreish Great value $ 9.90 / 100g
19.01.2022 For big and little kids alike... Milk & Dark Frogs made with Vanuatu cocoa beans At the @mudgeefarmersmarket tomorrow! #australianmadechocolate #ethicalchocolate #directtrade #beantobar #mudgeeregion #mudgeefarmersmarket #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #knowyourfood
19.01.2022 Mayu is usually in the factory on Fridays wrapping bars of chocolate (beautifully!) But today, she donned a jacket and moulded Milk batch #87 with the same care and attention to detail. Thankyou Mayu! #australianmadechocolate #beantobar #directtrade #singleorigin #ethicalchocolate #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #mudgeeregion
19.01.2022 Sometimes you gotta mold chocolate on Sundays #beantobar #darkchocolate #singleorigin #australianmadechocolate #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #directtrade
18.01.2022 Here are the best cocoa growers from PNG Cocoa of Excellence 2019! Categories included Best Female Grower, Best Male Grower, Best Cooperative, Best Cocoa of the Show and Best Youth Grower! Congratulations! #pngcoex #beantobar #spencercocoa
18.01.2022 Weve scored some bling lately 2019 Australian Food Awards 2019 Sydney Royal Fine Food Show #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #ethicalchocolate #vanuatucocoa #beantobar #rasofvic #ras_nsw #spencercocoa
18.01.2022 How’s this...! Pulled out the oldest museum bar of Milk we have. ‘Best’ before was July 2016! Whilst the sharp cocoa punch has dissipated there is a beautiful rounded, almost floral honey character still delish. #storeinacooldryplace #beantobar #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #ethicalchocolate #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #mudgeeregion
16.01.2022 Thursday is molding day... #beantobar #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #ethicalchocolate #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #mudgeeregion
15.01.2022 The factory is quiet during January, too hot to make chocolate... but a good time to visit some of the lovely stores who stock our chocolate! Here with Isi and Jackie at @wholefoodshouse (and the apprentice) #ethicalchocolate #australianmadechocolate #wholefoodshouse #rosebery #woollahra #beantobar #directtrade #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa
15.01.2022 Aided by the Chocolate Makers innate frugal nature, and Mrs Spencers background in the waste industry, Spencer Cocoa continually strives to reduce waste, reuse waste, and source recyclable packaging. Reusing these polystyrene boxes, ice packs, newspaper and silver foil for shipping chocolate to stockists and our online customers - sourced locally from retail businesses. Still plenty of room for improvement however it needs to be done right, theres lots of quasi-eco packaging out there. #redcycle #waronwaste #spencercocoa #beantobar #landcare #reducereuserecycle #australianmadechocolate
15.01.2022 The grinders have started for 2020 with the first batch of chocolate made this week! Molding into big blocks today #beantobar #madeinmudgee #mudgeeregion #australianmadechocolate #ethicalchocolate #directtrade #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa
14.01.2022 Dark batch this week. #beantobar #vanuatucocoa #directtrade #australianmadechocolate #spencercocoa
13.01.2022 Should you be unable to visit your regular Spencer Cocoa stockist, Mrs Spencer is very happy to pop chocolate provisions in the mail See our website to order #Australianmadechocolate #ethicalchocolate #directtrade #beantobar #vanuatugrown #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #mudgeeregion
13.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @bakerwilliamsdistillery Our brand-new Hay Bale Gin even comes in a gift box with fellow Mudgee made things; @helloloveliescordial tonic syrup, and @spencercocoa dark chocolate! Its the perfect gift. You get Gin, farmers get hope! $10 from every bottle sold goes to #200bales. Check out the link in our Bio #buyfromthebush #buyregional #200bales #gin #australiangin #australianspirits #drinklocal #mudgeeregion
13.01.2022 So heres a snapshot of how the chocolate entries for PNG COEX 2019 were assessed... for positive attributes, and negative (pic 2). The chocolate of course doesnt actually contain cherries or ham, but like wine, its the complexities that develop from the fruit, through fermentation, drying and roasting techniques that builds these amazing (or not so amazing) characters! The winning cocoa entries basically were clear of defects (which stem from how fermentation/drying is handled), and had a good balance of acidity, astringency, bitterness and sweetness. #pngcoex #beantobar #spencercocoa
12.01.2022 Hows this...! Pulled out the oldest museum bar of Milk we have. Best before was July 2016! Whilst the sharp cocoa punch has dissipated there is a beautiful rounded, almost floral honey character still delish. #storeinacooldryplace #beantobar #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #ethicalchocolate #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #mudgeeregion
11.01.2022 Spotted here in their native habitat these rare bean-to-bar bunnies can also found at: @alfalfahousesyd @flametreecoop @wholefoodshouse @theredpomegranate ... @rustic_pantry @mountaincreekwholefoods @organicfeast.com.au @thecommongoodstore @candelobulkwholefoods @bathurstwholefoodcoop ...and at the next @mudgeefarmersmarket on 21st March #beantobar #directtrade #vanuatucocoa #australianmadechocolate #mudgeeregion #mudgeefarmersmarket #spencercocoa See more
11.01.2022 Whats Lui doing? Spring cocoa harvest starts in September and runs til November. In this pic Luis covering freshly scooped-out wet bean ready to start the fermentation process The @mudgeefarmersmarket Makers Market is on tomorrow! ... Come and taste single origin (Vanuatu) bean-to-bar chocolate! #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #beantobar #mudgeeregion #vanuatucocoa #vanuatugrown #spencercocoa See more
11.01.2022 Mrs Spencer celebrated World Chocolate Day by sending the Chocolate Maker and kids off on a bush walk ... adequately provisioned of course! #thedrip #mudgeeregion #nature #goulburnrivernationalpark #beantobar #directtrade #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #ethicalchocolate #qualitynotquantity #worldchocolateday
10.01.2022 Monday grind... #australianmadechocolate #mudgeeregion #ethicalchocolate #directtrade #vanuatugrown #beantobar #spencercocoa
09.01.2022 Back home in Mudgee making chocolate this week. It was great to be invited back to Papua New Guinea to be part of such a fantastic event. For chocolate makers, to meet the growers of cocoa is the ultimate really, its the other half of the equation. Events like these build appreciation both ways, you cant make good chocolate without good cocoa, and you cant appreciate how to grow good cocoa without tasting good, and bad, chocolate! Heres the PNG Cocoa of Excellence 2019 judging team... Lynn @charleyschocolate, Warren @fuwanchocolate, Kathleen - Nunu Farm, Thibault @daintreeestates, Shane -Rubio Plantation, and Yours Truly @spencercocoa #pngcoex #spencercocoa
09.01.2022 @mudgeefarmersmarket is on tomorrow in Robertson Park The Chocolate Maker will be there with Dark and Milk bars & frogs... come for a taste and a chat! #mudgeeregion #ethicalchocolate #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #beantobar #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa
08.01.2022 Friday: wrapping #beantobar #directtrade #vanuatucocoa #australianmadechocolate #single origin #ethicalchocolate #spencercocoa #mudgeeregion #darkchocolate
08.01.2022 Second day of judging just about done. Award ceremony and celebrations tomorrow! #pngcoex #beantobar #pngcocoa #spencercocoa
06.01.2022 Caught up with this bloke today. Grant has been travelling around the globe for decades working on supply chain development projects in places like Bhutan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Bougainville.. in wool, incense, cocoa to name a few. Interesting bloke! Grant is one of the key figures (driving force) behind the Bougainville Cocoa Festival where I first met him in 2017. Lovely catching up with him today at our factory in Mudgee. One of the things we talked about is the HUGE amount of chocolate thats is imported into Australia. How do we bring some of that cocoa processing back to Australia? So much more cocoa processing and chocolate-making could be happening in the Australia-Pacific region! #australianmadechocolate #beantobar #directtrade #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa
06.01.2022 Meanwhile... in beautiful Vanuatu, your chocolate is being harvested thank you for the photos Melanie #beantobar #singleorigin #directtrade #ethicalchocolate #australianmadechocolate #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #vanuatu #mudgeeregion
06.01.2022 The Makers Market is on tomorrow, Robertson Park This is the expanded @mudgeefarmersmarket with produce, food and wine PLUS crafts and arty things... made by people in our region! We will be there under the oak tree with frogs and bars, including the new white chocolate.... #mudgeeregion #singleoriginwhitechocolate #ethicalchocolate #australianmadechocolate #spencercocoa #mudgeefarmersmarket #buyfromthebush
06.01.2022 Yesterday the Autumn crop was loaded and taken across to the wharf at Lakatoro, Malekula. Melanie is coordinating the export process. We are as direct a supply chain as youll get (literally... grower > chocolate maker > you), but theres so much work in the journey from tree to that special bar of chocolate in your hands #directtrade #beantobar #vanuatugrown #vanuatucocoa #australianmadechocolate #ethicalchocolate #mudgeeregion #spencercocoa
05.01.2022 This Saturday is @mudgeefarmersmarket day - see you there! #beantobar #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #ethicalchocolate #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa #mudgeeregion
05.01.2022 The fabulous @mudgeefarmersmarket is on today #mudgeeregion #mudgeefarmersmarket #spencercocoa #mudgeechocolate #beantobar #directtrade #vanuatucocoa #australianmadechocolate
05.01.2022 Dearest Spencer Cocoa fans, weve decided to stay out of the heat and smoke today so wont be at the @mudgeefarmersmarket If youre looking for a bar of Dark, Milk and White chocolate for Christmas you can pop across the road to the Tourist Office or visit any of our other local stockists: @mainly_mudgee_gifts @mudgeecorner store... @dadsdelimudgee @marketstreetcafemudgee Our thoughts are with the families, businesses and communities being so deeply affected by the state of our environment. #ethicalchocolate #mudgeeregion #australianmadechocolate #mudgeefarmersmarket #beantobar #directtrade #vanuatucocoa See more
03.01.2022 what a cold, wet and windy Winter’s day! This might help #mondaygrind #beantobar #singleoriginchocolate #vanuatucocoa #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #ethicalchocolate #mudgeeregion #spencercocoa
01.01.2022 The dark frogs are extra shiny today.. Happy Birthday to my island man #chocolatemaker #singleorigin #vanuatucocoa #vanuatugrown #directtrade #australianmadechocolate #spencercocoa
01.01.2022 Have a great weekend! #beantobar #australianmadechocolate #directtrade #spencercocoa
01.01.2022 Shout out to our customers from @queenbcandles Thankyou! Your orders are on their way today #ethicalchocolate #australianmadechocolate #australianmade #queenbcandles #beantobar #directtrade #vanuatucocoa #spencercocoa
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