St Bridget's Church, Greythorn | Religious organisation
St Bridget's Church, Greythorn
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25.01.2022 Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENCE, licence #A-640149. All rights reserved. Recordings used with permission under special restricted license from: OCP Publications recorded music, All rights reserved Willow Publishing Pty Ltd, All rights reserved for streamed and on demand videos in conjunction with the above Licence.
24.01.2022 32 Ordinary Sunday Mass on demand. Availalbe from Saturday 5pm.
24.01.2022 In his latest message to the faithful of Melbourne, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli reflects on our spiritual hunger for Jesus, especially during this time of COVI...D-19. He also contemplates the different ways we hunger for the Body of Christ to manifest in our own lives and in wider society: "I'm particularly mindful of the hunger our First Peoples have for their identity in the land ... whether we're First Peoples or settlers or migrants - we hunger for the good of each of our people and that this land might be a sign and witness of how to live well with one another." See more
23.01.2022 In his latest video message, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli sends his prayers and blessings to the Melbourne Catholic community, and shares some of the work being done to help us move towards an opening up again of our sacramental life here in the Archdiocese.
22.01.2022 In this week’s message to the Melbourne Catholic community, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli stands inside St Patrick’s Cathedral where, looking up at the amber sta...ined glass windows, he encourages us to remember that the light of Christ shines in our lives and that it's holding on to that light in the hope, and the illumination that the Lord offers to us, that can sustain us through these challenging and difficult times. See more
22.01.2022 33rd Ordinary Sunday Mass on demand. Available from Saturday 5pm.
22.01.2022 Next week, as we approach the eve of spring, Christians and all people of faith are invited to unite in prayer for our world. As the last light of the last day ...of winter fades on Monday 31 August, you are invited to light a candle, stand in your front garden and spend some time in silence and prayer to remember all those who have lost their lives to Covid-19 or to violence this year. As the first night of spring begins, let us look to the future with prayer and hope. See more
22.01.2022 Pentecost Vigil Prayer Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENCE, licence #A-640149. All rights reserved. Recordings used with permission under special restricted license from: OCP Publications recorded music, All rights reserved Willow Publishing Pty Ltd, All rights reserved... for streamed and on demand videos in conjunction with the above Licence. See more
22.01.2022 The Lord IS with you: Archbishop Comensoli
21.01.2022 24th Ordinary Sunday Mass on demand. Available from Saturday 5pm.
21.01.2022 Feast of Christ the King Mass on demand. Available from Saturday 5pm.
21.01.2022 ARCHBISHOP Peter A. Comensoli has appointed Fr John Salvano as parish priest of St Bridgets and Fr Toan Nguyen as assistant priest. Both priests also have responsibility for St Annes, East Kew and St Bedes, North Balwyn. A canon lawyer, Fr John is also Judicial Vicar for the Archdiocese. He is delighted that Fr Kevin Lenehan is in residence at St Bridgets and he will continue to assist going forward. Fr Mark Reynolds bids the parish farewell and prays we will all stay well and safe. Thanks for your support and friendship over the past two and a half years, he said.
20.01.2022 Last night, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli wrote to all clergy and parishes following the Premier's announcement of a return to Stage 3 lockdown from 11.59pm Wedn...esday 8 July. "It is truly disheartening, and will bring renewed distress to so many families and individuals. ... Yet, I want to encourage you in grace, trusting in the abiding closeness of our loving Lord, who promised to be with us always." Returning to Stage 3 restrictions will sadly mean that the public celebration of Mass, which has only just re-commenced, will need to go back to live-streaming and churches will need to be closed again to private prayer, with numbers allowed for funerals and weddings to be severely limited. Following these further restrictions, an updated set of pastoral guidelines will be communicated to parishes as soon as possible. During this difficult time, we continue to seek the intercession of Our Lady Help of Christians and the ongoing protection of St Joseph, especially for all those affected by this pandemic. Read Archbishop Peter's full letter here:
20.01.2022 In his latest message to the faithful of Melbourne, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli encourages us to continue praying for and supporting one another during these d...ifficult times of separation. He also reminds us to see God's light in the midst of darkness and shares an example of where he has seen this happening in recent times. See more
19.01.2022 Trinity Sunday Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENCE, licence #A-640149. All rights reserved. Recordings used with permission under special restricted license from: OCP Publications recorded music, All rights reserved Willow Publishing Pty Ltd, All rights reserved... for streamed and on demand videos in conjunction with the above Licence. See more
18.01.2022 Accessing Support from Catholic Care:
17.01.2022 25th Ordinary Sunday Mass on demand. Available from Saturday 5pm
17.01.2022 Think of where there is a need for compassion: Archbishop Comensoli
17.01.2022 22 Ordinary Sunday Mass on demand. Available from Saturday 5pm.
17.01.2022 Be sensitive to the care offered.
16.01.2022 21 Ordinary Sunday Mass on demand. Available from Saturday 5pm.
16.01.2022 Sacrament of Sick & Viaticum available
16.01.2022 Bishop Mark farewells Melbourne
15.01.2022 26th Ordinary Sunday Mass on demand. Available from Saturday 5pm.
15.01.2022 Be a domestic Church
15.01.2022 Journey of discernment: Plenary Council
13.01.2022 Many Catholics have been rightly concerned and sought advice from the bishops about the ethics of a COVID-19 vaccine. In response and on behalf of the Australia...n bishops, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has written a letter to share the perspective of the Catholic Church in Australia. As he explains, some vaccines have been and are being developed using cell lines of tissue derived from abortions, sometimes performed decades ago. As people of faith concerned for the common good who know that human life must be respected in every circumstance, we advocate for vaccines to be produced without reliance on human tissue derived from an abortion. As we await what we ardently hope for, we pray that both scientific researchers and political leaders will favour the ethical development of a vaccine, respecting human life in every circumstance. Read more here:
13.01.2022 Be doers of the Word.
13.01.2022 In his message to the faithful this week, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli reflects on how he hopes the gift of compassion may abound during this time of lockdown. 'To have compassion is "to suffer with" and to be able to reach out to those in need...'
12.01.2022 This Sunday we will celebrate the beautiful Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. In what has been a tumultuous year so far, this feast is a reminder of Jesus' invitation to trust in Him, our Lord and Saviour. Last Sunday after Mass, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli recorded this short video message where he reflected on finding ways to share Jesus' invitation to a life of hope and mission, especially through one of the Archdiocese's newly revitalised tools for evangelisation: See more
11.01.2022 Jesus in our lives
10.01.2022 It's been a tough year, but parents have been doing an incredible job, living as a domestic church and sharing the love of God with their children. We've developed a video resource series to help families encounter Jesus through the Sunday Gospel. Each week, families are invited to gather in their own prayer space, listen to the Gospel, sing, pray and respond creatively through an activity. Episodes are available each week at: See more
10.01.2022 Migrant and Refugee Sunday For 106 years, the Catholic Church has marked Migrant and Refugee Sunday, this year, it is today, September 27. It is a way to draw attention to the millions of migrants and refugees who are forcibly displaced and trafficked around the world.
10.01.2022 I am deeply shocked and disappointed at the disparity imposed on people of faith in Victoria today. The Premier's announcements on the further easing of restric...tions completely ignores the mental and spiritual wellbeing of many, with public health officials stubbornly silent on the reason why. From tomorrow, restaurants and cafes in regional Victoria can have up to 70 people outdoors and up to 40 people indoors. Libraries can open for up to 20 people indoors. And yet, places of worship will remain closed and outdoor religious gatherings are capped at 20 people plus one faith leader. Where is the parity? The rest of Australia is doing it right. Why not us? Life, family and faith matter.
08.01.2022 12 Dec 2020 6:30pm help us invite families and friends, support the 2020 Carols in the park special live streaming host by the churches of North Balwyn ...a special thanks to all of our sponsors this year, bringing the community together #northbalwyn #carols2020 #balwyn3103 #northbalwynvillage #carolsnorthbalwyn #balwyn #balwynevents #balwynhighschool #boroondaralife #boroondaraarts #boroondarabusiness See more
08.01.2022 All Saints Day Mass on demand. Available from Saturday 5pm.
06.01.2022 Ready, Set, Pray! is a new Children’s Liturgy of the Word @ Home video series that offers families with young kids a way to encounter Jesus through the Sunday... gospel. It’s an invitation for families to create their own prayer space at home, to sing, listen to the gospel and respond creatively and prayerfully through an activity. The first episode of "Ready, Set, Pray!" (29th Sunday in Ordinary Time) is available to view now: Share it with family and friends!
05.01.2022 Earlier today, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli celebrated All Souls' Day Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Before celebrating Mass, he recorded a brief video message... for the Melbourne Catholic community, inviting us to pray for all our faithful departed in this month of remembrance. He also gave a brief update on a number of key works that have taken place recently in our local church, and how each generation of believers seeks to bring the Gospel to life in their own time and place. See more
04.01.2022 In this week's message to the community of faith in Melbourne, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli invites us to recognise the Lord's abiding presence in all of creati...on. He also reflects on our sacramental life as Catholic Christianssomething that is deeply ingrained within us, and that he is working to restore as we move towards the next stage of our COVID roadmap. See more
03.01.2022 Ready, Set, Pray! is a new video series created to help families encounter Jesus through the Sunday Gospel. Featuring Melbourne Catholic families and musician...s including Gary Pinto, families are invited to listen to and reflect on the Gospel and creatively respond with an activity. Episodes are available online at: See more
01.01.2022 In this week's message to the Melbourne Catholic community, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli shares how the great saint, St Thomas Aquinas, once described heaven as... friendship with God. 'What a beautiful way of describing it,' Archbishop Comensoli says, 'and surely that's something we would all want to be striving for. ... We can all build our relationship with the Lord, who is always wanting to build His relationship with us.' See more
01.01.2022 30th Ordinary Sunday Mass on demand. Available from Saturday 5pm.
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