Sphinx Spiritual | Organisation
Sphinx Spiritual
Phone: +61 402 679 526
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25.01.2022 A dark photo for a late finish. Testament to the incredible amount of learning the first ever Sphinx Spiritual Philosophy conference delivered in its 11 years of conferences. Congratulations to all 33 participants!
24.01.2022 Crazy Horse on human contact The illness afflicting the world will pass, until the next one comes. History shows that no matter how many vaccinations man creates, nature shows her dominance by throwing up another illness. Illness ravages the body and in some cases it is able to be helped by vaccinations. ... Illness also ravages the mind, which is unable to be helped by vaccinations. The mind is cleared through kindness, acceptance, understanding, love and often with specialist help from another human. The ravages of the mind long outlast the ravages to the body. To get their mind right, humans need other humans. Any attempt to stop humans connecting with other humans, can for a short time, help the body, but will further damage the mind. From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual
23.01.2022 Text or call 0402 679 526. Flexible bookings throughout January and then back to Saturday only appointments from February onwards.
23.01.2022 The 2020 Sphinx Concomitant Healing course is being held at the school on the following dates. Day 1 Friday 21 August Day 2 Friday 28 August Day 3 Friday 4 September... Day 4 Friday 11 September Day 5 Friday 6 November Day 6 Friday 13 November The course is taught by Ian Rogers. The cost is $220 per day or $1320 for the full course. The days run from 9.30-5 from the school. You will need short nails to do concomitant. Concomitant Healing is a physical healing modality of great effect and is suited for those who like working on bodies and want to get immediate results for their clients. Concomitant means ‘from one point to another’. This describes how concomitant works. You are trained that regardless where the injury or affected area of the body is, much more of the body is affected and all parts need fixing before the body can heal effectively. Concomitant teaches you where to find the relevant points, one after another, until all affected areas are fixed. Like all Sphinx work, the knowledge comes from what was taught in Ancient Egypt and was given to Ian via Pearl’s guide, Kristian Hahnemann. To be a successful practitioner requires patience to learn this modality for its ultimate success relies upon the precise position of the fingers or thumb onto affected areas. To do that effectively relies on my teaching. Training is practical, intense and fun. This course is scheduled to go ahead immediately after Victoria comes out of its latest lockdown. If the lockdown continues we will start at day 2 etc and add day/s at the end. To discuss further or to reserve your spot please contact Jemimah on [email protected] or text her on 0402679526
21.01.2022 As many of you know - every year, we work hard to raise money by our generous community and ourselves to donate towards the poorest of the poor in Vietnam. This year, we were able to feed 30 women, giving them 3 months supply of basic food essentials (rice, oil, sugar, fish sauce and some yummy treats). These are women whose husbands died in the war and whose sons were shot by American troops. They have nothing or no one. This is our 11th year of donating to a range of causes (and ages) in Vietnam and to date, we have raised over $60,000AUD. The best thing is that this goes straight from your hands to theirs. We don’t take any percentage or pay any wages or fees from donated money, unlike most charities. This is because we operate with honesty and integrity. We are very proud of what we have again achieved this year.
20.01.2022 PARENTS: What kind of Spiritual services/experiences would you like available to your primary and high school aged children? We currently run children and teenagers meditation classes once monthly. What else would you like to see?
20.01.2022 The importance of spirituality for children: Every person on earth has a complex path, each with a purpose to follow, tests to overcome and karma to meet. Knowi...ng all of this is not possible using the conscious mind, but instead requires a Medium, Deep Trance Mediumship and ongoing meditations with your guide, where direct and pure answers can be given without any intervention of the human mind. Each persons path constantly evolves and changes; for the better or the worse depends on what the person is doing in their life. On earth there is a very inaccurate belief held by many parents that they are somehow instilled with knowledge when their child is born that means they always know the answers, or know better than the child due to age and the status of parenthood. This is not the case. The fact that karma exists proves this alone - for if one person knew all the answers, they would make no mistakes of their own. Parents often look to their children as a mini me, when in fact this is not the case. Children will always inherit certain DNA, traits and characteristics from their parents, but have a life just as individual and complex for themselves. Exposing children to spirituality early on, means that they are given a unique and powerful opportunity to begin to learn of the workings of the world, both here on earth and in the spiritual world, who their guide is and how their relationship works and a true, unbiased look in to the basics of their life ahead, including their purpose and some of the challenges they will face. This gives children power, passion and independence. The opportunity to face their life with conviction and truth. Not frustrated by parents and a society who believe they have all the answers, leaving children who are unable to thrive. What more of a special gift could a child be given than the ability to meditate to their guide and receive pure and true answers to their life’s questions, dreams and worries? Introducing this to your child early on will give them a strong basis for life, and massively reduce the risk of them feeling lost or the need to soul search later on in life. It also brings many other benefits, particularly through a more settled emotional state and reduced risks of dangerous behaviour in teenage and adolescent years. Being a parent means aiding and enabling your child’s growth, not blocking it through the egotistical need to have all the answers.
20.01.2022 Crazy Horse on an unintended outcome of the Corona Virus: Aside from human suffering and death, the worst effect of the corona virus pandemic is that it is causing humans to lose trust in each other and to isolate from each other. This dropping of sharing of energy will have a more devastating long term effect on the development of man than any other virus effect.... Regardless of the real origin of the virus, one of the outcomes is meant to show people how connected to each other they are and how they need to rely on each other. This lesson from the virus is being lost because of the use of fear in spreading messages. Fear drives me thinking, not we thinking. From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual
19.01.2022 Operation Christmas Child, 2019. Watch to find out the phenomenal result...
18.01.2022 ZOOM MEDITATION! Connectedness is more important than ever. During our current pandemic, Ian Rogers is running his weekly meditation sessions via Zoom each Monday morning from 10:30-11:30am. The cost is $15. The positive from this is that anyone, anywhere can join. ... Ian is renowned for his work as a Medium across the world and his meditation sessions are no exception to this. This is a guided meditation session, consisting of 3 separate meditations. They are deeply connective, emotional and uplifting. Anyone of any level and experience to meditation can join. If you'd like to book, please let Jemimah know down below or via email, [email protected]
16.01.2022 MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT CIRCLE SPOTS AVAILABLE! Are you interested in spirituality? Are you ready to commit yourself weekly/monthly to self development and training to be a Medium? Sphinx Spiritual is the only highly ethical and properly accredited Spiritual service in Australia. It is directed by husband and wife, Ian and Pearl Rogers who have been working as Mediums for the last 25 years and are renowned across the world for their work. ... Our Mediums are trained to the highest standards and ethics and cannot practice until fully accredited by Ian and Pearl and Sphinx Spiritual. This on average takes between 6-10 years. Our Mediumship Development Circles will take you on an amazing journey of self development and spiritual training. We currently have spots available in our early circle on a Thursday evening (5:30-7:30), held weekly in Mornington, and in our monthly (held for a full Sunday) circle in Geelong. These are beginning circles, so no prior knowledge or experience in spiritual work is required. If you are interested, please call or text Jemimah Rogers on 0402 679 526.
14.01.2022 AMAZING DEEP TRANCE MEDIUMSHIP NIGHT THIS SATURDAY BY MICHAELANGELO ON THE PURITY OF DESIGN This is the pinnacle of the work conducted by Sphinx Spiritual as it goes to the core of the business: providing an elite level of spiritual knowledge to help people live their lives better. Attendance at these nights is insightful and deeply moving and the level and extent of information provided is uplifting. Within some mediums, there is a capability to bring forward information f...rom the spiritual world in a direct form, without human interference. In its purest form this is called Deep Trance Mediumship, which is performed by only a few. Ian has specialised in Deep Trance Mediumship, an art rarely performed in today’s world. Facilitated by Pearl, regular monthly Deep Trance Nights are held which are open to people wanting an opportunity to enhance their spiritual knowledge and accelerate their growth. They are occasions to obtain knowledge, otherwise unattainable on earth, which will directly impact upon your life. If you would like to attend this Saturday’s event via Zoom - comment below.
12.01.2022 An important video to watch to gain understanding of how we work:
11.01.2022 Crazy Horse on bush fires: For some time America has had ongoing bush fires, as has Australia. Currently the bush fires in Australia are out of control as they burn through the most densly populated states. Many blame dense undergrowth, which has merit, but is not the reason for the fires, even though it contributes to their spreading.... In a country as vast as Australia with so few people, survival and prosperity rely on respect for nature, otherwise it will show you its power. Various politicians over time, have acted with scant regard for the resource of nature, opting instead to mine the earth with its subsequent pollutants into the earth and the air. Industry generally and politicians have taken a stance that they are bigger than nature and the earth is theirs to dominate for economic good. Ask any fire fighter or person in the fire area right now if they believe that man dominates nature. City people are covered in smoke haze and think that to be severe. Here is the lesson, only when man stops thinking that he can dominate nature and do what he wants for economic prosperity and recognise that nature dominates him, will there be a long term balance and a reduction in man having to be shown the error of arrogance. From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual
11.01.2022 11 years of conferences Sphinx Spiritual has taught in Vietnam. Hundreds of lives changed. Countless hours of meditations, Trance sessions and incredible discussions. Congratulations to the 2019 Mind Alignment conference group!
11.01.2022 Your Sphinx Spiritual team! Directors and world renowned Mediums, Ian and Pearl Rogers and Administration Officer and Medium, Jemimah Rogers.
11.01.2022 Located in Mornington, Victoria.
09.01.2022 Crazy Horse on a ‘Cult’: The world operates on the basis of groups or individuals trying to influence others to think, therefore act, in a way that benefits the influencer. This is acceptable in society as most families work in this way, with the parents influencing their children how to think and act. Governments act in this way by the setting and enforcing of laws. Armies act this way through training.... People join groups of like minded people and the rules of the group seek to influence thought and behaviour. What then is a cult and how does it differ from the ordinary working of society? The term cult is usually used in a critical sense aimed to cause fear in others and to have others join them in their belief about a cult. It is in this context I will address a cult. It is a group which causes others to fear its power, is seen as acting negatively in society and it removes the free will of its members. All three conditions have to be present for it to be a cult. Where these conditions are present, there is cause to fear, for society is not being advanced by the existence of the group. Where people maliciously call a group a cult, knowing it is not, they are acting in a way that is as bad as any cult. Spirituality in its true and pure sense has at its vanguard of teaching the principle of free will. Hence, any spiritual group teaching free will as a guiding principal is not a cult. My teaching is through Sphinx Spiritual. It is led through the teaching of free will. Because of this Sphinx Spiritual is not a cult and nor is any other like spiritual group. From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Director Sphinx Spiritual.
08.01.2022 Head on over to Pearl Rogers’ (Director of Sphinx Spiritual) Homoeopathic page and give it a like and share https://www.facebook.com/Aspiration-Homoeopathic-Medicine-Clinic-108247817482238/
04.01.2022 UPDATE - we have smashed our goal of 25 boxes and are up to 40!! Our new goal is 50. Let us know if you’d like to help. Sphinx Spiritual is very proud to be supporting the Operation Christmas Child appeal. We will packing over 25 shoeboxes full of special toys, hygiene items and school supplies for boys and girls aged between 2-14 in third world countries. Whilst many of us enjoy brand new presents, an abundance of food and an airconned Christmas, such children would of re...ceived nothing without such appeals. Come October, we will be posting pictures of our efforts. If you would like to donate to this appeal with us, let us know here! See more
02.01.2022 TRIVIA NIGHT PRIMARY SCHOOL FUNDRAISER: This is for an EXCELLENT CAUSE! All details attached to the below poster. Please RSVP via text to Jemimah on 0402 679 526 or below ASAP so we have an idea for numbers!
02.01.2022 PLEASE SHARE: An amazing, first of its kind Food Growing Workshop will take place on Friday 12th of July, at the Sphinx Spiritual School of Learning in Mornington. Time: 10-5pm. Cost: $220 inc GST. ... This is a two day workshop. The second day of the workshop will take place in 3 months at our purpose built Pyramid in a different location. The first day is the foundation day and is compulsory if you want to attend the second day in the pyramid. There will be NO exceptions to this. Please let Jemimah know by PHONE, not email on 0402 679 526, text or call or Facebook before Friday 5th of your attendance.
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