Spiritual Pampering in Yanchep, Western Australia, Australia | Health & wellness website
Spiritual Pampering
Locality: Yanchep, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 407 523 445
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25.01.2022 Live Free Oracle Card Reading until 9.30am or until my client arrives Thursday 15.10.2020
25.01.2022 Its very important to keep your vibration raised. By being fearless your vibration will lift you into the 5th Dimension. This is just one aspect of the 7 layers of initiation to complete your Ascension.
24.01.2022 A new world is coming and we must prepare for it A channeled message I just received ....... 9.17am 6.9.2020 Let us wake up and see what is happening in our world!... Let us understand that which is beyond our comprehension Let us unite as ONE unity consciousness and become whole and complete Let us Love One Another as God Loves US for we are ALL Gods Children This is an important message at this time and my guides ask that you share this message far and wide Blessed Be for IT IS TIME! Quan Yin and the Ascended Masters Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering
23.01.2022 I have started to wake up just after 3am for a few days now and its not the first time, I know its important and not something to get annoyed about, it is a gift from the universe. Wayne Dyer always rose around 3am and I have shared his insight. My own knowing is that in the quietness of the early hours you have nothing to disturb you, so this is a perfect time to hear Source. Go into your heart, breathe deeply and be taken by your breath to your heart space, sit in this... vibration of love and ask what should I do next? What is my purpose? Call upon your I Am Presence the all knowing connection to Source for your answers. Feel blessed to be alive at this time of Spiritual awakening and a time of great change on our planet. Let the Light prevail and let us become one unity consciousness as we join together in Light and Love. Peace Be With You. Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering 4:27am Tuesday 25th August 2020
22.01.2022 New Appointment Schedule 11.30am Saturday 19th September 4pm Monday 21st September ... Apologies the booking tool is still not working I have again reported it to FB. Please message or text me on 0407523445 I am flexible with times, evening appointments available on request 1 hour Reading, Guidance and Life Coaching From Spirit $80 1 hr Reading & Guidance Video Link Sessions $80 1 hour Reiki/Spiritual Healing $80 90 mins Reading and Healing $120 2 hours Reading and Healing $150 30 mins Childrens appointments $40 NEW way to pay Credit Card Facilities 1.9% interest Or Cash. Last minute cancellation fee $50 Packages include:- Card readings from Louise Hay and a card spread from Doreen Virtue, however many it cards you need insight, guidance and affirmations from Spirit. New cards for those Starseeds looking for direction. Channelled messages from Kuan Yin and The Ascended Masters bringing important messages at this time. Putting you back on your life path. Letting go the past. Creating your future. Giving direction and guidance to awakening souls. Helping you move from 3D to 5D. Healing information :- Having answered and worked on what issues you came to see me about you then receive Spiritual Healing and Reiki. I channel Harry Edwards and his team of Spirit Doctors. Ascended Masters St. Germain and Lady Portia work to release and transmute negative energy and emotions. Working with the violet flame of transmutation. Master Jesus/Lord Sananda and Mary Magdalene/Lady Nada and the Angels also work with me during the session. Opening you to the Cosmic Christ highest vibrational energy. This energy work is very special and will open you up to a world of possibilities. Feedback..... You have helped me so much Life Changing, Amazing Experience, The Best $150 I have ever spent, so worth it I cant thank you enough Everythings you said came true, I cant believe how much my life has changed since coming to see you I feel so different since we did a cutting of ties with my ex I have slept better since my healing I no longer have pain, my childs anxiety has gone I feel a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders I look forward to helping you in the near future Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering 0407523445
20.01.2022 The Divine Feminine the three Marys, Mary the Sister, Mary the Mother and Mary the Companion. It is time to connect with the Mary within you, your Goddess Energy, Healer, Lover, Mother. The Sacred Feminine has been down played by churches, reputations destroyed, but it is time to Rise Up and reclaimed your femininity. After a very impromptu call from my teacher he reminded me to resurrect relations with sisters, mothers, companions that have fallen by the way side. Interes...ting he knew nothing of this post, but I am Seeing what needs to be done. We cannot move forward with resentment or bitterness. Holding a grudge and all that goes with that has to be released and forgiven. Just remember..... Ultimately, we meet each loved one again as our soul is immortal Adama - Telso 2 by Aurelia Louise Jones If that statement feels unsettling its time to do some releasing work around that person. Its time to be at peace with one another I am Mary I am the God/Goddess of Love I am dual in all aspects. I am the vibration of Mother Earth. I am the breeze that brushes your hair. I am the light at the end of the tunnel. I am within YOU. I am the God/Goddess energy of love. I am the woman with the alabaster jar. I am the woman with the long flowing hair. I am the love of Jesus Christ. I am Mary Magdalene. Channeled 9.47 am 18th April 2020 the last four lines where channeled two weeks later. Clare Sharp Spiritual Pampering I have been sent an email about the rise of the Divine Feminine with regards to Astrology And now we are ready to RECLAIM the Divine Feminine as part of the Human Experience. This is announced through the Cosmic Energies activated NOW, including: Mars retrograde in its own sign of Aries making room for the Divine Feminine Venus and the number 13 being activated consistently for many months The Stellium in Capricorn (patriarchy) dissolving with several retrogrades having come to an end Saturn (masculine) and Jupiter (feminine) about to join forces while moving JOINTLY into Aquarius on the Dec 21 SOLSTICE The powerful Awakening symbolized by the code of the 2020s by Tania Gabrielle https://youtu.be/fe6-2e9VDhY https://youtu.be/tZMc-p7Pnao
19.01.2022 Releasing and letting go exercise on Yanchep Beach. 12.10.2020 Blessings Clare
18.01.2022 Free Live Card Reading until 11am or until my client arrives. Saturday 10.10.2020
17.01.2022 Appointments available at Spiritual Pampering Helping you move forward, leaving the past where it belongs, creating your future with joy in your heart It’s so much more than a Psychic Reading Please note I only have a few appointments left between Christmas and New Year, so book your spot now Christmas Gift Vouchers Available ... Available Appointments Thursday 15th 1pm Saturday 17th Oct 11am onwards Sunday 18th Oct 10am onwards Tuesday 20th Oct 3.30pm onwards Wednesday 21st October noon onwards Thursday 22nd October 9.30am Saturday 24th Oct 10am onwards Sunday 25th 10am onwards Apologies the booking tool is still not working I have again reported it to FB. Please message or text me on 0407523445 I am flexible with times, evening appointments available on request 1 hour Reading, Guidance and Life Coaching From Spirit $80 1 hr Reading & Guidance Video Link Sessions $80 1 hour Reiki/Spiritual Healing $80 90 mins Reading and Healing $120 2 hours Reading and Healing $160 30 mins Children’s appointments $40 NEW way to pay Credit Card Facilities 1.9% interest Or Cash. Last minute cancellation fee $50 Packages include:- Card readings from Louise Hay and a card spread from Doreen Virtue, however many it cards you need insight, guidance and affirmations from Spirit. New cards for those Starseeds looking for direction. Channelled messages from Kuan Yin and The Ascended Masters bringing important messages at this time. Putting you back on your life path. Letting go the past. Creating your future. Giving direction and guidance to awakening souls. Helping you move from 3D to 5D. Healing information :- Having answered and worked on what issues you came to see me about you then receive Spiritual Healing and Reiki. I channel Harry Edwards and his team of Spirit Doctors. Ascended Masters St. Germain and Lady Portia work to release and transmute negative energy and emotions. Working with the violet flame of transmutation. Master Jesus/Lord Sananda and Mary Magdalene/Lady Nada and the Angels also work with me during the session. Opening you to the Cosmic Christ highest vibrational energy. This energy work is very special and will open you up to a world of possibilities. Feedback..... You have helped me so much After 6 years of trying I got pregnant 2 months after seeing you Life Changing, Amazing Experience, The Best $150 I have ever spent, so worth it I cant thank you enough Everything’s you said came true, I can’t believe how much my life has changed since coming to see you I feel so different since we did a cutting of ties with my ex I have slept better since my healing I no longer have pain, my child’s anxiety has gone I feel a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders I look forward to helping you in the near future Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering 0407523445
16.01.2022 Live Free Card Reading until 10am or until my client arrives. Thursday 27th August 2020 Im
15.01.2022 Times Are Changing We have been programmed since birth and finally times are changing. 2020 is a great time to be alive. Forget what weve been told, Life wasnt meant to be easy, deprogram the belief, you have to work hard to earn a living.... This is all doctrine that has been pushed down our throats over and over again, life time after life time. Remember we are Not robots, we are Not ants, we are Spiritual Beings having a Human existence not the other way round, humans trying to be spiritual. It is time to make changes, so that we can sustain ourselves, create our own veggie garden, collect rainwater and all that make us self reliant. Turn off the TV and radio so we can think, we can pray and connect to source, we can TALK to each other we can CONNECT The Television was designed to program us, they didnt even try and cover it up! they actually use the word program, and the device you turn on the television with, is called a control. We are fed lies daily through the media via smiling, good looking TV presenters that we Trust! Would they lie to you? Yes they would! Through hardship, famine, drought, bushfires, financial crisis, riots and disease we are living in a 3D world based on Fear. We have disconnected from God our Source, weve unplugged ourselves, we need to reconnect and remember God Loves Us. He doesnt see us as Sinners, hes sees us as his children and loves us unconditionally. Religion has programmed us to believe otherwise and it has been very convincing, I only realised through meditation this morning that my religion growing up was a cult, not only was it a cult it was a satanic cult, run by men who destroyed the role of women throughout history. Destroyed the Divine Feminine. When the truth comes to light all history books will have to be rewritten. We need to think for ourselves and see the bigger picture playing out, as nothing is what it seems. Switch from the left side of your brain, the control and analytical side and tap into the right side of your brain, your creative side, express yourself through the arts, be free thinking. Its time to find the hippy within. Freedom, Love, Peace. Connect to Mother Earth, the Elementals, the Divic Realm, the Plants, and the Animal Kingdom and all that there is, for we are all One. Come from your heart in all that you do. Create Harmony within you and you and you and we become HARMONIOUS. Peace be with You. Lord Sananda is with You I am the Light of the world John 12:36 While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of light." Lets move forward together Warriors of the Light And remember God Loves You. Blessings Clare Keeper of the Light 11:19 am 17.09.2020
13.01.2022 1111 What Does It Mean!! Forward on a few months since I wrote this post and I am half way through my Certified Lemurian Healing Practitioners Course. My journey this year has taken me to look within and remember my Lemurian heritage and reclaim my knowing and my Lemurian healing abilities. Shortly, I will be taking clients through an amazing healing process that is unobtrusive and filled with the pure love energy of Lemuria. This can be done here at Spiritual Pampering ...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Clearing and Releasing = FREEDOM Use the Violet Flame to transmute all negativity into positivity. Focus on something that is troubling you, Invoke/call upon the cool Violet Flame to wrap itself around you and within you. Transmuting and transforming instantly, thats how powerful this flame is. By invoking and working with the Violet flame you can transmute huge amounts of karma or misqualified energy from this or past lifetimes into pure positive energy Adama High Pri...est Of Telos - Aurelia Louise Jones www.telos-australia.com.au Saturday is associated with the Seventh Ray Royal Violet Flame Of Transmutation Blessings Clare Sharp Spiritual Pampering
13.01.2022 Healing the Heart with the power of the spoken word. Many Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering ... www.telos-australia.com.au
12.01.2022 Manifestation to meet your life partner Today Tony and I celebrate 13 happy years of marriage If you are struggling to find the right man or woman, seem to always be settling for second best and giving so much of yourself but getting little in return, then perhaps its time you invested $80 for a one hour appointment to turn your life around and manifest the love of your life.... I have done this for hundred of clients over the years and heard many, many wonderful stories about how their partner matched their manifestation and more. I am living proof that it works and I know there are many, many clients who have met their life partners through the work I teach. So why wait? Book your appointment today and create your future Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering
11.01.2022 Live FREE Card Reading until 9.30am or until my client arrives
11.01.2022 Create for yourself a powerful affirmation to start your day Here is mine ...... I am Strong......whats yours? Feel free to comment below and please share so that others can take a moment and create something positive for themselves Blessings Clare... Spiritual Pampering See more
11.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all Dads out there, enjoy your special day To all single mums who play the role of Mum and Dad dont forget this is your day too Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering
11.01.2022 This is definitely one for the diary. This is one of those moments this year by joining this meditation you will be uniting as one collective consciousness which the planet so desperately needs, I cant stress enough how important this event will be on the Winter Solstice. THERE IS SO MUCH CHANGE COMING AND YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THIS EVENT IS NEEDED TO UNITE AND BECOME ONE UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. Blessings Clare... Spiritual Pampering See more
10.01.2022 My booking tool is still not working and I have repeatedly reported it to Facebook. Please message me to book in. Thank you for your understanding
10.01.2022 New Appointment Schedule Appointments available 3pm Monday 24th Aug 9.30am and 3pm onwards Tuesday 25th August ... 10 am onwards Wednesday 26th August 3pm 5pm 6pm Thursday 27th August 2pm Friday 28th August 9.30am to 2pm Saturday 29th August 9.30am onwards Wednesday 2nd September 9.30am onwards Thursday 3rd September 9.30am onwards Tuesday 8th September 9.30am onwards Wednesday 9th September 9.30am onwards Thursday 10th September 9am until 3pm Saturday 12th September 10am until 1pm Sunday 13th September Apologies the booking tool is still not working I have again reported it to FB. Please message or text me on 0407523445 I am flexible with times, evening appointments available on request 1 hour Reading, Guidance and Life Coaching From Spirit $80 1 hr Reading & Guidance Video Link Sessions $80 1 hour Reiki/Spiritual Healing $80 90 mins Reading and Healing $120 2 hours Reading and Healing $150 30 mins Childrens appointments $40 NEW way to pay Credit Card Facilities 1.9% interest Currently out of action so Bank Transfer or Cash. Apologies for the inconvenience Packages include:- Card readings from Louise Hay and a card spread from Doreen Virtue, however many it cards you need insight, guidance and affirmations from Spirit. New cards for those Starseeds looking for direction. Channelled messages from Kuan Yin and The Ascended Masters bringing important messages at this time. Putting you back on your life path. Letting go the past. Creating your future. Giving direction and guidance to awakening souls. Helping you move from 3D to 5D. Healing information :- Having answered and worked on what issues you came to see me about you then receive Spiritual Healing and Reiki. I channel Harry Edwards and his team of Spirit Doctors. Ascended Masters St. Germain and Lady Portia work to release and transmute negative energy and emotions. Working with the violet flame of transmutation. Master Jesus/Lord Sananda and Mary Magdalene/Lady Nada and the Angels also work with me during the session. Opening you to the Cosmic Christ highest vibrational energy. This energy work is very special and will open you up to a world of possibilities. Feedback..... You have helped me so much Life Changing, Amazing Experience, The Best $150 I have ever spent, so worth it I cant thank you enough Everythings you said came true, I cant believe how much my life has changed since coming to see you I feel so different since we did a cutting of ties with my ex I have slept better since my healing I no longer have pain, my childs anxiety has gone I feel a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders I look forward to helping you in the near future Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering 0407523445
09.01.2022 Live Free Card Reading until 9.30am or until my client arrives Sunday 23.8.2020
09.01.2022 New Appointment Schedule Appointments available 3pm or 5.30pm Tuesday 8th September 9.30am Wednesday 9th September ... 9.30am Thursday 10th September 10am until 1pm Sunday 13th September 9.30am onwards Monday 14th September 3.00pm onwards Tuesday 15th September 1.30pm Wednesday 16th September 9.30am onwards Thursday 17th September 10am until 2pm Saturday 19th September 11am onwards Sunday 20th September Apologies the booking tool is still not working I have again reported it to FB. Please message or text me on 0407523445 I am flexible with times, evening appointments available on request 1 hour Reading, Guidance and Life Coaching From Spirit $80 1 hr Reading & Guidance Video Link Sessions $80 1 hour Reiki/Spiritual Healing $80 90 mins Reading and Healing $120 2 hours Reading and Healing $150 30 mins Childrens appointments $40 NEW way to pay Credit Card Facilities 1.9% interest Or Cash. Last minute cancellation fee $50 Packages include:- Card readings from Louise Hay and a card spread from Doreen Virtue, however many it cards you need insight, guidance and affirmations from Spirit. New cards for those Starseeds looking for direction. Channelled messages from Kuan Yin and The Ascended Masters bringing important messages at this time. Putting you back on your life path. Letting go the past. Creating your future. Giving direction and guidance to awakening souls. Helping you move from 3D to 5D. Healing information :- Having answered and worked on what issues you came to see me about you then receive Spiritual Healing and Reiki. I channel Harry Edwards and his team of Spirit Doctors. Ascended Masters St. Germain and Lady Portia work to release and transmute negative energy and emotions. Working with the violet flame of transmutation. Master Jesus/Lord Sananda and Mary Magdalene/Lady Nada and the Angels also work with me during the session. Opening you to the Cosmic Christ highest vibrational energy. This energy work is very special and will open you up to a world of possibilities. Feedback..... You have helped me so much Life Changing, Amazing Experience, The Best $150 I have ever spent, so worth it I cant thank you enough Everythings you said came true, I cant believe how much my life has changed since coming to see you I feel so different since we did a cutting of ties with my ex I have slept better since my healing I no longer have pain, my childs anxiety has gone I feel a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders I look forward to helping you in the near future Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering 0407523445
08.01.2022 Instagram followers I thought I was using Spiritual Pampering on Instagram and all this time I have been using sharp_clare Blessings Clare
08.01.2022 Free Oracle Card Reading Thursday 15th October at 9.00 am awst Also I have a 1pm appointment available today Thur 15th Oct.Free Oracle Card Reading Thursday 15th October at 9.00 am awst Also I have a 1pm appointment available today Thur 15th Oct.
08.01.2022 Sometimes we just need a good belly laugh Enjoy, love Clare
07.01.2022 Live Free Card Reading until 3pm Perth time 2.9.2020
04.01.2022 Monday 31st August Flower of Life Meditation 8pm Perth Time Let us come together and unite as one global consciousness
04.01.2022 New Appointment Schedule Appointments available 3pm 5pm 6pm Thursday 27th August 2pm Friday 28th August ... 9.30am to 2pm Saturday 29th August 9.30am onwards Wednesday 2nd September 9.30am onwards Thursday 3rd September 9.30am onwards Tuesday 8th September 9.30am onwards Wednesday 9th September 9.30am onwards Thursday 10th September 9am until 3pm Saturday 12th September 10am until 1pm Sunday 13th September Apologies the booking tool is still not working I have again reported it to FB. Please message or text me on 0407523445 I am flexible with times, evening appointments available on request 1 hour Reading, Guidance and Life Coaching From Spirit $80 1 hr Reading & Guidance Video Link Sessions $80 1 hour Reiki/Spiritual Healing $80 90 mins Reading and Healing $120 2 hours Reading and Healing $150 30 mins Childrens appointments $40 NEW way to pay Credit Card Facilities 1.9% interest Or Cash. Last minute cancellation fee $50 Packages include:- Card readings from Louise Hay and a card spread from Doreen Virtue, however many it cards you need insight, guidance and affirmations from Spirit. New cards for those Starseeds looking for direction. Channelled messages from Kuan Yin and The Ascended Masters bringing important messages at this time. Putting you back on your life path. Letting go the past. Creating your future. Giving direction and guidance to awakening souls. Helping you move from 3D to 5D. Healing information :- Having answered and worked on what issues you came to see me about you then receive Spiritual Healing and Reiki. I channel Harry Edwards and his team of Spirit Doctors. Ascended Masters St. Germain and Lady Portia work to release and transmute negative energy and emotions. Working with the violet flame of transmutation. Master Jesus/Lord Sananda and Mary Magdalene/Lady Nada and the Angels also work with me during the session. Opening you to the Cosmic Christ highest vibrational energy. This energy work is very special and will open you up to a world of possibilities. Feedback..... You have helped me so much Life Changing, Amazing Experience, The Best $150 I have ever spent, so worth it I cant thank you enough Everythings you said came true, I cant believe how much my life has changed since coming to see you I feel so different since we did a cutting of ties with my ex I have slept better since my healing I no longer have pain, my childs anxiety has gone I feel a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders I look forward to helping you in the near future Blessings Clare Spiritual Pampering 0407523445
04.01.2022 Live free card Reading until 9.30am or until my client arrives. Tuesday 8.9.2020
03.01.2022 In the Name of the I am That I am Prayer. In the name of the I am that I am, I call upon God to be here with me now, as above so below. As God resides in my higher heart, my soul is in full remembering of my divine connection to source. The source of Light and Eternal Love.... I call upon God to take from me all discordant energy that is directed at me as I stand in the Light, a Warrior of the Light and for all that the Light stands for. For I AM a beacon of that Light, for I have been called to the Light to Serve once more for the greater good of all. I stand here before you an equal in all things and I ask that you join with me and band together as ONE force against the darkness and bring this planet into the Light and the Golden Age which is upon us. Let us Unite as One Consciousness and strive for the betterment of our Planet to pledge our commitment to shine and become one family of the Light, for we are all Light, we are all Light. All for ONE and ONE for All. It is time Lightworkers of the World to join force and pledge to Shine and become ONE beacon of light and raise the vibration of the planet and heal with love our beloved Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. May Peace Prevail on Earth. We bring you this message of Peace at this time to ease you to bring Peace of Mind. Blessings from The One a group of Ascended Masters who Channel through me teachings for the Collective Awakened Souls here on Earth. Channeled 11:07 am 12.09.2020 Clare Sharp Spiritual Pampering
03.01.2022 Do not sit in fear of any kind, lift your heart, bring joy into your world. Turn off the news and dont read negative headlines. Keep connected to your I am Presence which is your phone line to God. I AM THAT I AM when you say I am you are saying where you are God is. Blessings Love Light Unity Peace... Clare Sharp Spiritual Pampering 0407523445
03.01.2022 Please keep this prayer circle going Please pray for one of my clients fathers who has been rushed to hospital. You can use the following prayer I channeled or your own.... Thank you for doing this as the power of prayer brings many miracles I call upon Ascend Master Jesus, Master Hilarion, Mother Mary, Arch Angel Raphael and all Angels on the Emerald Green Healing Ray to assist Steve this day. Casting a healing miracle upon Steves soul, that he is blessed with the miracle of healing rays pouring forth from the hands of God. I ask this to be done for Steves highest good, according to Gods Holy Will. And So Be It ! And So It Is! Channeled 2.36pm 14.09.2020 By Clare Sharp Spiritual Pampering Thank you Everyone
02.01.2022 Sprinkle Kindness
02.01.2022 Live Free Card Reading at 2.30pm Wednesday 2nd September I am back at work this afternoon after my jolly to the big smoke with my husband for our wedding anniversary. September is a time of self care and looking within to find your answers ... Blessings Clare
02.01.2022 FREE Mini Session on the Simple Steps of Forgiveness - FREEDOM from the Past I have been working with clients to release the past programming and patterns not only of this life but past lives. Releasing and letting go of karmic debt so that we can ascend in this life, but we have to put in the work and its so easy to do. Many souls are awakening at this time and realising there is more to life that going to work and being on a hamster wheel. Its time to step off and onto y...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Free Live Card Reading until 4.55pm Monday 24th August 2020
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