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St Columbas ACT Uniting Church Braddon | Religious organisation

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St Columbas ACT Uniting Church Braddon

Phone: +61 2 6257 9042

Address: 10 Fawkner St 2612


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24.01.2022 An Easter message for all the children of Canberra - please show your littlies and share so our kids know we care @PACYPC @ACTHumanRights

23.01.2022 Wear It Purple’s 2020 theme envisions the importance of encouragement, empowerment and emphasis on making effective change for LGBTQ+ folks and all minority groups.

22.01.2022 A beautiful sung Prayer for your reflection time

20.01.2022 Three rev's got together via zoom, after a little bit of trial and error, we sung Holy Ground. A moment to stop, reflect and be. A moment to give thanks for each other. And a moment to worship. :) #allofthisisus #UnitingChurch #wearebettertogether

18.01.2022 "My partner and I met much later in life, and our biological clocks were ticking away, but we wanted to have children. After the long journey of finding a donor..., I fell pregnant straight away, which was quite a shock to me, as I wasn’t expecting to fall pregnant so quickly. It also was a challenge for me within the church, being one of the first same sex couples in ministry for Uniting Church in NSW to conceive children from within the relationship. We wanted to have more than one child, and my partner wanted to put her skills as a nanny to helping children, so we fostered a little Chinese boy (who was 8 days old and under 2kg at the time). We fell in love with him, but as he got bigger, he spent most of his time screaming and we were worried that if we let him go through the foster system, he would move from house to house because families may not cope with the screaming. It took the system a while to work itself out, but we adopted him 5 years after we took him into care. We continued fostering and waited 4 years before attempting to adopt a little girl. She came to us as a temporary placement and we got final orders she could stay in our care and we could apply for adoption. Then, in the midst of that, I took up a position for work that moved us to Canberra, and having a NSW foster-child moving to Canberra is not an easy feat as the system is state based. At that time, NSW was also going through a change in policy and we fell in the gap with the new policy and old policy, so they rescinded the care. We spent 18 months fighting for her, which was challenging and very hard, and in the end we pulled out of the court proceedings and our daughter now lives with her biological father in Sydney. He is a lovely father, but he’s older with no experience of raising child, and he doesn’t speak English and she doesn’t speak Mandarin. He has been amazing, and doing his best, and refers to us as her mums, and our boys siblings, and wants us to be a family. We have three children; two of them live with us, and our daughter lives away from us. It’s living like a separated family with our daughter in Sydney and COVID-19 doesn’t make it easy. We are due to see her, but we don’t know when or how we can, as her father doesn’t have the means to set up video calls either. I couldn’t have gotten through this without my faith. That’s not to say I haven’t had my moments, but to know that there is something beyond ourselves; that this life is not just it and that God is present with us in the mass of life. I like to think of God as a parent, who doesn’t want anything bad to happen to their kids. It’s not that God wants us to suffer or feel pain, but part of the life that we live in comes with that. In order to experience the joy and love and fullness of life, there is the pain that comes with it until we get to that paradise or heaven or whatever you believe.. And it doesn’t bother me how you frame it. If you think about life and what it’s about and people’s world view, that’s basically your religion. It is your world view; how you make sense of the world you live in and you can either frame that in a religious sense or your own spirituality, or within your family and relationship context, or in nature. It doesn’t bother me how you frame it, I’m intrigued by how people frame the world and how they make sense of it. That’s what got me into chaplaincy." - Miriam Parker-Lacey is one of the Chaplains at ANU. ANU offers spiritual support for all students, staff and visitors through the ANU multi-faith Chaplaincy. If you would like to talk confidentially with someone in whom you can have trust, you are welcome to contact one of our team chaplains at

17.01.2022 This is an interfaith gathering addressing the concerns of domestic violence

16.01.2022 Michael Leunig’s When I talk to You. Dear God, We pray for another way of being; another way of knowing.... Across the difficult terrain of our existence we have attempted to build a highway and in so doing have lost our footpath. God lead us to our footpath; lead us there where in simplicity we may move at the speed of natural creatures and feel the earth’s love beneath our feet. Lead us there where step-by-step we may feel the movement of creation in our hearts. And lead us there where side-by-side we may feel the embrace of the common soul. Nothing can be loved at speed. God lead us to the slow path; to the joyous insights of the pilgrim; another way of knowing; another way of being. Amen.

14.01.2022 A new version of my 'Where the church is' cartoon. This drawing is free for churches and individuals to reuse in print / online / e-mail / however - you'll find details and the high-resolution file here:

13.01.2022 March 29 2020 Lent 5 Readings Ez 37:1-14 Ps 130 Rom 8:6-11 Jn 11:1-45... Opening Prayer To these old human bones, thus says the Lord God: I shall cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. We wait for the Lord, our souls wait, and in God’s word we place our hope. O my people, when I open up your tombs and raise you from your graves, you shall know that I am the living Lord. Our soul waits for the Lord, more than nightwatchmen for the dawn, more than watchmen for the dawn. Ez 37:1-14 I think this reading can give us hope in our exile of physically separate community. Despite the exiles' fear of being cut off from God, God is as near to them as their own breath. Ezekiel's vision does nothing to alleviate them of their present difficult circumstances, though it does promise them a future in their own land. It is good to remember the promises that God is always near. Prayer Gracious and compassionate God, Breathe into our humanity, loving God, that we may fully live. Please breathe your Spirit in our brains, that our decision making may be pure and wise. Breathe your Spirit on our lips, that our speech may witness to life and light and holy joy. Breathe your Spirit on our hands, that in their busyness they may serve you before all else. Breathe your Spirit on our feet, that we may tread this earth with gentleness and respect. Through Christ Jesus, our Saviour. Amen! John 11:1-45 What is your favourite part of the story? I wonder what expectations were of Jesus, the crowd expected him to get there sooner. What was Jesus plans, what did he see that those in his time did not see? How was Jesus vulnerable? How did he respond to the pressure to go to Lazarus sooner, on their terms not his? Concluding Prayer The love of God is at home in us We go in peace The justice of Jesus is at home in us We go in hope The wilderness of God’s Spirit is at home in us We go in wonder and joy Amen.

12.01.2022 Our visiting Preacher Rev Rod Pattenden from New Castle

08.01.2022 Your minister spending time with staff and students at ANU at O week

07.01.2022 Please come and join us for a reflective time during the period of Lent, come if you have never been to church before or come and see if you go to a regular church and are looking for something different, or just come along if you are curious.

06.01.2022 St Columba’s Uniting Church has considered the government advice and other recommended measures to reduce the spread of the coronavirus in Australia and has decided to suspend all its gathered activities including worship services. No public church activities including worship services at this site from 23 March 2020... We are however keen to maintain communication with our members and the community at large. Please leave a message. We will then respond as soon as possible. We look forward to resuming normal activities when circumstances improve.

05.01.2022 Connecting in the community walking the labyrinth

04.01.2022 This month we will celebrate a season of creation

04.01.2022 I put this up at work today but thought everyone might need a reminder! The more we focus on our 'area of concern' the more we stress and get anxious. The more... we focus on our 'area of influence' the more we feel empowered and in control- which then allows us to increase our area of influence by thinking more clearly! Take a breath, consider what you CAN do right now, let go of the rest. #caremongering #circleofinfluence #feelempowered See more

04.01.2022 Rev. Radhika Sukumar-White sings a song written by Alan Bradney, a member of Paddington Uniting Church: Let Nothing Disturb You (words by St. Teresa of Avila). May it give you peace in these troubling times.

03.01.2022 If you would like to worship differently at home, this is one to try. Particularly for all those who love to bake and miss making things for our morning teas or womens fellowship

02.01.2022 Hi I am Rev Miriam a Uniting Chaplain at ANU and with the help of Canberra City Uniting Church I have put this video together to help us commemorate ANZAC online. More posts will follow with other information relating to ANZAC day and its history.

01.01.2022 Looking for connection in a well ventilated space wander on down to haig park and meet some people and walk an ancient meditative walk in our nature made labyrinth

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