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Stokers Siding Hapkido
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23.01.2022 13/30 Hapkido Self-Improvement Program. Balance. Have you ever wondered why you struggle in some kicks and not others. Or find it difficult to put power into a kick? It’s possibly because your body/brain is concentrating most energy on finding balance. We are never ever still , look at my foot wobbling to keep me stable on an apparently still surface. It’s not still, everything is moving ALL the time. Inside our body our blood is pumping around, highways of information t...ravelling at great speeds, our breath is moving in and out, the planet is revolving and rotating and the wind is blowing in the trees, even sound is actually a vibrating movement! So PRACTICE (often) finding balance under these difficult circumstances and your kicks ( amongst many other things ) WILL improve. Balance As in Hapkido So in life
22.01.2022 Ok Hapkido kids time to make myself accountable... For the next 30 days I’m going to do my homework! I am going to practice whatever comes to mind and notice my weaknesses, next day I’ll address my weak point. I hope some of you will come along for the ride! Tonight I trained weapons and patterns and I noticed I was RUSHING through them. Tomorrow I incorporate slowwwwing down... If you do decide to do this 30 day ‘Hapkido self awareness’ program PLEASE feel free to post pics and comment, let us know how your going!
20.01.2022 Patterns... Day 11/30 Hapkido self awareness An excellent way to supplement your training classes and improve your Hapkido is to practice your patterns at home. Not just once though...Stay out there till you feel you’re getting your head around something new. Slow down sometimes and feel the transition from one quadrant to another. Or notice the way your chi is flowing or have you cut it off. Watch your breath. Go to your next class with your patterns sparkling!
16.01.2022 Congrats to Nino on his 7th year of training. This kid has strength perseverance and compassion. It’s a privilege to watch him grow
16.01.2022 Footwork drill! Day6/30 So many subtleties to the Hapkido footwork drill, it’s been 13 yrs of training and I’m only bringing them together properly now Don’t lock the knees, land each movement with just toes poking out in front of your knee, dont bob up and down, turn your head before you turn your body, keep focused, breathe in rhythm! And that’s not all. Footwork is so important. Spend 15 minutes on your footwork drill, notice all these alignments and you’ll be stepping your Hapkido practice into another level!
15.01.2022 Day 2/30 Hapkido self awareness program It was hard to find the discipline to do my Hapkido today. But I Committed to 30 days of development with YOU as my witness. So I started off slowing down the patterns and ended with cat roll back roll faster and faster on the grass. Discovered a deeper connection to the energy centre below the belly button, with slow application of the patterns. I found I could distribute the energy consciously by being aware of how my feet felt on the grass. I watched energy in my minds eyes travel from my belly down to my feet as I did footwork and out through my hands as I did the technique... interesting way to understand ones own power. Accessible all the time with true presence!
15.01.2022 Day 10/30 Hapkido self awareness program Well I didn’t say they’d be all in a row ! Busy busy busy Today I hit the bag with all my strength ... From all angles to see how it felt. I tried on every kick and each strike. What feels right for MY body within Hapkido. What comes naturally to me? What would energe if I was ever in a situation where Hapkido was called for? Get to know yourself and find YOUR personal Hapkido !
14.01.2022 Day 9/30 Hapkido Self-Awareness Program Here’s one for you! Mr. Miyagi style Roll up roll down roll up roll down ... EVERYTHING can be a doorway into the present moment. All actions can be part of your Hapkido practice , each moment intentional and an opportunity to bring all your energy into your action! Improvement follows discipline. See more
14.01.2022 Day 7/30 Every step is a training step! Count while you walk Count in Korean (with a better Korean accent than me!!) Count with intention ... HAP KI DO. The way of coordinated power See more
13.01.2022 14/30 Hapkido self improvement program When I started Hapkido 13 years ago we did this pattern every training session and it became one of my very very favourite things to do. There is a wealth of physical information and martial arts finesse to be discovered in these series of movements. Do yourself and society a favour and practice your Hapkido at home !
13.01.2022 18/30 DAYS of Hapkido self improvement. Anchor your energy into the earth. Recognising my energetic connection to the earth has helped my Hapkido in numerous ways. It REALLY HELPS as far as centering the self and getting to know my chi power. Stop and feel it moving through your body. Being in nature takes many of the distractions of our stimulating lives out of the equation and puts us in touch with ourself. Hapkido improves when we apply it from a strongly grounded perspective.
12.01.2022 Just keep training kids this could be you one day
12.01.2022 16/30 Hapkido self-improvement suggestions! You know when you’re a kid and you develop a passion for something and you just want it in every colour and size and you want to experience it and be it? This is something that we tend to forget as we grow up... the art of becoming that which we love. I suggest tapping into the passion of martial arts, watch movies, read books, desire to be better... imagine and play! ... Connect with Master Phil Eizenberg to find out how IP Man is connected to Hapkido, he has a story Or just watch and enjoy!
11.01.2022 Day 5/30 Hapkido Self Awareness program Are you still with me? How low can you go? Today I pushed my self to my limit with horse riding stance ... lower lower lower ...HOLD It’s hard! Strength and flexibility... ... But it’s not about just flipping into the stance noooo it’s about aligning your centre line, turning your toes forward ( know your direction) is your chest falling forward ? Tuck your bum under... chin up! Elbows close to the body... SEE, to KNOW thyself is to practice your Hapkido intentionally. There is no mistakes only opportunity to grow. The more we train the stronger we become See more
10.01.2022 17/30 Hapkido self-improvement suggestions PAIN Let’s talk about pain The thing is, as the body becomes conditioned through training you become quite tolerant of discomfort. But more significant is the relationship we develop with pain. The experience of pain becomes more of an indicator than a persecutor and we become self-responsible rather than a victim of it. We learn that if we are more present and aware clarity increases and fear reduces and as our fear levels drop ...we become less and less endangered in the dojang and in our everyday lives. We also become less dangerous by default. We can call on our Hapkido power fearlessly when we need it. So in summary, learn to relax into the pain or discomfort you feel whilst training it’s all part of listening and loving into your amazing body. See more
08.01.2022 Hapkido self-awareness program Day 4/30 Sometimes your body says ‘NO I don’t WANT to move!’ If you’re having one of the days maybe it’s good to listen. Remember HAPKIDO is about developing body mind AND spirit so you CAN train by sitting and meditating And really it’s necessary. Focus on your breathing , feel the sensations inside your machine. Tune in to yourself, to the air you are breathing, to the energy in motion (e-motion) within. If we dedicate ourselves to become more sensitive we naturally become better martial artists. Sensitivity to your inner gauge and to the environment means you will be the first to sense danger or change in your atmosphere. Fine tuning self, developing the super consciousness. That’s Hapkido
05.01.2022 Day 3/30 Hapkido self awareness program Haha! Thought you wouldn’t see me again!!?? Ya don’t get to black belt by being a ‘gunna do’ Is your foot flexed or floppy? Is your block full of intention/awareness or is it hanging limp and unaccounted for... connecting your awareness to the full extent of your physicality (and beyond) is one of the true goals of the martial artist. In my opinion it is the state of awareness throughout the body that expands your chi flow and power.... I notice that the more fatigued I get in the kicks the more forgotten the ends of my legs and arms become ... so what this translates to is that the energy i am generating is only getting to my ankle it’s not extending out into my kick which is BAD for my ankle joint and far less powerful if I actually had to kick someone away... SO take notice of your floppy feet. You are a WHOLE machine not a bunch of separate bits.
05.01.2022 Day 15/30 Hapkido Self Improvement Program Today I stood with my back to the bag and imagined it was a baddie sneaking up on me. How quickly could I turn my head, spot the sneaky bandit and strike ?? If I didn’t spot the target first how did it feel ? Did I get the face or the shoulder...? What difference did the speed with which I turned my head make to the accuracy and power of my back fist or reverse elbow strike? How many of these strikes could I do accurately before I ran out of steam!? These are questions to ponder whilst breaking out a sweat!! ;)
03.01.2022 Day 12/30 Hapkido self awareness Self-IMPROVEMENT program. Flexibility... is so important for your kicks, for your smooth circular movement, for those moments when your instructor is being a task master! flexibility comes and goes, it’s something that needs your consistent attention. ... It’s not JUST about stretching your connective tissue though, flexibility is very much about feeling your resistance and dropping past it. Little by little, easing, stretching, managing discomfort. Getting to know your body. Form a loving relationship with your inner being. Notice first photo my body is a tiny bit flatter to the floor but my feet are falling forward. Second picture I’m putting intention into my feet to point the toes to the sky but back is more rounded. It’s a give take relationship! Flexible body Flexible attitude Good Hapkido! See more
02.01.2022 Day 8/30 Hapkido awareness program How is the strength in your wrists? What is the quality of your breathing? Notice when doing cardio like when counting jukto strikes how easily you lose your breath... try breathing longer and deeper ... Control the breath. Stop counting for a minute Keep striking Keep going Deep long breathing Get in control No competition You’ll meet the wall you’ll go beyond Try it If you need more info on this message me See more
01.01.2022 2/30 followed up my Hapkido self-awareness practice with 100 sit-ups 100 pushups Means I need to eat more croissants to maintain my soft feminine figure win win! Hapkido is the bomb!
01.01.2022 19/30 Hapkido self-improvement suggestions BREATHE Breathing is something that happens all the time anyway SO why not learn how to maximise the benefits of this autonomic function for your Hapkido!? I have been practicing rounds of conscious breathing daily ... as well as practicing deeper breaths during yoga and just generally throughout my day. The more I do it the more I am noticing my ability to oxygenate my body is improving. I can hold my breath for longer and can stay calmer and more focused when I train. it will especially help those of us who fatigue quickly in stressful situations such as under pressure ( during gradings for example). We are super beings and oxygen is a super fuel !
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