SSAA Kalgoorlie-Boulder in Yilkari | Community organisation
SSAA Kalgoorlie-Boulder
Locality: Yilkari
Phone: +61 437 132 481
Address: Ballast Rd 6430 Yilkari, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Competition is still suspended. At least for the next two weekends. (This was the advice from SSAA WA executive) So "pencil in" Sunday the 7th June as our first match back. What format this will take is yet to be determined. A major factor will be the number of people we can have on the range at one time. The next committee meeting is the 2nd June and things should be a lot clearer then. In the meantime take care and stay safe.
23.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for the 5th July This Sunday we have:- Field Rifle at 8:30 am. Rimfire & Centrefire events 4 rds each,25 to 200 meters. Prac Pistol also at 8:30 am for trophy Match 6A. keep up the COVID 19 good work and shoot straight!
22.01.2022 Prac Handgun Titles Success After a hectic 9 days of both the IPSC & SSAA prac State Titles, the Kalgoorlie-Boulder "boys" have brought home a swag of medals. Congratulations to Patrick Meier for winning the SSAA Production Title. SSAA Titles at Jarrahdale:- 1st overall in Production Patrick Meier & 1st in Master Grade.... 2nd overall in Standard Byron Moller & 1st in A grade. 3rd overall in Open Revolver Dave Tadic and 1st in A grade. 4th Overall in Classic Steve Genovese and 2nd in B grade. IPSC Titles at OGSA:- 2nd overall in Production Patick Meier & 1st in B grade. 3rd overall in Open Andrew Genovese & 2nd in B grade. 3rd overall in Standard Byron Moller & 2nd in B grade. That is a lot of "bling"to bring home! Well done all.
22.01.2022 Shooting Calendar 23rd Aug 2020 Sunday Lever Action Rifles starting at 8:30 am Sunday Prac Pistol Club Shoot. Starts 8:30 am. The Club's AGM on the 30th Aug at the Kalgoorlie Country Club 9:00 am... Only 2 weeks until the Club hosts an IPSC Level 2 Handgun match.
21.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for the 20th September. Lever Action starting at 8:30 am Prac Pistol Trophy match 8 C starting at 8:30 am. Goodluck to the club members traveling to Kukerin for the annual Steel Challenge this weekend.
21.01.2022 IPSC Level 2 Handgun Match. 5th & 6th September. Hosted by the SSAA Kalgoorlie-Boulder Branch. This is one of the State Team Selection Matches.
21.01.2022 Alloy Gun Case. I won an alloy gun case with a voucher for custom cut foam inserts at the SSAA State Titles last year. Kindly donated by:- Image Alloy Cases P/L. Jez Moore 0413 133 239... I have just received the inserts that they specially cut for me. (part of the prize) The delay was on my part not theirs. They have been excellent to deal with and cannot recommend them highly enough. The quality of the inserts is outstanding.
21.01.2022 Shooting Calendar 10th Oct 8:30 am Field Rifle 8:30 am Prac Pistol Trophy Match 9 B continues. (Andrew shoot pretty well last week but the door is ajar for Patrick to pip him in the race for Club Top Gun)... Note that both the IPSC (at OGSA) and SSAA (at Jarrahdale) State titles are coming up in a few weeks time.
20.01.2022 All Club Shooting Competitions Suspended until the 31st May. We have already had the past 2 weeks suspended and now this suspension will continue untill 5:00 pm on 31st May. This complies with the strongest possible recommendation from SSAA WA State Executive. The range remains open so long as social distancing is maintained. No visitors. If you are at the range in this time period you do so at your own risk.... The Club committee is scrambling to get a video hook up so as to conduct the Meeting scheduled for the 7th April. Stay safe everyone. Remember to check in on our mates.
20.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for this weekend Sat 5th Sep 8:00 am Prac Pistol Trophy Match 8a Sat 5th Sep 10:30 am IPSC Level 2 Prematch. Sat 5th Sep 3:00 to 5:00 pm Registrations... Sun 6th Sep 7:30 am Match Brief followed by 8:00 am Main Match Start. 5:00 pm Dinner & Presentation at the Kalgoorlie Country Club. All club members & visitors are welcome. There are still spots available. Please get your registration in .
20.01.2022 Hello All, There was a SSAA Media camera crew at the recent Kukerin Steel Challenge. Here is some of what they produced. Hope to see more of us at next years Challenge. Steve
19.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for Sunday 26th July Lever Action Rifle starting at 8:30am Practical Shotgun starting at 8:30am Practical Pistol starting at 8:30 am.... Not long to go until we host the SSAA State Practical Shotgun shoot on the 15th Sept.
19.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for the 21st June we have been back shooting for 2 weeks now. The weather has been sensational. Don't dawdle about doing gardening, come out and shoot! Field Rifle at 8:30 am Prac Pistol at 8:30 am. trophy Match 5c Just a reminder that the SSAA Prac Shotgun State Titles will be on at our Club on Sat 15th Aug.
19.01.2022 Shooting Calendar 4th October. 8:30am Lever Action Rifle 8:30am Prac Pistol Trophy Match 9A. The challenge is on for the Open Shooters (& Patrick). Andrew needs one more win to make it 4 Club Championships in a row. This is most likely his last shoot in Kal for the year so he can't afford to stumble. Let's make him earn it, afterall we are playing for Sheep Stations.
18.01.2022 Club member Patrick at the IPSC WA State Titles last weekend. Placed 2nd in Production overall. Great job
18.01.2022 Hello everyone please see the link below for Registration forms for both Shotgun and IPSC level 2 Handgun Match. For more information please feel free to contact us on [email protected]
18.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for 28th June Hello All. It has been perfect weather for shooting since we resumed after our enforced break. Congratulations to all for observing our COVID19 policy. Lever Action Rifle this Sunday 8:30 am Practical Shotgun Trophy Match 8:30 am Prac Pistol Club match 8:30 am... Keep up the social distancing etc and stay safe.
18.01.2022 There is Good & Sad news this Sunday at the Range. Good news is that Prac Shotgun has its first shoot for the year. There will also be plenty of action for the pistol shooters. And the Lever Action section have a shoot on as well. The sad news is that this will be be Andrew G's last shoot as a resident of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. (not his last ever shoot with us by a long shot) He is moving to Perth and we will only see him occassionally at our range. He will continue his shooting at OGSA mainly in Perth. He started shooting as a 13 yo and has grown up around the club. It won't be the same without him there pushing us to be better. There will be a sauage sizzle brunch with a few drinks at the club at about 11.00 am to say farewell to Andrew. All welcome.
17.01.2022 We have several members who will be competing. Room for more. Click on "get tickets"for the entry form
17.01.2022 Shooting Calendar 8th November 8:30 am start for Field Rifle 8:30 am for Prac Pistol Trophy match 10 B. 7th & 8th SSAA prac Pistol State Championships at Jarrahdale.... We have at least 3 members competing. Good luck. Remember to stay alert at the range as we have some earthworks going on.
17.01.2022 Shooting Calendar 1st November Sunday 8:30 am Lever Action Rifle Sunday 8:30 am Prac Pistol Trophy Match 10A Good luck to the Club members competing in the IPSC WA State Titles at OGSA in Perth this weekend.
17.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for 13th September Sunday at 8:30 am Field Rifle Sunday at 8:30 am Prac Pistol Trophy match 8B. We get to shoot 4 stages from last weeks Level 2 match. approx 106 rds.... The 2020 Kukerin Steel Challenge is on the 19th & 20th Sept. At this stage we have 4 or 5 members attending. Good Luck to all.
16.01.2022 Club Competitions to restart this Sunday 7th June. With certain COVID 19 precautions in place, the Club Committee has approved the recommencement of all club competitions.... Field Rifle will be starting at 8:30 am on Sunday. Prac Pistol will bestarting at 8:30 am on Sunday. Its been a long 2 months without shooting so well done everyone for the positive attitude shown by you all.
14.01.2022 Small advice for beginners who wan't to keep/improve their current level of shooting/saftey while at home.
14.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for Sunday 14th June. After a successful relaunch of our shooting competitions last Sunday we are ready to continue this Sunday. The Lever Action section has their first shoot starting at 8:30 am. The Prac Pistol section continues with Trophy Match #5. Start time is 8:30 for 9:00 am.... Remember to observe the Club's COVID 19 Action Plan. Let's continue to look after each other.
14.01.2022 Sunday 8th March Lever Action Rifle & Field Pistol. 8:30 am start. Prac Pistol Trophy match 2 B. 7:30 for 8:00 am start. Visitors welcome.
13.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for Sunday 19th July 8:30 am Field Rifle 8:30 am Prac Pistol Trophy Match 6C ... Coming Up is the SSAA WA State Prac Shotgun Titles on Saturday the 15th August. and an IPSC Level 2 State Team Selection Match on the 5th & 6th September.
12.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for the 9th August Lever Action Rifles starting at 8:30 am Prac Pistol starting at 8:30 am. Trophy Match 7B. (the last trophy match for this month.) Visitors welcome.
12.01.2022 Shooting this weekend 1st March. Field Rifle starting at 8:30 am. 22lr & Centrefire match (42 rds each 25m to 200m) Prac Pistol Trophy Match 2A. 8:00 am start. Thanks to all who have helped set up this week. It was a nice send off for Andrew last week. The BBQ brunch may well become a regular habit once a month. Visitors always welcome. Range turnoff is 1 km past the BP Truckstop south on Kambaldaa Rd.
11.01.2022 Shooting Calender 25th October Remember that COVID 19 restrictions are still in place. This Sunday we have the Field Rifle Section competing from 8:30 am.... Also the Prac Shotgun have their Oct Trophy Match at 8:30 am. There is also a prac pistol club match as well. Good luck to all the Club members competing at the IPSC & SSAA handgun State Titles in 2 weeks time.
11.01.2022 2020 AGM this Sunday 30th August 9:00 am at the Kalgoorlie Country Club, Egan St Kalgoorlie. Note that the Range is closed that morning while the AGM is on.
10.01.2022 "The Clayton Shoot" (the shoot you have when you are not having a shoot). Thanks to Brian we have a 3 stage practical pistol match set up at the range. So when ever you can shot it and send the scores into Steve G we will work out how you performed. First place prize is Bragging rights and a "Free Pass" from picking up brass and patching at our next official shoot whenever that may be. If you need a timer there is an App you can download. Remember your social distancing. This is not a Club shoot but just something for a bit of fun to keep us sane through these crazy times. I shot it last Sunday and it is alot of fun. It will run over the next 2 Sundays and then we may look at at changing things up. Stay Safe everyone.
09.01.2022 Please could any two of my Facebook friends just copy and repost? This lockdown period is especially hard for people with depression. Beyond Blue 1300 224 636. There is always someone willing to listen. If you are struggling. I will listen and not judge. Please pass on.
09.01.2022 At long last the new Prac Pistol starts this Sunday 2nd Feb. early start to beat the heat. 7:30 am set up for 8:00 am start. Visitors welcome. Our range turn off is 1 km South of the BP Truckstop on Kambalda Rd.
09.01.2022 A huge welcome to our Club's newest member. A beautiful little princess, Evelyn Mykhaila Genovese born on the 8th April 2020. Parents Luke & Teagan are stunned but doing well. Grandpa Steve and Uncle Andrew are more exicted than getting a new gun!!
08.01.2022 Club Shooting Postponed Taking into account the current situation in regard to the Corona Virus Club President Tony has suspended all scheduled shooting matches for the next 2 weekends. That is the 22nd and 29th March. this action will give the Club committee time to complete a risk assesement and meet to discuss the way forward. The Range is not closed, but if you are there you are completely there at your own risk.
07.01.2022 Shooting Calendar Sunday 12th July. Lever Action Rifle at 8:30 am Prac Pistol Trophy match 5B at 8:30 am. Remember to fill in your details on the COVID19 registry. Hopefully we are nearly at the end of this. But keep up the good work.... We may need to be there a few minutes early as the kangaroos are eating any targets we leave set up !! See more
06.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for the 15th November 8:30 am Lever Action Rifle 8:30 am prac Pistol trophy match 10 C. This is the last pistol Trophy match for the year so come along and shoot with our State Champion Patrick. There is still a chance that Brian may pip him for our Top Gun award.
06.01.2022 Shooting Calendar 2nd August. Field Rifle starting at 8:30 am Prac Pistol Trophy Match 7A staring at 8:30 am. (note that we only have 2 trophy matches this month)... The Club's COVID19 policy is still in place. Make sure you sign in.
05.01.2022 Shooting Calendar for Sunday the 27th September. 8:30 am Field Rifle 8:30 am Prac Shotgun Trophy Match 8:30 am Prac Pistol Club Match.
05.01.2022 Shooting Calendar 18th October 8:30 am start for Lever Action 8:30 am start for Prac Pistol Trophy match 9C.
05.01.2022 WA Gunshops to reopen for all firearm sales and service tomorrow. Freerange Suppies opening at 9:00 am Thursday 7th May.
04.01.2022 For our Practical Pistol Shooters: Practical pistol shooting brings a unique set of challenges that traditional target shooters dont face. Grip and how to use the sights differ considerably and the correct way might not be how we have been taught in the past! In the video below Joel Park, a USPSA Grand Master and member of Ben Stoegers (Production World Champion) training group discusses these issues....
03.01.2022 Shooting this Sunday. The Lever Action Rifle Section recommences this Sunday morning at 8:30 . Good luck to all for a great year of shooting. Plans for the L/A WA State Titles (hosted by us) are progressing. Prac Pistol will also be competing this Sunday, 7:30 for 8:00 am start. This is Trophy match 1 B. We had a good turn up last week with 17 shooters, this makes for a good quick match with 2 squads. Visitors welcome.
03.01.2022 15th March Field Rifle this Sunday. Starting at 8:30 am. Any scoped rifle is suitable for FR. 42 rds rimfire and 42 rds centerfire. A great way to pracice your bush shooting skills, Also Prac Pistol Trophy Match 2C this Sunday. 7:30 for an 8:00 am start. After a lengthy absence (3weeks) and a long farewell, Andrew will be back to shoot with us this weekend. Visitors welcome.
02.01.2022 Shooting Calendar 15th & 16th August Sat 15th at 9:30am We are hosting the SSAA WA State Practical Shotgun Titles. Good luck to all . It will be a great Match. Sun 16th at 8:30 am Prac Pistol Fun Shoot.... Sun 16th at 8:30 am Field Rifle. A busy but fun weekend.
02.01.2022 SSAA WA 2020 State Practical Shotgun Titles 15th August. Hosted by the SSAA KAlgoorlie-Boulder Branch.
01.01.2022 We have been getting some good numbers to the first 2 practical shoots this year, hopefully we can do it again this Sunday. 16th Feb Trophy match 1 C. Remember it is a 7:30 am for an 8:00 am start. Field Rifle will also be shooting this Sunday. Visitors welcome
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