Springwood State High School | Businesses
Springwood State High School
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24.01.2022 Our fabulous Strings students performed as part of Activist Houses Picnic on the Green lunchtime activity. Our student leaders have coordinated different House events for each day of the week. It is lovely to see such a sense of community in Our House system
22.01.2022 Would you like to assist with upcoming Senior exams and be paid for your time? The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) appoints members of the community to observe and report on the administration of external assessment sessions at secondary schools and approved assessment venues throughout Queensland. Invigilators play an important role in promoting public confidence in the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) system and ensuring that proper and ...fair administrative procedures are implemented. To be eligible to apply for a QCAA invigilator role, community members must: hold a blue card or an exemption card be at least 18 years of age be eligible to work in Australia have photographic identification have a personal email address have a mobile phone have access to a computer, the internet and a printer. Note: Before applying, community members should read the Position description: Invigilators and Invigilator frequently asked questions available at www.qcaa.qld.edu.au//assessment/external/qcaa-invigilators. See more
22.01.2022 We are thinking of our Year 12 students this week as they embark upon their life beyond school. Last week's Formal was a wonderful opportunity for our students to celebrate their connection with each other and our school community. We are so proud of their achievements and can't wait to see what Year 13 holds in store for them all. #excel@springwood #21stcenturyteachingandlearning #cultureofcare
21.01.2022 Our Year 12 students commence their Mock Block exam week tomorrow. These exams will provide important information about student progress and will help prepare Springwood learners for their end of year external exams. Students are required to attend all scheduled sessions and we wish them the very best with their results. Our Senior School Team will be providing breakfast for students each morning at 8am in the library courtyard. #excel@springwoodshs
21.01.2022 Year 9 Science Extension students put forward some amazing invention concepts this week to our Shark Tank team! In response to the environmental, economic and social impacts presented by natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, our Springwood learners proposed a range of innovative ideas including Seismic Socks, UV light water purifiers and Wobell, the Sea-Cleaning Whale. Our students demonstrated fantastic and in-depth knowledge about the causes and impacts of these natural phenomena and worked collaboratively to develop creative and well-researched solutions to present to our Sharks! Well done students. excel@springwoodshs
21.01.2022 Our Parents and Citizens Committee is holding a general meeting at 5pm via ZOOM conferencing today. If you would like to participate in this meeting, please send us a direct message and we will provide you with details to access the meeting platform.
20.01.2022 2020 Early School Leavers survey The Queensland Government is seeking the support of the school community for the annual survey of Year 10, 11 and 12 students who left school in 2019, before completing Year 12. This short, confidential survey collects information about what young people are doing the year after leaving school. The results of the survey help provide valuable information to improve services available to school leavers in the future. Between August and Septembe...r, these school leavers can expect to receive instructions to complete a web-based survey or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statisticians Office. Please encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please assist the interviewer with their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate. Thank you for your support of Next Step post-school destination surveys in 2020. For more information, visit www.qld.gov.au/nextstep/ or telephone toll free on 1800 068 587.
20.01.2022 An important reminder that this Friday, 4 September is a Student Free Day for all schools in Queensland.
20.01.2022 Our Year 10 students have been engaging in Senior Education and Training (SET) interviews. At Springwood SHS we value this opportunity to successfully transition all our students to their senior education phase. #Excel@SpringwoodSHS
20.01.2022 Tomorrow is our first House Extension Day for all students! Our students will be participating in a range of different activities for House points. Any student wishing to participate in the swimming carnival is able to join in the fun with Action House for the day. All other students have creative and critical thinking all day events to enjoy!... Excellence@Springwood - Every student, every day. Which House will achieve the most points... Academia, Arts, Activist or Action. We can’t wait for tomorrow.
18.01.2022 Check out Storm Cafe's Term 1 Menu
17.01.2022 National Science Week is in full swing and our Science Department have been running lunchtime challenges for students in our newly refurbished C Block courtyard area to celebrate Rockets have taken flight, fossils have been made and extremely tall towers have been built Well done to all our budding scientists
17.01.2022 The Logan Show Public Holiday (EKKA) falls on Friday, 14th of August this year. Mark the date in your calendars and enjoy the day off!
16.01.2022 2021 Year 7 Scholarship rounds are now open! Current Year 6 students with exceptional abilities in areas such as academics, arts, sports and leadership/service are invited to apply for scholarships which align with the school's House System (Academia, Arts, Action and Activist). Round 1 of scholarships close on Monday, September 14th.... Click on the link below to access 2021 scholarship forms. Completed forms can be submitted to the school administration office or emailed to [email protected] https://springwoodshs.eq.edu.au//2021-scholarship-applicat #Excel@SpringwoodSHS
16.01.2022 It was Skipper's last day at Springwood SHS! Skipper was the most adorable, well-behaved boy and we're all very sad to say goodbye. We wish Skipper the very best in his journey as a guide dog. This would all not be possible without the service provided by our wonderful Ms Bidmead. Here are Skipper's first and last day school pictures.
16.01.2022 RUOK? day celebrations this Wednesday at First Break on The Green.
16.01.2022 We are thrilled to enrol Koopa from Springwood Central State School for Year 7 in 2021. Koopa excels in Mathematics and is very interested in STEM and Robotics. As a future member of Springwood SHSs Academia House, he will engage in extension programs aligned with his areas of interest. ... Welcome Koopa! #Excel@SpringwoodSHS
14.01.2022 It was lovely to see all of our Year 7, 8 and 9 students at this mornings Junior School assembly. Ms Harth welcomed students back to Term 3 and reinforced our schools high expectations and culture of care. Our first Senior assembly will take place tomorrow at the Pool amphitheatre (due to all of the exciting refurbishments underway in the School Hall).
14.01.2022 It is Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week! We thank all our teacher aides at Springwood State High School for their hard work with our students and for their amazing support of teaching staff.
14.01.2022 Springwood State High School celebrated Wear It Purple Day today. It is a day we celebrate diversity and show support for our LGBTIQ+ community. We recognise that our school is a place Where We All Belong.
13.01.2022 Year 10 update: students are bringing a letter home tonight for families. We will be moving to a digital platform for our Subject Information and SET Planning this year. The Information Evening scheduled for 5 August will not proceed. Year 8 and 9 students will also be provided with subject handbooks and preference forms in the coming weeks to bring home for discussion with families.
13.01.2022 See below for the school term opening hours of Gazone, our uniform shop. Monday 8am 12pm Wednesday 12pm 4pm... Saturday 9am - 12pm Gazone is located in U16/126-130 Compton Rd, Woodridge QLD 4114. Phone: (07) 3808 9249
12.01.2022 Well done to our Year 7 Students on their Exemplary Effort and Behaviour Semester 1 Report results Students were presented with their House Certificates of Recognition at assembly this morning.
12.01.2022 We have some exciting news! Five of our talented Visual Arts students will have their work exhibited at this years ARTWAVES exhibition at the Logan Art Gallery. Artwaves is an annual art exhibition of work sourced from the Logan regions secondary schools. Selected by Visual Arts teachers in conjunction with gallery staff, Artwaves aims to demonstrate the wealth of imagination and creativity present in the City of Logan and adjacent areas.... The exhibition runs from Friday 11th September to Saturday 17th October. Logan Art Gallery (Cnr Wembley Road & Jacaranda Ave, Logan Central) Open 10 am to 5 pm, Tuesday to Saturday. Entry is free. #Excel@SpringwoodSHS
12.01.2022 We are pleased to announce our school will reopen on Monday, 24 August 2020. The Metro South Public Health Unit has approved our opening following extensive consideration of all circumstances, and the deep clean of all relevant areas and facilities. Further information has been emailed to parents and carers... . Thank you for your wonderful support and understanding during this time it is very much appreciated. See more
10.01.2022 AFL comes to Springwood State High School! We are excited to announce our school is now the new home of the Rochedale Ravens JAFC. A win for community partnerships.
10.01.2022 We are accepting uniform donations! If you have pre-loved uniforms in good condition and not used anymore, please consider dropping them off at our administration office. There are families in our community who would benefit and be very appreciative.
09.01.2022 As part of our House Extension Program, Jack Ford Morgan of Half Monster Games has been working with Academia House Extension students to assist in refining their board game designs. Mr Morgan has been very impressed with the students’ designs, commenting on the sophistication of the design elements incorporated into their games. We can’t wait to see the culmination of our students’ Academia, Action, Activist and Arts House Extension Programs through our Showcase Day next Tuesday. #highexpectations #21stCenturyteachingandlearning #excel@springwood
08.01.2022 Our new mascot! Springwood Storm. We have: S strength T tenacity O optimism... R resilience M motivation #wearespringwoodstorm See more
08.01.2022 Have your say! Springwood State High School's Parent and Citizens' (P&C) Association would love your input on what should be included in the new canteen menu. Scan this code, complete the survey and go into the draw to win $20 to spend at the new canteen!
08.01.2022 First week done and dusted! Our students are looking really smart and fresh in their uniforms. The school has been receiving many positive comments about the polish and appearance of our students. Thank you! Our uniform shop is conveniently located on-site. It is open every Monday from 7.30am to 9.30am. Families can also make orders online (open 24/7) and collect from the Administration Office after 10am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.... See below for the link to make online orders. https://schoolshoponline.net.au//springwoodshs/index.aspx A huge thank you to our volunteers who have designed this smart system and for the countless hours they've offered our school community.
07.01.2022 We hope all our students have had a happy, safe and healthy holiday break. We look forward to seeing you back at school tomorrow morning. Students are asked to please check their EQ email account to access their Term 3 timetable to ensure they go to the correct room for Care class. Hard copies will be provided in Care tomorrow.
07.01.2022 Due to high demand we have opened further times for bookings on Saturday (23rd Jan 2021). Please keep checking our online booking system if you haven't been able to book as yet. If you have ordered online or last year in the pre-order timeframe, you can collect your orders from the office at the time you have booked. We are doing our best to keep up with demand and I am sure we will have all the students in uniform for the first day back (Wednesday - 27th Jan 2021 for Years ...7, 9 and 12 and Thursday - 28th Jan 2021 for Years 8, 10 and 11). We have a room set up for Year 7 fittings and the uniform shop set up for year 8 - 12 fittings. Look out for the signs when you arrive. Please be respectful of the Covid safety regulations we have in place regarding social distancing, face masks and hand sanitizer. Lisa Treasurer - Parents and Citizens' Association
07.01.2022 Our Graduation and Awards Ceremonies are on this Friday, 20th of November at the Sleeman Sports Centre Theatre in Chandler. There will be no regular classes on this day. Instead, students will engage in ‘Learning From Home’ through the OneNote portals. Families of graduands and award recipients have already received invitations and will need to RSVP via email ([email protected]) or phone (3380 6111). The times of the ceremonies are as follows: Graduation Ceremon...y: 8:30am 11am (Year 12 students only Year 12 award recipients will receive their awards at the Graduation Ceremony). Awards Ceremony: 1pm 3pm (Years 7 to 11 only) Students attending the Graduation and Awards Ceremonies will need to present in full formal school uniform. This is a COVID-Safe event. Please stay at home if unwell or have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath. If you become unwell during the event, please locate the nearest event official and inform them. All attendees will be required to maintain physical distancing requirements, this is the individual’s responsibility.
07.01.2022 Exciting news! Year 10 students have been provided with their Springwood High USB today, containing Senior subject information to discuss with families. SET Plan interview times for next week (students on site, phone call to families) will be sent by SMS tomorrow. Please engage with the Subject Information over the next few days & contact the school if you have any questions. We look forward to supporting our Year 10 students to define their Senior pathways over the coming weeks!
06.01.2022 Save the date! Our annual Year 10 into 11 Subject Information Evening will be held on Wednesday, 5 August. Students will be provided with information about the evening to bring home to families on Friday. Please follow the steps listed in the letter to register your attendance. Numbers at each session will be limited under COVID restrictions. We look forward to seeing all Year 10 families on the 5th and working with you and your child on their pathway selections over the next few weeks.
05.01.2022 R U OK? Today marks national R U OK? Day - Australia's day of action where we recognise that every day is the day to ask, "Are you OK"? This year, our student leaders organised a school wide event which featured morning tea activities and a cartoon competition to promote this year's focus ...'There's more to say after R U OK?' For more information about the R U OK? message, go to: https://www.ruok.org.au/join-r-u-ok-day If you are not okay and would like to access support, follow the links on the R U OK? website, go to the beyondblue website or contact a member of our Support Services team.
04.01.2022 Families who are unable to visit the school's uniform shop (Gazone) during their opening hours are now able to purchase uniforms from the school's administration office (Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 3.30pm). Call 3380 6111 to check if we have the items and sizes you require.
04.01.2022 ‘On 11 November 1918, the guns of the Western Front fell silent after four years of continuous warfare. With their armies retreating and close to collapse, German leaders signed an Armistice, bringing to an end the First World War’ (Australian War Memorial). Today our school community marked Remembrance Day along with our Executive Leadership Team, Junior Secondary Captains laid a wreath at our school memorial site and our entire school marked a minute of silence. They sha...ll not grow old as we who are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. Lest we forget. See more
04.01.2022 Our Year 12s are giving a big thumbs up to the mock exam week and are achieving great outcomes in their progress towards their QCEs. Thanks to our dedicated staff who have been supporting students throughout 2020 and who were cooking up a storm this morning and providing encouragement prior to todays English exams. Well done to all our Springwood learners on a successful Term 3. We are so proud of you! #excel@springwoodhigh
04.01.2022 Many other amazing young men and womenhave been celebrated at our reason assemblies. All these students have achieved exceptional results in semester one for effort and behaviour. Well done! ... #Excel@SpringwoodSHS
03.01.2022 Our Fitness Centre is open and ready for students on Monday. Mr Hodges and I went for an early morning workout today. #working up a storm @springwoodshs
02.01.2022 Our new school-based uniform shop in H Block will be open on Monday, 30th November 2020 from 8am to 3pm for new Year 7 students joining us in 2021. There will be an opportunity for future students to do a uniform fitting while they are here for Transition Day. Families of future Year 7 students will also be able to make pre-orders on this day.
01.01.2022 Our first Parents and Citizens' Meeting for the year is scheduled on Tuesday, 16th of February 2021. We will be meeting between 5.30pm and 6.30pm in the Administration Block Staffroom. Please RSVP to [email protected] for catering purposes. All are welcome! ZOOM link is also available on request for those interested in attending remotely.
01.01.2022 R U OK? Day is the perfect day to introduce the newest member of the Springwood State High School Support Services team, Chappy Tiff. Our new Chaplain has been hard at work already today, along with our School-Based Youth Health Nurse and Guidance Officer, supporting our students through our R U OK? events and our Year 12 students who sat their first mock exam session. Welcome to our school team Chappy!... excel@springwoodshs
01.01.2022 As always we are dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of all of our students, families and staff. A letter to our community from Metro South Public Health Unit. We have emailed the letter to all parents.
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